🚨 Bernie Sanders issues BAD NEWS for Trump ahead of election
- 🇮🇱 参议员桑德斯强烈反对拜登总统对加沙地带冲突的处理方式,认为以色列没有权利对整个巴勒斯坦人民发动战争。
- 🤔 桑德斯呼吁人们在选举中深思熟虑,不要因为对拜登在加沙问题上的不满而转向支持特朗普,因为特朗普在女性权利、气候变化和医疗保健等问题上的立场更为极端。
- 💰 桑德斯指出,尽管美国经济指标强劲,但许多人并未感受到经济的好处,特别是对于顶层1%的富人来说,他们的收入和财富达到了历史最高水平。
- 📉 桑德斯提到,尽管通货膨胀率下降,但物价仍然上涨,普通民众在杂货店的花费更多,这影响了他们对经济的感受。
- 👵 桑德斯强调,必须保护老年人的权益,反对任何削减社会保障、医疗保险和医疗补助的企图。
- 👶 桑德斯对特朗普关于女性堕胎权利的立场表示震惊,认为这是对女性权利的严重侵犯,并强调拜登在保护女性选择权方面立场坚定。
- 🏛️ 桑德斯警告说,共和党越来越倾向于右翼极端主义,并且有些人不信任民主,这可能会破坏美国的民主制度。
- 🗳️ 桑德斯认为,为了保护美国的民主,必须确保选举基础设施得到适当的资金支持,以防止选民被恐吓或选举过程受到破坏。
- 🏦 桑德斯批评了亿万富翁通过超级政治行动委员会(Super PACs)或直接资助选举的做法,认为这破坏了一人一票的民主原则。
- 📉 桑德斯提出了将工作周缩短到32小时的法案,以应对工人长时间工作和生产力提高而工资停滞不前的问题。
- 💊 桑德斯对制药公司在美国和其他国家之间药品定价的差异表示关注,并强调需要采取措施降低药品价格,以减轻民众和政府的负担。
Q & A
-桑德斯参议员批评了金钱在当前政治中的影响,特别是亿万富翁通过超级政治行动委员会(Super PAC)或直接资助选举的能力。他支持进行根本性的竞选资金改革,以实现公共资助选举,而不是由亿万富翁资助选举。
😀 对当前政治形势的看法
Bernie Sanders 参议员讨论了即将到来的选举的重要性,对拜登总统在加沙地带问题上的立场表示强烈反对,并强调了美国人民,特别是年轻人和有色人种年轻人的反对意见。他批评了以色列对巴勒斯坦人民的军事行动,并指出了加沙地带的人员伤亡和基础设施破坏。Sanders 呼吁不要因为对拜登的不满而转向支持特朗普,而是应该继续选举进步派政治家,并建立一个要求拜登政府关注工人阶级、环境和外交政策变革的政治运动。
😠 经济问题与社会不公
Sanders 参议员指出,尽管经济指标显示强劲,但许多人并未感受到经济的好处,特别是对于顶层的1%和亿万富翁阶层。他强调了美国日益增长的收入和财富不平等,以及需要总统制定一个应对强大特殊利益集团、收入和财富不平等的议程。他还提到了 Lena Khan 作为 FTC 主席在打击垄断和支持工人阶级方面的成就。此外,Sanders 对特朗普关于女性堕胎权利的立场表示震惊,批评了共和党试图剥夺女性的基本权利。
👴 老年人权益与社会保障
讨论了共和党对老年人权益的威胁,特别是 Eric Hy 声称住在养老院的老年人生命预期只有五六个月,因此不应该投票的观点。Sanders 强调了社会保障、医疗保险和医疗补助的重要性,并批评了特朗普和他的共和党同事提出的削减这些福利的计划。他提出了通过取消对社会保障的薪资税上限来解决信托基金的可持续性问题,并扩展福利,同时确保大多数美国人不需要支付更多的税款。
🗳️ 选举基础设施与民主
Sanders 参议员强调了保护选举基础设施的重要性,批评了共和党试图不为选举基础设施提供足够资金的行为,并指出这可能导致选举管理不善,给散布虚假信息的人留下攻击的空间。他讨论了共和党人如何通过拒绝资金、减少投票站、恐吓地方选举官员等手段来破坏美国的民主。Sanders 呼吁确保有足够的基础设施,让每个符合条件的选民都能方便地、无需恐惧地投票。
💰 亿万富翁与政治献金
讨论了亿万富翁对政治的影响,特别是他们通过超级政治行动委员会(Super PACs)或直接购买选举的方式来支持或反对候选人。Sanders 批评了这种做法,并强调了需要进行根本性的政治资金改革,提倡公共资助选举,而不是让亿万富翁资助选举。他还提到了共和党候选人在各州的竞选情况,以及这些候选人如果当选对参议院的潜在影响。
💼 工作时长与药品定价
Sanders 参议员介绍了他提出的每周32小时工作制法案,以及他对制药公司Novo Nordisk的调查,该公司生产的糖尿病药物在美国的价格远高于其他国家。他批评了美国的工作时间长和制药行业的定价策略,强调了需要改变当前的劳动标准法,以反映工人生产率的提高,并要求制药公司公平对待美国消费者,而不是通过高价剥削。
now we've got Senator Bernie Sanders
thanks so much for taking the time my
pleasure good to be with you you too uh
we've got the most consequential
election of our lifetimes coming up
after what was already the most
consequential election of our lifetimes
in the 2020 election but President
Biden's now contending with waning
enthusiasm from young people and
progressives um as the result of Gaza
and and Israel for example what do you
say to those people who right now feel
like they want to punish Biden at The
Ballot Box in November by either voting
against him or not it all well Brian
that is maybe the most important
question that we can discuss so let me
be clear I strongly strongly strongly
disagree uh with President Biden over
his administration's approach to what's
going on in Gaza uh in my view and I
think uh that view is shared by a strong
majority of the American people
especially young people uh often young
people of color uh the reality is that
while Israel has every right in the
world to respond militarily to the
terrorist attack by Hamas they do not
have the right to go to war against the
entire Palestinian people and that is
precisely what we are seeing right now I
think as we speak close to
35,000 Palestinians have been killed
over 77,000 have been wounded that is
more than 5% of the entire population
infrastructure destroyed destroyed
education destroyed Health Care System
destroyed and right now we're looking at
the possibility of hundreds of thousands
of children starving so I think the
president is dead wrong on that issue
and I did my best to make sure and will
continue to do my best to make sure that
Israel does not get US military aid to
continue that war having said that I
would hope that people in response to
your question take a deep breath and say
okay okay what are our options here we
disagree with Biden on
Gaza uh we're going to look at Donald
Trump well Donald Trump is a
pathological liar uh Donald Trump is a
guy who does not believe that women have
a right to control their own bodies uh
he is somebody who thinks that climate
change is a hoax somebody who has said
incredibly bigoted and and racist uh
remarks who wants to give Mass of tax
breaks to billionaires who wants to
throw millions of people off of
healthcare that is not an alternative
what is the alternative the alternative
is to continue to elect progressives to
the house and occasionally to the Senate
uh build a political movement which
demands that Biden starts addressing the
needs of working people the environment
