Is Strictly Apple a SCAM?
TLDR在这个视频中,一位消费者对Strictly Apple进行了深入的调查,探索了该公司销售的翻新苹果产品的真实性。他首先购买了多款产品,包括MacBook Air、iPad、iPhone 12以及AirPods Max,并对这些产品的质量、价格和使用体验进行了详细评测。尽管部分产品如iPad和MacBook Air在外观和性能上基本符合预期,但iPhone 12的屏幕划痕严重,AirPods Max则存在卫生问题,需要深度清洁。此外,Mac Pro虽然配置高端,但在实际使用中遇到了性能问题。整体来看,视频作者对Strictly Apple的产品表示失望,认为性价比不高,且在购物体验上存在诸多问题,如退款政策不一致、缺乏及时的确认邮件等。
- 🛒 一位母亲在Strictly Apple网站上为孩子购买了两台MacBook Air和一副AirPods Max,并通过融资选项支付,但整个购物过程和产品的真实性引起了质疑。
- 💻 Strictly Apple专门销售苹果产品,包括Mac、iPad、iPhone、Watch、配件和捆绑销售,同时提供设备出售服务。
- 📦 网站上的产品根据状况分为Clearance、Used、Open Box和Brand New Sealed几个等级,每个等级对产品的描述和保证有所不同。
- 🔍 退款政策在网站上表述不一致,一方面声明不接受退货或退款,另一方面又提到了退货通知和检查,这可能会引起消费者的不信任。
- 📉 价格比较发现,Strictly Apple的某些产品价格并不总是比市场上其他零售商更具竞争力,如使用过的iPhone 15 Pro Max价格比全新产品还要高。
- 🍬 Strictly Apple在包裹中附赠了糖果,虽然是一个友好的举动,但产品质量和性价比仍然是消费者关心的重点。
- 📦 收到的产品包装质量不一,有的产品包装得很好,而有的则使用了一个简单的UPS信封,给人不太专业的印象。
- 🖥️ 2015年款的MacBook Air在外观上存在明显的磨损和划痕,尽管如此,产品描述与实际收到的产品相符,但开机后发现被远程管理锁定,无法正常使用。
- 📱 收到的iPhone 12屏幕划痕严重,与描述的“正常磨损”不符,而且价格比市场上其他同类翻新产品高。
- 🎧 收到的AirPods Max卫生状况堪忧,有异味和脏污,尽管经过清洗后外观得到改善,但发现它们与一个未知的Apple ID配对,存在隐私和安全问题。
- 💻 购买的Mac Pro虽然是2013年的型号,但配置高,价格相对便宜,然而在实际使用中遇到了性能问题,无法流畅处理高清视频编辑工作。
- 🚫 Strictly Apple的购物体验和产品质量控制存在问题,视频中的多个产品未达到预期,导致整体购物体验不佳。
Q & A
视频中提到的Strictly Apple是一家什么样的公司?
-Strictly Apple是一家专门销售苹果产品的公司,包括Mac、iPad、iPhone、Watch、配件、捆绑销售以及提供设备售卖服务。
这位妈妈在Strictly Apple的网站上以低于500美元的价格买到了什么产品?
-这位妈妈在Strictly Apple的网站上以低于500美元的价格买到了两台MacBook Air。
视频中提到的2015款MacBook Air的价格是多少?
-视频中提到的2015款MacBook Air的价格是179美元。
根据视频内容,Strictly Apple的退款政策似乎存在哪些问题?
-Strictly Apple的退款政策在不同地方出现了三种不同的说法,这使得消费者难以获得清晰的退款指引,从而影响了对该公司信任度。
视频中提到的iPhone 15 Pro Max的价格和新旧程度是怎样的?
-视频中提到的iPhone 15 Pro Max在二手条件下的价格是1149美元,这比全新的价格还要便宜50美元。
Austin Evans在视频中使用了什么化名购买Strictly Apple的产品?
-Austin Evans在视频中使用了化名Pierre Luigi来购买Strictly Apple的产品。
Austin Evans在视频中对iPad第九代的评价是什么?
-Austin Evans认为iPad第九代作为基础型号,如果以低期望值使用,作为基本的iPad和儿童内容播放设备,它是完全足够的。
Austin Evans收到的2015款MacBook Air存在什么问题?
