I Visited The Worlds Most DANGEROUS Football Club
TLDRيحتوي النص على تصوير مغامرة شخصية من خلال زيارة القناة إلى Cracoovia Cracovia، النادي البولندي، الذي يُعد من أخطر قواعد الجمهور في العالم وفقًا لتقرير من موقع Bleacher Report. يحاول القناة أن يظهر الجانب السلبي للأحداث، وتسليط الضوء على الجانب المثير للضحك من الحدث بدلاً من تصويره بطريقة خائفة أو خطيرة. يتضمن النص تجربتي القناة في التنقل من المطار إلى Cracovia، والبحث عن ملابس لتناسب الجمهور المشتت، وتناول وجبات قبل المباراه لتعزيز الروح الرياضية. يتحدث القناة عن تاريخ Cracovia وأحداث العنف التي حدثت في الماضي، مثل حادث إصابة لاعب كرة قدم بالسكين في عام 1999، وقيام المشتت بقتال في عام 2003. ومع ذلك، يشير القناة إلى أن الجمهور في Cracovia يتمتع بروح متحمسة وإيجابية، وأن الأحداث العنيفة ليست الصورة الشاملة للنادي أو الجمهور، بل تشير إلى أن الأحداث العنيفة قد تكون متعلقة بأحداث معينة مثل الدورية. يشير القناة إلى أن الجمهور في Cracovia يتمتع بروح متحمسة وإيجابية، وأن الأحداث العنيفة ليست الصورة الشاملة للنادي أو الجمهور، بل تشير إلى أن الأحداث العنيفة قد تكون متعلقة بأحداث معينة مثل الدورية.
- 🏟️ Whistler Kraków is considered the most dangerous fan base in the world according to Bleacher Report.
- 🇵🇱 The city of Kraków is colloquially known as the 'City of Knives', which sets a certain tone for the fan culture.
- ⚽️ Despite the reputation, the author aims to show a lighter side of the fan base and not to make light of the tragedies that have occurred.
- 🍽️ The script mentions the importance of having a manly pre-match meal, which is a part of the football match experience.
- 🎉 There's a focus on fitting in with the fans by getting an outfit to look like the 'Ultras', the passionate and dedicated fans.
- 🤣 The author uses humor to cope with the potential danger and to deal with the situation of being in a foreign and potentially hostile environment.
- 🇬🇧 A comparison is made to English football fans, noting that regardless of age, the passion and sometimes the hooliganism are part of the culture.
- 🕰️ The script describes a sense of anticipation and thrill in attending a match known for its dangerous fan base.
- 🎁 The video includes a promotional mention of a platform named 'whatnot' for buying football shirts and other sports merchandise.
- 🤔 The author questions the 'most dangerous' label, suggesting that it might be exaggerated, especially during non-Derby matches.
- 👮♂️ There's mention of security presence, including soldiers and police, which could be related to the reputation of the fan base.
Q & A
视频中提到的'hooligan culture'是指什么?
-视频中的'hooligan culture'指的是围绕足球运动的一种文化现象,通常与一些极端球迷的行为有关,如暴力、骚乱等。
视频中提到的'Whistler krackow'是什么?
-Whistler krackow是波兰克拉科夫的一个足球俱乐部,根据bleacher report的排名,它被认为是拥有世界上最危险球迷基础的俱乐部。
视频中提到的'City of knives'是指哪个城市?
-视频中的'City of knives'是指克拉科夫(Kraków),这是波兰的一个城市,因其历史上的刀剑制造而闻名。
-1999年,Dino Badio被Whistler的球迷用小刀刺伤头部。2003年,Whistler的足球流氓参与了在波兰罗卡尔的一场涉及五个俱乐部的斗殴。
视频中提到的'MKS Kovia'是哪个俱乐部?
-MKS Kovia是波兰的一个足球俱乐部,与Whistler krackow之间的比赛被称为'holy war',意味着两队之间的比赛非常激烈,经常有球迷冲突。
视频中提到的'bleacher report'是什么?
-Bleacher Report是一个流行的体育网站,提供各种体育新闻、分析和球迷讨论,它对全球足球俱乐部的球迷基础进行了排名。
视频中提到的'thrift shop'是什么意思?
