Here's why Chrome is SLOW (It's NOT your RAM)
TLDR视频脚本探讨了Google Chrome浏览器的性能问题,从最初的轻量级和快速到现在被认为变得臃肿和消耗大量内存。讨论了用户习惯,如打开多个标签页,以及扩展程序对浏览器性能的影响。通过实验,发现某些扩展程序如LastPass和Grammarly会显著增加内存使用量,而像uBlock Origin这样的广告拦截器则能有效减少资源消耗。视频还提供了一些优化Chrome性能的建议,比如管理扩展程序和调整Chrome的内存节省设置。最后,提到了Google的Manifest V3更新,这可能会影响扩展程序的功能,尤其是广告拦截器和隐私增强扩展。整个视频以一种幽默且信息量丰富的方式,为观众提供了关于浏览器性能和优化的深刻洞察。
- 🌐 Google Chrome 曾经因其轻量级、快速和出色的功能(如标签沙箱)而受到推崇,但随着时间的推移,它变得越来越庞大,占用了更多的内存。
- 📚 用户的浏览习惯,如打开多个标签页,以及安装的扩展程序,都可能影响 Chrome 的性能。
- 🔍 测试发现,并非所有扩展程序都会显著影响浏览器性能,有些扩展如 LastPass 和 Grammarly 会显著增加内存使用,而 uBlock Origin 则能有效减少内存使用。
- 📈 当打开多个标签页时,内存使用量会显著增加,这可能导致性能问题,尤其是对于内存较小的系统。
- 🛠️ 通过运行多个基准测试,研究了扩展程序对浏览器性能的影响,发现不同的扩展程序对性能的影响各不相同。
- 🚀 浏览器性能的降低可能在实际使用中不明显,但对于一些重度用户来说,25%的性能下降是值得关注的。
- 🧐 用户可以通过 Chrome 任务管理器监控扩展程序的活动和资源消耗,以识别和禁用那些不再需要或不活跃的扩展程序。
- 💡 如果用户拥有充足的 RAM 和良好的标签管理习惯,可以在 Chrome 设置中关闭内存节省功能,以提高速度。
- 🔧 关闭 Chrome 的预加载功能也可以提高速度,但这可能不适用于使用广告拦截器或隐私扩展的用户。
- 📦 Google 的 Manifest V3 更新预计将显著改变 Chromium 扩展的功能,特别是影响广告拦截器和隐私增强扩展的效果。
- 🎯 对于希望提高浏览器性能的用户,去除不必要的扩展程序是一个简单有效的解决方案,同时,统一业务管理软件(如 ODU)可以提高企业运营效率。
Q & A
为什么早期的Google Chrome受到用户的欢迎?
-早期的Google Chrome因其轻量级、快速以及出色的功能(如标签沙箱化)受到用户欢迎,这些功能使得浏览器在性能和用户体验方面有显著的提升。
-不同的浏览器扩展对Chrome性能的影响各不相同。一些扩展如LastPass和Grammarly可能会显著增加内存使用量,而其他一些如uBlock Origin则能有效减少内存使用。
-通过按下Shift + Esc键打开Chrome的任务管理器,可以在列表底部查看各个扩展的资源使用情况。
为什么Google的Manifest V3更新可能会影响扩展的功能?
-Manifest V3是Google对Chrome扩展API的更新,旨在提高安全性和性能。但这可能会限制某些扩展的功能,特别是广告拦截器和隐私增强扩展。
😀 Google Chrome的演变及其性能影响
Google Chrome最初以其轻量级、快速和出色的功能(如标签沙箱)受到用户青睐。然而,随着时间的推移,Chrome逐渐变得臃肿,内存消耗大。用户的浏览习惯,如打开多个标签页,以及安装的扩展程序,都可能影响浏览器性能。研究表明,某些扩展程序如LastPass和Grammarly可能会显著降低浏览器性能,而像uBlock Origin这样的广告拦截器则能有效减少内存使用。通过测试,发现在开启了多个常用网站和扩展程序的情况下,内存使用量显著增加,但用户体验并未有相应的提升。
🤔 浏览器性能的衡量与扩展程序的影响
🛠️ 如何优化Chrome浏览器性能
为了优化Chrome浏览器的性能,用户可以采取一些措施。首先,通过Chrome的任务管理器监控扩展程序的资源使用情况,并移除不再需要或使用频率低的扩展程序。其次,关闭Chrome的内存节省功能可以加快页面加载速度。此外,预加载页面也可以提升速度,但如果使用广告拦截器或隐私扩展,则可能不适用。最后,用户还可以通过禁用Chrome中的跟踪功能来提高隐私性。Google即将推出的Manifest V3更新将改变Chromium扩展的能力,可能会影响广告拦截器和隐私增强扩展的效果。
💡Google Chrome
💡Manifest V3
💡ODU 软件
Chrome 曾是浏览器革命,以其轻量级和快速的特点取代了 Internet Explorer。
Chrome 引入了标签沙箱等特性,提高了浏览器稳定性。
用户不良的浏览习惯,如打开过多标签,可能导致 Chrome 内存使用增加。
Chrome 使用动态缓存处理未使用的标签,减少内存占用。
浏览器扩展可能对性能产生显著影响,如 LastPass 可降低性能达 12%。
大多数用户将 Chrome 作为默认浏览器,扩展对性能的影响不容忽视。
不同扩展对内存使用的影响各异,如 uBlock Origin 能有效减少内存使用。
基准测试显示,某些扩展如 LastPass 和 Grammarly 对浏览器性能有显著影响。
Chrome 任务管理器可以帮助用户监控扩展的资源使用情况。
关闭 Chrome 的内存节省功能可以提高速度,但可能影响标签管理。
Google 的 Manifest V3 更新将改变 Chromium 扩展的功能,影响广告拦截和隐私增强扩展的效果。
Firefox 的性能尚未测试,但未来可能会进行比较。
ODU 的全合一商业软件可以整合多个应用程序,提高企业运营效率。
ODU 提供 CRM、销售、时间表和会计应用程序,以及与全球 28,000 家银行的集成。
ODU 提供免费的 14 天试用和专家团队的演示,帮助企业节省时间和资源。
man Google Chrome kind of sucks now
right I remember when everyone was
screaming stop using Internet Explorer
Chrome is so much faster was that all a
lie no actually Chrome was a revolution
it was lightweight fast as I'll get out
and it brought great features like tab
sandboxing so that if one of your tabs
froze your entire browser didn't have to
crash like the old days so what changed
then to turn Chrome into this bloated
Ram devouring Behemoth maybe it was
you me I mean I don't have the best
browsing habits I leave way too many
tabs open but Chrome has a way of
dealing with that using Dynamic caching
for the tabs I'm not using sure but is
Google the one who installed all those
extensions I mean I don't have that many
I just have zoto for tracking my
research language
tool tele party and an ad locker could
it be that his insatable thirst for
extra functionality is bogging down his
browser as it turns out yes I need to
make some Chang
but not every extension is made equal
while some had no effect on browser
performance others like last pass
reduced performance by as much as 12% an
effect that Stacks across your library
of resource sucking add-ons with 2third
of people using Chrome as a default
browser it's clear that we need to see
just how bad this situation is explore
what can be done to fix it and talk
about Google's solution including why it
might be a bad one so quickly now to the
lab wait this isn't the lab this is the
segue to our sponsor ODU if you own a
business you'll know what I mean when I
say you probably have too many apps
running at the same time with odu's
all-in-one business software you can
combine all of those into a single
unified platform so click the link in
the description to learn more our Labs
team has a fair bit of experience under
their belt testing video games and
