the STORY of a COW with 4 HUGE PROBLEMS!!!!
- 🔍 故事讲述了一头编号为C182的奶牛经历的困难和挑战,以及它如何通过坚韧和毅力克服困难。
- 🐄 C182奶牛曾被链条束缚,这些链条是为了预防它变成“倒地牛”而设计的,以避免它受伤或瘫痪。
- 🦶 奶牛的后左脚有四个不同的严重问题,包括脚跟、脚趾和侧面的问题。
- ✂️ 经过几个月前的修剪,尽管做了一切努力,但对改善情况并不完全确定。
- 🚶♀️ 修剪后,C182的行走状况并没有太大的改善,但后续的访问显示它逐渐好转。
- 🔧 在最后一次访问时,奶牛的链条已经断裂,被移除,它的行走状况有了明显的改善。
- 💧 清洗奶牛的脚部是重要的一步,以便于更清晰地看到脚部的状况并进行修剪。
- 🛠️ 使用研磨机修剪时,目标是恢复脚部的正确大小、形状和高度,以平衡脚部受力。
- 🩹 修剪过程中发现的早期瘀伤和黄色区域表明奶牛需要修剪,并且过去的瘀伤正在消退。
- ⚠️ 修剪奶牛的脚部时需要非常小心,因为脚部的某些区域非常敏感且薄弱。
- 🌱 尽管C182的脚部已经完全愈合,但由于骨头上可能形成的骨刺,它比其他牛更有可能跛行。
- 🌟 故事以C182奶牛的显著改善和对未来幸福生活的期待作为结尾。
Q & A
C 182这头牛在故事开始时遇到了哪些问题?
-C 182这头牛在故事开始时被链条锁住,这是因为她做了“劈叉”动作,链条用来防止她成为倒地牛,避免严重受伤甚至瘫痪。除此之外,她的后左腿有四个不同的严重问题,包括脚后跟、脚趾和侧面的问题。
在第一次修剪蹄子时,C 182的情况有多严重?
-在第一次修剪蹄子时,C 182的损伤非常严重,尽管进行了处理,但不确定能有多大的改善。
C 182在第一次修剪后的行走情况如何?
-第一次修剪后,C 182的行走情况并没有太大的改善,她仍然存在一些严重的问题。
在后续的访问中,C 182的恢复情况如何?
-在后续的两次访问中,C 182的行走情况有所改善,尤其是在最后一次访问时,她的链条已经断裂并被移除,她的行走情况明显好转。
为什么C 182的蹄子在治疗后看起来有所改善,但仍需要进一步的清洗和打磨?
C 182的蹄子在治疗后出现了哪些积极的变化?
-C 182的蹄子在治疗后,之前严重的损伤部位有了明显的愈合,蹄子的整体结构看起来更加健康和平衡。
尽管C 182的蹄子已经愈合,为什么她仍然比其他牛更容易跛行?
-尽管C 182的蹄子已经愈合,但她的骨头上可能会长出骨刺,这些骨刺会伸入蹄子的软组织,因此她比其他牛更有可能跛行。
在治疗C 182的过程中,有哪些风险需要考虑?
-在治疗C 182的过程中,需要考虑的风险包括使用非常激进的打磨器可能会对蹄子造成意外伤害,因为蹄子的背侧壁非常薄。
C 182在治疗后的一般情况如何?
-C 182在治疗后,虽然不是展示牛的状态,但她明显比治疗前更舒适,她现在想要做的是尽可能多地吃,以达到幸福的状态。
蹄子修剪者在处理C 182的蹄子时,采取了哪些预防措施?
-在处理C 182的蹄子时,蹄子修剪者在进行每一步操作前都会仔细检查,确保不会意外伤害到牛,并且在每一步都会进行必要的清洗和打磨。
🐄 奶牛182的康复故事
🔍 奶牛脚部问题的深入治疗
💡Shackled cow
💡Downer cow
故事讲述了一头名为C 182的奶牛经历的困难和挑战,以及它的恢复过程。
C 182曾经因为做“劈叉”动作而被锁链束缚,以防止成为“倒地牛”,避免严重受伤甚至瘫痪。
尽管进行了修剪,但对C 182的恢复效果并不完全确定。
在第一次修剪后,C 182的行走状况并没有显著改善,但后续的访问显示了逐渐的进步。
在最后一次访问中,C 182的锁链断裂,被移除,它的行走状况有了明显的改善。
通过清洗和研磨,可以更清楚地看到C 182脚部的改善情况。
尽管C 182的脚部已经完全愈合,但由于骨头上可能形成的骨刺,它比其他奶牛更容易跛行。
尽管C 182的脚部问题已经解决,但它的恢复过程和当前状况显示了显著的改善。
C 182现在更舒适,摆脱了疼痛,它的主要目标是享受食物和生活。
视频以C 182的故事作为一例展示了蹄病治疗的复杂性和重要性。
this is a story of trials and
tribulations this is a story of
resilience and perseverance this is the
story of cow
182 so a few months ago this is C 182
was looking she was a Shackled cow cuz
she'd done the splits these chains were
holding her legs together to prevent her
from being a downer cow and really
hurting herself and possibly becoming
paralyzed but things were much more
serious than just the chains on her back
legs her back left foot had four
different problems all going on at the
same time and each one was a serious
problem she had this problem here with
the heel part of her foot this problem
here towards the toe and this one right
up the
side This Is Us trimming her a few
months ago and as you can see the extent
of the damage was
severe we did everything we could but
weren't totally sure how much difference
we would make obviously she did get a
block and when we moved on to the back
right foot she also had a problem over
there trimming her during that first
visit felt disheartening because she had
so many problems coupled with those
chains and this is how she was walking
after the trim there wasn't a huge
Improvement we've actually visited her
twice since then though and in both
occasions she's been walking slightly
better this is the second visit she
still had some serious problems and
actually she hadn't made all that that
much improvement but this is how she was
looking during her last visit and
actually the shackles had split in two
so we cut them off and threw them to the
side in a heap here she is walking after
then not quite right but far better than
she was during her first visit and now
she's back in again so let's see how
she's looking today because I think
you've got to be
surprised so this is the food that
wasn't all that badly affected if you
remember she did have a problem here's
exactly what was happening back then and
this is today clearly we've not started
triming her yet but we can all see that
there is definite Improvement but looks
can be deceiving so we won't truly know
until we've given it a wash off and gone
at it with the
grinder thank
go so as we wash this first F off I
think to myself well we've got the hose
in our hand right now we might as well
give the second fot a wash as well so
that we can all clearly see what's
happening right grinder to
so as we grab the grind out we bring
balance back to the medial claw this
inside one before moving on to the
lateral or outside claw where we take
down the whole entire height of the sole
using the grinder we're basically trying
to replicate the size shape and height
of this inner claw before taking down
the toes to the correct length and back
the grinder goes all right KNE
time again I'm just going to use the
mixing tip just so that I can completely
separate the two digits you can actually
see some bruising in here look so she
was definitely needing this
trim that yellowness as well tells us
that there has been bruising in the past
which is
dissipating look you can clearly see if
we look close in and actually darken the
rest of the screen and light in this
part you'll see there's a dark spot
right there that is the beginnings of a
bruising the beginnings of a bruising
because that makes sense feel it's the
early stages of
bruising you see as we go deeper we can
