Ivan Cornejo - Baby Please (Official Video)

Ivan Cornejo
14 Mar 202403:08


TLDRThe transcript appears to be from a lively musical performance, featuring a mix of music, singing, and possibly dancing. The lyrics are in Spanish and English, with phrases like 'Mioro', 'babyy', 'Malo', and 'sola' interspersed with musical interludes and audience applause. The performer seems to be engaging with the audience, possibly instructing them to dance or move in some way, as suggested by terms like 'FC pero dejes', 'amo', 'mene', and 'trote'. The energy is high, and the script ends with a call to 'please', perhaps asking for audience interaction or participation.


  • ๐ŸŽถ The script appears to be a transcript of a song or musical performance, indicated by the recurring '[Musica]'.
  • ๐ŸŽค Lyrics are present, suggesting the transcript captures a vocal performance, with words like 'Mioro', 'babyy', and 'Malo'.
  • ๐Ÿšซ The phrase 'una embargo para ti' could imply a theme of restriction or prohibition in the song's narrative.
  • ๐Ÿ’ƒ The mention of 'solo, Vives' might refer to living alone or a solo life experience.
  • ๐ŸŽต The use of 'FC pero dejes, amo, mene, trote, de so too un Mont' suggests a variety of dance styles or movements referenced in the song.
  • ๐Ÿค” The line 'Pero dijiste pues, aguantar' indicates a possible story of endurance or waiting within the song's lyrics.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ There is an '[Applauso]' noted, indicating a point in the performance where the audience applauds.
  • ๐ŸŽถ The repetition of '[Musica]' and 'pera' suggests rhythmic or melodic motifs throughout the performance.
  • ๐ŸŽถ The transcript ends with 'please', which might be a part of the song's lyrics, possibly indicating a request or plea.
  • ๐ŸŽถ The overall structure of the transcript suggests a dynamic performance with a mix of music, lyrics, and audience interaction.

Q & A

  • What musical elements are present in the transcript?

    -The transcript includes various musical notations such as 'Musica', 'sol', 'le', 'mioro', and 'Malo', indicating the presence of a melody or song.

  • What is the significance of the word 'embargo' in this context?

    -The word 'embargo' in the script suggests a prohibition or restriction, possibly referring to a theme of separation or a ban in the song's narrative.

  • How does the script indicate the presence of a live performance?

    -The script includes '[Applauso]' which signifies applause, indicating that the performance is live and being received by an audience.

  • What is the role of 'FC' in the script?

    -The abbreviation 'FC' is not clearly defined in the script, but it could be a reference to a record label, a song title, or an acronym within the song's lyrics.

  • What does the phrase 'please' at the end of the script suggest?

    -The word 'please' could be a part of the song's lyrics, possibly indicating a request or a polite tone in the song's narrative.

  • How does the script suggest a change in the song's tempo or rhythm?

    -The repeated use of 'Musica', 'pera', and other musical notations imply different sections or transitions in the song, which could indicate changes in tempo or rhythm.

  • What is the significance of the name 'Malo' in the script?

    -The name 'Malo' appears to be a proper noun within the script, possibly referring to a person or a place, adding a specific element to the song's story.

  • What could be the meaning of the phrase 'sola Vives ha' in the context of the script?

    -The phrase 'sola Vives ha' could be a part of the song's lyrics, possibly expressing a sentiment of living alone or a declaration of solitary existence.

  • How does the script use the word 'babyy'?

    -The word 'babyy' is likely a term of endearment or a casual address used within the song's lyrics, contributing to the emotional tone of the performance.

  • What is the possible theme of the song based on the provided transcript?

    -The theme of the song, as suggested by the transcript, could revolve around themes of love, separation, or longing, given the use of words like 'embargo', 'solo', and 'please'.

  • How does the script structure its lyrics and musical elements?

    -The script intersperses musical notations with lyrics, creating a structured pattern that suggests the song's composition and arrangement.



๐ŸŽถ Musical Interlude with Vocal Fragments

The paragraph begins with a series of musical notes and vocal fragments, suggesting the start of a song or a musical performance. The use of '[Musica]' indicates pauses or transitions in the music, while the scattered words like 'sol,' 'le,' 'mioro,' and 'babyy' appear to be lyrics or notes in a foreign language. The mention of 'Malo' and 'sola' could be names or words with specific meaning in the context of the song. The phrase 'Vives ha, una embargo para ti' seems to be a key line, possibly the chorus or a significant part of the lyrics. The paragraph ends with 'please,' indicating a potential request or plea within the song's narrative. The overall theme of this paragraph is a musical piece with a mix of lyrics and instrumental breaks.




The term 'Musica' translates to 'Music' in English. It is a pervasive theme in the script, indicating the presence of musical elements throughout the video. Music serves as a form of expression and entertainment, and in this context, it likely accompanies the narrative or performance, enhancing the emotional impact and engagement of the content.


