This Is How They Treat Foreigners In Shanghai 🇨🇳
- 📍 旅行者在上海的繁华地区感受到了人流如织,特别是餐厅区域,热闹非凡。
- 🍴 旅行者计划尝试上海最有名的饺子店,尽管他原本打算尝试面条。
- 🏙️ 旅行者对上海的高楼大厦印象深刻,同时注意到了街头的电动摩托车。
- 🥟 在杨氏饺子店,旅行者体验了当地美食,尽管他不太擅长使用筷子。
- 🤝 旅行者在餐厅与当地家庭进行了友好的交流,并学习了一些中文词汇。
- 🌆 旅行者探索了上海的其他地区,发现了一家名为House of Blues的音乐场所。
- 📸 旅行者在金融广场发现了一尊由著名雕塑家设计的金牛雕塑。
- 🏮 旅行者在和平饭店附近感受到了浓厚的历史文化氛围。
- 🛍️ 旅行者在游览过程中,对上海街头的众多小吃和美食感到兴奋。
- 🍦 旅行者品尝了创新的奥利奥冰淇淋甜点,对其赞不绝口。
- 🌐 旅行者分享了他在中国的旅行经历,以及与当地人的互动给他带来的积极印象。
Q & A
-视频中提到的推荐餐厅是杨氏饺子店(Yangs dumplings),据说是上海最好的饺子店之一。
在这一段中,主持人描述了他在上海的一家饺子店的用餐体验。他提到了饺子的价格和选择,以及他如何与服务员沟通点餐。他点了带有肉类和蔬菜的饺子,并选择了Coke Zero作为饮料。他还提到了与一家友好的中国家庭共进午餐的经历,以及他如何尝试使用筷子和勺子。他对食物的味道和汁液表示满意,并表示希望在离开中国前学会使用筷子。
在这一段中,主持人继续在上海的街头漫步,探索城市的各个方面。他提到了上海的House of Blues和爵士乐,以及他对这些文化场所的兴趣。他还描述了在金融广场看到的雕塑,并对其背后的故事表示好奇。主持人对周围的建筑和人群感到惊叹,并分享了他在拍照和购买纪念品的经历。他对上海的多样性和活力表示赞赏。
hello you're
welcome thank you thank you you're very
welcome wow it just so many people here
this is probably one of the
busiest areas that I have seen while
I've been here in Shanghai and I've been
around this area twice
actually um
it's well a lot of noise but there are a
lot of restaurants here and the
restaurants that I've seen here and I've
noticed here are filled with lots of
people long lines that means you can
trust that place it's kind of similar to
the one that I went to yesterday for
breakfast uh for uh the butterfly
whatever thing I can't remember what it
was called but like a lot of the
restaurants there long lines of people
waiting to taste whatever they are
serving I'm going to be going to a place
that was recommended uh that has the
best noodles in Shanghai not noodles but
the best
dumplings and uh we'll give that a try
but I'm going to just explore as much of
the city uh before I even get to the
restaurant oh yes I I walked around here
yesterday uh just strolling and you know
when you walk around that's the best way
to know and learn about a city uhoh jay
walking we got to wait for the green
green light but dang look at these
buildings tall building a green light
now we can
something that I have noticed also is
that there are a lot of motorcycles here
yes but I think they are either all
electric or they just don't make any
noise see like this one so when they
come behind you you just don't even hear
it hello ni you just don't even hear it
sometimes uh is quite
interesting lung y beef
noodles yeah I went somewhere around
here yesterday but we're not looking for
that we're looking for some great
dumplings and the place that I'll be
going is called yangs dumplings um it's
I think it's a chain restaurant there a
few of them here in Shanghai and I don't
know if it's only found in Shanghai
but that's where we be we that's where I
will be going to get some uh some
yumminess some delicious
munchables can I cross yes I can ooh ooh
that's close oh my
goodness that was close some fruits
there are a lot of stores that sell
fruits here
man close to where I'm selling they're
like three right next to Su other boom
boom boom lots of good restaurants here
and the
restaurants oh man like and the food the
food here is not even
pricey super super affordable food
here in
Shanghai not what I was expecting at
all and as you're walking around here
all you smell are lovely spices I wish
you guys could smell it as well just
nothing but spices and
spices tempting me to to go in
there but we're not going to be eating
hello all right so we're almost at our
destination and oh okay I see it there
ah it looks like it may be
closed is it closed I don't
know if it is closed there are way more
options way more options here like look
at that some some other kind of stuff
with some writings on it what is
that okay now I think the place that I'm
looking for is open
but is it here Yang dumpling oh it is
packed with
people okay so this could be this could
be quite
interesting all right so I'm going get
my Google translate out and ask her what
she recommend get
hello look at that the options right
there 12 Yuan 20 you
on some good
options but like I like I like the
dumplings right there there's some
dumplings right there with some shrimp
in it some I think I'll be going for
something that has some kind of meats in
