I Tried Europe's WORST Football Hospitality Ticket
TLDRمغامرة ممتعة في عالم الfootball hospitality في أوروبا، حيث يزور القناة فريق صغير في الدرجة الخامسة في الهرم الألماني، نادي SV Rottlingan 1905. يبدأ الحدث بتكلفة €65 لكل مpector، مما يعتبر غالياً بالنسبة للمباراة الأساسية، ولكن يحتوي الحدث على تقديم استضافة شاملة بدءًا من الطعام والشراب حتى الملابس الرسمية. ت企业提供 تجربة استثنائية تتجاوز التوقعات مع تقديم قنابل الطعام والخدمة الشاملة، مما يجعل التكلفة تعتبر عبارة عن صفقة جديرة بالذكر. يحتفل المصورون بتجربة ممتعة ومليئة بالجمال، واستمتعوا بمشاهدة مباراة الفريق المحليين مع الجمهور النشاز، وهم يتطلعون إلى البقاء في الدرجة الحالية. في نهاية الحدث، يشير المصورون إلى أن التجربة كانت قيمة للسعر، ويقدمون نظراتهم النهائية وتطلعاتهم لأحداث السفر القادمة.
- 🏟️ SV Rottlingan 1905是德国第五级别联赛的足球俱乐部,提供了欧洲最低级别的足球款待服务。
- 🎟️ 尽管是第五级别的比赛,款待票价高达65欧元,远高于普通票价10到15欧元。
- 📍 俱乐部位于德国,距离斯图加特大约30分钟车程。
- 🚕 到达俱乐部的交通并不便利,需要转乘火车和出租车。
- 🍽️ 款待服务包括无限量的食物和饮料,以及赛前和赛后的食物。
- 👕 俱乐部非常友好,赠送了围巾,并且对外国人非常热情。
- 🍴 食物质量很高,特别是饺子,给人留下了深刻印象。
- 🍺 款待套餐中还包括无限量的酒精和非酒精饮料。
- 📈 SV Rottlingan 1905曾经是一支较为成功的俱乐部,但现在已经降至第五级别,并且有可能进一步降级。
- 🏆 尽管球队目前表现挣扎,但俱乐部的款待服务和球迷的热情给人留下了积极的印象。
- 💶 作者认为65欧元的款待服务是物有所值的,即便不包括酒精饮料。
Q & A
视频中提到的SV Rottlingan 1905俱乐部位于哪个国家?
-SV Rottlingan 1905俱乐部位于德国。
视频中提到的Real Madrid Hospitality票价是多少?
-视频中提到的Real Madrid Hospitality票价是€300。
-视频作者提到了德国的Pastry(糕点)、Oppenheimer caga(一种糕点)、dumplings(饺子)、chocolate mouse(巧克力慕斯)、vanilla sauce(香草酱)、raspberry crumble(覆盆子碎屑)、lemon slice(柠檬片)和marble cake(大理石蛋糕)。
视频中提到的SV Rottlingan 1905俱乐部的历史背景是什么?
-SV Rottlingan 1905俱乐部是2011年成立的一个凤凰俱乐部,原俱乐部成立于1905年,在50年代和60年代大部分时间在德甲第二联赛中度过,1965年接近晋级德甲,但未能成功。从2003年第二联赛降级后,情况变得糟糕,目前处于德国第五级别联赛中。
视频作者对SV Rottlingan 1905俱乐部的Hospitality服务有何评价?
-视频作者认为SV Rottlingan 1905俱乐部的Hospitality服务出乎意料地好,包括食物、饮料和围巾等,尽管他们对比赛结果有些失望。
😀 Visiting Europe's Worst Football Hospitality
The video begins with the narrator discussing his exploration of Europe's football hospitality, starting with the worst. The narrator mentions that they have previously covered the UK's best and worst, and now they are concluding the series with a visit to a fifth-tier German football club, SV rout lingan 1905, which is about 30 minutes from Stuttgart. The narrator expresses surprise at the €65 cost for hospitality in such a low-tier game, especially considering that top-tier Real Madrid hospitality tickets cost €300. Despite the high cost for the fifth-tier game, the narrator is excited about the prospect of discovering what the experience will entail, as there is no information available online.
🚗 Traveling to the Game and Initial Impressions
The narrator talks about the early morning start and the journey to the game, which involves a mix-up with transportation. They mention the cost of a taxi ride and the lack of Uber availability, leading to a reliance on local taxis. Upon arrival at the stadium, the narrator is impressed by its size, considering the team's low rank. They also share some history about the club, noting its past in the Bundesliga 2 and its current struggles. The narrator and his companion receive scarves as a friendly gesture from the locals, which they appreciate. They also discuss the quality of the food and facilities in the VIP area, expressing satisfaction with the initial aspects of the hospitality experience.
