TLDR在这段视频中,Tetsu分享了他所称的“上帝配方”或“魔鬼配方”,这是一种创新的咖啡冲泡方法,使用20克咖啡粉和280克热水。他强调了这种方法的简单性和能够制作出超级美味的咖啡。Tetsu和Uematsu讨论了这种配方的惊人效果,Uematsu甚至表示这是他所见过的最美味的配方。他们讨论了使用这种方法在Brewers Cup比赛中的潜力,以及如何通过调整水温、咖啡粉的粗细和浸泡时间来控制咖啡的风味。Tetsu展示了如何使用Hario的Switch设备,首先用93°C以上的热水进行冲泡,然后在第二阶段降低水温并使用浸泡法来避免提取不愉快的成分。他们还讨论了这种冲泡方法的理论基础,包括如何通过渗透来提取咖啡的风味,并在冲泡的后半部分使用浸泡法来降低水温,从而避免提取不愉快的成分。Tetsu鼓励大家尝试这个配方,并分享他们的反馈。
- 🌟 Tetsu发现了一种他认为可以改变世界的咖啡冲泡“神配方”。
- 🎥 尽管Uematsu和其他一些人请求不要发布这个视频,因为担心这个配方可能会在Brewers Cup比赛中被广泛使用,但Tetsu决定分享。
- 📸 Tetsu在Instagram上轻微透露了这个配方,吸引了许多海外参赛者的关注和提问。
- 🤔 Uematsu认为这个配方比自己之前学过的4:6方法更好,而Tetsu则认为这个配方已经超越了那个。
- 🔥 这个配方不仅美味,而且操作简单,Uematsu甚至形容它为“疯狂”。
- ☕ 配方建议使用20克咖啡粉对应280克热水,采用比平时稍细的研磨大小。
- 🎓 Tetsu强调了基础知识的重要性,认为创新的想法都是从基础知识开始的。
- 🌡️ 冲泡时使用的水温应在93°C或略高于90°C,这有助于提取咖啡的风味。
- 🚰 Tetsu提出了一种新的冲泡理论,即在冲泡的后半段使用浸泡法,并降低水温约20°C,以避免提取不愉快的成分。
- 🕒 冲泡过程分为两个阶段:首先是用较热的水进行两次快速的注水,然后在1分15秒时关闭阀门,直到1分45秒时打开,让咖啡流完。
- 🏆 Tetsu提到,这个配方是他迄今为止发明的最好的配方之一,仅次于他的AeroPress配方和4:6方法。
- 📈 这个配方的特点是口感和余味极佳,甜度与常规冲泡方法不同,且可以根据个人口味调整水温、水的比例、浸泡时间和研磨大小。
Q & A
-一些人担心这个配方如果公开,可能会影响即将参加Brewers Cup(冲煮者杯)比赛的选手们的竞争,因为它是一个非常高效的咖啡冲泡方法。
😀 Tetsu发现咖啡新配方
Tetsu在视频中介绍了他发现的‘上帝配方’,这个配方他计划在下一年的Brewers Cup比赛中使用。Uematsu认为这个配方比之前教的4:6方法更好,不仅美味而且操作简单。尽管有公司和个人请求Tetsu不要公开这个配方,但Tetsu决定分享,因为他认为这个配方非常出色,值得更多人了解。Tetsu还提到,这个配方已经在Instagram上简单发布过,引起了很多海外咖啡师的关注和提问。
😉 调整研磨粗细和水温
😲 利用浸泡法提取咖啡风味
🤩 新配方的卓越效果
💡Switch 配方
💡Brewers Cup
💡Hario Switch
Hello everyone, I'm Tetsu, the man who is loved by coffee
I finally found it, the God recipe
I said it at the opening today
Uematsu: You have taught me a Switch recipe before, isn't it
Is it that one?
(Yes) I don't want to do this video! Can you stop it?
I was thinking using this recipe in the Brewers Cup next year
Tetsu: It is amazing, isn't it?
Uematsu: To be honest, I thought it is better than 4:6 method
Tetsu: In my point of view, it is better than that already
Uematsu: This is the most delicious recipe in all of your recipes that I've even seen
It's not only the most delicious, but also easy
Tetsu: It's the method to make it super tasty without failing
Uematsu: For real, I think you should stop making this vedio!
Tetsu: The world will be changed with it!
Uematsu: Are you really gonna do this? (Yes)
Tetsu: But actually this was lightly posted on Instagram
I got so many questions from someone overseas who are gonna compete in the Brewers Cup
The recipe is really amazing, but
I get a lot of questions asking like what I should do at that moments
That's how top baristas pay attention to this recipe
Well, as Uematsu-kun knows, it is super easy, right?