While 'Mioro' does not have a clear meaning in English or Spanish, it could be a stylized or colloquial term used in the context of the video. It might be a name, a title, or a specific term related to the theme or content of the video. Without further context, it's challenging to define precisely, but it suggests a unique element or concept central to the video's narrative.


The term 'Babyy' is an affectionate or informal way to address someone, often used to convey endearment. In the context of the video, it could be used to establish a personal connection or to create a relaxed, intimate atmosphere. The use of 'Babyy' suggests a close relationship or a playful tone between the speaker and the person being addressed.


The word 'Malo' translates to 'Bad' in English. In the context of the video, it could be used to express a negative sentiment, describe a character or situation, or serve as a critical commentary on an event or action. The use of 'Malo' suggests a moment of conflict, dissatisfaction, or critique within the video's narrative.


'Sola' is the Spanish word for 'Alone'. This keyword could indicate a theme of solitude, independence, or isolation within the video. It may be used to describe a character's emotional state, a physical situation, or a metaphorical concept related to the video's message. The presence of 'Sola' suggests a focus on individual experiences or the exploration of loneliness.


The word 'Vives' is the second person singular form of the verb 'vivir' in Spanish, which means 'to live'. In the context of the video, this could be a directive or a statement about living life in a certain way. It might be used to encourage the viewer or to reflect on the importance of living fully and authentically.


In Spanish, 'embargo' can mean 'embargo' or 'blockade'. In the context of the video, it might refer to a restriction or prohibition imposed on someone or something. The use of 'embargo' suggests a situation where limitations are being discussed or experienced, potentially adding a layer of conflict or challenge to the narrative.


The abbreviation 'FC' could stand for various things depending on the context, such as 'Fan Club', 'Football Club', or 'Final Cut'. Without additional context, it's difficult to pinpoint its exact meaning in the video. However, it suggests a connection to a group, organization, or a process related to media production. The use of 'FC' implies that there is a specific entity or concept being referenced that is significant to the video's content.


The word 'Amo' is the first person singular form of the Spanish verb 'amar', which means 'to love'. In the video, it could be used to express affection, passion, or a deep emotional connection. The use of 'Amo' suggests that love is a central theme or emotion being explored, adding depth to the characters' relationships and the overall narrative.


The term 'Mene' is not a standard Spanish word, and its meaning in this context is unclear. It could be a proper noun, a colloquial expression, or a misspelling. Regardless, its inclusion in the script suggests that it is a unique or specific element related to the video's content, possibly a name, a place, or a special term.


'Trote' is the Spanish word for 'trot', which is a form of running or a fast-paced walk in English. In the context of the video, it could symbolize movement, action, or a sense of urgency. The use of 'Trote' suggests that there is a dynamic element to the video, possibly involving physical activity or a metaphor for progress or haste.

๐Ÿ’กPero dijiste

The phrase 'Pero dijiste' translates to 'But you said' in English. This suggests a conversation or a recollection of a statement made by someone. In the context of the video, it could indicate a point of contention, a contradiction, or a reminder of past words or promises. The use of 'Pero dijiste' implies that there is a narrative element involving dialogue or a reference to previous communication between characters.


The verb 'Aguantar' in Spanish means 'to bear', 'to endure', or 'to stand'. In the context of the video, it could represent a theme of resilience, patience, or the ability to withstand difficulties. The use of 'Aguantar' suggests that there is a struggle or challenge being faced, and it might be a key concept in understanding the characters' experiences or the video's message.


Musical introduction with a blend of various instruments.

The use of solfege syllables 'sol' and 'le' indicating a focus on musical training.

Mention of 'mioro' possibly referring to a specific musical technique or term.

Inclusion of the word 'babyy' suggesting a contemporary or affectionate tone.

Reference to 'Malo' and 'sola', possibly indicating a cultural or linguistic element.

The phrase 'una embargo para ti' implies a significant declaration or theme.

The use of 'FC pero dejes' might be a call to action or a specific instruction.

The word 'trote' suggests a dance or rhythm that could be central to the content.

The mention of 'Mont Pero dijiste pues' indicates a pivotal moment or statement.

The phrase 'aguantar' could be a key concept or a metaphor used in the transcript.

The use of 'recu' might be a shorthand or code word for something significant.

The mention of 'La primera ve' suggests the importance of a first event or experience.

The presence of applause 'Applauso' indicates a live performance or audience engagement.

The repetition of '[Musica]' signifies the ongoing musical backdrop throughout the transcript.

The word 'please' at the end might be an invitation for further engagement or a polite conclusion.































Vives ha


una embargo para ti




FC pero dejes








de so too un Mont Pero dijiste pues








La primera













