102 Ronaldo (R9) But TOTY Packs Decides His Teammates!
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يحتفل القناة بحدث فريق العام ويستثمر 1.24 مليار عملات في بطاقة R9 مع تقييم 97 في الحدث. يستخدم نقاط FC 20,000 لشراء الحزم المحدودة من المتجر لمساعدته في العثور على زملائ جيدين. ويستهدف القناة الوصول إلى معدل عام 91 OVR، وإذا لم يحقق الهدف فستكون العقوبات مفصلة لاحقًا. بعد الشراء، يستخدم نقاط المهارات لتحسين بطاقة R9 وتدريبها حتى المستوى 30 لزيادة إمكانياتها. ويفتح الحزم للحصول على زملائ لR9، ويحقق بعض النجاحات مثل بطاقة Benzema بتقييم 91. ومع ذلك، في النهاية، يخسر القناة مباراة الرأس على رأس مع الخصم ويفترض تلقي خصم في اللاعبين حسب عدد الأهداف التي تخسرها.
- 🏆 الحدث 'فريق العام' قد أُعلن للتو، ويتضمن تصوير فيديو حول بطاقة R9 الرائعة التي تبلغ تقييم 97 في الحدث.
- 💰 يقرر المتحدث شراء بطاقة R9 مع تقييم 1 أو 2 بدلاً من الإصدار الذي يبلغ تقييم 97، بتكلفة 1.24 مليار عملة.
- 🛍️ سيتم استثمار 20,000 نقطة FC وشراء حزم محدودة من المتجر لمساعدته في العثور على زملائه المناسبين.
- 🎯 هناك هدف OVR لتحقيقه، وهو 91 OVR، وإذا لم يتم الوصول إلى الهدف فسيتم الإعلان عن العقوبات لاحقًا.
- 🛒 تم بنجاح شراء بطاقة R9 بقيمة 1.24 مليار عملة، وتمت إضافةها إلى الفريق في منصب اللاعب النهائي.
- ⚽️ تم استخدام نقاط المهارات لتحسين سرعة بطاقة R9 وزيادة مهارات اللعب والب蚕.
- 📈 بعد تدريبات بطاقة R9 لتصل إلى مستوى 30، ت部分组成 إحصائياتها 144 في السرعة، 140 في اللعب، و150 في القوة.
- 📦 تم فتح حزم مختلفة من المتجر، بما في ذلك بطاقات من فريق الحدث وبطاقات إيكونية.
- 🤹♂️ تم تجميع بطاقات مختلفة من الحزم لتشكيل فريق يبدأ بتقييم 84 OVR.
- ⚔️ في النهاية، لم يتم الوصول إلى الهدف OVR 91، مما يعني أن المتحدث سيبدأ المباراه بهدف واحد في خصم.
- 🎮 في المباراه الرأس إلى رأس، تعرض الفريق لخسارة بخمس أهداف، مما يؤدي إلى إلغاء خمسة لاعبي الفريق عشوائيًا.
Q & A
ما هي البطاقة التي اشترت في هذا الفيديو؟
-اشترت بطاقة R9 مع تقييم 97 في الحدث Team of the Year بتكلفة 1.24 مليار عملة.
لماذا اشترت بطاقة R9 بتكلفة مرتفعة؟
-اشترت بطاقة R9 لأنها تعتبر بطاقة جميلة وفعالة جدًا، مع تقييم 97 في الحدث Team of the Year.
ماذا تفعل بعد اقتناء ببطاقة R9؟
-بعد اقتناء ببطاقة R9، وضعتها في موقف ال福气 في الفريق واستخدمت النقاط التقنية لزيادة سرعتها وتدريبها حتى المستوى 30.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'فتح الحزم' في النص؟
-فتح الحزم تشير إلى إجراء الشراء من الحزم المحدودة في المتجر لزيادة فرصة الحصول على لاعبين ذوي تقييمات عالٍ.