-Thrift shop指的是二手商店,人们可以在这里购买或捐赠使用过的物品,通常价格比较便宜。
视频中提到的'pre-match meal'是什么?
-Pre-match meal指的是比赛前吃的饭,视频中提到为了符合他们'manly'的形象,他们选择了一些传统上被认为是'manly'的食物,如牛排、比萨和三明治。
😀 Exploring the World's Most Dangerous Football Fans
The video begins with the host expressing his fascination with hooligan culture in football and his decision to attend a match featuring Whistler Kraków, considered the most dangerous fan base by Bleacher Report. The host and his companion, Ed, prepare for their adventure in Kraków, Poland, with a humorous tone, discussing manly meals and the need to fit in with the local Ultras. They also delve into the city's nickname, the 'City of Knives,' and recount past violent incidents involving the fans, emphasizing their aim to show a lighter side to the fan base.
🏴 Embracing Manliness and the Pre-Match Rituals
The host and Ed continue their journey, emphasizing the importance of looking and acting the part to fit in with the local fans. They discuss the need for a manly pre-match meal and choose a hearty sausage platter, along with their respective drinks, showcasing their contrasting approaches to embracing manliness. The narrative takes a light-hearted turn as they navigate their way to the stadium, questioning the supposed danger of the club and interacting with the local environment, which appears to be more festive than threatening.
🏟️ A Stadium Experience Unlike Any Other
Upon entering the stadium, the host and Ed share their observations, noting the lack of expected aggression and the family-friendly atmosphere. They express surprise at the stadium's ambiance and the behavior of the fans, which contrasts with the club's reputation. The video captures moments of excitement and camaraderie among the fans, with the host suggesting that the dangerous reputation might be specific to the club's Derby matches. They also discuss their strategy for positioning within the stadium to avoid any potential confrontations.
🎉 The True Spirit of Whistler Kraków Unveiled
As the match progresses, the host reiterates his appreciation for the club's atmosphere, describing it as fun and suitable for all the family, except perhaps during the Derby matches. He thanks the sponsor, whatnot, for supporting the video and promotes the platform as a place to buy football shirts and engage in live streams. The host also teases the possibility of attending a Derby match if the video reaches 10,000 likes, promising a more daring adventure. The video concludes with a positive note, encouraging viewers to visit Whistler Kraków and assuring them of a fun and safe experience.
💡hooligan culture
💡fan base
💡Bleacher Report
💡pre-match meal
The speaker discusses the hooligan culture surrounding football and how it affects fans of different ages and nationalities.
The speaker and Ed Ellis travel to Krakow, Poland to attend a game involving Whistler Krakow, ranked the most dangerous fan base by Bleacher Report.
They decide to dress up as Ultras, the hardcore fans, to fit in and try to understand their mentality.
Krakow is nicknamed the 'City of Knives', which the speaker humorously suggests should be changed to the 'City of Chives'.
The speaker shares some shocking incidents involving Whistler hooligans, including stabbings and a brawl that left 8 people dead.
Their aim is to show the lighter side of the fan base and not just focus on the violence portrayed in the media.
They visit a thrift shop to get outfits to blend in with the Ultras. The speaker jokingly suggests they need to look tough to avoid getting into fights.
Upon arriving at the stadium, they are surprised to find a peaceful atmosphere with families, kids playing video games, and soldiers and police present.
The speaker expresses skepticism that this could be the most dangerous fan base in the world based on what they are observing.
They struggle to find tickets to the game two hours before kickoff. The speaker humorously asks a vendor why they are selling hats if they are so dangerous.
The speaker and Ed have a manly pre-match meal of sausages and beer, joking about how it fits their tough guy outfits.
As the game begins, the speaker notes that the atmosphere is festive and fun, not dangerous. The fans are passionate but not aggressive.
They realize they are seated far away from the Ultras section, reducing the risk of any potential danger.
The speaker pledges to attend the Whistler-MKS Kielce Derby, known as the Holy War, if the video gets 10,000 likes to see the true extent of the danger.
The speaker praises the Whistler fan base as one of the best in the second division of Poland, despite the negative media portrayal.