and changes his views on foreign policy
to that point can you speak about the
ability to move Biden versus the ability
to move Trump for some fol folks look I
think both Trump and Biden are good
politicians that's all and you're in a
political moment they listen to people
if you think that uh Biden's people are
not concerned with the numbers that they
are seeing where young people who used
to be supportive of a democratic nominee
are increasingly less supportive if you
think they're not paying attention to
that you'd be dead wrong so I think
we've got to continue the pressure and
in my view the pressure right now is to
say to president Biden okay you won your
vote to get more military aid to Israel
but you don't have to release that until
Israel does AB c and d and that is most
importantly uh end this humanitarian
disaster which could lead to the
starvation of huge numbers of people now
to a similar Point we've got an economy
right now with some really strong
indicators inflation is is is down from
where it was real wages are up
employment's at uh under 4% for the
longest stretch in half a Century stock
markets at an all-time high record job
growth but for a lot of people in this
country they're not feeling its effects
and while inflation is down for example
prices are still up generally so how do
you approach this issue for folks who
who who simply enough say I'm paying
more at the grocery store this cereal
was cheaper When Donald Trump was in
office uh the economy today is stronger
than it was when Trump was in office for
all of the reasons that you gave you
know we take take it for granted in my
state of Vermont right now you know what
our major economic crisis is right now
it is the labor shortage good problem to
have yeah well it's not I mean it really
is impacting our economy we don't have
enough workers and that is true in many
parts of of the country but that is a
much better problem to have than to have
millions of people who are want to work
and unable to find jobs uh what we have
I think what people are dealing with and
you know Brian there are a lot of you
know people's attitudes are shaped by a
lot of things they are shaped by the
pain that we went through with covid are
they're shaped by the fears that we have
with regard to climate change what kind
of planet will we have for our kids and
our grandchildren they're shaped by
racism and and bigotry uh they're shaped
by a lot of things and I think right now
uh when people are looking at the
economy what they are perceiving I think
correct ly is yeah the economy maybe
yeah it's okay but it's doing really
well for the people on top and that is a
point that we don't make often enough in
fact the 1% in America the billionaire
class have never ever had it so good not
in the history of this country more
income and wealth inequality than we
have ever had three people owning more
wealth in the bottom half of American
society richest people getting much
richer so I think what the president has
got to talk about is say all right look
we made some progress on the economy
we're rebuilding our infrastructure
that's good making some progress
lowering the cost of prescription drugs
and issue I have worked on uh that's
good we are for giving by the way a lot
of student
debt I don't know if you're aware of it
but we're talking about
millions of young people whose lives
have been transformed I talked to a
woman I was at the Morgan State a couple
of weeks ago uh and she was faculty
member $80,000 in debt removed
transformative for her life all right
that is true for I talk to people in
Vermont same thing uh we got to talk
about that but most importantly we have
got to demand that the president come up
with an agenda that takes on powerful
special interest income and wealth
inequality and by the way I don't know
if you've had the occasion to talk to
Lena Khan from the
FTC have you had that occasion no I
haven't spoken to her it's a worthwhile
discussion she's doing a tremendous job
best FDC chair we have ever had in
breaking up monopolies uh and standing
up for working people so we have made
some progress but I do understand the
reality that today real inflation
accounted for dollars are no better than
they were 50 years ago despite all of
the uh increase in productivity that
we've seen now uh another issue that
really has impacted people across this
country is obviously the issue of
abortion in recent interview with time
Donald Trump came out and expressed