-Austin Evans收到的2015款MacBook Air存在外观上的划痕和凹凸不平,以及被远程管理锁定的问题,可能是之前属于学校系统的设备。
Austin Evans对iPhone 12的二手状况有何评价?
-Austin Evans认为收到的iPhone 12虽然是二手的,但屏幕划痕和裂缝的情况非常严重,是他见过的最糟糕的二手iPhone。
Austin Evans对收到的AirPods Max的二手状况有何评价?
-Austin Evans对收到的AirPods Max的二手状况感到非常不满,因为它们不仅有严重的污渍和耳垢,还带有异味,需要深度清洁。
Austin Evans在视频中提到了哪些购买体验上的不足?
-Austin Evans提到了多个购买体验上的不足,包括退款政策的不明确、收到的产品与描述不符、产品包装简陋、以及产品存在功能上的问题等。
Austin Evans对Strictly Apple的整体评价是什么?
-Austin Evans对Strictly Apple的整体评价非常负面,认为这可能是他所体验过的最差的翻新产品零售商,视频中购买的所有产品都没有一个是物有所值的。
🤔 质疑斯特里克利苹果公司的真实性
视频开始于对斯特里克利苹果公司(Strictly Apple)的质疑。一位母亲通过该公司网站购买了两台MacBook Air和AirPods Max,并通过融资选项支付,引起了叙述者的怀疑。叙述者决定亲自探索斯特里克利苹果公司,以验证其合法性,并对其网站上的产品进行了初步评估,发现了一些价格合理的优惠,但也发现了一些不一致的退货政策,这降低了叙述者对该公司的信任度。
📦 斯特里克利苹果公司的开箱体验
叙述者以化名Pierre Luigi购买了斯特里克利苹果公司的产品,并在一周后收到了包裹。包裹中除了所购的iPad和MacBook Air,还有糖果和贴纸,这让叙述者对公司的好感度有所提升。尽管iPad看起来几乎是全新的,但叙述者发现其价格并不比市场上的新iPad便宜。而收到的2015款MacBook Air则符合其“清仓”状态的描述,外观上有多处划痕和损伤,但内部屏幕状况良好。
🖥️ MacBook Air的配置问题
叙述者在尝试配置MacBook Air时遇到了问题,设备被远程管理程序锁定,可能是之前属于某学校系统的设备。经过与斯特里克利苹果公司的客服沟通,叙述者退回了原始的MacBook Air,并收到了一个替换的设备。新的MacBook Air虽然外观上有些划痕,但功能正常,叙述者认为考虑到其“清仓”状态,这个产品是可以接受的。
📱 iPhone 12和AirPods Max的开箱
叙述者继续开箱,发现iPhone 12的状况比预期的差,屏幕有严重的划痕和裂缝。尽管电池健康状况良好,但叙述者认为其外观状况不佳。此外,AirPods Max的开箱体验更糟糕,产品不仅外观脏污,还有异味和耳垢残留。尽管如此,叙述者还是决定进行清洁,并在清洁后发现产品的功能是正常的。
🎧 AirPods Max的清洁和测试
经过彻底的清洁和干燥后,AirPods Max的异味被去除。然而,在尝试配对时,发现AirPods Max已经与前一个所有者的Apple ID配对,这导致了一系列隐私和安全问题。叙述者意识到这可能会导致当前位置泄露给原所有者,因此决定停止使用并退回产品。
😓 斯特里克利苹果公司的其他产品评价
叙述者收到了一个2013年款的Mac Pro,尽管其规格很高,但实际使用中发现它在处理4K视频编辑时表现不佳,存在明显的性能问题。叙述者对斯特里克利苹果公司的购物体验感到失望,认为没有一个产品是真正物有所值的。最终,叙述者决定将Mac Pro放置一边,而其他产品则被认为不适合使用。
💡MacBook Air
💡AirPods Max
💡Mac Pro
一位母亲在Strictly Apple网站上为孩子购买了两台MacBook Air,并且使用了融资选项。
母亲为孩子购买的MacBook Air是旧款型号,价格合理,大约在300美元左右。
Strictly Apple网站上的2015款MacBook Air售价为179美元,提供一年的保修服务。
Strictly Apple的退款政策在不同地方表述不一致,引起了信任问题。
使用条件为“Used”的iPhone 15 Pro Max售价比全新的便宜50美元,这与常规不符。
作者以Pierre Luigi的化名在Strictly Apple上下单,以避免潜在的风险。
Strictly Apple发货过程中没有发送电子邮件确认,这给购买体验带来了不便。
2015款MacBook Air以180美元的价格出售,尽管外观有磨损,但内部功能正常。
iPhone 12以360美元的价格出售,但其屏幕划痕严重,与描述的“正常磨损”不符。
AirPods Max以460美元的价格出售,但收到的产品有异味和污渍,需要深度清洁。
经过深度清洁后,AirPods Max仍然绑定在前一个用户的Apple ID上,无法正常使用。
2013款Mac Pro以450美元的价格出售,尽管配置高,但由于显卡问题,实际使用中表现不佳。
Strictly Apple出售的产品中包括一台曾用于编辑《Daredevil》的Mac Pro,带有Showtime的资产标签。
尽管价格低廉,但Strictly Apple的产品普遍存在问题,没有一件商品被认为是真正物有所值的。
整个购买和使用过程表明,Strictly Apple可能是一个不太可靠的翻新产品零售商。
- The other day, I found out about Strictly Apple.
Look at this.
- [Narrator] This mom is doing
some early school shopping.
- New computers, cool. - So she went to our website
and shop the clearance section
for these two MacBook Airs, - MacBooks, classic.
- [Narrator] And she got both of these MacBook Airs
for less than $500 combined.
And because- - Okay, so less than 500.
That actually is reasonable
'cause those are the older school MacBook Airs.