Uematsu: This recipe is insane! (Isn't it?)
Several people from the companies that I'm coaching
tell me please don't put this recipe on YouTube
(That's true!!)
But by the time this video comes out
Brewers Cup was already finished
That should be fine!
In the first place, it's my recipe!
It's my recipe so I can do whatever I want
It would be nice if I share more and more with this kind of information
When everyone is using this recipe, it would be great to have some feedbacks
I have uploaded a video about brewing coffee with Switch, haven't I
Using Switch with a little trick and it will become more delicious
I think you'll understand if you watch the video at that time
At first, I closed it like this and brew the coffee
Just pour a little hot water on the moment when you open it
to destroy it and it will become better
That's already great
That's really easy and that's fine too
But, when I really thought about the extraction
I found This is correct
I completely thought that the relationship had changed after I found this recipe
Between coffee and I, I realized that I loved coffee so much
I'm the kind of person who can't live without coffee anymore
I keep thinking about coffee
It's like you're falling in love while you're already being loved
So, the recipe today, isn't only The God Recipe, but The Devil Recipe
Uematsu: It feels like that you sold your soul to devil for this recipe
I was shocked when you taught me this recipe
Tetsu: Isn't it insane?
This is The Devil Recipe, it is super easy but you can make super delicious coffee
And I would like to share this recipe today!
Please enjoy it!
It's super easy, 20g of coffee to 280g of hot water
A little less hot water as normal
It's okay to pour 300g of hot water actually
My original recommendation is 20g of coffee
to 280g of hot water
Using a little bit fine grind size would be great
With this Comandante, TBH I have never tried it on Comandante
How fine should it be?
BTW when you leave your hand, the crank doesn't fall, and it is the zero
I'm gonna say as many times as I can
Uematsu: A lot of people keep asking this
Tetsu: This state, isn't zero
Turn it back, it stays, and this is zero
There are people who keep twisting it when it was already zero
Please don't do that
When this nature stays, it is zero
I think every grinder should be the same
I think 20 clicks would be fine for Comandante
BTW, I'm not doing it strictly
So, what should I say?
If you think the flavor is weak, please grind it a little finer
If it is too concentrated, you can grind it courser,
or you can pour more water into it
it will require some adjustments
I'll use 20g of coffee. Let's go!
Looks like a cooking show
Uematsu: Of course I know you are an amazing person
but I'm convinced that he really was a genius
Tetsu: Sorry about that
Uematsu: Although it was so simple
But why I didn't realize that
Tetsu: Yeah, you're right
I think ideas start with basic knowledge
Study is important
The coffee that I use today is the one for practice for Championship
It's not that good grade of coffee
You can buy this quality of coffee with around 100g/7-800JPY(~5.8USD)
It's a regular coffee
One of the good things about the Switch is
If you've used it before, I think you know it
It is often said that the efficiency of the pre-infusion stage can be maximized
It's often said that, isn't it?
Close the Switch like this
and hold all the hot water up there
The previous video about Switch was the same, isn't it
Close it in the early stage and let it bloom
Doing immersion at first
Because it is the Switch, you are able to do that
This was what the previous video about
But when I think about it carefully
This ability to be able to immerse
It isn't for the early stage, is it?
I think you know what I'm meaning
At the beginning, we should let it flow instead of closing it
Like brewing the coffee normally
Let it flow and brew it
20g of coffee in
Let's flaten it
Keep it open
At first, I'll pour 120g of water in two pours
That's about 6 times of the coffee
It's actually as same as the first two pours of the 4:6 method
So, at the beginning, pouring 120g of water, which is 6 times of coffee
of the total 280g of water, which is 14 times of the coffee
Let's go
Uematsu: What is the temperature of the water?
Tetsu: Using 93°C or just above 90°C
It's also important
(It has to be introduced) You're right!
Let me talk about the theory first
This brew method is about
Using percolation to bring out the flavor
The good components of coffee is extracted at the beginning
And there is a characteristic that unpleasant components come out in the latter half
Our challenge is to find a way to make sure that not extracting those unpleasant components
When I think of what should I do?
The efficiency of the extraction when it's closed is actually very bad
It can only extract those components slowly
Immersion should be used in the second half
And I've noticed that
It seems like I sold my soul to the devil at that moment
Also, when I think about how to avoid the unpleasant flavour
The reason why I brought this out is to lower the temperature of the water during the brewing
At the beginning, using above 90°C water to extract the coffee
to bring out the flavor of it
In the second half, after 120g of water, using immersion
and lowering the temperature of the water for about 20°C
It'd be great to prepare two kettles
But you don't have to do that
Lowering the temperature and using immersion to avoid extracting those unpleasant components
Finally, open the valve and let it mix together
Theoretically, it was perfect
Why I didn't notice this before
How long has it been since the Switch launched?