support for allowing states to monitor
women's pregnancies so that they can
know if they've gotten an abortion after
a ban was put in place can I get your
reaction to that I mean what can I say I
mean you know what can you say
monitoring women's pregnancies in the
land of the free I mean it is you know
unspeakable uh and you know clearly what
uh Trump and many of his Republican
colleagues are about
are at war with women's rights trying to
roll back the gains that women have
struggled for for so many
years uh but the idea that after women
had won the constitutional right what we
thought was the constitutional right to
be able to control their all bodies you
got a supreme court uh undermining
overturning roie Wade and you got States
all over this country in my view just
humiliating women by taking away basic
rights so you know when we talk about
one of the issues of this campaign let's
be clear uh Biden has been very strong
on trying to protect uh a woman's right
to control her own body uh and Trump and
the Republicans have been absolutely
disastrous and I would hope people
perceive and understand that as we go
into the election I think what's
especially crazy too is that they're
making this decision uh on on the heels
of what was it 10 15 years ago uh
fearmongering about death death panels
in response to the ACA and they said you
couldn't possibly allow government to
get between a woman and her doctor
because they'll decide you know who
lives or dies and now you have
government in between a woman and a
doctor deciding who can get life-saving
medical treatment and who can't just
because you know theocrats want to to
kind of impose their religious will onto
people who don't want it I mean that's
that's absolutely right and above and
beyond that look it is not Donald
Trump's decision or some you know
politician's decision to determine what
is best for a woman and her family
that's a decision between her and a
doctor in my view and of discussion you
know Trump does seem to get away with
being a moderate on this issue or
perceived as being a moderate on this
issue because of his background as this
New York Playboy who probably himself
paid for abortions despite his support
of the most Draconian abortion bans in
the history of this country what do you
say to people who give him a pass or or
write off his extremism on this issue
what I say is that Donald Trump has
boasted about appointing the three
Supreme Court Justices who helped
overturn roie way and set back women's
rights in a very in in the most
significant way that we have seen in
modern history so anybody a who believes
anything that Trump says I would
question anything he says uh but be
clearly this is a man who boasts about
overturning roie white similarly he
skates by on the issue of earned
benefits despite the fact that when he
was president his own budgets literally
cut Social Security Medicare and
Medicaid what would happen to those
programs that Americans have paid into
for their entire lives if Trump again
takes office well it's not just him it
is his Republican colleagues here in the
house and the
Senate um what they are floating are a
number of ideas uh to cut benefits and
their argument is that the uh Social
Security trust fund faces uh insolvency
well there is a way to deal with it
which is the proper way right now is I'm
sure you know
Brian uh if you make
uh60 more or less I think
$165,000 a year okay your Cas I make $16
million year guess what we both both pay
the same amount of money into the Social
Security trust fund that's absurd so at
a time of massive income and wealth
inequality the tax system that funds
Social Security is totally regressive
you lift that cap you can expand the uh
benefits that many seniors get a lot of
seniors in this country are struggling
trying to get by in $1 15,000 $30,000 a
year which is really hard but if you
lift that cap you can extend the
solvency of social security for
years and the overwhelming majority of
the American people would not pay a
nickel more in taxes that's what we got
to do on the issue of seniors just as a
quick aside there's a guy named Eric Hy
and he's running against Tammy Baldwin
in Wisconsin in the Senate he said that
if you're in a nursing home you only
have five or six months life expectancy
and that nobody in a nursing home is at
a point to vote that was a direct quote
from him which I thought maybe uh
Senator Sanders we can chalk up to like
a gaff but then I found out that the
bank that he leads was named as a