You can find those things for two, 300 bucks all day long.
- [Narrator] And she said if she's treating her kids,
she's treating herself to a new-
- What do you mean, "She said"?
You got an order, and you're fulfilling it.
This person, this mom who ordered stuff
from your site also gave you her life story?
- [Narrator] And the best part
about it is she used our financing option-
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
If she financed, okay, hold on, hold on.
So let me make sure I'm wrapping my head around this.
So this is a Short that Strictly Apple made.
372,000 likes on a story
about how a mom bought two MacBooks for her children
and pair of AirPods Max,
which probably cost more than both laptops combined,
and then told the whole story about how she financed it too.
That sounds sus.
Let's actually go and check out Strictly Apple,
and see exactly how legit they are 'cause honestly,
you make a Short like this, I'm coming for you.
(keyboard clacking)
Why does Plug Tech show up when I type in,
oh, it's an ad.
Oh, my god.
So Plug Tech has maybe spent the last month
having a great time with my video
and trying to use that as further marketing.
Fair play.
But the fact that they are stealing the SEO
from Strictly Apple is kind of hilarious.
Okay, so we have Mac, iPad, iPhone,
Watch, Accessories, Bundles, Sell your device.
So I will tell you,
they're very much only an Apple company, it looks like.
Let's look at MacBook Air.
That's what they did in the Short.
Let's see what we've got.
So 2015 MacBook Air for 179 bucks.
That's actually a pretty decent deal.
Now they do give me a little bit of information
about what the condition of the device is.
So Clearance is the most affordable option.
"The condition of the device may have bumps,
scratches, and parts may have been replaced,
but it's still operational with one year warranty."
Used is normal wear and tear,
Open Box is pretty much brand new,
and Brand New Sealed is actually brand new sealed.
Oh, oh, here we go.
"We do accept returns for in-store credit
within 30 days of purchasing.
Please see our return policy from our info."
I would love to see this.
"We do not accept return," wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on.
Dude, it says, "We do not accept returns
or refunds on devices," but if I scroll down a little bit,
it says, "We'll notify you when we've returned
and inspect your return."
I want to give these guys the benefit
of the doubt, but the fact
that their refund policy says three different things
in two different places does not fill me with any confidence
that they are trustworthy.
Hold on a second.
iPhone 15 Pro Max in Used condition for $1,149?
You mean it's in Used condition,
and it's $50 less than a brand new one?
Huh? What?
