Don’t buy a MacBook Pro - MacBook Air M3
TLDR视频脚本讨论了新款Macbook Air,强调其搭载的M3处理器,认为对于大多数用户来说性能已足够。提到了苹果简洁的包装、配件以及Macbook Air的外观设计,包括颜色选择。比较了M2和M3芯片的性能差异,指出M3在效率、游戏性能和多显示器支持方面的提升。同时,也提到了Macbook Air在扬声器、显示屏和电池续航方面的表现。最后,视频建议如果用户主要进行网页浏览和视频观看,M2 MacBook Air可能是更经济的选择。
- 💻 新款Macbook Air搭载了顶级的M3处理器,对于大多数用户来说性能绰绰有余。
- 📦 苹果的包装设计简洁优雅,不再使用塑料材质,增加了环保意识。
- 🔌 包装内附带了30W USB-C电源适配器和MagSafe充电线,用户可选择升级至更高功率的充电器。
- 🔌 新款Macbook Air提供了MagSafe充电口和两个USB-C/Thunderbolt 3或USB 4端口,但与某些Macbook Pro相比,端口数量较少。
- 🎨 设备颜色时尚,设计与M2版本相似,但性能有所提升。
- 🖥️ M3芯片支持AV1解码和硬件光线追踪,适合游戏和图形处理。
- 📡 新款Macbook Air支持Wi-Fi 6E,提供更快的无线网络速度。
- 🖥️ 与M1版本相比,M3版本允许连接两个外部显示器,但不支持同时使用笔记本屏幕。
- 🔊 虽然扬声器设计与M2相似,但M3版本声称提供更宽的立体声效果。
- 🛠️ 性能测试显示,M3版本在Blender和Cinebench等应用中性能优于M2版本,但长时间高负载工作时可能会遇到热限制。
- 🔋 M3版本的电池效率更高,提供了更长的续航时间,适合长时间使用。
Q & A
新款Macbook Air有哪些主要的硬件升级?
-新款Macbook Air的主要硬件升级包括搭载了新的M3处理器,支持Wi-Fi 6E,以及可以连接两个外部显示器而不是M1 Air的一个。
Macbook Air M3与M2版本在性能上有何不同?
-M3版本的Macbook Air在性能上比M2版本有所提升,包括更好的能效,稍微更好的性能,以及硬件级的AV1解码和光线追踪支持。
Macbook Air M3的包装中包含哪些配件?
-Macbook Air M3的包装中包括了一个30W USB-C电源适配器,MagSafe充电线,以及一些贴纸。用户可以选择花费20美元升级到70W的单口或双口35W充电器。
Macbook Air M3的端口配置是怎样的?
-Macbook Air M3配备了MagSafe充电端口和两个USB-C端口,这些端口支持Thunderbolt 3或USB 4,提供最高40Gb的传输速率。
Macbook Air M3的键盘和触控板与前代有何不同?
-根据脚本中的描述,Macbook Air M3的键盘和触控板与前代产品感觉相似,但键盘可能因为新旧程度而感觉略有不同。
Macbook Air M3的显示屏有哪些特点?
-Macbook Air M3配备了一块13.6英寸的IPS显示屏,分辨率为2560 x 1664,亮度达到500尼特,支持宽色域P3,但没有高刷新率。
Macbook Air M3的扬声器与前代相比有何变化?
-Macbook Air M3的扬声器声称有更宽的立体声效果,但具体音质上的差别非常微小,可能只有在仔细比较时才能察觉。
Macbook Air M3在游戏性能上的表现如何?
-Macbook Air M3在游戏性能上比M2版本有所提升,但与Macbook Pro M3相比,由于缺少冷却风扇和额外的GPU核心,长时间游戏可能会遇到热限制问题。
Macbook Air M3的电池续航表现如何?
-Macbook Air M3的电池续航表现非常出色,在压力测试中甚至比M2版本表现得更好,实际使用中可以支持超过12小时的YouTube视频连续播放。
Macbook Air M3在视频编辑和渲染方面的表现如何?