They enjoy the game and the overall experience, debunking the myth of Whistler Krakow fans being the most dangerous in the world.
yes hooligan culture is something that
surrounds the sport we know and love
whether that being with 14-year-old
English lads who think they're as hard
as nails or with 40-year-old European
men who well actually are nails and
terrify me as I'm a pathetic excuse of a
man either way we hear all chat about
them which got me thinking what if
myself an ed to let's face it inferior
men went to a game involving fan stub
that is the world's most dangerous well
today we're off to krackow in Poland to
watch Whistler krackow A fan-based
ranked number one by bleacher report for
being the most dangerous fan base in the
world we'll discuss why later on but for
now welcome to a wayday and let's get to
Poland whenever I go to the airport I
tend to play this game where I'm like is
that person going to have a better trip
than me it's like a fun game 6:00 a.m.
flying to a country where I could be in
danger can't imagine anyone's going to
have more fun than me it's a bloody
Fox just traing
child complication so in the intro you
going to remember I said this line what
was myself and Ed Ellis and Ed myself
and Ed whereas Ed he was flying from
leads and his flight's been delayed by 2
and 1/ half hours can't really do I just
got to sort of sit here for 2 and a half
hours see when Ed
just waiting for Ed um that guy's
brought a rose for his wife will Ed be
underwhelmed if I don't bring him a rose
that is the most underwhelming way to
find out Ed has
arrived got your Lithuanian football hat
on of course the memories chapers is
here mhm ready to scrap at the world's
most dangerous football fans i' been
working out for this moment we need to
get an outfit is what I've decided to
are you tired very are you saying it
I do feel like when people go to big big
dangerous football match they tend to
have quite manly meals like for example
have my butter Quest on M you having
your pepperoni pizza and your chicken or
ham sandwich that's the kind of thing
that men need can want me tell you some
fun facts about that this is apparently
the world's most dangerous set of
football fans first let's talk about
kraco as a city you know you've got New
York the Big Apple the City of Dreams
Norwich a fine city craa the city of
knives is what it's called the city of
knives obviously it's not a great start
is it it's not I mean I prefer a
different name city of chives yes could
be very spicy Herby yeah that's the word
in general this is a very passionate fan
base Dino badio of Palmer as you can see
on the screen was allegedly stabbed in
the head from a knife thr by whistle
supporters in 1999 and in 2003 Whistler
Hooligans were part of a five Club brawl
in rockar Poland they stabbed the m a
football player in the
head in the city of knives proba a
yellow card that V yeah and then finally
there Darby is known as the holy war
between kco and MKS kovia there's almost
a guarantee of casualties and death a
guarantee fans are always involved in
involved in Drey brw 2006 version saw
eight people killed in a hooligan battle
my aim for today is trying to show the
lighter side of it and show that it
isn't what this article is portraying
and maybe like you can just have a laugh
what we need to do is we need to go get
an outfit to make us fit in we need to
dress the Ultras so let's get to a thift
uh Ellis Ellis yes that might be the
stadium we're going to later but there's
military horses surely not what are we
going to it I have no idea we need on
security well that's why bring the
muscle always bring the muscle
yeah let's get checked
in yeah you never trust me never trust
me to get a good H do you it could be
lovely inside room 12 come on surprise
the surprise this is class look at
this I mean it's all right I mean for
once you not up the place is absolutely
disastrous lovely push those two
together then yeah and I don't like how
far apart we are yeah I don't let's do
something about that so speaking about
was being in in the world's most
dangerous football fans yeah Ed's been
paralyzed he's got a fly in his eye and
he can't get something I've got it it's
in my eye where is it it's it's outside
you right now but I'm not going to tell
you there you got it you got it you got
it got it yeah I can feel it I've got
there's a Wing in there there's a Wing
that was so horrible so obvious I think
it's key any potential danger we might
be in today someone's coming at you you
Bob you Bob again one two 3 4 um and
then you pretty much got any any person
that comes your way get me on the next
Misfits card yes I'm not desperate
enough I'm not desperate headline or
nothing on the under the card
people this is it we need to look like
Ultra Ed I'm up the W jumper oh that's
actually really nice nice isn't it that
very christmy there let's get inside
here we go
hoan I'll tell you when it's all
right isn't it I love it I think it is
going to strike fear into everyone I
think it's brilliant makes it look bit
bigger as well isn't it
yeah a
scrap this is this is the one isn't it
looking good like a young
what's wrong with that you know what's
wrong with that everything's wrong