While I can do Open Box for $10 less? (laughs)
How about bundles? You know what, I need a bundle.
I need some bundles. Bundle me up.
The iPhone bundle is two fast chargers.
Sorry, Plug Tech flashbacks intensified.
- You okay? (cast members laughing)
- Oh, my god.
(chargers thud)
So with that, my friends,
I'm going to place a substantial order with Strictly Apple
to see if I can, in fact,
outfit my children with some crappy old MacBooks
and buy myself some sweet headphones,
or whether or not I get scammed.
Well, we'll see how that goes.
We already cut the cameras
and I was just gonna check out with my cart.
They have the option to tip.
I can show my support for the team
by giving them a 5, 10, or 15% tip, which would be $267.
I don't think I've ever gotten a tip screen
for refurbished tech. (laughs)
- [Alex] Gone too far.
- Strictly Apple is really the gift
that keeps on giving, man.
I'm having a great time here.
That's all, I'll see you in a couple weeks
when all this stuff shows up.
And so our Strictly Apple deals are here.
Now it was a little bit of a process to arrive.
So first and foremost, I wanted to outsmart them.
I don't want to order items
from a potentially shady company,
potentially shady company under the name Austin Evans,
just in case they're onto my number
and they seed me some high-quality items.
So instead, I purchased these
under the pseudonym Pierre Luigi.
So all these boxes say Pierre Luigi.
I did not use my official email address
and nothing like that.
You see this package also says Pierre Luigi.
When the UPS person came up to the door, they're like,
"Hey, I have packages for Mr. Luigi."
And I tried not to laugh.
Now it took about a week to arrive, that's fine.
But I never got an email confirmation.
And while I used a different email
that was associated with Mr. Luigi,
that email never got the confirmation.
And in fact, up until these boxes showed up,
I wasn't sure that anything had even be shipped.
I didn't have like my price, my receipt, nothing.
I'll give them a small benefit of the doubt,
but maybe I just mistyped my email or Luigi's email.
But not a great start for our Strictly Apple experience.
Okay, first item is...
(steady music)
- Happy Easter! (laughs) - And a little sticker.
Woo, this is delightful.
Oh my god, it's a HI-CHEW
and Toxic Waste Hazardously Sour Candy.
You know what? - Do you trust that?
- Who would poison Pierre Luigi?
He's done nothing wrong to anyone besides the style police.
I'm not gonna lie, I could be swayed by some candy.
If everyone just gave me some candy in the box,
I'd probably say nicer things.
Thank you, Strictly Apple. A good start, a good start.
All right, let's see what we got here.
So first of all, what I assume is an iPad.
It's nicely padded, I will say.
A little loose in here,
but they've done a lot of bubble wrap, so that's fine.
(steady music continues) (bubble wrap crinkling)
A lot of bubble wrap, all right.
This is our iPad ninth gen.
Okay, so ninth gen, 10.2 inch,
Wifi, 64 gigs, Space Gray, Open Box SL.
What are they calling open box here?
Is that the actual condition of it or is that just
what they call the label? - That is the condition of it.
So they have like different levels,
and that is the Open Box SL. - What's SL?
Do we know what SL stands for? Slightly lost.
So on the back, I mean that looks pretty brand new to me.
On the front, you know what?
That actually looks
like it may be essentially like new in box,
like maybe it literally was in an actual open box sort
of thing and they just wrapped it in this plastic
'cause that physically looks perfect.
How much did I pay for this iPad?
- [Alex] You paid $310.
- Oh, right.
So $20 less than this is brand new directly from Apple.
Okay, I'll set this up, we'll play around with it.
But at first glance, it seems to be,
they seem to have given me exactly what I had asked for
plus some candy, which always is a win in my book.
So I have spent some time with this iPad
and I have a few thoughts.
I actually have not used the base model ninth gen iPad
in quite a while.
This originally came out back in 2021.
And if you are gonna go into it with low expectations,
you know, using it as a basic iPad
and "Cocomelon" delivery device, it's totally fine.
But here's the thing, this iPad is old and feels old,
but the bigger issue is that this iPad is regularly on sale.
Right now, I found it on Best Buy for $250.
So I could get a brand new iPad from Best Buy
for $60 less than I got this open box one for.
