Whoever The STRANGER Supports I have To WATCH LIVE!
TLDRيحتوي النص على ملخص لسلسلة فيديوهات تتضمن مغامرات يوم الخروج لدعم مباريات كرة القدم. يبدأ النص بوصف عدد الجمهور البريطاني للكرة القدم وكيف يبدأ يومهم في كامبردج ب探询 الدعم من قبل الجمهور. يشير النص إلى وجود مسابقة مقدمة من قبل Omada، تطبيق توقعات كرة القدم، والذي يتيح لمستخدميه الفوز في قمصان كرة قدم مجانًا. يتضمن النص أيضًا توقعات اللاعبين وأحداث المباراة وأحداث جانبية مثل تفاعلات مع الشعارات وتجربة الجمهور. يشير النص إلى احتمالات مزيدية للتحديات في أوروبا إذا وصلت الفيديوهات إلى عدد معين من الاعجابات. تتم الclosure بتقدير لدعم Omada ودعوة لمشاركة في التطبيق.
- 🏟️ الجمهور الUK يقدر حوالي 68 مليون 777 ألف، مما يعني أن حوالي 68 مليون 777 ألف شخص لا يدعمون الرياضة.
- 📅 يبدأ يوم الجولة من كامبردج بخدمات إضافية الساعة 9 صباحًا في 7 يناير 2023.
- 🤝 سيسأل الشخص الأول يلقونه عن فريق الفوتبول الذي يدعمه، وسيذهبون لمشاهدة المباراة إذا كان لديهم قطتين متاحة.
- 🎽 تم دعم هذا الرحلة وجميع الرحلات الأخرى في الموسم الحالي من قبل شركة Omada.
- 📱 يمكن لمستخدمي التطبيق Omada الفوز في قميص كرة قدم مجاني بمجرد تنزيل التطبيق وانضمام إلى فوج الجولة.
- 📉 يستخدم Omada كتطبيق توقعات كرة القدم بدون رؤية المال، بل الشخصية والشرف.
- 👕 يمكن للمستخدمين الفوز في قميص كرة قدم ثان بإنشاء توقعاتهم في التطبيق وتحصيل مزيد من العملات.
- 👀 تشير الأحداث إلى أن الجمهور يستمتع بمشاهدة المباراة، ويبدو أن فريق Ipswich يلعب على المستوى العالي.
- 🎥 يشير النص إلى أن القناة Emirates FA Cup تنشر سلسلة فيديوهات مشابهة لهذه على قناتها الرسمية على YouTube.
- 😂 تتضمن الأحداث ال滑稽ة مثل محاولة الشخص الناجم لجذب انتباه خماس الملعب، ولكنه يفشل.
- 🍽️ يُشير إلى أن الشخص الناجم قد تناول الطعام أثناء المباراة، مما يُعتبر ممارسة غريبة.
- 🎉 تم الإعلان عن نجاح الحملة، حيث حصل الشخص الناجم على قميص المباراة من فريق Ipswich.
Q & A
视频中提到的“extra services”是什么?
-在视频中,“extra services”指的是额外服务,这里特指剑桥服务区,是英国高速公路服务站,提供休息、餐饮等服务。
视频中提到的“away day”是什么意思?
-“Away day”是指足球比赛中,球队前往对方主场进行比赛的日子。在视频中,它也指代了视频制作者进行的一系列活动。
视频中提到的“Emirates FA Cup”是什么?
-“Emirates FA Cup”是英格兰足球总会杯的简称,这是英格兰最古老的国内足球比赛之一。
-视频制作者在剑桥服务区询问的第一个人支持的是伊普斯维奇镇足球俱乐部(Ipswich Town)。
视频中提到的“5000 likes”挑战是什么?
-“5000 likes”挑战是视频制作者设定的一个目标,如果视频获得5000个赞,他们将把类似的挑战带到欧洲进行。
😀 Football Fan's Away Day Challenge
The video script introduces a challenge where the hosts, presumably named Alfie, start their day at Cambridge extra services and plan to ask the first person they meet about their favorite football team. They intend to attend a match for that team if they can find two available tickets. The challenge is sponsored by Omada, a football prediction app, which also offers a chance to win a free football shirt by participating. The video includes various interactions with fans and the hosts' experiences as they embark on their spontaneous journey to support a football team.