-Macbook Air M3在视频编辑和渲染方面比M2版本有显著提升,尤其是当涉及到长时间的渲染任务时,M3芯片的性能优势更加明显。
Macbook Air M3的Wi-Fi 6E支持表现如何?
-Macbook Air M3支持Wi-Fi 6E,理论上可以提供更快的无线网络速度,但实际测试中,速度提升并不显著,可能与测试环境有关。
对于不经常进行高负载工作的用户,是否有必要升级到Macbook Air M3?
-对于主要进行网页浏览、观看视频和基本照片编辑的用户,升级到Macbook Air M3可能并不是必要的,M2版本或更便宜的M1版本可能更适合他们的需求。
💻 Macbook Air M3芯片评测
视频脚本首先提出了一个具有争议性的观点,即对于大多数想要购买Macbook的人来说,新的Macbook Air配备顶级的M3处理器可能是最佳选择。视频中提到了苹果的简洁包装,不再是塑料材质,并且包含了苹果贴纸和30W USB-C电源适配器。还提到了可以升级到70W的充电器。Macbook Air具有MagSafe充电端口和两个Thunderbolt 3/USB 4端口,但没有其他USB-C端口。视频指出,与M1 Air相比,M3 Air在性能上有所提升,包括更好的能效、AV1解码、硬件光线追踪以及Wi-Fi 6E支持。此外,M3 Air现在可以连接两个外部显示器,尽管这并没有硬件上的改进。视频还提到了Macbook的静音特性和强大的性能,尤其是在不产生噪音的情况下。最后,视频提到了由赞助商Apos提供的White Fox Eclipse机械键盘,这是一个68键的定制键盘,具有热插拔开关和RGB选项,兼容Windows和Mac。
🎵 Macbook Air M3的音频和显示性能
视频脚本的第二段讨论了Macbook Air M3的音频和显示性能。提到了键盘和触控板与前代产品相似,但新的M3型号的触控板感觉略微不同。显示方面,M3 Air继续使用13.6英寸IPS显示屏,分辨率为2560 x 1664,亮度500尼特,支持宽色域P3,但没有高刷新率。扬声器方面,虽然听起来与M2 Air相似,但M3 Air的扬声器被宣传为具有更宽的立体声效果,尽管实际差异微小。此外,视频还提到了与Macbook Pro相比,Pro的扬声器略胜一筹。视频还强调了Mac OS在色彩管理方面的优势,尽管M3 Air的显示屏没有HDR和局部调光功能。最后,视频提到了M3 Air在游戏和生产力应用中的性能,如Blender和Cinebench,以及它在压力测试和续航测试中的表现,强调了其出色的电池寿命。
🛒 Macbook Air M3的购买建议
视频脚本的最后一段提供了关于购买Macbook Air M3的建议。视频指出,尽管M3 Air在性能上有所提升,但对于日常使用如网页浏览、观看视频和基本的照片编辑来说,M2 Air已经足够。M3 Air比M2 Air在发布时贵100美元,但提供了更好的性能和效率。视频还提到了Wi-Fi速度测试的结果,显示M3 Air的Wi-Fi速度相当快,尽管Wi-Fi 6E并没有显著提升速度。最后,视频建议,如果用户主要进行的是轻度使用,购买M2 Air或甚至M1 Air可能是更经济的选择,尤其是考虑到M1 Air在某些零售商那里的价格更低。视频以鼓励观众点赞结束,并重申M3 Air是一款快速的笔记本电脑,尽管在某些情况下可能不是必要的升级。
💡Macbook Air
💡Thunderbolt 3
💡Wi-Fi 6E
新款Macbook Air搭载了顶级的M3处理器,对于大多数人来说性能绰绰有余。
Macbook Air的包装设计简洁而优雅,不再是塑料材质,给人更高的质感。
包装内包含30W USB-C电源适配器和MagSafe充电线,可升级至70W充电器。
Macbook Air具有MagSafe充电端口和两个支持Thunderbolt 3或USB 4的USB-C端口。
新款Macbook Air支持Wi-Fi 6E,如果搭配相应的路由器和网络,网速会更快。
M3芯片的Macbook Air支持双外部显示器,但使用时不能同时使用笔记本屏幕。
尽管Macbook Air M3在理论上比M1 Air有所提升,但实际使用中,Windows笔记本可能提供更多的显示输出选项。
Macbook Air M3的键盘和触控板与前代相似,但键盘感觉稍微有所不同,可能是由于新旧差异。
Macbook Air M3的显示屏与前代相同,13.6英寸IPS显示屏,具有2560 x 1664分辨率和500尼特亮度。
Macbook Air M3的扬声器声称有所改进,提供更宽的立体声音效。
Macbook Air M3在游戏性能上比M2略快,但由于散热限制,长时间游戏可能会出现性能下降。
Macbook Air M3在Blender等渲染软件中表现出色,但8GB内存可能不足以处理复杂场景。
Macbook Air M3在视频编辑和渲染等持续负载任务中表现出色,尤其是与额外的RAM配合使用时。
Macbook Air M3的Wi-Fi速度测试显示,尽管支持Wi-Fi 6E,但实际速度提升并不明显。
Macbook Air M3的电池续航能力出色,在压力测试中表现甚至超过了M2。
如果用户主要进行网页浏览和观看视频等基本操作,购买M2 MacBook Air可能更为经济。
M1 MacBook Air在Walmart的价格约为700美元,比M2和M3型号便宜,对于不需要最新款处理器的用户来说是个不错的选择。
I'm going to say something controversial
it shouldn't be controversial but a
bunch of you in the comments are
probably going to say it is but if
you're in the market for a Macbook this
is probably the one you should buy this
is the new Macbook Air with fancy topof
thee line M3 processor and realistically
for most people this is more than you
need as with most Apple packaging simple
and sweet oh hey it's not plastic
anymore we've got typical propaganda
also still with the spacer though like
what is this look look at how much empty
space there is in there we've got wait
wo whoo wo there we go stickers thank
you I was worried for a second the day
that Apple stops including Apple
stickers in their packaging is the day
that um we know we have failed as a
society we've got charger brick also in
a glassing bag what is this this is a 30
W USBC power adapter and then the cute
little sleeved mag safe cable type c on
one end mag safe on the other I did get
confirmation for 20 bucks us you can
upgrade to a 70 W single port charger uh
or a dual Port 35 watt charger depending
on what you prefer I would go with the
70 wat because faster
charging on this side we've got the mag
safe charging port for the cable I
showed you earlier along with two USBC
ports these run at Thunderbolt 3 or USB