what's wrong with that you look like a
young you didn't do anything bad on he
younger or did
he can we keep to be clear with all of
this we're not making light of the
actual tragedies that have happened at
this football club we're making light of
the situation of us being somewhere we
belong cuz we're not we're not going to
win a fight me for yourself right we
need to do we need to get a very manly
pre-match meal the manliest pre-match
meal to fit our manly outfits they do
great sir I think so I think you can
bath in steak bake you look like the
kind of person that would be I look like
the older of the shop drinking a what
I've been told is a folish
beer any good
oh what's that fruity fru a fruity beer
that's bloody
lovely what am I getting I just T like
bear you like it's just bear you need to
be a manly man and go oh it's not as
good it's not as like a
stellar it's no cburg no
that's so Ed obviously I've gone for my
manly drink you've gone for orange juice
pure though 400 mL no less realistic
100% bacle boxers gangsters drug
dealers I mean you wouldn't want to stay
around theirs would you
I can't believe we're going to the
world's most dangerous football club and
you've just gone sippy sippy for your
juice now we actually are talking this
is this is what people do actually I
think are tough let's get some sausages
a sausage platter yeah come on sausage
platter for
platin good enjoy your sausage already
feel just ready to St drop a jab yeah
jab sausage just up going down it down
it I'm moving in with some of the
country's most dangerous men so we can
find out how they sleep at night
Pria awful for I will cave into anything
got cand of
me we are in this really beautiful
Square this is this Can't This Can't
Stop Ed this cannot be the most
dangerous football club in the world it
just can't un we're crossing it's a half
an hour walkway yeah unless we somehow
cross over to like through naria I can't
see it being that dangerous well we say
that might get stapped in a minute you
don't know we're apparently 13 minutes
under 1,000 M away we're in the middle
of a park where are we going it feels
more now not ideal are you taking to a
Sunday League match that is it just in
the park somewhere I hope we are safe it
does look a bit da Halloween episode of
Days brackets Ellis
how is that yeah not really anything to
do with the football is it though which
is 90% of way Whistler craer Stadium I
just I'm going to I just think there's
no danger here at all
really it's like 2 hours till kickoff we
don't have tickets I sort of figured it'
be quite easy you always do this don't
you you like doing this part of you
likes it it's a thrill isn't it you're
bit sick I'm a bit sick yeah get a kick
out of it hello hello um so why I done
that no I don't like doing this I love
it I'm going have to ask these people
where you buy tickets excuse me sorry
can I help you oh where can we buy
tickets there's a woman sloped up
against the window already and we're
it's two hours to kick off seen two
people like that already told you we get
tickets no problem do you want to sit in
the ultra section no we
don't once again doesn't really give you
the world's most dangerous fans Vibes
does it
M no but it's not mean like why are you
selling this hat if you're that
dangerous I think this article might be
do I look nice in the Hat um it's a no
then isn't it if it was a yes you have
said yes yeah I me to be fair we are
joking but you can't actually buy a
Whistler cracker Hammer is that a knife
there are knife there's a pocket knife
I'm judging by this m it's going to be
two before bedtime enjoying that you
still feeling danger I am the man who
knocks I think as I buy bubble hats when
we come to play at this and I know I
don't suit them they Lally just go in a
box oh by the way 10,000 likes we come
here for the Derby that's really
dangerous will
lost you lost a Moler we're inside this
is just nice it's just a nice club
there's kids playing FIFA over there
soldiers ignore them oh yeah them
there's a couple of soldiers in here but
if you look past the soldiers there is
there is policemen with guns Soldiers
with guns quite wear the odd ones out if
anything we're too old to be is yes yes
I feel that as well oh yes is R all said
told look how excited we are to be the
toilet here we go let's do a reveal of
the stadium oh the P Ellis come on oh
this is nice admittedly very empty for
an hour until kickoff but very
nice once again oh
I oh I've just healed myself in you do
what use words just squish
a a he's in pain how is this my job well
your job isn't getting having your
testicles squashed that's not your job
cuz I know this will make it in the
video course it is this is the best part
so far what I was trying to say was once
again I don't get where the Articles
came from they might have a dangerous
Derby but I don't think that makes them
universally the most dangerous fan base
in the world I don't want not just want
to see some aggressive Ultras really I
don't think that's going to happen we've
been given this it's like bread with
icing sugar on it want to give it a
goad it's just an ice
bun it's a long ice bum without the
icing really look at that stingy I know
