El Alfa "El Jefe" - MI LEGADO 70M x 58 (Video Oficial)

El Alfa
17 May 202403:01


TLDRThe video script appears to be a mix of lyrics from a song, with references to various cultural elements and personal anecdotes. It touches on themes of legacy, personal pride, and a defiant attitude towards societal expectations. The speaker asserts their control over their own narrative, mentioning their influence and wealth, while also showcasing a playful and humorous side. The script includes mentions of dancing, cars, and a strong sense of identity. It seems to be a celebration of individuality and a refusal to conform to others' opinions, with a rhythmic and energetic delivery that is likely accompanied by music.


  • đŸŽ€ The script contains a mix of lyrics and dialogue, likely from a song or a performance.
  • đŸ€” There are references to personal legacy and how it might not be appreciated by everyone.
  • 💃 Mention of a 'Queen bailarĂ­n' which could be a reference to a dancing queen or a prominent female figure.
  • 🏁 The script mentions 'forte chĂłn' and 'el toto', which might be place names or metaphors for certain situations.
  • đŸ„š A phrase about 'huevo de caballo de mayado' which is a bit cryptic, possibly referring to a specific cultural reference or idiom.
  • 🕒 The speaker talks about controlling time and having a 'manao', which could imply a sense of power or influence.
  • 🚗 There's a mention of having 12 million and high-end cars, indicating wealth or success.
  • đŸ”« A line about not having a 'pistola' or bullets, which might suggest a non-violent or peaceful stance.
  • đŸ± The use of 'miau', an onomatopoeic word for a cat's meow, adds a playful or humorous tone to the script.
  • đŸœ The script also talks about food, suggesting a focus on daily life or perhaps a metaphor for something else.
  • đŸŽ¶ The presence of music in the background indicates that this is likely a musical performance or has a musical component.

Q & A

  • What is the speaker referring to as their legacy?

    -The speaker mentions their legacy in a way that suggests it will be universally liked, except by a specific person, implying it might be controversial or divisive.

  • What does the speaker imply about the person's wife?

    -The speaker seems to suggest that the person's wife might be thinking about the speaker, possibly indicating a past relationship or conflict.

  • What is the significance of 'Queen bailarĂ­n' in the script?

    -The term 'Queen bailarĂ­n' could be referring to a dance queen or a prominent figure in the dance community, but the context is not clear.

  • What does 'fuer t chĂłn' and 'el toto' refer to in the script?

    -The phrases 'fuer t chĂłn' and 'el toto' are unclear without additional context. They might be names of places, people, or slang terms.

  • What is the speaker's claim about their control over time?

    -The speaker claims to be controlling time, which could be a metaphor for being in control of their life or having a significant influence on others.

  • What does the speaker mean by 'huevo de caballo de mayado'?

    -The phrase 'huevo de caballo de mayado' is not clear in meaning. It might be a metaphor or a local expression that requires further explanation.

  • What is the speaker's stance on silence and conflict?

    -The speaker advises someone to stay silent or face a cold response, indicating a potential conflict or disagreement.

  • What is the significance of the speaker mentioning a 'pistol' and 'bala'?

    -The mention of a 'pistol' and 'bala' (bullet) suggests a possible threat or violent situation, although the context is not fully clear.

  • What does the speaker imply about their wealth and status?

    -The speaker boasts about having 12 million and high-end cars, indicating they are wealthy and possibly flaunting their status.

  • What is the speaker's attitude towards the 'loco'?

    -The speaker seems to dismiss someone referred to as 'loco', suggesting they do not take this person seriously or consider them a threat.

  • What does the speaker mean by 'Baila tu cuerpo alegrĂ­a'?

    -The phrase 'Baila tu cuerpo alegrĂ­a' translates to 'Dance your body joy', which could be an encouragement to enjoy life and dance.

  • What is the significance of the music and dancing mentioned in the script?

    -The mention of music and dancing suggests a lively, possibly festive atmosphere, and could be related to the speaker's enjoyment of life.