4 so 40 gig on those there is no
additional USBC ports on the other side
uh like some MacBook Pros uh and it is
going to be the same same configuration
if you have the 13 or 15in air we've got
a headphone jack here which I like to
see on the bottom feet for those that
are interested free of charge ooh I
forgot the M2 air was with the sexy
colors look at that same
iio that hey look same iio damn this is
some this is the same laptop but faster
I guess let me Crack him open hey look
laptop I can tell you already the moral
of this story is going to be to buy a
used M2 MacBook or a Reverb maybe or
apparently Walmart has M1 MacBook airs
for like 700 bucks as for on paper
they're not obviously the same laptop
the big thing you're getting here is the
new M3 chip now we've gone into the
details far more extensively in the
MacBook Pro M3 video but the main
differences are little bit better
efficiency really good performance as
before but even a little bit more better
we've got av1 d coding but not end
coding and uh right Hardware Ray tracing
if you game on your MacBook a or maybe
in in blender I don't know if it
supports it yet but that that could be a
use case and then other than that specs
wise you're looking at pretty much the
same laptop aside from the Wi-Fi 6E
support that they added as well so it'll
be fast on Wi-Fi if you also happen to
have a Wi-Fi 6E router and fast internet
that can take advantage of it oh I
almost forgot there is one more
important Hardware thing on the m2a air
you could have an external display but
only one on the M3 you can now have two
external displays but there isn't really
any hardware Improvement it's still a
single display controller so when you're
using two external displays you can't
use the laptop display that's because
they're mxing the normal laptop display
out through a display output and not
actually giving you an additional
display controller um it is technically
better than the M1 air in terms of
flexibility but not better in in terms
of supporting more displays it's the
same amount they're just giving you the
ability to use the laptop display output
on a separate monitor so it sucks it's
still technically like better than they
had before but but come on on a Windows
laptop you can have like four display
outputs if you want what you can't get
on a Windows laptop is this much
horsepower without the noise at least
that's what I'm expecting unlike you who
didn't expect this segue to our sponsor
apos their white fox eclipse is a
beautifully constructed 68 key
mechanical keyboard that promotes
customizability while sounding and
looking great right out of the box it
has standard hot swappable switches and
Universal keycap compatibility that
you'd expect to see in Enthusiast boards
but where it really stands out from the
crowd is its meticulously designed and
crafted components such as a flexible
PCB with poron switch foam and vibration
isolating Edge gaskets also highlighting
its versatility is the ability to use it
wired or wirelessly the freedom of
customizable RGB options as well as
compatibility with Windows and Mac so
check it out at the link down below and
use code lmg eclipse for 10% off in
theory the keyboard and trackpad should
be the same but let's uh try them out
where is like a notepad app in here
notes my name is Jake and I think this
keyboard is pretty solid it feels really
similar but almost like maybe it's just
because this one is new like this
feels clicker this feels like a just
slightest bit mushier I don't know I
think it's just because it's used and
one is not hard to say trackpad feels
the same it's a nice big size for the