So this is not necessarily a great start for Strictly Apple.
Next up, we have what I assume is our MacBook.
Again, very well-padded,
and that I'm gonna have to unwrap it for a minute.
2015 MacBook Air 11-inch.
It is an eight gig, 121,
I assume they mean 128 gig of storage, Core i5.
It's Sliver, so it's my favorite color, and it's Used.
Now if I remember right, they call this Clearance, right?
- [Alex] Yes, Clearance condition.
- Clearance condition.
- [Alex] And as a reminder, this is their lowest.
They claim it's their most affordable option.
The condition of this device may have bumps,
scratches, and parts may have been replaced. (chuckles)
- Well, it's certainly in clearance condition.
We've got a number of scratches,
which definitely you can kind of feel to the touch.
So we've got some around the Apple logo, over on this side,
and on this side as well.
Oh, it's bumpy. Oh my god, it's bumpy.
Look, someone dropped it. It's actually bumpy on the corner.
Yes, I was hoping I would get my bumpy MacBook.
They delivered! - (laughs) Oh, my god.
They were pretty clear that I was getting a bumpy MacBook,
so I'm not too upset.
Let's see, this is the real test,
what the inside looks like.
Well, the hinge is, what's wrong with the hinge?
These MacBooks had one touch open, didn't they,
one finger open, no? - It's probably
'cause it's bumpy on the corners.
It's holding on. - Oh, it's like stuck.
Wait, it's like sticky.
Oh, ew. Okay.
Oh. Well, that actually looks fine.
You know what? That screen actually looks pretty good.
There's one scratch here, so there's a scratch.
It's kinda hard to tell based on light,
but there's a relatively okay scratch on the bottom left.
But that's not terrible.
(Austin sniffing)
Smells clean, I actually think
that Strictly Apple did a pretty good job
of cleaning this up.
I feel okay about this MacBook.
Now how much did I pay
for this bumpy clearance-quality MacBook Air 11-inch?
- [Alex] This costs $180.
- So I guess the question here is not only just how good
of condition this is,
but how usable is a MacBook Air 2015
in the year of 2024?
'Cause it still feels nice, I still like this design.
Well, I mean I think the 11-inch form factor
was really nice, but how usable is this really?
So I'm trying to configure our MacBook Air,
and I've immediately run into a problem.
"Pasco County Schools can automatically
configure your computer."
It is set up with remote management.
Did some kid like not return his MacBook and sell it on,
and Strictly Apple bought it without checking
if it was locked to a school system?
Can I even like fix this?
I actually legitimately don't think I can fix this.
I think it's actually gonna just be locked down
to some school IT system somewhere.
This is not going well. (laughs)
So let's try this again, shall we?
So after I had the problem with the MacBook,
I hit up Strictly Apple's customer service,
and I said, "Hey, I would like to return
or exchange or whatever."
And so they said, "No problem."
We had to go back and forth on email a few times,
but eventually, they gave me a return label.
I shipped the MacBook back to them,
and now I have theoretically my MacBook that has been fixed.
That was what the email made it seem
like they were going to do.
So let's see. You know, it's sealed.
I can definitely just pull the MacBook right out.
In fact, I'm not gonna cut the tape.
I'm just gonna pull the MacBook out.
Now just in case there are shenanigans afoot,
I took a photo of the serial number
so we can double check that it is
in fact the same MacBook or not.
The number's almost the same.
This one ends in GFWM, but mine ended in GFWK.
So they actually gave me a different MacBook.
Yeah, the screen's a little dirty, a couple scratches.
It's not, I would say it's roughly in the same condition.
Oh, I think it's working. Yeah, it's letting me go through.
Okay, so getting into macOS here,
we do have it running Monterey,
which I think is the most recent version of macOS
that this could run.
Shows it's a 2015 model, Core i5,
but it does have the eight gigs of ram.
If I check storage, it is, yep, 128 gigs.
So this is the correct device
that I should have gotten from the beginning.
Considering that this is in Clearance condition,
I think I'm okay with it.
It's definitely beat up, It's definitely not perfect,
and the process to get here was less than ideal,
but I guess I'll begrudgingly give a,
eh, that's all you get though.
All right, next up,
we have an iPhone.