🍽️ Enjoying the Hospitality and the Game
The narrator and his companion enjoy the hospitality offerings, which include a variety of food, drinks, and even blankets for the VIP section. They comment on the friendly nature of the German people and the value they received from the hospitality package. The video captures their experience of watching the game, noting the impressive size of one of the strikers and the excitement of the match. The narrator also humorously discusses his thoughts on the game and the behavior of the fans, including the presence of an 'Ultras' group.
🏟️ The Atmosphere and Experience at the Stadium
The narrator shares his thoughts on the atmosphere at the stadium, comparing it to English football culture and noting the constant noise from the crowd. He also talks about the game's action, including a moment where he believes someone has passed gas in the stands. The video captures the narrator's reactions to the game, including a humorous moment where he and his companion accidentally spill hot chocolate. Despite the minor mishaps, the narrator seems to be enjoying the overall experience.
🎉 Post-Game Thoughts and the Journey Home
After the match, the narrator and his companion enjoy post-game food, which is the same as the pre-game spread, much to their delight. They express their love for the dumplings offered and discuss the possibility of setting up a monthly delivery of them. As they leave the stadium and head back to the airport, the narrator reflects on the day's events, calling the €65 spent on hospitality a bargain and an amazing time. He invites viewers to share their thoughts on the experience in the comments section and signs off with a promise of more away days and shirt shopping in future videos.
💡Fifth tier
💡SV rout lingan 1905
💡Football culture
Visiting Europe's lowest-ranked football hospitality at a fifth-tier German team, SV Rottlingan 1905.
The cost of hospitality at the fifth-tier game is €65, which is considered expensive for this level.
German Football is known for its cheap tickets, and the expectation is set high for the hospitality experience.
No prior information available about the hospitality offering online, making the experience a complete surprise.
The journey to the game involves an uncertain and potentially expensive taxi ride.
The video is sponsored by HelloFresh, which provides easy, step-by-step recipes for busy individuals.
The hospitality includes unlimited food and drinks, offering great value for the price.
SV Rottlingan 1905 has a rich history, having spent time in the Bundesliga 2 and nearly reaching the Bundesliga.
The team is currently on the brink of dropping to the sixth tier, adding an element of excitement to the match.
The hospitality experience includes a friendly welcome, with the hosts giving away scarves to the visitors.
The VIP area offers a good spread of food, including a variety of meats, fruits, and dumplings.
The match provides an exciting experience with a passionate fan base, despite the team's low ranking.
The hospitality experience is considered a bargain for €65, even without the alcohol component.
Post-match, the same high-quality food is available, with an emphasis on dumplings that were a hit.
The overall experience is enjoyed, with the hosts expressing their love for the level of football and hospitality.
The journey back to the airport involves a complex and lengthy series of transport changes.
The video concludes with a positive reflection on the unique football experience and the value received for the hospitality.
today I'm visiting Europe's worst
football Hospitality right Hospitality
we've done in every which way possible
thought it's time to finish this chapter
and come full circle we've done the best
and worst of the UK and now the best of
Europe the word being best is used very
Loosely there because admittedly it was
anyway it's about time we found Europe's
lowest Hospitality offering and we found
one in the fifth tier of a European
country and that is Germany yes the
fifth tier from my extensive research I
couldn't find a lower ranked team in a
football pyramid to offer Hospitality to
be more specific it's about 30 minutes
from Stuart as a drive a club called SV
rout lingan 1905 SV literally no idea
what to expect never heard of the club
we'll never have any interest in the
club after today but unless we fall in
love these stickers were €65 each so for
a fif tier game this is crazy expensive
however especially just going to jump in
there mid voice over German Football is
you know supposedly cheap ticket wise so
for €65 in the fifth tier I'm expecting
huge things however if you consider the
price of a real Madrid Hospitality
ticket being €300 a ticket and US loving
on league and I'm confident this could
be potentially amazing also there is
absolutely zero information about what
the hospitality offering has online so
we're going into this completely blind
welcome to away days welcome to Heath R
it's 5:00 a.m. let's get the stutgart
tired morning
morning I keep walking it look nice
oh he's
gone think we might be going the most
underwelming destination on there in
terms of like distance like you got
Montego Bay Charlotte Dallas Minneapolis
New York Dubai Tokyo hope to be going
back there hey
stuck it's a ball whipped in to
Bellingham come on that's
Christ what's
this B stuck up then we would have been
here a bit earlier all of them let us
out of our row before instead of walking
past do you not know the airplane eut