see the bruises coming through more
prominently we going to take this as
wide as we can and remove a little bit
from here cuz she's not really going to
use that get this nice and deep in to
give her as much relief as possible
before moving on to this food so we do a
steeper less wide model if you can see
this medial Claw is actually slightly
narrower so we need her to have plenty
of walking surface when a cow stands
still she puts most of her weight on
here and when she's walking this is the
foot that takes the brunt of the force
look at that almost
perfect let's take that down a little
bit actually lovely so this is how she
was looking during that first visit on
this fot not a colossal problem but
definitely a problem and this is how
she's looking today almost
perfect right onto the main food this
could be a different story so for come
down to this angle you can see the outer
Claw is quite substantially higher than
the inner claw here is where the main
problem was last time and it extended
all the way up the frontal or dorsal
wall of this foot and it looks like it
could still be problematic the first
order of the day though is to reduce the
height of the overall claw so taking the
grinder here I shave down layer by layer
by layer of who formed from this lateral
claw I need to make sure both claws are
the same height so that the weight is
spread across the entirety of f as
equally as possible Right modling
Out you're always kind of doing this
with baited breath as they say almost
holding your breath hoping that you
don't find something that you're not
expecting this foot is definitely
looking good but that outer part the
part in the white line that caused the
major major issue by the way that's a
cal in the background not a sheep
although it does sound like a
sheep yeah you're never quite sure how
perfect this is until you get the knife
on the job C Brown actually it's more of
a greeny color either way it smells
delightful okay so this is looking
pretty good let's move on to this part
so this is zone two of a cow's F this is
the dorsal wall in the white line runs
all the way around here this has been an
infection in the white line that has
burst out the top and look you can see
it all flaking away now this could
definitely still be a live issue what
I'm attempting to do here is Risky
make no mistake about it this wall horn
is only around 6 or 7 mm thick and the
grinding disc that I'm using is
incredibly aggressive it's actually the
most aggressive trimming disc you can
purchase on the market today a one false
move and he'll undo all of the goodness
that we've managed to achieve I'm
holding my breath and praying she
Flinch look at that not that
I'm to
you and there you go a few words from
gam here is what it looked like before a
gouge right up the outside of this wall
it cut right into the heart of her foot
into the lamin aquarium we trimmed
everything we possibly could from this
Legion and we concentrated on the very
top of it because that is where it
emanates from and if you don't heal that
part you've literally got no hope of
healing any of it properly anyway anyway
that is how it was looking then and this
is how it's looking now look at that I
am so so so so chuffed for this C so you
could say that it's 100% healed but
actually you'd be slightly wrong on the
inside of her foot the bone will now
have Callis or on it little bony Spurs
that stick out into the corium of her
foot so unfortunately for this cow yes
we have completely healed her but she's
actually much more likely to go lame now
than any other cow on this farm so the
this isn't anything here is it that's a
genuine question as I was getting up
there Craig rubbed the side of her foot
and he's quite right he always checks
with me Craig's a fantastic trimmer but
he's constantly checking with me just to
see if I agree with what his thoughts
are he thought this could be a problem
it's not this is literally look get a
knife cig and just scratch it off look
just scratch it off don't cut oh yeah
it's coming to absolutely nothing see
that it's like a little bit of shedding
yeah it's just shedding away because
this problem was down here the whole
foot was trying to kind of shed away of
this and she's drying out cuz she's
outside now as well yeah so yeah yeah
it's totally superficial cool good job
asking though right for now though this
is good let's get her foot back down in
the ground and see how she's looking
today remember this is how she looked
during the first visit not fantastic but
this is how she's looking today so as
she walks away here we can all see she's
put a bit of weight on from that first
visit she's definitely not in Show Cow
but she is far more comfortable than she
was a couple of months ago gone her
those shackles gone or those problems in
her feet gone of the blocks and gone is
the pain all this girly wants to do is
eat her way to happiness now just like
us all thanks for watching this very
happy episode of the hoof GP catch you
later folks bye
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