productivity apps but this is one of our
first for into browser performance and
how exactly you measure browser
performance is a big question primarily
because browsers are big programs
chromium the open source framework that
Chrome is based on is 31 million lines
of code that is almost as much as the
Linux kernel the core of Linux based
operating systems and it's close to the
estimated count for older complete
operating systems like Windows XP which
Probably sounds ludicrous right until
you consider that I mean outside of
games how many programs do you run that
aren't in your browser and of those ones
how many of them are just web apps that
could run in your browser so the thing
is modern browsers need to be able to
support pretty much everything from
28-year-old geoc cities pages to
full-blown Photoshop clones so coming
back to the question of how to measure
performance it's challenging because
browsers do a lot of different things
but we're going to do our best starting
with a machine that is based on the most
common specifications in a recent steam
Hardware survey to look at memory use we
opened up Chrome to a set of common web
pages and on a clean system measured our
idle RAM usage at around 1.1 GB which
increased to 1.25 when we were streaming
4K video even on a system with just 8
gigs of RAM that's not a problematic
amount of usage and it's important to
note that even if it was higher that
isn't necessarily A Bad Thing programs
that need to access information quickly
will benefit from using up more R and as
long as they give it up in the event
that your Os or another program needs it
it's not really a problem but what
happens when we add extensions well as
it turns out it depends on the type our
password manager last pass and our
thirdparty spell checker grammarly both
used considerably more RAM than say
coupon code collector honey one
extension insert usual disclaimer about
the impact on creators actually reduced
our overall RAM usage and that was
ublock origin which is clearly
effectively blocking ads and trackers
from sapping our system resources though
funnily enough the more popular ad block
extension didn't have the same effect
which kind of makes us question its
Effectiveness especially when they
advertise that their extension saves
memory overall with 10 of the most
popular extensions we observed a nearly
50% increase in RAM usage with half a
dozen tabs open that's not that big of a
deal but as your tab addiction grows so
unfortunately does your Problem by the
time we reached 48 tabs we were looking
at a whole 2 GB of extra RAM usage for
what is functionally the same user
experience I mean you're not looking at
all those windows at once are you I mean
of course if you have ample system
memory you're probably not going to
notice the difference anyway will you
actually you might to gauge performance
of our browsers we ran several
benchmarks that aim to test the many
features of the web in motion Mark which
measures Graphics per performance in our
browser most of our extensions caused
virtually no change in performance
except this is kind of a funny one our
ad blockers you see ad blockers need to
interact with the rendering pipeline in
order to hide ads without turning your
web pages into a completely fragmented
mess and that appears to have resulted
in a reduction in in browser rendering
performance now in the real world this
slowdown is going to be masked by other
speed benefits but we thought it was an
interesting observation nonetheless
moving on to speedometer a benchmark
that's f focused on simulating user
experiences like working with a to-do
list editing Rich Text rendering charts
and reading news sites we found a
totally different story here it's last
pass causing a big slowdown and our best
guess is that this is due to last pass
trying to scan every text field for
potential autofill opportunities in jet
stream 2 a benchmark that's focused on
operation we found that ad block and
grammarly did a lot of damage but then
last pass was relatively benign and then
in web expert 4.0 we measured just 3%
reduced performance with all of our
extensions enabled at once so sometimes
your extensions matter sometimes they
don't and sometimes different ones will
or won't the results just don't really
seem to add up to a clear picture but
hey maybe the problem is we're looking
too closely if we zoom out and look at