(It's quite a while) With these years
I think I'm an idiot that I didn't notice that
why didn't i realize it until now
At first, I thought that closing it and blooming it like this or that
Am I an idiot?
This valve is for the second half, isn't it?
So I'd show you the recipe today
Everyone is telling me to stop, please stop
Uematsu: I still want you to stop sharing it though
Tetsu: But I'll still do it
It's super easy
Just pour the water casually in the first two pours
The research isn't perfect yet
But changing the ratio of the first two pours,
I think the flavor of the coffee could be controlled
For example, 50g of the first pour, 70g of the second
You can bring out more sweetness
Conversely, I think you can also bring out more acidity
Because it is fine grind, start the next pour after 30s
I've poured 120g of water, havn't I
Add some water into it
When you tired several times, you can adjust the temperature quickly
It's okay to put in a lot into it
The temperature was lowered to 75°C
Poured it 30s by 30s at first, when it goes to 1:15
Close the valve
It's important to not extracting too well in the second half
Pour until 280g
When it's about 1:45
Do you brew like this?
Uematsu: I just followed what you taught me, open it when it's 1:45
(You're right)
And let it drain out
It's so simple that even a dumb person like me can remember it
Tetsu: This is really insane, isn't it?
If you tried it once, you can never go back
Uematsu: I can't go back, I can't do other recipes now
Tetsu: It's really delicious, isn't it?
Uematsu: 4:6 Method is great also, but you need to pour 5 times (yes, yes)
It's a little bit too much for me
Tetsu: The theme for 4:6 is the high flexibility
For this, simple but very delicious
Uematsu: It's perfect for those people do not have too much experience
It would be great if it drained out at around 3:00
It would be nice to finish it a little sooner
That would be fine
Maybe it's too fine
It's okay to stop at 3:00
You don't have to wait more than 3mins
If you do that, there would be hot water in the dripper
When it can't drain within 3mins
The coffee will be more concentrated
but it would be fine to add water after it
Finished! Super Easy!
To be honest, it is the best recipe after
my AeroPress recipe and the 4:6 method
Among the recipes I've invented so far
the Big Two, the AeroPress recipe with 30g of coffee and the 4:6 method
I got the trademark registration for 4:6
But this is the recipe after those
Uematsu: This is really...
I've been in the coffee industry for a long time
It's the first time I've been so shocked to a recipe
This is a recipe that even someone has lots of experience will be shocked
Tetsu: This is not only the God Recipe, but the Devil Recipe
Let's taste it
It's seriously unbelievable that it's so easy but so tasty
Uematsu: Even I've not drunk it, I still feel how tasty it was
The merits of this recipe are mouthfeel and aftertaste are great
The sweetness for this recipe is totally different
(The sweetness and the clean cup also)
It follows the theory well
The recipe is for avoiding the unpleasant taste of the coffee
Because it's immersed at the end, so the mouthfeel becomes round
As same as the 4:6 method
It's only about adjusting the concentration at the second half of brewing
But it's important to make a round mouthfeel coffee
Just immerse at the end and it becomes this delicious
It's the ideal way to use the Switch
You (Hario) can post this on official website
(It's insane) Uematsu: It should be printed at the package of the Switch
Tetsu: This will make any kind of beans delicious
This is literally ideal
So, everyone please try it!
You shouldn't talk about the Switch without trying it
Also, shouldn't talk about me, no one will do it btw
I definitely want everyone to try this recipe
It's easy, but if you want to do it in detail, you can control the temperature
or change the ratio of water
or even change the immersion time or grind size. You have infinite combination
Tetsu: All starts from here
Uematsu: That's why you share this recipe, right?
It would be great if there are people who will arrange this
Maybe everyone will use this recipe for the compulsory service in world championship
Uematsu: I think so
Tetsu: I mean, any kind of beans turned out better
This is indeed a great recipe
This really makes me pround
Uematsu: Thanks for selling your soul to devil (Yeah, you're right)
Tetsu: I indeed sold it but the devil come here to buy
The devil said: Please sell your soul to me
I'm really loved by coffee
Please try it! Definitely try it!
Also, please subscribe to the channel
If you think it was useful
please click the Like button and subscribe to the channel and share it to others
Uematsu: This recipe was really insane
It's definitely better to share to everyone
Tetsu: This is really amazing, please share it
This is for today! Thank you very much!
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