Our First Family Baseball Game! DELLA VLOGS
TLDRهذه السلسلة النصية تحكي قصة عائلة تسافر في رحلة شحن لأول مرة مع طفل جديد. يشجع الأب على الحملات لترتيب الأشياء بشكل ما يتيح المكان لجميع الأشياء اللازمة لطفل. يحتوي النص على مقاطع من الحياة الحقيقية، مثل تحضير الطفل للرحلة، النوم في المقعد الخلفي، والحصول على الحليب الدافئ. يُشير إلى التحديات التي يواجهها الأب خلال الرحلة، مثل تجهيز الحليب الدافئ وضمان أن يكون لديك كل شيء تحتاجه. كما يُشير إلى المتعة والإنجاز في الرحلة، وكيف ينمو الطفل ويُشير إلى الأحداث القادمة مثل الذهاب إلى حفل تايلور سويفت. يُشير إلى الأحداث الأخرى مثل الذهاب إلى لعبة كرة ال垒 الأساسية لأول مرة والحصول على حزمة من سبotify.
- 🧳 这是他们第一次带新生儿进行家庭公路旅行,面临的挑战是打包大量婴儿用品。
- 👶 新生儿需要许多物品,包括奶瓶和食物,不能像成人那样临时购买。
- 🚗 婴儿在车上表现很好,大部分时间都在睡觉,这为父母提供了便利。
- 🍼 他们使用了一个创新的方法来加热奶瓶,即使用加油站的热水。
- 👨👩👧👦 家庭成员轮流照顾宝宝,包括换尿布和喂食。
- 🎉 他们正在前往加州参加泰勒·斯威夫特的音乐会,并计划在那里举办宝宝派对。
- 🍼 他们感激在亚利桑那州找到了一位捐赠母乳的捐赠者。
- 🏠 家庭成员Addie在照顾宝宝,给宝宝喂奶瓶,这显示了家庭的支持和参与。
- 🎵 他们计划在音乐会上享受泰勒·斯威夫特的音乐,并期待宝宝将来也能参加音乐会。
- ⚾ 他们带宝宝参加了第一场棒球比赛,尽管天气不佳,但宝宝依然很享受。
- 🎁 他们收到了来自Spotify的包裹,其中包括一些旅行用品和pickleball球拍,这让他们感到非常兴奋。
Q & A
الرحلة الأولى لعائلة العائلة مع طفل جديد، ما هي التحديات التي تواجهها العائلة في الرحلة؟
-العائلة تواجه تحديات مثل تعبئة الحقيبة بأشياء الطفل، مثل الفقاعات والغذاء، وضمان وجود كل شيء قبل الرحلة. كما أن الطفل يحتاج إلى النوم والغذاء بانتظام، مما يتطلب من الأب وأم العناية المستمرة.
ماذا تشير إلى العبارة 'أنا سأقوم ببعض تتريتز'؟
-تشير العبارة إلى الجهد المطلوب في ترتيب الأشياء في الحقيبة بشكل يتيح ال再放入 المزيد من الأشياء في مساحة محدودة، مما يُشبه بألعاب تتريتز.
ماذا تشير العبارة 'أنا أحببت أن أجلس في الخلف وشاهدها' إلى؟
-تشير إلى أن الأم تشعر بالرغبة في التواجد بالقرب من الطفل خلال الرحلة لمراقبة حالتها والاستمتاع بها.
ماذا تشير العبارة 'نحن نفرغ من الثلاجة الكثير من الحليب الmothawwaة' إلى؟
-تشير إلى أن العائلة تنقل الكثير من الحليب الmothawwaة، مما يشير إلى أهمية الحليب في إمداد الطفل خلال الرحلة.
لماذا تشعر الأم بالحزن عند التفكير في المغادرة إلى ال-Concert؟
-تشعر الأم بالحزن لأنها ستكون غير موجودة لطفلها خلال الرحلة، مع ذلك، تشعر بالرضاء لأن الطفل سيكون في يد الأب، الذي يتمتع بوقت واحد على الأقل مع الطفل.
ما هي الأحداث الرئيسية التي تحدث خلال الرحلة؟
-الأحداث الرئيسية تشمل التحضير للرحلة، النوم والغذاء للطفل، التوقف لتغيير القماش الشخصي للطفل، الذهاب إلى حفل تيلور سويفت، والمشاركة في أول مباريات كرة سلة للطفل.
ما هي الشيء الذي يحبه الطفل أثناء الرحلة؟
-الطفل يحب النوم في مقعد القطار ويستمتع برؤية العائلة والاستماع إلى الموسيقى.
ماذا تشير العبارة 'نحن نضع الحليب في الماء الساخن' إلى؟
-تشير إلى أن العائلة تحاول تسخين الحليب لجعل الملؤ من الرضا، وذلك عن طريق وضع الفقاعات في الماء الساخن لفترة قصيرة.
لماذا تشعر الأم بالامتنان对于那些在亚利桑那州捐赠母乳的人?
-الأم تشعر بالامتنان لأنهم تمكنا من توفير الحليب الmothawwaة للطفل، مما يساعد على تغذية الطفل بشكل جيد وصحیح.