the overall a clear Trend develops
especially when we configure our browser
like a regular person would and we have
multiple extensions running concurrently
with everything enabled we lose
something like a quarter of our
performance in the Chrome web browser if
you're a major Surfer 25% that's the
kind of difference that you could really
notice in day-to-day use I mean think of
all the extra LTT behind the scenes that
you could watch on lm. g/ flat plane
with all that extra time so what do we
do about this well some extensions are
always consuming some level of system
resources and you can track this
Yourself by pressing shift escape to
open the Chrome tab task manager at the
bottom of your list will be your
extensions and writing this right now
I'm noticing some of my extensions being
needlessly active page downloader single
file why is that open I'm not
downloading anything but then the PDF
editing extension that I'm using seems
to respect the fact that I don't always
need it running and it's not consuming
anything now's a perfect time then to go
through and call some of your more
inconsiderate extensions especially if
you aren't using them that much anymore
all it'll cost you is a few seconds to
click that little puzzle block and
here's a good rule of thumb if you don't
remember the last time you used it or
what it's for just get rid of it you can
always reinstall it later if you have
lots of RAM and good tab management
turning off the memory saving feature in
Chrome will speed things up as well as
Chrome will spend less time reloading
Pages preloading Pages can also speed
things up but if you're someone who uses
an ad blocker or a privacy extension
pre-loading isn't really an option
speaking of privacy this is unrelated to
your extensions but what you're in the
menu why not stop by the add privacy
section and turn all of that tracking
off we can't really give you an after
result for the impact of all the changes
you just made I mean your mileage may
vary depending on what you removed or
didn't and your overall web browsing
habits but from what we've seen
anecdotally it is very possible that
you'll notice a
difference just not in startup times
this was a really interesting part of
our test that we're tacking on the end
here we found that with a reasonable
extension load out the application takes
about the same amount of time to Launch
regardless of what you do or don't have
active then again I guess who cares
anyway because when's the last time you
closed Chrome I see that update button
the last thing that you can do is to
uninstall chrome and I'm only kind of
joking right now the roll out of
Google's manifest V3 is set to
dramatically change the capabilities of
chromium extensions which by the way
also affect Microsoft Edge now
especially hindering the effectiveness
of ad blockers and privacy enhancing
extensions we have haven't tested
firefox's performance with you know
extensions or without cuz realistically
most of you aren't using it but hey
maybe next time we do an update on this
the situation will have changed because
you'll have listened to Our advice why
not give it a try and while you're at it
why not try out our sponsor Odo if
you're running a business keeping track
of a hundred different apps all running
at once can be a pain I mean just
imagine all those Chrome tabs with odu's
all-in-one business management software
you can combine them into a single
Unified operating system check out their
CRM and sales apps which make lead
generation and closing deals easier than
ever their time sheets app helps you
keep close track of your employee
schedules and their accounting app lets
you autocreate and send invoices and it
integrates with 28,000 Banks from all
around the world and if you only need
one single app to shore up some holes
hey you can get access to that for free
so start saving time and resources by
unifying your processes with ODU you can
check them out in the description for a
free 14-day trial or to set up a demo
with their expert team thanks for
watching if you guys liked this video
maybe you'll enjoy another Deep dive
into minor differences in computer
performance check out our video where we
tested 12 of the same CPU so that we
could find a set of them that were
nearly identical in performance why did
we need those we'll never
tell well we will in that video but not
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