Oh, this looks very different.
Okay, so we've got the iPhone nicely padded,
as well as USB-A to Lightning...
A USB-A to USB-C cable.
(Alex laughs)
Just a reminder, this is an iPhone 12, right?
Like, you know, the one with Lightning.
So it shows the battery health is 94%.
It doesn't say anything about the condition.
It just says C. What condition is this supposed to be in?
- [Alex] It is supposed to be in Used condition,
which is their second to lowest thing.
It's normal wear and tear.
Nothing that you wouldn't expect from a device that is used.
- Let's see our used iPhone 12, shall we?
Okay, that's a screen protector, right?
Look at how (quack) up that is. Can you see that?
Oh my god, that is one
of the most scratched screens I have ever seen.
That's normal wear and tear?
Yeah, if you drag this behind a truck on the freeway.
This, I am not exaggerating what I say,
this is the most scratched iPhone I've ever received
on any of our refurbished videos.
That's a really deep, no, that's a crack.
There's actually a crack in the glass there.
Good lord.
How much did I pay for my used iPhone 12?
- You paid $360. - Nope, nope.
(tense music)
- Just when you're feeling all right about a video.
Just when you're feeling, like you know what?
They bribed me with candy, Pierre Luigi's real happy,
then they spit on my mother's face.
Sorry, Mom. I'll defend your honor.
While aesthetically, it's in pretty rough shape,
but as far as I can tell, it is fully functional.
And with 94% battery life, it actually isn't too bad.
Typically, phones at this age are easily into the 80% range.
So I will give them props there.
So this is a little sample of the video on the iPhone 12.
As you can see, it looks pretty decent.
Now the iPhone 12 was a good generation
because not only did it introduce the flat sides,
but also has 5G, pretty decent cameras, great OLED display.
Like these phones are still very usable in 2024.
But the problem is,
is that Back Market sell the exact same phone for $100 less.
So you could get this for 260 instead of $360.
Look, I'm starting to feel a little bit bad
for Strictly Apple, I'm not gonna lie.
I don't mean to punch on them so badly,
but I'm struggling to stay positive here
because (sighs) I just,
I don't have anything good to say.
I'm afraid of what's next. (laughs)
Okay, so this item is in a UPS mailer.
So that's an interesting way of packaging it.
I expect this if I'm buying something from eBay.
Buying something from a reputable retailer,
and just like a UPS envelope is maybe not the greatest look.
But inside, we have AirPods Pro.
- [Alex] You called this the AirPods Pro.
- Wait, that's because they did say AirPods Pro.
It says AirPod Pro on it, I just read it.
I just Ron Burgundy'd it, I just Ron Burgundy'd it.
Oh no, the AirPods Max. - I thought you're
having a stroke. (Austin laughs)
- I'm a little afraid though
because based on the condition of the iPhone in Used shape,
these are things that are not only going
to go directly on my ears, but also very expensive.
So if these are gross and scratched and disgusting,
I'm gonna be real grumpy.
Let's take a look, I'll say though,
I've actually never seen the green AirPods Max in person.
They're very green.
- [Joanna] I like the color.
- [Austin] I do too. Oh, it smells bad.
- Oh, my god. - Oh!
It just smells directly like someone's stinky-ass head.
There's no other way to describe it.
Oh dude, you can see look how dark the earcups are.
Do you see this?
Look, it's maybe a little hard to see on camera,
but like you can see how like they're dirty.
Oh, no! There's the earwax on the inside.
Oh, god. - Ew.
- How much did I pay for these used Stink Pros 9000?
- They were $460. - Oh!
- for Used condition. - Oh, so bad.
- On eBay, I'm seeing AirPods Max, used,
but obviously these are in Used condition, for 250 to $300.
And we paid $460 for these.
I bet the eBay ones don't smell as bad as these do.
So I'm gonna have to,
and I really hate that I have to say this, scrub,
deep clean, and find some way
of making these not disgusting.
And then I'll evaluate how bad of a deal I got.
So before I try to evaluate my AirPods Pros,
I'm going to bring in a pro to help me sanitize them.
Ken, you've cleaned some AirPods Maxes in your day, right?
- Yes, I actually have the white version of these,
and they stain like crazy.