ماذا تشير العبارة 'نحن نذهب إلى الجولة الزمنية الليلة' إلى؟
-تشير إلى أن العائلة ستكون تستعد لحضور حفل موسيقي، وربما يشير إلى ال-Concert، الذي يحمل سمة الجولة الزمنية.
ما هي الأحداث التي تحدث خلال الرحلة التي تجعل الطفل سعيداً؟
-الأحداث التي تجعل الطفل سعيدة تشمل النوم والاستماع إلى الموسيقى، والحصول على الحليب الساخن، واللعب، والذهاب إلى مباريات كرة سلة.
ما هي الأشياء التي تهم العائلة من خلال الرحلة؟
-الأشياء التي تهم العائلة تشمل العناية بالطفل، المتعة مع العائلة، الاستماع إلى الموسيقى، الذهاب إلى الحفلات الموسيقية، والمشاركة في الأحداث الرياضية.
🚗 First Family Road Trip with a Newborn
The first paragraph describes the challenges and joys of a family's first road trip with their newborn baby. The narrator is responsible for packing and mentions the difficulty of fitting everything needed for the baby into a small car. They express surprise at the amount of items a baby requires for travel. The trip includes ensuring the baby has all her food and bottles, and the narrator shares their excitement and anticipation as they prepare to buckle the baby in for the journey. The family makes it into the car, and the baby sleeps for a significant portion of the trip. The parents discuss their excitement for the trip and the upcoming Taylor Swift concert, and they also mention a baby shower being thrown for them. The baby is well-behaved, and they are grateful for the donated breast milk they received. The paragraph ends with the family preparing to attend the concert and leaving the baby in the care of her father.
🎶 Eras Tour and First Baseball Game
The second paragraph focuses on the family's excitement for attending the Eras tour and their newborn's first baseball game. The narrator expresses a mix of excitement and sadness about leaving the baby, but trusts that she will be well taken care of by her father. The family has a fun time getting ready for the concert, with the baby dressed in Taylor Swift's 'Speak Now' era. They also prepare for the baby's first baseball game, where they encounter rain and the baby falls asleep before the game starts. The family receives a package from Spotify, which includes pickleball paddles and other items, adding to their excitement. The summary ends with the family enjoying the game and the baby being fed her bottle, showcasing their love for her and their shared experiences.
💡road trip
💡newborn baby
💡baseball game
💡breast milk
💡baby shower
First family road trip with a newborn baby presents a packing challenge.
The importance of packing all necessary items for the baby, including bottles and food.
The baby seems to be comfortable and happy during the trip, even smiling.
The baby's ability to sleep in the car seat and at night is a great relief for the parents.
The parents are grateful for the donated breast milk from a donor in Arizona.
Auntie Addie takes on baby duty, feeding the baby during the trip.
Excitement builds as the family prepares for the Taylor Swift concert.
The baby remains calm and well-behaved throughout the six-hour road trip.
The family is hosting a baby shower even though they already have the baby.
The baby is introduced to Taylor Swift music and is expected to become a 'Swifty'.
The baby's first baseball game experience with the family, despite the rain.
The baby falls asleep before the game even starts, showing her easygoing nature.
The family receives a package from Spotify, which includes pickleball paddles and a cool bag.
The baby is dressed in Giants colors for her first baseball game, showing family support.
The parents express their love and joy over their baby's well-behaved and happy demeanor during the trip.
The baby's first experiences, such as her first rain and first baseball game, are captured and shared.
The family's dynamic and interactions are highlighted, showing a strong bond and mutual support.
it's our first family road trip with a
newborn baby I'm in charge of packing
for the 2
door and
a wizard yeah this is gonna be tough I'm
gonna have to do some Tetris
forget somewhere
I did not realize how much stuff an
extra little human would require for a
trip like this there's a lot you can't
forget anything you gotta make sure
there's every bottle she has all her
food not like us where you should run to
the store and grab real quick gotta make
sure you have it all right
all right story you're going on your
first little road trip baby yeah is that
a smile okay you ready
let's get you buckled in oh look look
you want to pass you want your passion
there you go you're tired baby it's good
you're gonna sleep it's so cute you're
gonna just smile you're lucky your mom
gets to sit in the back with you I want
to sit in the back and watch you oh
you're gonna talk let me take the passy
house so you can talk you ready for your
road trip baby
she's talking so much are you ready
Story girl oh my gosh you're precious
huh yeah I love her so go in she's so
cute finish your buckles worry that he's
not coming thanks for coming dude don't
worry don't worry you're coming come on
we're going on a road trip baby
we officially made it into the car and
story has been asleep for two and a half
hours now so Nicole had a win she's
probably gonna wake up to eat in the
next hour or so but everything's going
great how's it going up there Dallin
great Dan's a great little road trip
driver how's it going over there Addie
good she's sleeping but I'm excited to
get to California and I'm so excited to
go to the Taylor Swift concert and just
spend some time with my girl so this is
the parrot hack of the year we stopped
at the gas station got some burning hot
water and we're putting her bottle in it
so it could warm up so the milk will be
warm hi Mama she's doing so good we just
took a little break to make sure that
she we could change her diaper we're
three hours in and you slept the whole
good thing you're not a picky baby