🏟️ A Day at the Football Match
The script describes the hosts' arrival at Alfie Portman Road, their visit to the club shop, and their humorous attempts to engage with the team mascot. The video features commentary on the match they are attending, including the performance of certain players and the atmosphere within the stadium. There's also a mention of the Emirates FA Cup and the host's role in a related series on the Emirates FA Cup's YouTube channel. Throughout, the hosts maintain a light-hearted and entertaining tone, even when discussing the outcome of the game and their interactions with fans and the mascot.
🎉 Post-Match Reflections and Future Plans
The final paragraph captures the hosts' reflections after the match, their thoughts on the day's events, and their teasing interactions with the team mascot. They discuss the unpredictability and excitement of their challenge, which could lead them to various destinations based on the football team a路人 they meet first supports. The hosts express their desire to visit new and interesting football grounds in future challenges and hint at the possibility of taking the challenge to Europe if the video is well-received. They also mention the sponsorship by Omada and encourage viewers to participate for a chance to win a football shirt.
💡football fan
💡away day
💡prediction app
💡FA Cup
💡Rotherham United
💡Ipswich Town
The estimated number of football fans in the UK is 68,777,696, implying that approximately 68,777,695 people do not support football.
The plan is to start the day at Cambridge extra services at 9am on the 7th of January, 2023, and ask the first person encountered about their football team support.
The challenge involves attending a football match for a team mentioned by the first person met, provided they have a game and two tickets available.
The away day is sponsored by Omada, a football prediction app where users can win a free football shirt by participating.
The first person asked about football support was a fan of Rotherham United, leading to a decision to watch their game against Ipswich Town.
The journey to Ipswich is made possible by Omada, which also provides opportunities to win football shirts through app participation.
The narrator expresses a preference for visiting new and interesting football grounds rather than familiar ones.
The narrator humorously interacts with a mascot at the football match, seeking a wave from it.
The video features a match from the Emirates FA Cup, which the narrator also hosts on the official Emirates FA Cup YouTube channel.
The narrator commits to getting a match worn shirt for Alfie if Rotherham United wins, showcasing a fun and engaging dynamic.
The video includes a humorous segment where the narrator eats a hot sauce, referencing a previous video challenge.
The narrator discusses the unpredictability and excitement of the challenge, which could lead to various destinations based on the first person's football team preference.
The video ends with a commitment to take the challenge to Europe if the video receives 5000 likes, indicating a potential for international content.
The narrator emphasizes the importance of authenticity in the challenge, stating that they must genuinely go to the location dictated by the first person's choice.
The video concludes with a shoutout to Omada for their sponsorship and an invitation for viewers to participate in the app for a chance to win a football shirt.
