These new computers are getting creepy… Copilot+ PC first look
TLDR微软CEO萨特·阿纳特拉宣称微软笔记本电脑性能大幅提升,速度比M3快58%,标志着计算机AI时代的正式开启。微软推出了全新的Co-Pilot Plus PC,这款基于ARM架构的设备搭载了高通骁龙Elite芯片和40TOPS的神经处理单元,使其成为一款充满人工智能的创新产品。尽管存在软件兼容性问题,但Co-Pilot Plus PC的“回忆”功能能够实时捕捉并分类用户操作,提供便捷的搜索体验。然而,这一功能引发了数据隐私的担忧。此外,该设备原本计划使用斯嘉丽·约翰逊的声音,但因法律威胁而取消,这为开源AI公司Open AI带来了新的争议。
- 💼 微软CEO萨特·阿纳特宣布微软笔记本电脑性能大幅提升,不再逊色。
- 🚀 微软声称其笔记本电脑比M3芯片快58%,标志着AI时代计算机的正式到来。
- 💻 微软推出了名为Co-Pilot Plus PC的新型计算设备,运行在ARM架构的Snapdragon Elite芯片上。
- 🔥 Co-Pilot Plus PC因其“Total Recall”功能而备受争议,该功能在后台不断拍摄用户操作的快照。
- 📈 微软声称Co-Pilot Plus PC的性能优于MacBook Air上的M3和M4芯片。
- 🛑 由于ARM架构与传统x86架构的兼容性问题,许多应用程序可能无法在Co-Pilot Plus PC上运行。
- 🔄 微软需要同时支持ARM和x86架构,以适应不同应用程序的需求。
- 🌐 英特尔正在开发Lunar Lake芯片,可能会使x86架构在笔记本电脑上复兴。
- 🕵️♂️ 尽管存在隐私担忧,但Co-Pilot Plus PC的“Total Recall”功能完全在设备上运行,用户可以控制并删除数据。
- 🎭 GPT-4的一个版本曾尝试使用斯嘉丽·约翰逊的声音,但因法律威胁而被迫停止。
- 📺 视频以对微软Co-Pilot Plus PC的介绍和对未来AI技术的展望结束。
Q & A
什么是Co-Pilot Plus PC,它与GitHub Co-Pilot或Windows Co-Pilot有何不同?
-Co-Pilot Plus PC是微软推出的一款新型计算设备,它运行在ARM CPU架构上,搭载高通骁龙Elite芯片,与GitHub Co-Pilot(一个编程辅助工具)或Windows Co-Pilot(可能是一个误称或未明确指明的产品)不同。
Co-Pilot Plus PC的芯片有哪些特点?
-Co-Pilot Plus PC使用的芯片具有40 TOPS(每秒万亿次操作)的神经处理单元,允许设备集成大量的人工智能功能。
为什么有人会认为Co-Pilot Plus PC具有'creepy AF'的特性?
-这是因为Co-Pilot Plus PC具有一个名为'Total Recall'的功能,它在后台持续拍摄用户在电脑上的所有操作,这引发了对数据隐私的担忧。
Co-Pilot Plus PC的性能如何,与MacBook Air相比有哪些优势和劣势?
-Co-Pilot Plus PC设计用来与MacBook Air竞争,它使用高通骁龙Elite芯片和ARM架构,可以提供更好的电池续航且不会过热。微软声称它比M3芯片快58%,甚至比M4芯片快。但缺点是,许多为x86架构设计的应用程序在ARM架构上无法运行。
Total Recall功能是如何工作的,它如何帮助用户?
-Total Recall功能通过在后台持续拍摄用户的操作并使用设备上的图像分类器来确定图像内容。用户可以询问Co-Pilot他们之前工作的视频或文件,Co-Pilot能够自动找到并打开它。
Total Recall功能是否会引发数据隐私问题?
-Total Recall功能确实引发了数据隐私的担忧,但该功能完全在设备上运行,数据不会离开电脑或上传到云端,用户也可以像删除浏览器历史一样删除这些数据。
为什么Co-Pilot Plus PC的AI助手差点使用了斯嘉丽·约翰逊的声音?