you let people out row Ro knobs after
YouTube scene screwed then be getting
done for tax verion Christ we are in
Star we have no idea how we're getting
to the place it's like an hour and a
half on a train but no but it's half an
hour on a taxi we don't know if the
taxis will take
us there you know will'll take me there
this latte what's German coffee
like every other Cofe every time we come
to Germany we always get a different
pastry because we think the bakeries
here are amazing what that is um you've
got an
caga we're too comfortable of each other
this is nicer we swap the good
news we can get a taxi
the bad news is it's 88 for 30
minutes oh Ben hello hello hello fresh
yes this video is sponsored by hello
fresh as you can see over there on the
screen I'm Here There and Everywhere my
daily routine is all over the place each
week I have no idea where I'm going to
be or when I'm going to be at home which
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hellofresh as they send to my door easy
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helloof Fresh for sponsoring this and
changing the meals in which I consume on
a daily basis oh we can't it's like the
conga or the limbo sorry not the conga
have a good day mate y That's the kind
of kind of effect I leave on people well
I've paid that I bet it can accepted
very quickly this Uber in even worse
news there's no Ubers so we're going to
have to get a taxi 12 to get to a fif
tier German game is it worth it can't
get a taxi we have to go and speak to a
human being this is going to be so
uncomfortable or can you take us
somewhere completely out the way no I
want to be here that's how the
conversation is going to go but with a
German man in there as well hi sorry um
how much to SSV root
lingan 80 yeah 80 smells like smoke the
r yes so yeah okay okay I don't know
this the new Beatles one good sir yeah
yeah Tom skin has taking over the world
isn't he
B yeah yes have a great day thank you
welcome welcome to SSV rud lingan he did
look at the exact address say 80 and
then when we're on the way he proceeded
to go I'll be a bit more we're in
Germany it's on us for not being able to
speak his language but the language of
fleecing us what's your best mate doing
her I mentioned the interview David
Beckham I went on a date the other week
the girl was like oh did you did you
interview David Beck we should talk
about it more I didn't see her again her
choice yeah if you're watching this if
you're watching this you've missed an
absolute catch lady this stadium is
absolutely massive this is a fifth tier
team in Germany on the verge of going
down to the sixth tier we'll talk about
that more in a bit does this correlate
to in England the fifth deer of England
you can about that without me having to
explain that surely this fifth tier will
be worse than our fif tier I imagine
yeah so like is this going to be
equivalent to our eth tier probably AP
tier yeah all right I get what you mean
sorry for being
pissy so edgy man so edgy we will rock
on I've got him back how they done that
got him
back Rusty what you call Rusty his in
internal organs
were Ben it's not there he us to do this
done it once but there is an Open Door
do we just walk let's walk through with
confidence walk with
confidence oh they so footballs hello do
you sell footballs good example that of
us not being confident men isn't it ask
we could borrow a Bard went what to use
on the pitch yeah no pretty weird like
just we're in the middle of nowhere
aren't we really well some of the places
this channel has taken us is really
weird like who we would never I wouldn't
have known of root Ling's existence
until i' Googled tried to find someone
in the 50 of a country also there going
to be a few comments going Ellis
technically there's probably a team in
the moven second division is that not a
worst standard of football yes but in a
pyramid it's not because they're in the
second tier of mdova these are the fifth
tier of Germany all right this is what I
mean it's the worst ranked and by worst
once again we're not necess it's going
to be the worst they're just the worst
ranked in a pyramid to offer Hospitality
all right right okay Christ no one's
even moaned yet but they will why is
this man got like the things to Aid
walking but he's not using them I don't
get it it's like he go skiing but
walk so say here you say who are ssro
lingan 1905 SV well they a Phoenix Club
formed in 2011 the original Club were
founded in 1905 throughout the 50s and
60s it spent most of the time in the
Bundesliga 2 they near actually got
promoted to the Bundesliga in 1965
missing out to two small clubs Bayern
Munich and much and gladbach you know
you might have heard of them if you
haven't then what are you doing here
however since then things have gone to
sh they most recently in the second
division in 2003 I believe but since
then things have gone terribly they
currently in the fifth tier of Germany
which is crazy cuz they're in the size
of that stadium and also the fact they
still offer Hospitality because they're
clearly a big side got links to strook
guard but they're also on the brink of
going down to the sixth tier of Germany
so this is a really odd day Lally no
idea what to expect like I said there's
no information on the website about what
the hospitality offers or what the fans
offer or what the even is we're in the
middle of nowhere in Germany and I can't
wait once again we literally there's no
information about the hospitality and we
can only go in an hour before kickoff