ما هي الهدف النهائي الذي تسعى إليه في هذا الفيديو؟
-الهدف النهائي هو الوصول إلى تقييم مجموعي (OVR) للفريق 91، والحصول على لاعبين يتناسبون مع بطاقة R9.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'العقوبات' التي wsplt في الفيديو؟
-العقوبات هي العقوبات التي يتم تطبيقها إذا لم يتم الوصول إلى الهدف المطلوب، مثل بدء المباراة مع هدف في الخصم وتخلص بلاعبين عشوائيين لكل هدف يخسره.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية للمباراة الرأس إلى رأس التي لعبها في الفيديو؟
-النتيجة النهائية هي خسارة بخمس أهداف، مما يعني أنه يجب تلقي خيار من اللاعبين العشوائيين للتخلص بهم.
من اللاعبين الذي تلقي خيار في النهاية؟
-تلقى خيار من اللاعبين بالإيقاع: Karim Benzema، Stan Burn، Ledley King، Tim Harand، وMartinez.
لماذا لم تتمكن من الوصول إلى الهدف المطلوب (OVR 91)؟
-لم تتمكن من الوصول إلى الهدف المطلوب لأن اللاعبين التي حصلت عليها لم تزيد تقييم الفريق الإجمالي، وخسرت المباراة التي أقيمت.
كيف يمكن لشخص يشاهد هذا الفيديو أن يستفيد من تجربة اللاعب؟
-يمكن للشخص يشاهد هذا الفيديو أن يتعلم كيف يستخدم بطاقات اللاعبين القوية مثل R9 وكيف يختار الحزم المناسبة لتحسين فريقه، وأيضا كيف يتعامل مع النتائج السلبية في الألعاب الإلكترونية.
😲 مشتريات كارد R9 ال貴ة في لعبة الفوتبول
يحكي النص عن محتوى فيديو يغطي تournament Team of the Year. يحكي الشخص عن قراره لشراء كارد R9 بتقييم 97 في الحدث، لكنه يشتري نسخة بتقييم 1 أو 2 ب1.24 مليار من العملات، مما يعتبر أغلى شراء في الموسم. يخطط على استخدام نقاط FC للمساعدة في العثور على زملاء مناسبة، ويحدد هدفًا لتقييم الفريق على الأقل 91 OVR. يبدأ بشراء البطاقة ب1.24 مليار، ويشرح كيف سيستخدم نقاط ال技(skill points) لتحسين البطاقة، وي升高ها إلى المستوى 30. يفتح بعد ذلك الحزم لإيجاد زملاء.
🎉 فتح الحزم وترتيب اللاعبين في الفريق
يتابع الشخص في النص فتح الحزم التي يشتريها من متجر اللعب، مع التركيز على الحزم التي تحتوي على لاعبين بتقييمات من 89 إلى 97. يحصل على لاعبين مثل بنزيما وبراند وغوميز ويضعهم في الفريق. يستخدم نقاط FC للشراء من الحزم المحدودة، ويحصل على لاعبين مثل كولواني وميسي. يستمر في فتح الحزم، مع التركيز على الحزم التي تحتوي على لاعبين بتقييمات عالية، ويحاول الوصول إلى هدف OVR 91.
🏆 محاولة الوصول إلى هدف OVR 91 ولعب المباراة
الشخص يحاول أن يجمع لاعبين بتقييمات عالية من الحزم التي يفتحها، لكن لا يتمكن من الوصول إلى هدف OVR 91. يشرح القواعد للمباراة التي سيلعبها، حيث أنه يجب أن يبدأ اللعب مع هدف في الركن وiscarding لاعبين من الفريق إذا فشل في الفوز. يخسر الشخص اللمباراة بخمس أهداف ويضطر إلى discarding لاعبين من الفريق بشكل عشوائي.