we're in a bit of a tricky perod at the
moment but that's
stingy come on tricky period it come on
it's just dawned on me I think we've
completely this I thought the ult would
be there where all the cameras are I
think they're the other side of the
stadium oh no what a shame well no cuz I
want to be close to the Aly they're
dangerous yeah you go pop over there say
hello I'll stay here Jason
D love it the is being R out and there
is some light whistling once again build
into the terrifying atmosphere a light
the shouldn't be lost in all this they
are actually just a good fan this is the
second division of Poland is a good fan
base you hear over that it's just good
not dangerous though well we'll see give
him time they're just warming
up that was good that was very good very
I don't want Whistler Ultras to find
this and be like we're taking a Nick out
of them so like I said if this sit 10K
likes will come to their Derby and show
their actual cuz at this moment it just
like we bought we've just bought funny
jackets and came to a game where no
one's intimidating at all you don't feel
intimidated by is that what you're
saying not at all no do you feel
intimidated no I'm just I'm enjoying the
chance and it fun all the way over there
of the stadium from them we couldn't be
further away that that does help
on come
on go come
on I've always love this
club he
K uh the goal is dis allowed they just a
are in the second division of Poland by
the way this time it counts and it means
everything to the city of cality
monsters un fling Tu man the
intimidation King is back up and I tell
you what it's not the only thing that's
happen this
came out just halfway through the first
half to say once again a huge thanks to
whatnot for sponsoring this and making a
lot of the tricks we do this season
possible if you wen't already where
whatnot is I'm live on there three times
a month selling football shirts people
always ask me Ellis where can I buy
football shirts from you whatnot is the
place to buy them not just from me but
loads of sellers around the world are
selling football shirts and whatnot now
and best of all will be sign up using my
Link at the top of the description away
days you get10 completely free all
shirts are shipped internationally on
whatnot every stream I'm live on whatnot
I give away £ 150 in free completely
free 50 vouchers and I'm also giving
away two of the away Day shirts I made
in every stream as well so it's giv me
£250 giving away every stream and all
you have to do to get involved is tap
that button at the top of the
description one is a great place to buy
football shirts trading cards and a load
of other things and it's completely free
to sign up is a great platform you get
to ask me questions and Q&A and you also
have a chance of winning stuff for free
as well so join me on what at the top of
the description let's keep going around
at this menacing
menacing the bubble hat does everything
I need to
do lift it please CCO come on lift it
please to be fair there has been a
casualty so far this game my potential
future children from the BR
the brutal attack on myself earlier it's
about time we saw the
mascot is a dragon the dragon might be
one of the more intimidating mascots you
could have yes Dean the dragon Dean Dean
the Polish Dean Dean yeah polish name I
will never not find it funny how like
this is just such a great example of
that article being absolute rubbish
walking out for the second half p in the
Caribbean I actually just really like
this club it's just fun isn't it fun fun
fun for all the family if we if we don't
look too much into what happens in their
Derby fun they're CH to Old Lang's
eye that is Old Lang isn't
great for God 2 that's what it's all
about that feeling right there injects
it proud of the boys come
rooo it just is a very very good fan
base these are very very this is the
second division of Poland and they're
good what's an English song we could
sing that would lift the mood a bit by
OE Ms how are you expect me to whack out
OE Ms on the spot what's the one
darling excuse my writing I love ol he's
mental soor you need to jump in here who
SP is Jose Mourinho at his own energy
drink Jose Mourinho for move who looks
at Mourinho and think want to be
energized like him here we go let's make
free you might be intimidated by that
away end in front of the go the way fans
are proper getting into him Easy Does It
right oh
uh we've already sort of made our Point
several times through about this it's
just actually quite a fun Club to come
to I don't know why it was ever dubb the
most dangerous in the world maybe the
Derby the comment section can let us
know about the Derby maybe the Derby is
madness if the Derby is madness we
10,000 likes this we come and do it you
have my word maybe Ed won't come maybe
someone a bit more like willing to die
will come your life's more valuable say
Ben that's a fair and also make sure to
download completely free at top of the
description I have fun do you have fun I
have fun come and Vis it Whistler crack
ey you won't
die put that on the tourism board in a
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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