  • What does the speaker's mention of 'El Alfa en Rd' indicate?

    -Referring to 'El Alfa en Rd' might indicate the speaker is a fan of or influenced by this artist or song, adding a cultural context to the script.

  • What is the speaker's intention with the phrase 'no hay mujer que me diga tĂș eres el hombre que yo quiero'?

    -The speaker claims that no woman has told them they are the man she wants, which could imply a sense of loneliness or lack of romantic fulfillment.

  • What does the speaker mean by 'saca to que voy para allĂĄ'?

    -The phrase 'saca to que voy para allĂĄ' is not clear, but it might suggest the speaker is preparing for something or getting ready to go somewhere.

  • What is the significance of mentioning '500 de Europa'?

    -The mention of '500 de Europa' could refer to the 500 Euro note, indicating a discussion about money or possibly a large transaction.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on touching a woman?

    -The speaker states they do not like to touch a woman unless certain conditions are met, suggesting they have specific standards or preferences.

  • What does the speaker mean by 'yo soy agosto en enero y en febrero'?

    -The phrase 'yo soy agosto en enero y en febrero' is poetic and could mean the speaker feels they bring warmth or summer-like qualities even in colder months.

  • What is the significance of the speaker mentioning 'el efectivo la libra'?

    -The mention of 'el efectivo la libra' could be a reference to currency, indicating a discussion about money or financial matters.



đŸŽ€ Musical Performance and Personal Legacy

The first paragraph introduces a lively and energetic musical performance, where the artist discusses their legacy and how it will be appreciated by everyone except for a certain individual. There's a playful and somewhat confrontational tone as the artist talks about their influence and control, using vivid imagery and metaphors. The paragraph also includes references to dancing, a horse's egg, and a humorous interaction with the artist's mother. The artist boasts about their wealth, with mentions of cars and money, and ends with a playful challenge to a war, indicating a strong and confident persona.




Legacy refers to something that is handed down from one person to another, often referring to a person's achievements or reputation that they leave behind. In the context of the video, the speaker seems to be talking about a legacy that will be universally liked, except by a certain person, suggesting a theme of leaving a mark that is significant to many but possibly controversial to a select few. The script mentions 'mi legado le va a gustar a todo el mundo, menos a ti', indicating a personal and possibly contentious legacy.


Dance is a form of art that generally involves rhythmic movement of the body, often set to music. The term 'bailarĂ­n' in the script, which translates to 'dancer', suggests that dance or a dancer plays a role in the video's content. It could be part of the entertainment or performance aspect of the video, as indicated by 'Queen bailarĂ­n', which might refer to a person or a character who is a dancer.


Control in this context likely refers to the act of managing or directing something with authority. The phrase 'Yo vengo, controlando de los tiempos' implies that the speaker is in a position of authority or leadership, overseeing events or situations. This could be a metaphor for the speaker's influence or power within the narrative of the video.


War is a state of armed conflict between different nations, states, or groups. The mention of 'para que se prepare para la guerra' suggests a theme of conflict or battle readiness. This could be a literal reference to a historical or current event, or it could be a metaphorical reference to a struggle or competition within the video's storyline.


Wealth refers to an abundance of valuable resources or material possessions. The script mentions 'Tengo 12, millones', which translates to 'I have 12 million', indicating a display of wealth. This could be relevant to the video's theme by showcasing the affluence of a character or setting a tone of prosperity and success.


Cars are a common mode of transportation and can also symbolize status or wealth. The phrase 'Ay sĂ­ estamos altos de los carros' suggests that cars are a significant part of the video's imagery, possibly as a symbol of luxury or as a setting for the events taking place within the video.


Music is an integral part of many videos, providing a soundtrack or rhythmic backdrop to the visuals. The presence of musical interludes denoted by '[MĂșsica]' indicates that music plays a role in the video, likely enhancing the mood or providing a cultural context.