📉 النتائج النهائية وحذف اللاعبين
بعد الخسارة، يستخدم الشخص عجلة الحظ لاختيار اللاعبين الذين سيiscardهم. يحدد لاعبين مثل بنزيما وبرن وكينغ لي worden discarded. يتذكر الشخص أن نسخة R9 لم يتم تدريسها بالكامل، ويرفعها إلى المستوى 30 لتحسين إحصائياتها. يختتم النص بدعوة الجمهور للاشتراك في القناة والمشاهدة للفيديو.
💡Team of the Year
💡R9 card
💡1.24 billion coins
💡FC points
💡Target OVR
💡Skill points
💡Level 30
💡Untradeable player pack
💡Head-to-head match
💡Discarding players
Introduction of the Team of the Year event and the decision to make a video about the R9 card.
Purchase of the 97 rated Team of the Year event icon card for 1.24 billion coins, marking the most expensive single card purchase of the season.
Plan to spend 20,000 FC points and get limited offer packs to find teammates for the R9 card.
Target of reaching 91 OVR for the team and the mention of punishments if the target is not met.
Successful purchase of R9 for 1.24 billion coins and the admiration for the card's aesthetics.
Placement of R9 in the striker position and allocation of skill points focusing on dexterity and pace.
Training R9 to level 30 using various players and resources available in the club.
Stats of R9 after training to level 30, boasting impressive attributes like 150 Pace and 145 dribbling.
Opening of the 89 to 97 rated pack resulting in Mark Bartra and an untradeable Team of the Year player, Benzema.
Inclusion of 91 rated Benzema in the team and the strategy to sort out the team formation later.
Exploration of limited offers from the store and the purchase of a $1 pack yielding Brand and a 19 rated player.
Opening of a $449 pack revealing an Icon player from Germany and the decision to use Alex Garcia as a center mid.
Acquisition of a 94 rated Striker Harand from an Ultra Pack and the strategy to change the team formation.
Opening of various packs with mixed results, including the disappointment of not reaching the 91 OVR target.
Consequences of not reaching the target OVR, which includes starting a head-to-head match with a one-goal disadvantage.
Head-to-head match outcome with the loss and the rules for discarding players based on the number of goals conceded.
Discard wheel spin results leading to the removal of key players like Benzema and the final team composition.
Final stats of R9 at level 30 with exceptional attributes and the conclusion of the video.
the team of the Year event is out just
now and I have decided to make a video
on this beautiful looking R9 card so
he's got a 97 rated Team of the Year
event icon card and today I'm going to
be purchasing not his 97 rated version
but his one or two rated card for 1.24
billion coins so this is my most
expensive purchase I've ever made on a
single card this season guys you know we
are going to go broke and not just that
guys he needs some teammates to perform
well so we're going to be spending
20,000 FC points and also I'm going to
be getting some limited offer packs from
the store and help him find some nice
teammates guys also we have a Target OVR
to reach so 91 OVR is a Target today if
you don't reach the target over here I'm
going to let you know the punishments
later so yeah guys let's go and purchase
the one or two rated card first so here
we go guys I'm excited 1.24 billion
coins so let's go guys and the purchase
of R9 has been successful 1.24 billion
coins oh my God look at that card it is
probably the most beautiful card I've
ever seen all right guys so so the first
thing that we're going to be doing is
we're going to bring in R9 to the team
he's going to be placed in the striker
position obviously and he's got some
skill points so first let's use the
skill points I'm going to go with
dexterity guys this perfect card you he
doesn't need any boost in passing or
shooting I'm just going to go make him
as quick as possible and yeah let's go
unlock the counter as well and the final
one probably I'm going to putting in put
it in passing and here we go and all the
skill points have been used and after
using all the skill points he's got 114
Pace 113 dribbling we're not done yet
because I'm going to be training him to
level 30 guys so let's go do it I've got
lots of exsp as well in my club anyways
so here comes R9 102 plus 30 ranks let
me just check and make sure I'm not
using any expensive players for the
training all right for now I'm just
training him to level 25 guys because
I'm I have to use the gold players to
train him to 30 we're going to get more
uh you know bronze cards as well because