hospitality is 90 minutes to 2 hours but
the usual ticket price here is like 10
to 15 so we are paying a lot extra we
are also going to do the world's best
and world's worst by the way I've read
the comments people love these videos
what are you predicting we fought with
Selby Selby was what 20 quid each and it
was amazing yeah Selby blew it out the
water Selby was the UK's version you see
over there on screen I don't think this
will get close to it feel like we're
going to have to eat before we go in
here you know I don't know I feel like
if there was food that specified this
food it's going to be a padded seat re
that's 65 I'm cynical at the best of
time you want to know you will see me
fuming it's a lovely day though the
weather's lovely already the best
Hospitality in the world they're letting
us borrow a football this is
amazing thanks Ben let's go and score
goals we just to go top left
yeah oh bottom left I said I said bottom
yeah Ben speaking of hospitality they've
just came up and given us both a scarf
each C wind that not many English people
come here so obviously have heard way
yes to be clear they have no idea of a
way days they were just they were just
that friendly they're like it's really
crazy two English people are here um
here's a scarf that's amazing like if
you got someone from Germany turn up to
50 game in England no one would say
anything you know what I mean like this
is how nice the people have been so far
so far money well spent and we said
what's the VIP like he said it should be
good so still yet to get any information
started with should be good and then not
bad and then we'll see so it drastically
went went downhill as a concept but
we'll see tell you what Ben this van is
a very promising
sign what are you doing start going like
like a little fish here we go hello
thank you so much it's very nice in here
isn't it we get this at
Selby VI I think there's a lift I think
we can take some stairs
instead we just go sit where we want
here we go
menu we are definitely getting food
should should we tuck straight in not
sure what that sauce is but I think I'll
avoid it you know just for argument sake
lovely little spread this this is just
the initial bit as well Co it's good
stuff FR ofly really is not in a hurry
no not sure what I think of the meat on
the bit of melon I have some of of
everything yes everything was
thank you I'll
try thank you so much and then there is
beer but I'm not drinking at the moment
cuz of some medication I'm on look at
this Ben this is a good little spread I
tell you what it's exactly what I'd hope
for in the spread genuinely it's like a
dump I love that this is
amazing cheers to
um worst Hospitality but different use
that term loosely than Gibs I tell you
what it's a very good meal that this is
maybe best meal I've had at the football
team news is in there's the captain is
called shiff Tom Patrick and that's the
only information I need the go is called
pu enrio Alejandro that doesn't feel
very fif tier to me sorry how many Subs
do they want they've got a whole number
11 on the sub bench who would to be on
Shi Tom Patrick Yeah fair enough I'm
going Ricardo georgo how time get
dessert I believe that is a chocolate
Mose and vanilla sauce a raspberry
crumble a lemon slice and a marble cake
German in the comments section let me
know your German has really come on has
it it's impressive yeah I use Google
Lens off
camera Ben if we were too cold they give
blankets out for the VIP that's
phenomenal let's go to our
this is cool what a setup this is by the
way very very good the opportunities
we're allowed to do just on a random
Saturday should never be missed or
forgotten it's been unbel not a padded
seat you know I want to I want to eat
that dumpling again and again and again
important to have a good warm
up yeah here come the Warriors a team of
men a team of gods upon this Earth a
team ready to get fre points a team that
look like this is a huge relegation
battle a team ready for business there
actually Ultras we've got a little
Ultras group down there that is amazing
and adorable but also they're not going
to like being called adorable
fears stand up for your boys that's an a
away fan I don't know why I'm shocked by
that I just that is weird to me as an
away away fan I support my
boys what a view that
is what a view that
is size of that Striker is unbelievable
he is unbelievably big if we don't get
hatrick from him I give up I'm so
excited to watch him play Ben we do have
a track record here we need to make sure
this 90 minutes doesn't become about him
because knowing us it could oh hang on a
minute where's his
movement there he is oh find him my most
controversial football opinion is and
I'm I'm going to have this in the video
is Ultras underwhelming in a stadium
because you just Zone that noise I've
just zoned out by this point of this
game you just forget it's even happening
what I love about English football
culture is we make a lot of noise around
a goal but it's more noticeable where
like this noise is constant and if I
have a constant noise in my house like a
fire alarm go up it just irritates me
going up in your house con um I I do a
lot of burning I'm an
oh go on give it him give it
him oh
no here we go we build from the back
him where you going mate where are you
go right we need someone's farted
farted oh
that clip will forever be ruined by me
saying someone's fight Ben SP the whole
attack going and look at two and he's
called it he has called
it this pitch