it 12 I think 12 you want for four
pieces of
hello hello uh eat
huh I want to
order oh okay she's recommending okay
okay okay so this one it looks like it
has Meats in it one order
yes um one that and one this one this
and yeah so one with the meat I think it
has meat and then the one with the
veggies in it as well
hello yes yes yeah eat here and
um something to
drink uh Coke Zero Coke Zero yes Coke
Zero all
right I don't know if that's a lot of
food but your boy starving is it's
already 2:00 p.m. I haven't eaten
anything today so 29 sh
sh number 13 I have my okay thank you o
spoke some English that's cool this is
what it looks like
wow okay now we got to find the seats
oh okay oh
wow my food is ready already and I'm
sitting with the family
this thank
you this is going to be kind of awkward
a little bit hello yeah how are
you thank you thank
you America okay
nice to meet you
hello all right
so she's so cute yes so s yeah your
sister no my sister oh your sister okay
nice nice nice
this is um four you
four 5 years old oh
nice she's so shy yeah
shy all right let me
try now I can't embarrass myself I want
to try to to use uh the uh Chopstick I
don't know how to use it to well let me
that was juicy sorry
about I spilled a lot of the
huh hello how are
you nice to meet
you are you from Shanghai
where you
from where is that is that close to here
oh Wuhan okay okay nice nice to meet you
I'm from America
Texas from
Texas byebye nice to meet
you nice people I love it here in China
man everyone is just friendly
this is so
good I don't know if there was any meat
in it but it is filled with
liquid you got to be careful of that cuz
look I spilled a lot of it on myself and
maybe spilled some on the gentleman as
well but um I got to take my time with
every bite look at
this 10 out of
10 so good they gave me the spoon here
just in case cuz I feel like
I don't know how to use the chopsticks
too well but I will learn before I leave
China I'll be skilled I'll be skilled at
this I don't know how to use
chopstick is it good I think yeah yeah
yeah yeah they say it's good I don't
know if I I'm doing it good
good okay
yeah okay I believe her
I believe you yes of course very good
you all right so let's give it some
try yeah Tik to YouTube No
TI maybe I follow you
you that's it that's it that's
everything that's all I know teach me
how do you say this is
is that
delicious delicious
how that's it but I I want to learn more
I want to
learn really yeah maybe one day I go to
Wuhan maybe uh maybe next year oh next
year yeah are you from Wuhan yeah from
Wuhan yeah from here yeah
I'll go to Wuhan oh wel come is it is it
far from Shanghai far no how many like
kilometers um how far is it from here
Wuhan how many hours
away 500 500
km 500
km maybe I go to Wuhan one day one day
one day maybe um cuz I will come back to
China again this year maybe I go to
Wuhan okay yeah yeah I'll
come when I come you showed me the best
food okay yeah okay okay deal yeah all
right I have a friend you went
to you go to no I'm only in Shanghai oh
I came
yesterday and I'm here this is the first
come yeah yeah I went to Shenyang huh
Shenyang Shen
last Shenyang four years
ago one day I go
to yeah I'll get your WeChat okay and
then uh yeah
I got a friend
now so
good see you next time byebye look
at speaking she speaking English that's
that's cool
hey okay okay
me I'm a Chinese teacher you're a
Chinese teacher
yes I can teach me Chinese yeah okay I
have I have my I have my Chinese teacher
now boom
yeah hello
family byebye byebye
byebye okay okay
byebye thank you very much I love it
here amazing amazing place
yes all right so
now back to eating this yummy
dumpling very
byebye byee
bye byebye
my my grandm my grand father your
grandfather Yeah very handsome yeah okay
byebye see you welcome to thank you show
me around okay back food for sure yes
and the the real power ice you show me
yes okay okay bye
byebye nice
people ooh Some
do I do I need to add
this I'mma add just a tiny
bit let me see let me see how spicy how
spicy this
not really
but food has been in
China 100% so far I haven't had anything
that I've
disliked how long will you play in