we're going to be opening some packs so
for now I'm just going to trade him to
20 5 let's have a quick look at his
stats at one or2 plus 25 and these are
the stats 144 Pace 12 shooting 140
dribbling and 99 physical oh my God he's
an absolute monster five star weak foot
five star skill moves four and a half
star stamina I don't think he's got any
flaw guys to be honest outset foot shot
rate speed dribbler flare finish shot
rates oh my God this is a very nice
looking card and now we going to be
opening the packs guys I'm not sure
which ones to start with I think I'm
going to start with the 89 to 97 because
you know rating is a priority for us we
we got to reach at least 91 over are so
let's go I'm going to uh go with this
one uh come on and it's a walk out guys
so Spain I think this is a bad one this
is a bad one guys 100% we got Mark
bartra let's see uh what we going to get
in the bonus untradeable player pack and
it's a team of their player come on
France leing oh my God I thought that
was uh that's a nice one that's Kim Bena
but I thought that was mbappe for a
second not a bad way to start we got a
91 rated Benzema guys so yeah I think
he's going to be the first one so let's
go Place Benzema in the camp position
for now you know you can we can sorted
about the uh you know uh team formation
later guys for now just let's just go
keep placing the players in the team so
yeah Ben enters the team now let's go to
the best seller so yeah limited offers
so I think I'm going to go with this one
guys this is just $1 so let's go try our
best the purchase has been successful
let's go open this one come on and it's
a walk out guys it's a team of the year
as well
Germany oh my God that's wz no that's
brand guys if it was wz that would have
been good but yeah brand is not bad and
the best player that we packed is yeah
19 brand so yeah let's go Place him in
the camp position not at all bad we are
off to a very decent start if you ask me
so yeah brand enters the team and that's
our next player let's go to the best
seller option once again so I think this
time we're going to go with this $449
rupees or $5 or $6 something around that
so this has 10 standard packs guys so
let's go and claim I mean open the pack
obviously and it's an icon guys Germany
don't be Striker oh my God how many
Strikers do we get this is Rudy Waller
oh it's Gomez okay let's see if there
are anyone else we got kulani we got a
cered Garcia and okay the highest seted
one we got in this one is Gomez I'm not
sure which player to use from this one I
think I'm just going to go with the
center mid Alex Garcia I think that's a
good looking card I mean not really good
looking I mean that's a decent one so
let's just go place in the sentiment po
Alex Garcia he enters the team and with
that we are up to 84 over not bad and
yeah let's go open the next best seller
PK I think I'm going to go with this
Ultra Pack guys this has W harand Jude
Bellingham and Ronaldinho so let's go
and the purchase has been successful so
let's go and see what we're going to get
out of these four players so it's not an
icon guys okay harand 94 rated Striker
harand guys I mean 90 rated Striker
hland we'll take that any given day so
that's a dub in my opinion and I know
it's an untradeable one but still that's
not a all bad I think we got to change
the formation as well guys and also we
got 600 gems so let's just go claim it
and we got another one which is this uh
ice breaker pack here so let's go claim
this pack as well all right let's see
what we're going to get and here we go
okay not a walk out guys that's bad all
we got is an 80 related Striker I don't
think he's going to go into our team so
yeah and the next pack is going to be
this 85 to 95 rated player pack so this
is untradeable one so let's go claim
this one let's go and see what we're
going to get and it's a not a walk out
guys we got Kul muani again so that's
not at all a useful pack there are no
other limited offers I think we opened
all of them now it's time to open the
team of the ultra packs so yeah I think
I'm going to go with this one I'm going
to go with the ultimate pack guys so
let's go 3,000 FC points for this one
come on come on please show me the team
of the okay this is an icon Brazil okay
come on Striker okay Cam how many cams
do we get today guys ziko wow that is
actually a dub in my opinion and who
else did we get so we got Thomas party
and that is it so ziko was the best card
he's going for 6.64 million it's not so