class of laptop everything there looks
the same and is still good we've got the
same display with the notch thought we
were past this thing Apple but all right
why not a dynamic Island H H it's the
same 13.6 in IPS display 2560 X 1664 500
nits brightness not high refresh rate
but a wide P3 color gam it let me do
speaker they sound a little different am
I crazy come here Belle it's okay like
don't get me wrong it is very similar
but like ever so slightly just the
tiniest bit different and it almost just
sounds more distorted on the
yeah actually it is I did notice on the
specs page on the M2 they listed Wide
Stereo Sound and said the M2 sounds
better and they don't list it on this
one I don't know that it's better it
it's it's like so close that you're not
really going to be able to tell the
difference aside from if you were doing
this the one thing I will say you are
losing out compared to a MacBook Pro is
MacBook Pro speakers are obviously a
little bit better the these are still
solid for I mean where even where did
the speakers come from they fire the
speaker out of like here so it it like
bounces at you it's a good design it
works I mean it sounds pretty solid like
and it has sounded pretty solid on this
one too as usual the display is pretty
close to as they specify it seems like
it's a tiny bit brighter uh color
tracking is very accurate that being
said Apple's not really in the position
they once were where they just led the
class Windows laptops are starting to
catch up and in some cases even surpass
Apple but you do at least know that
you're going to get a fairly color
accurate display buying an Apple laptop
not to mention that Mac OS does a really
good job of color management it doesn't
have HDR like the MacBook Pros because
there's no local dimming uh and it's
only 60 HZ which probably doesn't matter
to you realistically it does look nice
on the eyes though well let's talk
performance then what do we got here in
games it is a bit faster you can and
will get slightly more frames than your
friend with a MacBook Air M2 you won't
get more frames than your friend with a
MacBook Pro M3 that's for sure but it
also has two extra GPU cores on that M3
chip and a cooling fan which is going to
make a big difference if you plan on
gaming for more than 45 seconds you are
going to run into a situation where you
will thermal throttle similar to all the
previous mbased MacBook airs if you
think about it in your day-to-day your
web browsing you're never going to
notice that however gaming extended
workloads it does make a difference
there are ways to get around it you know
you could get a a laptop cooling pad or
when you're editing in Premiere and
close the lid and have your two monitors
now haha screw you MacBook Air M2 dude
but it is still worth mentioning that
being said it does also mean that this
machine is silent now don't get me wrong
I would probably use a Windows laptop if
the battery life didn't suck and you
know a couple other things but God damn
Apple really has the leg up when it
comes to that here let's look at the
battery life the efficiency is better so
you are getting even better battery life
in a stress test interestingly the
MacBook Air M3 actually scored better in
the stress test and that's probably
because it's thermal throttling so it's
drawing less power it's not a huge
difference but I guess if you consider
the larger battery it's pretty
noticeable when you're in 12 hours 12
and 1/2 hours in an endurance test
you're already into a situation where
you can't even really complain about it
like like let's be real here that's more
than one and a half work days of