China four more days oh just four days
yeah five days in total yeah and go to
America and go to uh Sri Lanka
where Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka yeah
I'm traveling around the world yeah oh
travel all around the world
yeah learned English for five month five
years for 5
years we Filipino cuz they speak good
English in the
yay I was in the Philippines before I
came here to China and everybody speaks
good English there yeah
here not very good where here no it's a
it's okay
okay learn from okay yeah his English is
good really yeah you can you can speak
more I could tell from his accent his
accent is U you sound a little American
American accent a little
bit huh do you watch a lot of American
movies and and
shows yeah his English is good
yeah what is your
name diamond yeah nice to meet you
Diamond my name
can yeah and the food here is
amazing this Chinese Dum yes it's
delicious his favorite is it it is
delicious oh man say English
huh but
not in America in English it's a
dumpling in ch Chinese is what is it in
Chinese oh man I can't do
it difficult to say very
difficult yeah you so
well you can try
yeah thank you this is the first time to
talk with Foreigner really
hey yeah hey is not brave he not brave
hey it's not
sh with fore
and that's understandable the first time
I'm happy to be the first uh Foreigner
that you talk to I'm happy to do we have
do we chat now yeah I I'll confirm
now thank you so much nice meeting you
all and you have so cute and you have my
sorry you have my L chat we can talk
yeah for sure bye
byebye how do you say byebye
huh okay got
byebye byebye all right what a great
experience uh eating some of the most
delicious dumplings that I've had
bye-bye bye-bye some of the most
delicious dumplings that I've had in a
long time now we're just going to walk
these streets these Chinese streets
and see what else happens wow so they
have a house of blues and jazz I know in
where not big big big artists but like
where people go to perform I think uh
they have like open mics and stuff there
as well in America but there's there's
one here in China as well in shangai I
don't know if it's under the same
umbrella I don't know if it's the same
you know the same company or anything
but I remember House of Blues being in
like different cities in America so
cool if but here here if you like some
blues and
jazz can listen to it
here ouch ouch
OU she was uh playing with her little
box in the back and it tapped me on the
leg I had to just act like I got hurt a
bit oh there it
is look at
that be right there oh you can actually
go to
it I
see people up
there I think that's what we're going to
have to do since we're already here
right we're going to have to go give it
a try check it out this is
the I don't know if this is the actual
downtown downtown of Shanghai wow look
at the buildings here now a lot
different from where I'm
that gold building right
there it's
beautiful that Tower right there even
beautiful uh so there's this bull
here it's a touristic Little Bull I
don't know what it I mean I would like
to know more
about this bull why it's here does it
mean anything
does it have any kind of significance
but it seems to
be where people take pictures oh okay
wait I think it's in
English the bond
bu is spe specially made for the bun
Financial Square it is designed by the
world famous sculptor Mr artudo Ugo the
Medica who is also credited as a
designer of the Wall
Street charging pool
okay and that is there's something like
this somewhere
else W Street in New York yeah of course
I was like I know I've seen something
like this before that's cool okay thank
you very
much I know I've seen a buy like that
before but I didn't know hello I didn't
know it was in Manhattan or in Wall
Street uh
wow there are lots of people
woo there are lots of people here this
is definitely a touristic
wow and that is it right there there
this just what everyone is here
wow you're welcome
by thank you thank
you nice to meet
you oh
sorry oh so
here if you want a picture taken you can
get one of them to take a professional
picture with a nice frame uh here and