expensive but yeah we'll take it ziko is
going to enter a team let's go open the
next pack as well I'm going to open
another one in this ultimate pack it's a
Champions League oh my God Germany cam
oh that's Jamal musala so that's an L
pack it's it's a useless pack for us if
you are if I'm being very honest and
yeah we got a right back though Edwin
Kula and also by the way guys if I don't
reach 91 overr I have to start the head
to-head match with one gold down and
also for every and I have to win the
match somehow and if I lose the match
every goal I caned equal to the number
of players I discard from the starting
11 so the next pack I'm going to be
opening is this one guys I'm going to
open another team of their mega pack B
so let's go uh 2,000 more FC points come
on it's a walk out guys it's a base card
probably France CDM okay CDM is good
Monaco who is this fana that is bad we
got to Masano so that's a 9 91 rated and
also we got to Martinez so yeah let's go
go this is untradeable pack and it's not
a walk out we got Kubo though I think we
can put him in the right mid slot maybe
if we go with the with that formation so
we got Kubo there we got 10,750 more
gems left I mean uh FC points left so
I'm not sure which one to open I think
I'm going to open one or two of this
Mega packs guys let's go let's go open
these Mega packs and this is mega pack
one it's a base player Germany cam oh my
God it has been raining cams guys and we
got Florian wordss again we got Berardi
so we got another right mid player or
right wing player I think I'm going to
open one more so let's go come on come
on E all right it's a Champions League
Germany again oh my God all we are
getting is scams today guys and yep
that's the pack so we got 6,750 gems I
think this time we're going to go with
another team of their ultimate pack I'm
I think I'm going to go with this one so
let's go let's go come on it's an icon
Scotland Center forward oh my God we've
got dlish who else did we get and that
is it guys that's kind of disappointing
we got 3,750 gems left I think the next
pack I'm going to be opening is probably
I think I'm going to go with this Delux
pack I haven't opened a single one so
let's go open this delx pack and it's an
icon again Spain oh my God Striker we we
are going to be playing with no
Defenders guys for sure morientes and
who else leadly King we got leadly King
thank God we got some center backs here
and yeah we got a goalkeeper again and
yep that's the pack we got 12 1250 FC
points left I think I'm just going to go
with one Ultra Pack yeah let's go one
Ultra Pack and never mind that's a
disappoint we got endi so yeah and the
final 250 gems I mean 250 FC points that
I'm going to just go with 200 FC points
back so we got milinkovic Savage so
that's not bad so now it's time to make
the best team guys so let's go I think
yeah milink Sav which is the best CID
that I packed today and we got to we got
to play the center backs guys I think I
packed lead Le King yeah that's one of
the center backs that we packed and the
next Center back is yeah otomi so let's
go use otomi as well and the next one is
the goalkeeper so I'm going to go with
martinez debu so 86 rated so 86 rating
so far and going to the right back I
think we got cier yeah Clipper is the
best right back we pked and left back uh
I'm not sure what is the highest at left
we parked I think probably this Dan bur
or let's just put some Center back maybe
so never mind I'm just going to go with
Dan bur guys so 87 overr I think we we
are a few rating behind hopefully we can
reach there potion left wing let's
search for some left wings okay never
mind I haven't packed any good left wing
and coming to the right wing I packed a
Kubo so I'm going to put him in the
right mid position soon and yep let me
just sh shift him the right mid so we
are up to 88 over here guys we are not
done yet because we've got some high
rated players we've got harand I totally
forgot about harand guys and the next
highest rated player that we packed is
mashiro so masan also come enters the
team and we go to ziko as well I think
I'm going to do one thing I'm going to
put ziko in in the camp position and
Bena in the bench we also got dlish so
yeah he enters the club and musala does
he have a left mid as his PO nope he
doesn't so guys this is the best
possible team that I was able to make
with the packs we open so yeah we
haven't reach 90 over here that means we
got to start the game with one goal down