No matter how clean you are,
they will just yellow at some point.
- Well, take a look at these.
- Were they originally green or?
- (laughs) They were originally green.
- Oh. (chuckles) (Austin laughs)
- You moved it, and it literally like wafted my direction.
- Oh, those look crusty, woo.
Bro. - Take 'em off, look inside.
(Ken coughs) (Austin laughs)
- Is that mold?
- I think it's earwax, I'm not sure.
It's not good, whatever it is.
(relaxing music)
- So this might be the most aggressive way of doing this,
but I wanna make sure
these are clean. - This is a case
for aggressive measures.
So after giving the headphones 24 hours to dry out,
they still smell bad.
So we're gonna do a Tide Pod this time.
Ken said that the Tide Pod works really well for-
- Yeah, they taste way better.
- We're gonna clean headphones for a while.
So we'll see you again tomorrow once they have been washed
and dried a second time.
It has been two days of washing, drying,
washing and drying these.
Matt, you're an unbiased nose. - So I have not seen
when they were dirty.
- Oh my god, it was so bad.
Why don't we start out with the simple one.
Evaluate the actual earcups.
(Matt sniffing) - You smell,
you sniff like a dog. (laughs)
- Trying to get the full effect.
- [Austin] Lovely, okay.
- Great. - Like actually
almost pleasant. - Next up, the headband.
This smelled like, well,
just tell us what you think about it now.
- Very Tide. I like it. - Yes, it is.
- Mm, again, not bad cleaning.
- [Austin] The earcups were the dirtiest.
- 'Kay, they're the smell is gone.
- No, actually it's gone. - Are we good?
- Is it really gone? - It's gone, yeah,
it's gone, it's gone.
- It's actually gone. Okay. - Yeah.
- So let's put this all together
and see if it actually wants to work.
How do I pair these AirPods?
- You just- - Oh, they're blinking.
- Do I just pull out a phone?
- [Matt] Yeah, you pull your phone and...
- Okay.
- Connect Pauly D's- - You are the worst
tech YouTuber ever. - Well, no, I don't know
if these have been reset or whatever,
if they're trying to be paired or what do I do to get-
- Did you not try these out before you did all this?
- No, they were still
actually terrible- - Why, what?
(Ken laughs) Wait, wait, wait.
So you didn't even test to see if they worked?
- No, no, no. - You put in two days of work.
- Yes.
Dude, when we opened the bag. It was so disgusting.
No one wanted to put this remotely near their faces.
- Then you, oh my god. - Joanna used gloves
to touch them for the B-roll.
- We actually could not use them without being
like a mile away. - Joanna uses gloves
to high five you two.
That's not saying much. (Ken laughs)
- Connect. - Cool, that's been spoofable
for a while.
- Okay. Oh, no!
"The owner of this item will be able to see its location.
You are connecting to an item that's paired
to someone else's Apple ID, R, blank, blank, blank, @gmail."
(phone thuds)
Goddamn it!
We did all that work, it's still been, oh!
- So it wasn't Pauly D, it was Ronnie.
- He just definitely got a notification saying
that Austin has paired his AirPods Max.
Goddamn it. - Now he knows
where our office is. - He actually 100%
has our current location. - Oh. (laughs)
- I'll get the storm shutters.
- He fished himself.
- He's gonna come back
for his damn AirPods. - Yeah!
You just did all the wrong things all back to back to back.
- I do think I just did a crime.
I'm pretty sure I just did a crime.
- Yeah, you are now.
We are accessories because we watched you do it.
- Okay, well, time to take these back apart
and throw them in the river
and we will move on. - No, what we do is we put 'em
on a bus going southbound.
(Ken laughs) Let them track it.
I feel like they're bleeding more than other Maxes.
- [Austin] No, he just listen to 'em really loud.
- [Matt] He does listen to headphones really loud.
- Well, it surely can't get any worse than this, right?
Now I definitely know what this item is,
and it's something that I have a very close attachment to.
This, my friends, is the one and only trash can...
"Daredevil" edit 10 from Showtime Networks.
- [Alex] (laughs) Asset tag.
- [Joanna] They didn't even take it off.
- Did this Mac Pro edit "Daredevil"?