plus something else could they support
we're going to watch them today excuse
me are you a football fan who's your
people in the UK we have an estimated 68
million 777
696 of them which means there's roughly
68 million 777
695 who aren't me it's a very simple
concept myself and Alfie are going to
start our day at Cambridge extra
services at 9am on the 7th of January
2023. the first person we see we're
going to ask them what football team
they support whoever they say as long as
they actually have a game and they have
two tickets available let's do this yes
of course this away day is brought to
you by the lovely people over at omada
as is every other way day this season
and thanks to omada you can win a free
football shirt just by downloading the
app using the link at the top of the
description and joining the away day
Squad more about omada later in the
video hello from Cambridge services
day for it
you hate doing this do you remember that
video Yeah to swap shirts and for like
an hour you just couldn't ask anybody in
I just couldn't do it and like that
video was awful
watch it
link below
I can't do it oh you cat Ellis please
because I'm not standing now all day are
you cold
we're gonna have a fight which it really
annoyed me I can't do it I totally I
control them out of order it really is
you have to do it next time I'm coming
home all right next one excuse me guys
can I ask you a question quickly there's
one football teams
we don't follow football
he's in a full cat excuse me are you a
football fan I don't know who's your
support rather than Rotherham United
thank you very much that's great thank
you cheers you know who that is who are
you playing today Ipswich Town yeah
Alfie's in Ipswich fans
the first person we asked could they
support we're going to watch them today
so all right yeah is it YouTube yeah
what time is it away days a weird day I
think I've seen that [ __ ] yeah well
yeah no not many people ask them
what it's so Ticky and I don't think
he's playing there we'll try to figure
it out quickly but then we'll we'll be
yeah that's good cheers
where's the game is it in Ipswich yeah
we obviously already conundrum now
because you're an Ipswich fan yeah and
it might look a bit stable but he did
say rather than United he didn't say
Ipswich I thought the chances were we'd
meet someone from Ipswich yeah
you're probably going to the game we
need to figure out if we can get tickets
she's not driving to witness let me just
check out
bacon back so we're off to Ipswich but
as previously mentioned earlier this
trip and every trip we do this season
has been made possible thanks to our
season sponsor omada omada is the
risk-free football prediction app in
which you're staking your reputation and
your ego on the line instead of your
money and thanks to them you can win two
football shirts this week one by just
downloading the app at the top of the
description free to download free to
just get involved with you don't have to
pay anything to get involved with it at
all and all you have to do is download
it to have a chance to win the football
shirt and the second one is a new set of
pictures will be added to the app every
single day and then you just make your
predictions on them and then the person
at the end of the week was accumulated
the most coins on the app will then win
the other football shirt and will be the
goat of the week in the away day Squad
there's over 5 000 of you in the away
day Squad now which is incredible so
make sure to get involved we've got a
proper community over there to get
involved by downloading the app at the
top of the description it is honestly
fantastic to have an outlet where you
can predict football without staking
money and it's just I think their murder
is so perfect in that sense like don't
risk your money risk your reputation
risk like haven't banned with your mates
being Napper predicting but don't risk
money let's head off to Ipswich
someone saying Cardiff or leads because
that's the leads paid for that others
are so scripted but now it feels like
people are going to accuse us of being
scripted again yeah so what can you do
we can't force someone to say somewhere
far away get him
get him in the comments I'll be doing my
own giveaway best hate comment to Alice
wins a free shirt
don't hide it
Jody sent me like bum enlargement
surgery things before I can barely bend
it is that bad look how ugly it is it's
not ugly I do sometimes look at it I
don't think that is revolving I love um
pan to your face at all once the whole
time do you think um whole chuckle will
be there today
he might be let's see he's alive isn't
he well yeah he's the live one hence why
he might be here today
Canadian food before
no you never had pancakes boy
well a few pancakes more time also as
with every challenge I'm gonna do in the
UK we'll do it in Europe if it does well
if this hits 5000 likes we'll do a
Europe edition of this what should we do
now then
we go to the pub
every other Pub was shot
with that early it's not even midday
it's not even midday this is a family
Jewish we've got this I'd say it off
all that yeah it's midday
you're such a man
I'm bloody gutted
you might be offensive to the to the
sport of Paul here we are we've arrived
at your stomping ground Alfie Portman
it is lovely little Club shop there
isn't it oh there's this cheating on
leads well yeah they let me down a lot
so we'll wear I'll buy a woolly hat
it's quite cool show us a badge go on
I've got a fat head this is so tight
it's actually choking me