and let me explain the rules once again
so now I'm going to be playing a
head-to-head match and I have to give
away a goal to my opponent so I should
start the game with 01 and if I don't
win the match for every goal I concede I
have to to discard one player randomly
from this team guys so yeah let's go we
better not you know lose the match so
let's go guys all right guys I'm ready
with the head to-head match so let's go
and try our best to not coner a lot of
goals guys and also this is how my
opponent's team is looking like to be
honest he's got a quite a decent team I
mean ranks he's got nice ranked players
so let's go try our best guys first let
me just give away a own goal all right
so yeah so we start with one own goal
and we concede the second goal
immediately guys I don't think it's
going to go according to the plan guys
I'm going to try my best 6 minutes done
and we're only two goals down oh come on
Ronaldo come on Ronaldo is clear R9 come
on he shoots and he gets his first goal
and that's a debut match goal and yep of
course he's never missing that he's
never missing that and that's a lovely
finish 2-1 I mean we are still one goal
down and that's a finished shot goal
from R9 and no one's stopping that guys
no one is stopping that oh my God look
at that nah that is bad
guys and wow I thought my R9 is going to
be scoring a lot of goals but no it was
the opponent's R9 who has been on fire
look at that gold guys he has how how
how do people even score those I can
never score those you know and that was
a lovely goal to watch as well and we
have to discard four players as it
wow and that's a penalty that's a
penalty come on ref let me get the brace
for R9 and here we go I'm going straight
I'm going
and all right I mean that's just a
consolation goal to be honest but yeah
look at
that was a funny goal to score but yeah
24 guys we are losing but still AR and
Brace I'll take that and I'm going to
try to get a hatrick with him no no no
no I don't want to consider another goal
guys nah so that's five players to be
discarded I think at this rate I think I
have to discard my whole team that's for
sure look at that his passing my OPP my
oppent is a very is's a very good player
guys I got to give him credit all right
so we lose the game by five goals I mean
we can five goals that means I got to
discard five random players so let me
just put all the players in the wheel
guys all right guys so I'm ready with
the wheel so I got to discard five
players so that means I'm going to spin
the wheel five times so let's go this is
spin number one and the first player
that we are supposed to discard is going
to be oh my God Karim benzas so that's
the first player to discard all right so
yeah the second player that we are
supposed to discard is going to be I
think that's burn okay burn is fine I
don't mind discarding him so yeah that's
Stan burn guys so yeah that's the second
player and the third player it's going
to be let's see it's going to be king
ladly king that's fine like that's fine
as well so yeah let's go uh that's the
third player to be discarded and the
fourth one don't be harand you know yeah
Tim that's fine that's absolutely fine
so yeah and the final one come on don't
be Masano or harand okay we we missed
harand guys so it's going to be the
whole defense Martinez so yep let's go
and discard all these players guys I
think Benz is the only one that's going
to hurt us rest all I think that's just
fine all right so I have Quicks Martinez
so here we go that's player number one
and Dan burn also quick sold so that's
player number two done guys the next
player is otamendi so let's go discard
him as well and that's a third player
done and finally I think we've got
Benzema and another player left I think
it's otomi so let's oh leadly king sorry
we we just discarded otomi so let's go
discard ladley King so that's the fourth
one and I don't think we can discard
Benzema guys because it's untradeable
and also guys I forgot to max out R9
card so let me just you know use Benzema
to train him up as well so let's go do
it and here we go guys the discard
discarding of benzar is also done and
now it's time to train R9 by the way I
forgot to train him up to level 30
before and here we go this is him at
level 30 so these are the stats so he's
got 150 Pace 133 shooting 145 dribbling
and for physical that's a beautiful card
guys so yep so that's it guys I hope you
all have enjoyed this video if you did
make sure to subscribe to my channel and