So I think what happened here is
that someone pulled this straight outta the edit bay,
and shipped it off to some wholesale or whatever,
and eventually, Strictly Apple got their hands on it.
But this tape and this packaging has definitely been on here
for a like a number of years.
You only see super old tape literally like peel
up like this.
So we've got ourselves the Mac Pro,
and if we come around to the side,
they've added a sticker to it.
2013 Mac Pro, 64 gigs of RAM, one terabyte SSD,
i5, which clearly not Core i5, 12 core,
2.7 gigahertz processor, and D700 GPUs.
So I'm gonna crack it open.
The nice thing with Mac Pros is they're very easy to
(Mac Pro rattling)
open, they're really easy to open.
- [Alex] This was in Clearance condition,
their lowest condition item.
- Great, Clearance condition, AKA it doesn't come up,
which is fine-ish 'cause I mean I technically don't have
to open it, I just wanna see it, but good lord.
I don't know what this would've cost brand new.
I would not be surprised if it was close to $10,000.
It's probably like at least eight or nine grand
to essentially max out the Mac Pro, short of the SSD,
which I think, I mean the one terabyte was still huge for,
you know, over a decade ago.
Since I can't open this one, let me show you my Mac Pro.
This is my original 2013 Mac Pro.
As you can see, this one opens up very nicely,
and what you'll see is a very unique internal design.
So we actually had two individual graphics cards,
and this side right here was where the CPU went.
It was a cool design because essentially,
it used a single fan to sort of push all the air
through a thermal core.
How much do we pay for our Clearance condition,
Daredevil-spec Mac Pro?
- [Alex] $450.
- Less than the AirPods Max for a multiple thousands
of dollar Pro system straight out of the edit bay of Netflix
or wherever this came from.
So I'm gonna fire up this Strictly Apple Mac Pro,
and we'll see exactly what I can do with it
and if there's any Netflix proprietary information on it.
And if there is, you know where to find me.
My name is Pierre Luigi and my address is...
So we have been putting this Mac Pro to work.
Rio, is this 10-year-old Mac Pro just filling you
with delight as you edit this 4K 2024 footage?
- Oh, it really is. - Is it really good?
Yep, it's just great.
(Rio chuckles) - Sweet as butter?
- No. (laughs) - Okay.
So the setup here is that we've got the Mac Pro.
Now I did use OpenCore patcher to update
to the latest version macOS.
Technically, this Mac Pro is like one year out of date.
They just dropped support for it.
So I did do that, and we are using our server.
So we've got a Thunderbolt 2 to 10-gig ethernet adapter,
so we are running off of the network.
So you're working through the video
that you're watching right now.
How are we feeling?
- Well, I can almost not even watch it fully through
without it just lagging. - Is it that bad?
- [Rio] And then it started doing a weird glitch too,
which is just great.
- So this is not a usable setup.
At least it would be usable
if we were like gonna do a proxy workflow
or using like older cameras 'cause we shoot to like H.265,
which is a very compressed codec.
(sighs) I really wanted this to work.
- I also wanted it to work. It looks so cool.
- It's so cool, right?
So the Mac Pro, I'm not gonna give it a pass.
I mean, if you really need a system with like 64 gigs of RAM
and blah, blah, blah, like, okay.
But like it's no longer supported.
I love OpenCore patcher,
but especially with something like this,
which already had graphics issues right outta the box,
the fact that we are using old,
old drivers is not gonna help anything.
Look, I wanna like it,
I wanna say nice things about Strictly Apple.
Considering how much money I spent
on the items in this video,
the fact that I still feel bad about being mean
to Strictly Apple really should say something
about the quality and the prices.
I don't think there is one item from this entire video
that was actually good and worth it.
Like literally outta everything, nothing was a good item.
This might be the worst refurbished store we've ever shopped
on and that's saying something.
All right, do you wanna go back to like using a good system
and finish editing this video so people can watch it?
- Yes, please. - And I'll take the Mac Pro
and build a shrine to get the lost.
- Okay, with Oscar the Grouch?
- Yeah, he can stay in there.
He lives in the trash can where he belongs
and where almost all the items
from this video belong. (laughs)
4.9 / 5 (49 votes)

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