I can see why there was tickets still
keep them all the way
I love it I love this club I've loved it
since this morning when the guy
announced with it at the drive halfway
across the country so unreal
genuinely I can see both dogs and then I
did book the tickets
so it's on me tell you what the seven
wonders of the world let's make it eight
this view this has got to be better than
like going to the Christ Redeemer he's
like you need to grow up
have a good time come on
otfc Rainbow roll I don't want to eat it
it's a welcome art
joking you can stick it to your forehead
go on uh if you were struggling here for
the answer is no that's embarrassing
everyone's watched you do that as well
come on boys
yes this video is an Emirates FA Cup
game and for those of you who didn't
know I actually Host this exact series
also over on the Emirates fa cups
YouTube channel and the latest video has
just gone out I had to eat hot sauce in
it very very hot sauce so go and check
that out if you want to and um yeah back
to the video not to be dramatic but
there is about well half an hour to kick
off there's about 30 Rotherham fans here
what are the chances of seeing one of
them in extra services in Cambridge at
9am that is a chance can I get away from
the mascot give me oh I know he's
talking to the children like you should
be give me a wave give me a wave oh I've
actually been mugged off several times
there did he wave or not did he wave
that's a career low that is a low
underway come on oh the mascot's coming
give me a bloody wave now you don't get
away now
are you taking the make are you actually
taking the mix
I'm not doing it again are you actually
taken to me
I've been [ __ ] up I love how much you
love that he's made that good oh I don't
care if you've met the kids days we're
in my cover what
how's that happen four times you can't
keep getting away with it it's the fact
he stood there stood up so like it's the
context if I sit down I actually can't
see I'd say over half the stadium
what do you think so far Ipswich on top
are they
Davies playing today he is amazing for
us you Adam at Leeds yeah one of my
favorite clips of all time is be also
saying like very good Davis very good
still alive
it's about as alive as my goldfish when
I was four
it's downstairs better than a day dead
in the water it's sort of underground as
well it's really weird in it for a
goldfish to do but literally evaporated
so 27 minutes in our food what are you
thinking about us but I think we're a
tell you what if if switch will win
I will get you a match warn Ipswich
I will
come on now honestly it's a good job
there's a stepping Steward there it
makes the view much easier excuse me lad
is the game any good nice just wondering
trauma yeah well that's awful
obviously Let's Groove It Go on
obviously going for this you're ready
for the footstep there he is there's the
footstep we all expected I was stopped
wait it's a Rob run penalty he's gonna
miss out
I'll finish I can actually see it as
this is my moment if he doesn't wave
this time I'm never coming back can I
have a wave give me a wave
he's consciously doing that right you
can hear me as well Bluey okay that is a
conscious decision he's seen that every
together the eyes are Bluey on his real
eyes are they
looking at you maybe we're all wearing a
oh what ball oh I've been asking for a
wave whatever you do
hope obviously he's an Ipswich fan
because he wants him to win for the
Mission success really with sort of a
win you get a match one shirt yes I do
oh bad we'll do we'll debrief in a bit
let's get home
well that was fun I think the beauty of
these challenges now that we're going to
do more and more we're not just going to
do challenges on the channel to be clear
um I didn't realize the last one would
do so well to be honest and we'd already
planned to do this one in advance
there's going to be a few more fun
videos like this I think the beauty of
them is though that you could figure out
to the end up in Liverpool or you can
end up in Ipswich you know what I mean
so I ideally I think you could tell by
my action I wasn't overly keen on going
to Ipswich because I've been there a few
times in the past and it's close to me I
want to be going further away and I want
to be doing new grounds and fun grounds
and I think part of the fun of it is you
have like this long journey but then
also the point of it is as well you have
to be genuine you have to go to where
someone says and I still think we made a
fun video I still think it had some
funny moments in there as well so have
you if you have enjoyed tell me at 5 000
likes on this and if we do hit 5 000
likes we'll take this to Europe and
we'll just basically do it so we'll ask
loads of people here and the first
person he supports us here in Europe
will fly and watch them or maybe make a
rule where it can't be Barcelona it
can't be like Real Madrid if you know
what I mean because they're too obvious
you're wanting someone to go like dska
Sofia or someone like that this has been
my second new video of away days this
year once again a huge thanks to Amanda
for sponsoring this video check them out
at the top of the description it's free
to download it's free to get involved
with and you can run a football shirt
just like last week's winner here won a
football shirt and also this random
person if you're watching this video now
you have also won a football shirt that
I'll be sending to you just for
downloading the app so get involved with
Armada I've been LS and I see you very
very soon ciao bye
4.8 / 5 (33 votes)