Ego refers to a person's sense of self-importance or self-esteem. The line 'Yo me despierto en un pH de 20', which is a non-literal and exaggerated statement, could be interpreted as a display of ego or self-aggrandizement. It suggests that the speaker has a high opinion of themselves, which might be a central theme or character trait in the video.


Influence refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. The script mentions 'el mexicano me esperen Ă© es para allĂĄ', which could imply that the speaker has a significant influence or following, particularly among a group or community referred to as 'el mexicano'.


Travel involves going from one place to another, often for purposes such as tourism, business, or migration. The script includes references to various locations such as 'Italia' and 'Europa', suggesting that travel or a journey is a key element of the video's narrative. This could involve the physical movement of characters or the exploration of different cultures and places.


Slang refers to informal language, often consisting of words and phrases that are specific to a particular group or subculture. The script contains various terms and phrases that may be considered slang, such as 'chichĂłn' and 'tos', which contribute to the video's tone and style. These terms help to create a specific atmosphere and may be indicative of the social context or demographic the video is aimed at.


My legacy will be loved by everyone except you.

For your wife to come, she has to think about me.

I control things from the times of Mana'o.

You've never looked for yourself, better stay quiet.

If you're not cool with Al, you've got a problem.

You don't have a gun, nor bullets.

Your plans are to empty the magazine without hesitation.

In Herrera, they run on the racetrack and the streets.

You look like a fool making faces.

I wake up in a penthouse worth 20 million.

I have 12 million in the parking lot.

I'm tired of cars and money, but you live rented.

I have a clip that leaves you in the ground.

All are breastfed while I shoot miau.

No woman tells me 'you are the man I want.'



quieres saber cuĂĄl es mi legado mi


legado le va a gustar a todo el mundo


menos a ti para tu mujer venir se tiene


que pensar en mĂ­ hay uno Queen bailarĂ­n


también en fuert chón y en el toto a su


mujer le dejamos un chichĂłn Yo vengo


controlando de los tiempos de manao mamĂĄ


huevo de caballo de mayado tĂș nunca te


has buscado mejor quédate callado si no


estĂĄ frĂ­o con el al tiene un acotado no


tiene pistola pe ni caje bala ti los


granos para vaciar la palant no se


embala el que na Herrera corre en el


autĂłdromo en la calle y en la cera te


veo un cancaneo haciendo mueca mi cho


mundial y lo tuyo d discoteca cero


divareo VĂĄmonos directo al grano tu


envid y demagogia te convierte en un


gusano Yo me despierto en un pH de 20


melones y en el parqueo Tengo 12


millones Ay sĂ­ estamos altos de los


carros y los pjos pero rapa con tu


abuela tĂș viv alquilado el que quiera


para que se prepare para la guerra tengo


un peine que te deja para que te eche en


tierra los toos son pech de leche y yo


le tiro miau un polvo de una hora


caliente pisado No hay forma que el loco


se le salgue la cabeza humana pasa


conmigo re la comida desayuno de comida


y cena y en la madrugada le saqué la


maicena Baila tu cuerpo alegrĂ­a




escara mu esa


chaol mi coro un muro




lind lind




TĂș sabes lo que quiero dĂłnde estĂĄ No le


paré bola voy para allå sacato que voy


para allĂĄ voy para allĂĄ voy para allĂĄ


voy para allĂĄ saca to que voy para allĂĄ


el mexicano me esperen Ă© es para allĂĄ


para dale con 500 de Europa no me vienen


a buscar los recibe ChapulĂ­n y lo riesa


todo allĂĄ voy para allĂĄ saca tod me


quedo en Italia VĂĄmonos de chopping que


la chapa tan sicaria culit teta como


debe ser no me gusta tocarla si no estĂĄ


Acaba de haer no hay mujer que me diga


tĂș eres el hombre que yo quiero yo soy


agosto en enero y en Febrero que fluye


el efectivo la libra


como p p el efectivo la libra


deina como Pina como Pina Qué lindo


suena laa en aut el alfa en Rd con Qué


lindo suena laa en auto El Alfa en Rd






r Qué lindo suena laa en aut el ala en






el an

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