um little bit bobbly is what I'll say
there's a kid kicking the seat I
don't I don't really like
um I'm not sure what that is but I will
give it a go oh Big
Slab oh no then cakes look phenomenal
but I think that's a a full-time
conversation and I feel too rude I feel
like I'd be rude if I asked is this for
after the match it's for now but the
play are still on the pet okay make so
one minute thank you not sure what this
is still not sure what that is I want
the cake really badly you fear for every
bit of cake up there you really do don't
you you really really do and rightfully
so it's going to get nailed oh no
right come on look at that look at the
state of it I don't think you're
supposed to get all three bits of cake
and we were getting some dirty looks for
it but you know what go put the
handcuffs on a re
me that's the most Joy I felt all year
Ben have you enjoyed your hospitality
Experience Unlimited drink soft and
alcoholic yeah that's the thing as well
like obviously I'm not drinking because
of the Glamorous answer is on medication
for my skin which means you can't drink
alcohol which means I'm not able to
enjoy that part of the hospitality but
it's still for me even without that is
really good value it's been free unlimed
like 330 mil of drink that's good
although they taste like ass got you a
hot chocolate so cheers to hospitality
let's go for the second half Che bring
on root
lingan what are you doing do you
sometimes forget these videos go out
publicly right that's emotional what's
even more emotional is me and Ben for
the second up it's the 57th
minute how was that we've lost every bit
of credibility we ever
had what's
up I mean it's unlimited refills I'm
just more it look like a it's a so on
Brit now boys spilling the hot
chocolates I'm really angry it's four
and two it's four and two you've got
to oh
no it's got to be
surely oh my
word oh my
word it's hard to see how they're
struggling really isn't
it yeah
what's happened down
there he's
fine get in you say get him in extenders
how old are you you play acting get him
in extenders then no one in the age of
45 would make that comment would they
said yeah people watch East Enders who
under 45 I'd say the demographic for
East Enders is under 45 Street though is
50 three on two again oh please this
time you've got the number
10 oh once again why do they have 50
Subs what's that all about he's string
back in now with this keeper here it's
the 83rd minute now which is mental
saber from about the 60th minute he has
played basically as a deep line
playmaker it is ridiculous how far out
and he's nearly been cut out three times
here we go it comes the
playmaker here he comes
again what is going
on I'll tell you what though
oh ref there's no need for that in the
modern game go on
then oh Ben some up this second half
um this point not surprised yep I would
say rip roaring it is the 88th minute
they need to bring if they don't win
this game then it is looking like
curtains for them in the fifth TI which
would be an absolute disaster I mean
even being in the fifth tier in itself
is a
disaster they need to cling on basically
um good job for them they've got the two
biggest jinxes in World football
currently watching them wanting them to
cling on so I give it about 10 seconds
before they concede they just missed a
chance so bad that it's made Ben Gibbs
start slapping a chair that's the only
time I've ever seen that man be
aggressive you've broken Ben
oh people are cing for snacks Ben Gibbs
did someone order a post match snack
then the postgame food is the same as
the pregame food and I've never been
happier this might be the happiest I've
ever been they've got more dumplings
don't don't you worry about they've got
more dumplings don't you wor they got
dumplings they got dumplings upon
dumplings but know I
know you need to just own up for your
but just can I can I can I just after
afterwards can I put that there oh I
didn't know till afterwards that there
that class let's eat this then head to
the airport then that was a really good
spread it was what was your favorite
what was your favorite oh The Dumpling
what it wasn't was the German people
help me was that a dumpling can you make
me one can you set set up a peer box so
we send me monthly ones of them we're
back at St airport we is a very flying
visit this should we bring the people
with us for the journey home we don't
really do that so let's get back to the
airport we don't talk at all though we
just so what are we gonna say why are
you walking within 10 me of me that's
true he's actually a really big diva we
have to get a train then a bus then a
train then we get to our hotel about
8 then we're up at about 600 to get the
train flight home then we got a 3-hour
hey what about them dumplings you said
drink try
oh you're not just taking a sip are you
Jes you don't drink half the drink for a
taste that's very nice is it you not
like that
no like
more I can't see a
thing Yay good night right that was good
I really enjoyed that anyone that saw
the Madrid video last week wasn't as
positive but I love this level of
football I love the hospitality there I
had an amazing time at the football and
that's all you can ask for an experience
I think €65 ended up being a bargain let
me know what your thoughts were on the
experience in the comment section down
below I've been Lis and I'll see you st
soon for more away days and more shirt
shopping ciao ciao bye
4.9 / 5 (31 votes)

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