codefendant in a California lawsuit that
accuses a senior living facility partly
owned by Hy's Bank of elder abuse
negligence and wrongful death so uh do
you think a guy like that is going to
protect earn benefits for seniors who
he's just decided to put on death row by
Fiat I mean you know some of the things
I mean one of the things I think that
concerns the American
people is
the growing
extremism of the Republican party I mean
there used to be years back kind of a
center right party there were strong
disagreements between the left and the
right but they have become a right-wing
extremist party so when you have a
candidate for the United States Senate
what implying that seniors and nursing
homes shouldn't be able to vote or what
was his point is that his point yeah
just that just that they're basically uh
like waiting to die that they've only
got a couple months left to live if
they're in a nursing home anyway and
they're not at a point to vote is what
he said I mean that is you know and
these are probably the same mentality as
young people are not at a point to vote
people of color are not at a point to
vote yeah I mean this is what we mean
you started this discussion off by
mentioning that this is the most
consequential election in our history
and I know people say oh I've heard it
again I've heard it before you say this
every election well this is what we're
talking about we are talking about a
party and I don't want to say it's true
of every Republican because it's not but
you are talking about a party which
increasingly does not believe in
democracy the right of all people
whether you're elderly whether you're 18
whether you're black whether you're
white whether you're Latino to fully
participate in the political process
this is a party which has a number of
people who look to Putin as an example
of what quote unquote democracy is about
uh so when we talk about this coming
election and while many people are not
enthusiastic about Joe Biden Joe Biden
does believe in democracy uh Trump in
many ways does not you know there's this
inity a scheme to that exact point
that's happening right now where
Republicans are looking to refuse to
fund our election infrastructure they're
looking to zero it out as a line item in
the Congressional budget for 2024 last
year there was 55 uh million allocated
what we actually need to be able to
properly fund our election
infrastructure is $400 million can is
there any anything that you can say
about about the the likelihood of our
election infrastructure being properly
funded in the upcoming budget so that we
don't uh have our whole system fail so
that our election Administration can go
off properly so that the the purveyors
of disinformation don't have a predicate
to point to a bungled election and say
look we told you it was rigged now we
just got to take it over ourselves and
do it the right way which of course is
going to include you know Banning
dropboxes voter suppression reduced uh
polling places on minority majority
precincts and on and on right uh I think
you hit the nail right on the head uh
and that's what Republicans do if you
don't fund something and running you
know elections in 50 states in this
country uh is not easy and the one thing
that you didn't mention in your list of
things that Republicans are attempting
to do is intimidate local election
officials you know I know in Vermont you
know you and all over the country you
have people who just volunteer you know
they volunteer to come and to count the
ballots and often you know Democrats and
Republicans sitting around they getting
along and what these people are doing
now some of the right-wing extremists
are literally intimidating people uh
making you know outrageous charges
against them so the people say who needs
this I'm a badia yeah you know what do I
need to be insulted or
attacked uh you know so I I think the
point to be made is democracy will not
disappear in this country by Fiat by oh
hey guess what no more elections that's
not the way it will happen it'll happen
because voter officials are intimidated
people are not able to vote uh or make
it harder for people to vote uh where
people are uh uh videoed as they walk
into a polling Booth we got you you know
you're voting you know and people say
hey it's not worth it why will I vote if
they're going to be I'm going to be
videoed I'm going to be harassed so you
got a whole Litany of activities on the
part of the right which are basically
trying to undermine uh American
democracy and is there a proper effort
