- 📜 政府が秘密を持つ権利を持つことは問題ありませんが、その力は民主主義に危険であるため、極めて厳格に制御する必要があります。
- 🚫 秘密主義の権限は、例外的なケースでのみ使用すべきであり、日常的でないケースに用いられるべきではありません。
- 🤔 ジャーナリストたちは、この政策が適切かどうか、また政府がその権力をどのように使用しているかを探求しています。
- 🗣️ 政府が「国家の安全保障」という理由で、その権力の使用法を公開しない場合、それが民主主義に与える影響について懸念が生じます。
- 👀 秘密主義の権限が濫用されることを防ぐために、その使用状況を監視し、国民に報告することが重要です。
- 🤝 国民は政府の正当な管理のパートナーであり、権威主義的でないことが求められます。
- 📢 国民は自らの権利を守るために積極的に立ち上がり、政府の濫用に抗議する必要があります。
- 🏛️ 政府の秘密主義の権限は、民主主義の原理に反する可能性があるため、慎重に扱われなければなりません。
- 🔒 プライバシーは、秘密を守ることよりも、自由社会での個人の自由を守ることを意味しています。
- 👮♂️ 政府の秘密主義の権限は、国民の自由と安全を脅かす可能性があるため、厳しい基準で管理されるべきです。
- 🌐 国民は政府の秘密主義の権限の使用状況について、より詳細な情報を求め、その透明性を高める努力が必要です。
- 📉 秘密主義の権力が不適切に使用されると、民主主義の信頼性と健全性に悪影響を及ぼす可能性があります。
Q & A
📜 国家机密法の導入と民主主義への影響
The passage of a designated Secrets law which allows the government to have secrets.
Concern that the powers granted by the law are fundamentally dangerous to democracy.
The need for these powers to be extremely tightly controlled and only used in exceptional cases.
The challenge journalists face in determining if the policy is appropriate and can be trusted.
The importance of transparency in how the policy is being used for public trust.
The assertion that privacy is about protecting liberty in a free society, not just about hiding information.
The responsibility of the public to stand up and defend their rights and the proper administration of government.
The warning against an abusive or authoritarian government and the role of the public as equal partners.
The potential misuse of national security as a reason to withhold information from the public.
The call for the public to be informed about how the Secrets law is being applied.
The emphasis on the need for a balance between national security and the public's right to know.
The potential consequences of not caring about the proper use of government power.
The idea that the public should not simply disapprove of policies without understanding their implications.
The suggestion that the public should be more engaged in the governance process to prevent abuse of power.
The importance of a democratic system where the government is accountable to the people.
The role of exceptional cases in the application of the Secrets law, as opposed to routine or ordinary cases.
The potential for the law to be used as a tool to suppress freedom of the press and public discourse.
The need for vigilance to ensure that the government does not become authoritarian in its use of the Secrets law.
like to
we saw the passage of this especially
designated Secrets law uh which is wild
imposs uh that says the government can
basically proy wants now again
governments can have secrets that's okay
but these powers are fundamentally
dangerous to democracy so they need to
extremely tightly controlled uh they
need the exceptional cases not ordinary
cases not routine cases as journalists
are trying to figure out is this policy
appropriate uh can we trusted can may be
used right it would really be helpful on
how it's being used but if Government
goes we can't tell you how is because
National Security because National
Security because National Security and
they simply assert a law and you can't
tell the first thing is to care this
sounds simple uh but when we think about
privacy right remember it's not about to
hide it's about something to protect
you're protecting the Liberty in your
free Society if you don't stand up and
defend your rights if you don't stand up
and defend the the proper administration
of your government where it's not
abusive it's not authoritarian the
public is an equal partner rather than
someone who's saying we don't approve of
this in the Govern
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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渡部昇一の「大道無門」 #097 ゲスト:関岡英之(作家・評論家)

ミアシャイマー教授「米国の大いなる妄想」講演フル アメリカの失敗の数々 ※伊藤貫氏や中野剛志氏もたびたび引用する国際政治学者



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