then you just pay for it here that's
cool um but most people use their phones
now so uh unless again unless they want
to frame the picture and all of that
like right here right now hello then
they can do that there but uh yeah this
is this is nice it's a cool little
touristic trap is it a touristic trap I
don't know but there's so many people
so wow look look at this the number of
people walking on this street this is
the peace Hotel it has some like
historic um significance I guess I don't
know uh but there a lot of people taking
pictures right in front of the P
hotel and also also taking a picture of
that Tower right there that view back
there behind me I don't know if it's
visible on camera but yeah that right
there but man look at
that look at
that thank you thank you you're very
welcome so like here on this
street there just a lot of
souvenirs oh some food after eating the
dumplings I don't know why but I'm still
kind of hungry a
bit sure still kind of hungry a bit oh
what is
that what is that it could
oo so much
food hey hello
so much food like you pick something and
they make it for you hey how you doing
man some fresh fruit juice right
there I have a feeling it's going to be
pricey a little bit here because this is
a touristic
wow oh man this is getting me all hungry
again it's getting me all hungry
wow wow wow wow all I'm saying is wow
because I'm just amazed by how many
different food auctions there are
here but where do I even begin like what
do I get what do I
get oo some
oh that one with the Oreo I'm going to
get that but first I got to get some
like kind of beef or some kind of meat
so I may go for the the beef on the
skewer that I saw at the entrance right
here oh some more dumpling o some beef
or some
octopus I think that is what that is
octopus oh even more beef right there my
thing is that I don't know how to tell
them what I want so I got to go for what
I think looks the best I guess and all
of them look
um yeah one huh beef yes okay okay how
much 35 35 okay 35 is like
$5 yes
please please oh man
sh all right I got my little uh well not
little it's a big steak and
then a cup let's give it a
tryo that is
W what it's good look at the
peppers the peppers on
it I'll eat this right
here so
good so good what is that
uh I think that's octopus
good y you is
hello this is
um that cooked like
good you
you this is so good so good
Hello yummy yummy yummy
yummy now that I'm done with my little
beef on the skewer this right here is
Calling My Name the Oreo anyone that
knows me know that I am addicted to
Oreos hello well me
38 38 is like $5 and
something one
yes we got the oh they're making it from
scratch from scratch
fresh wo
oh I didn't even know there was ice
cream in
it okay I didn't know now some
Oreos oh he's making a a masterpiece he
some chocolate
sh okay now we've got this we got our
sweet now I'll go back to my
friends hello
again hello again hello again oh God
how do you even eat
it you just go for the bite you go for
the kill but look at it
w okay let's try it try to ice cream
with the
woo so good so good so good so good so
the Oreo on
point I love Oreos I've been to some
places in the past where I get an Oreo
ice cream or something and the Oreo
itself is
stale or maybe like expired and they
still serve it not
here and then the waffle
it's been a great great day exploring
Shanghai um I realized
later that the reason why there were so
many people around that area around the
peace hotel and
um looking at the towers and all that
was because today is a holiday um it's a
holiday where they pay respect to their
ancestors and stuff um so
this was pretty much to show how nice uh
people of Shanghai or the people of
China are um even after I was done
recording I got to spend uh some time
with some more some more people we just
walked and talked a little bit more
about uh the culture here and all that
stuff so I mean I've been been here for
a little over 24 hours and it's been
nothing but a great experience so far
man hopefully more of that but I'm I'm
going to go ahead and end this video
here catch you guys in the next video
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