to make sure that our elections are
funded to the degree that they need to
be in some of us are absolutely some of
us are if you believe in democracy you
want to make sure that there is the
infrastructure available to make sure
that every eligible voter in America can
cast his or her vote without fear in a
way that is convenient you know some of
us believe that it is a good idea to see
large vter T Nots to encourage young
people and and you know everybody to
participate it's called democracy there
are other people who are moving in
exactly uh the other direction I want to
go back to the senate for just a moment
the the Republican party's candidates
right now include in Wisconsin that
California multi-millionaire Banker who
I just referred to before Eric Hy in
Pennsylvania they're running Dave
McCormick from Connecticut who is doing
the whole I grew up poor stick and yet
the guy grew up in what's referred to as
the president's mansion in Montana
they're running a Minnesota guy who grew
up in a multi-million dollar lake house
what's at stake in the Senate if this
slate of Republican candidates is
elected well I hope everybody knows and
I'm not sure that they do that in the
Senate we have the Democratic caucus has
the slimmest of slim majorities it's 51
49 uh and um if we were to lose that
majority if the Republicans uh were able
to gain control over the house uh and
win the presidency uh it would be an
incredible disaster uh in my view for
working people for uh uh environmental
policy for women's rights uh Etc uh so
right now you have a number of elections
in Battleground States uh where
Democrats are fighting hard uh to get
reelected Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin
John tester in Montana Bob Casey uh in
Pennsylvania uh among others uh and they
need all the help uh that they can get
now moving over to the house and I know
this isn't your the other point I'm
sorry I wanted to say Brian the other
point made I should have picked up on
your point you're talking about you know
very wealthy people running for office
and all of that speaks to something else
that the Republican party has managed to
do and that is it's not only
overthrowing uh roie Wade they
overthrew citizens united so right now
and I hope everybody understands it we
are living in a very corrupt political
system where any billionaire who wants
to s a super pack can spend hundreds and
hundreds of millions of dollars to elect
or defeat candidates that they want uh
and when you're talking about
billionaires running for office they
don't even need a super pack right just
buy the election themselves right but I
would hope that most of us understand
that democracy is not about big money
buying elections it's one person one
vote and if you're working class person
you have a right to run for election and
you don't have to hustle money from
billionaires and so forth and so on so
we need fundamental campaign Finance
reform in my view it is Public Funding
of Elections rather than billionaire
funding of Elections well said um that's
in the Senate uh moving over to the
house and I know this isn't your
jurisdiction but just this past week
margorie teler Green's efforts to OU
Mike Johnson as Speaker for the crime of
allocating foreign aid kind of blew up
in her face uh with this effort to to
push the motion of vacate seeming to
fail Democrats have come out and said
that we're not going to allow you to to
descend the house into chaos again do
you think this signals some fatigue even
among Republicans um at the interminable
stream of BS by extremists like Margie
Taylor green I hope so but I wouldn't
bet the f on it uh you
know it's uh people I mean Republicans
in in the house have expressed massive
uh dissatisfaction with a lot of what's
going on they understand that they have
not been able to govern pass legislation
by and large uh but I fear very much uh
that people like um representative uh
green and others uh have a whole lot of
influence in the Republican body it
should not be underestimated now you've
introduced the 32-hour work week act you
are in a body that on both sides is
quite corporate quite friendly to
corporations is there any hope for
something like this to gain TR there is
look it you're quite right both parties
are heavily influenced by big money and
in corporate interests that's the
reality of American politics and we are
trying very hard to change that we're
trying to convert the Democratic party
into a workingclass party a multi-racial