consistently watching YouTube videos now
let's talk productivity in blender uh we
actually couldn't run our typical
blender Barbershop test because it runs
out of memory on these 8 gig models you
actually just can't render that complex
of a scene anymore so if you're planning
on doing anything a little more serious
like video editing regularly let's say
or blender rendering or or whatever you
might want to look at getting more RAM
although the M3 chip does have a
substantial leg up in blender uh they
implemented that months ago already and
so it's widely supported and we can see
it in the numbers the M3 laptops
absolutely Stomp the M2 air and
presumably the pro although we didn't
test that here uh in cine bench little
bit of a performance Improvement kind of
expected to see that in nukex which is a
nearly hourong test depending on what
laptop you have again the fan makes a
huge difference not thermal throttling
makes a huge difference in pett bench
which is a lot shorter of a test sort of
in Photoshop you can see you're getting
pretty much the same performance and
that's because any sort of high load is
typically going to be for short bursts
which the kind of thermal mass of the
chassis of this laptop can absorb when
you go into Premiere which is video
editing where you're going to have a
sustained load well now there's a big
difference especially if you go to
render like a 30 minute long video it'll
go pretty fast and then it'll slow down
and it's also somewhere where having
extra Ram will definitely help you um it
is still faster than the air M2 sure
don't get me wrong but an M3 Pro it's a
faster but overall I mean this is It's a
fast laptop let let me do a Wi-Fi speed
test hey look at this all right open
Speed Test all right 500 500 that's not
bad let me try speed test speed test and
see if it's any different oh look at
that upload speed let's go it faster
than open Speed Test that's weird all
right seems like we're getting around
500 down 500 to 700 up depending on
which service I use for whatever reason
and then let's try WiFi
500 600 it's not really looking that
much better I'm going to be honest with
you I mean 600 600 it is faster than the
5 gig Wi-Fi try the local open Speed
Test see how that goes still about the
same 600 down a little bit faster look
the Wi-Fi on the laptop it's just it's
pretty fast it's not the fastest I've
ever seen but also I tried it on my
phone and it wasn't faster so maybe the
AP is just um I don't know having a day
let's be honest this is a pretty
iterative update do I like it yes it's
still faster if you do blender yeah
probably upgrade but if you do blender
you should probably buy a pro as well uh
it is 100 bucks cheaper than the M2 was
at launch mind you when the M2 air
launched uh we were in a little bit of
of a different Global Supply Chain
situation and that could maybe be a
justification for it but as of right now
it's $100 more than the M2 if all you do
is web browsing and watching memes and
YouTube videos and basic photo editing
like buy an M2 you'd be kind of silly to
buy this it's it's pretty much the same
other than in the situations I laid out
honestly buy an
M1 you don't get the cool colors on the
m and the M3 with the M1 but you can buy
it at Walmart for 700 bucks which is 300
bucks cheaper than the M2 to buy new and
400 bucks cheaper than this one so yeah
if you like this video hit the like
button it's a it's a nice laptop I don't
I don't have anything bad to say about
it it's still realistically expensive in
the grand scheme of things but not that
expensive for what you're getting
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