okay here it comes
instantly happy when she gets that
bottle there we go then we're gonna burp
you and then we're halfway there sound
like a plan my little story my story
Bell don't be falling asleep already
she's already falling back asleep you
got a bottle to drink she loves the car
that's one thing I'm very grateful for
is she really doesn't she loves
everything I think we lucked out online
sleeps in the car seat sleeps at night
eats so something fun during this road
trip my neighbor and my mom well mostly
my neighbor are throwing me this baby
shower and I've been trying to help out
a little bit so I've been like inviting
friends and things like that and that's
been kind of fun it's weird to have a
baby shower when you already have a baby
I'm only singing Taylor Swift to her for
the first year of her life she will be a
Swifty she didn't cry one time that
entire road trip we had to stop one time
in a six-hour trip she slept the whole
time oh she's still sleeping I'm gonna
wake her up and feed her right now what
do you say Eddie I said you and Bella
can't sleep together because we have to
use all four beds there's four beds here
there's four beds
we have to use it yeah we'll see about
that one what are you doing
oh I think you woke her up bangs what do
you think Buddy you also didn't make a
peep the whole entire trip this is the
life of a new parent we're emptying our
cooler of a lot of frozen breast milk
it's so Frozen right
it's rock solid it's actually been
amazing we found a donor in Arizona that
donated a bunch of milk to us and it is
the best thing ever so grateful but
that's a lot of milk Auntie Addie is on
baby Duty she's giving story her bottle
this is adorable how's she doing how are
you doing I'm doing great giving a
sleepover story tonight in your room
yeah I'm just kidding she'll definitely
be in our room we love staying up all
I gotta sit up her bed first time using
this thing
thank you
all right
we are going to the eras tour tonight
how are you feeling good I'm so excited
I'm freaking out feeling a little sad
about leaving story but I know she's in
great hands because she'll be with her
dad Dylan's actually really excited to
have one-on-one time with story so I
think that's really sweet but we're
gonna get ready right now we're kind of
in a time crunch right now because we
didn't realize how far the stadium is so
we're gonna drink speed and get ready
I'm gonna
Smiley though because it's really cute
what's happening right now
there's some banks is jealous
of course
oh darling don't you ever grow well
don't you ever grow up you could stay
this little she loves it
I'm officially ready for the Eris tour
I'm so excited I'm kind of sad to leave
down though in story baby gonna be okay
Addie is so pretty she's all ready to go
what era are you in Big Mac now Center
speak now era oh my babies I get hurt
all to myself tonight I'm jealous I'm
actually so jealous I'm really gonna
miss you guys you guys are so cute she's
in her speak now era as well I put her
in purple when you're 10 years old you
can go to your first concert maybe eight
but you have a couple more years she's
so cute we're going to stories first
baseball game the San Francisco Giants
versus the Anaheim Angels story what
team are you rooting for okay let's show
her he's ruined for the Giants
you ready story Belle oh she's ready
so cute
we're walking up right now first family
baseball game and it's raining right now
keep her safe from the rain she's so
tiny she's wearing Giants colors it's
Giants and the angels today but I'm so
excited how are you feeling Story girl
she's ready she's ready it's a beautiful
day out too he just hangs out we just
got our
oh I got my new shirt
cute that one's ready skirt is gonna
kill me she's ready
yeah skirt on a tiny turnip shirt she's
ready I just need a baseball where can
we get a baseball we gotta put a real
baseball so cute you guys look so cute
she's ready for her first game
is she asleep already yeah not yet but
she's going she's going down is there
first rain her first race
what baby do you know it's just sweets
she's so chill
again she's an angel at the Angels game
so cute look at her
what do we have here it started raining
so we had to come inside for a little
bit and this girl's like baseball's
boring dad I'm sleeping she's crashed
out game hasn't even started yet she's
already just crashed out because you
didn't buy her some peanuts and Cracker
Jacks the concessions aren't even
listening she's mad she didn't get her
hot dog she didn't get anything she
wanted to sign baseball maybe we could
still try and get that to happen we'll
get her baseball what's going on feeding
her her bottle before the game she's
really excited
horse number two dill pickle oh you got
a pickle and I'm grossed out right now
best part of the game Dippin Dots and
if that drips on her head
you never eat pop throw that part out
please don't let that drip on my dog's
head so I'm bending over that was a big
okay to be honest a lot of the food that
I eat does go on her head but I wipe it
we got a package from Spotify
all right
this isn't working
on your next adventure open it what is
that it smells good
we got a package from Spotify it's cool
this is like one of those like cool bags
oh what this look at this
wait this is so cool
whoa that's so cool little cameras I
love this we have to bring this on our
next trip it's so cool I like don't want
to ruin this package so pretty ah
pickleball paddles and pickleballs
that's so
these are so-called Spotify pickleball
paddles what's the big one what's in the
yellow one yellow is my favorite color
too finish your week by going on a
journey both this is so cool what this
is sick Beaker thanks Spotify how cute
is this story Belle oh my gosh I love
4.9 / 5 (30 votes)

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