party a multigenerational party where
young people working people have
influence rather than just wealthy
campaign contributors that's a hard
fight but what is interesting is on
issue after interest issue after issue
you see the degree to which Congress
lives in a bubble sep ated from what the
American people want whether it is
funding the War uh in Gaza for Israel or
whether it's something like a 32-hour
work week here is the reason that I
introduced that legislation which is
quite popular in in around the country
and the reason is that the current fair
labor standards act law requiring a
40-hour work week and time and a half
after that you know when that was
established Brian what year 19 44 yeah
not you think the world has changed a
little bit yeah that the economy has
changed the worker productivity has
changed so what has happened over that
period of time is there has been a
massive transfer of wealth from working
people to the top
1% and the reason for that is that we
have seen great worker productivity but
real inflation accounted for wages have
not gone up in 50 years so all that I am
saying is we are living in an economy
where workers are producing much more
the benefit of those that increaseed
productivity should go to workers not
just the CEOs and the
1% and one way you do it is to
understand that an America our people
are working some of the longest hours of
any people in the industrialized world
and people are often exhausted they're
working 50 60 hours a week you know they
can't get away from their cell phones or
you know if you're working in a in
Factory you could be working 50 60 hours
and all that we are saying is it is time
it is time after all of those years off
all of an increase in worker
productivity to lower the work week uh
to 32 hours which by the way is
something that other countries are
leading Us in moving towards well I know
a lot of people who would uh very much
enjoy that let's finish off with this on
this same issue of companies kind of
exploiting or gouging Americans uh while
they're not doing the same thing to the
rest of the world you've launched an
investigation into Novo nordis which
manufactures OIC for example can you
speak on the extreme price differential
between what they charge in the US
versus what they charge abroad and what
can be done about it and this is an
issue more like that that impacts that
touches the entire pharmaceutical
industry the entire healthcare industry
in this country you got it it's a huge
issue we have spent a lot of time with
some success by the way I'm very happy
to say that as a result of a lot of
factors including the work done by my
committee the health education labor
committee the price for asthma in hell
is at the uh counter at the drugstore
counter is going to go down very
significantly to $35 a month a very
significant reduction uh but we have
much much more work to do the bottom
line here is whether it is uh
OIC uh or other drugs we in the United
States pay far far far more than the
people in countries around the world in
Canada for example and I live near the
Canadian border they pay
$155 a month uh for OIC our people are
being asked to pay uh close to
$1,000 uh and in certain European
countries it's even less than it is in
Canada and the reason for that is simply
that in our country uh by and large the
drug companies whether it's SN noris or
others can charge any price that they
want and we're beginning to change that
we're beginning to bring forth
negotiations between Medicare and the
drug companies Etc uh but right now you
have in this country a whole lot of
people with
diabetes uh uh who need uh this very
important drug uh people who are obese
who need this important drug and
they not afford it and furthermore you
can see Medicare and Medicaid spending
far far far more money uh than is
conceivable as well as state in terms of
Medicaid so we have got to demand uh
that NOA noris and Eli Lily and others
treat us the way they treat other
countries and not continue to rip off
the American people and federal
government and state government all
right well obviously I would mention
that that work really only seems to be
moving forward as long as we have
Democrats in office so you know that's
just a kind of a mention for that as we
head toward this November election
Senator Sanders thank you so much for
the work that you do and for taking the
time today well Brian thank you for the
work you doing take care
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