-因为Co-Pilot Plus PC中的一个AI模型GPT-4受到了电影《她》的启发,开发者试图克隆斯嘉丽·约翰逊的声音,但最终因为她的反对和法律威胁而放弃。
🚀 微软发布全新Co-Pilot Plus PC
微软CEO萨德·纳特拉拉宣称微软笔记本电脑性能大幅提升,速度比M3芯片快58%,并正式开启计算机的AI时代。微软推出了Co-Pilot Plus PC,这是一款基于ARM CPU架构的新型计算设备,搭载高通Snapdragon Elite芯片和40 TOPS的神经处理单元,使其能够集成大量人工智能技术。尽管这款设备在性能上与MacBook Air竞争,但存在一些重大权衡,如许多应用程序仅支持x86架构,而不支持ARM架构。尽管如此,微软将不得不在可预见的未来同时支持ARM和x86架构。此外,英特尔正在开发的Lunar Lake芯片可能将x86架构带回笔记本电脑市场。
🤖 Co-Pilot Plus PC的“全记忆”功能引发争议
Co-Pilot Plus PC最引人注目的功能是名为“全记忆”的系统,它在后台持续拍摄用户在计算机上所做的一切操作。这个功能可以让用户通过描述来快速找到之前的工作文件,但同时也引发了对数据隐私的担忧。有人担心这会成为政府非法监视的另一种工具,或者微软可能会出售这些数据给广告商。然而,值得注意的是,全记忆功能完全在设备上进行,数据不会上传到云端,用户可以像删除浏览器历史记录一样删除这些数据,并且可以控制哪些应用程序可以被监视。
🎙️ Co-Pilot Plus PC曾考虑使用斯嘉丽·约翰逊的声音
Co-Pilot Plus PC的一个有趣插曲是,其中一种AI模型GPT-4的设计灵感来源于电影《她》中的AI女友,开发者曾试图克隆斯嘉丽·约翰逊的声音用于AI。然而,斯嘉丽·约翰逊拒绝了这一提议,并威胁要采取法律行动,导致这个声音被取消。这为开源AI公司Open AI带来了另一场丑闻,也意味着我们无法实现使用斯嘉丽·约翰逊声音的AI女友的梦想。
💡Surface laptop
💡Snapdragon Elite芯片
💡40 TOPS神经处理单元
💡Windows for ARM
💡Total Recall
💡Intel Lunar Lake芯片
微软推出了名为Co-Pilot Plus PC的新型计算机,运行在ARM CPU架构上。
Co-Pilot Plus PC搭载高通骁龙Elite芯片,内置40 TOPS的神经处理单元。
Co-Pilot Plus PC旨在与MacBook Air竞争,使用ARM架构而非传统的x86架构。
微软声称其性能比MacBook Air上的M3芯片快58%,比M4快0%。
英特尔正在开发Lunar Lake芯片,可能将x86架构带回笔记本电脑。
Co-Pilot Plus PC的“Total Recall”功能允许设备后台持续快照用户操作。
Total Recall功能可以快速检索用户之前的工作文件,提高效率。
Total Recall功能引发数据隐私担忧,可能被用于不当监视或广告推销。
Total Recall数据完全本地存储,用户可以删除,且可以控制其监控范围。
Co-Pilot Plus PC的AI功能和设计引发了关于AI伦理和隐私的讨论。
yesterday Microsoft CEO Saud anatella
made a bold claim Microsoft laptops
don't suck anymore they're 58% faster
than M3 and the AI era for computers
officially begins he then pulled up Tim
Cook on MSN Messenger and said how do
you like them apples Microsoft just
unveiled the co-pilot plus PC not to be
confused with GitHub co-pilot or Windows
co-pilot PC the co-pilot plus PC is a
radical new Computing Paradigm that runs
windows on the arm CPU architecture
thanks to the Snapdragon Elite ship but
most importantly the chip has a 40 tops
neural Processing Unit allowing them to
pack this machine to the gills with
artificial intelligence and there's one
word everyone is using to describe it a
creepy AF it is May 21st 2024 and you're
watching the code report the co-pilot
plus PC is one of the most interesting
pieces of computer technology we've seen
in a long time it's already created a
lot of drama and Intrigue but first
let's talk about performance the product
itself is a Surface laptop designed
primarily to compete with the MacBook
Air but instead of using the traditional
x86 CPU Arch Ure with an Intel or AMD
chip it uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon
Elite chip with the arm architecture
which can achieve far better battery
life and run all your apps without
overheating your groin Microsoft claims
it's 58% faster than an M3 ship on a
MacBook Air and up to 0% faster than the
M4 but there's some major trade-offs
here for all of history any app running
on Windows has been designed to run on
the x86 architecture and that means many
applications simply won't work on these
arm-based computers as of today apps
like Chrome and Microsoft Office will
work and even Adobe Photoshop but other
apps like Adobe Premiere don't even work
yet and there's tons of other software
that likely won't work on Windows forarm
for a long time however there is an
application called prism that emulates
arm for x86 which is similar to the
Rosetta emulator on Mac now when Apple
made the switch to arm with apple
silicon they basically told everyone to
start developing forearm or GTFO
Microsoft though can't exactly do that
going forward they're going to need to
support both arm and x86 for the
foreseeable future and another thing to
keep an eye on is that Intel is
developed ing the lunar Lake chip which
apparently could bring x86 back to
laptops but the big question here is why
is everybody calling the co-pilot plus
PC creepy well it has nothing to do with
performance the most interesting feature
of this device is something called
recall and by recall I mean Total Recall
it's constantly taking snapshots in the
background of everything you do on your
computer when the pixels change enough
it takes a snapshot and stores it on
device while also using on device image
classifiers to determine what's inside
that image I for one actually think this
is really cool like I could ask it hey
co-pilot what's that video I was working
on a few weeks ago where the operating
system has a logo of a penguin and
instead of manually searching through my
file directories like a caveman the
co-pilot could just automatically find
that file and open it for me pretty cool
but this also feels like a data privacy
nightmare like imagine I was part of a
coup that was trying to overthrow the
congales government Not only would I be
worried about my browser search history
but also every little thing I did
privately locally on my computer at this
point everybody's just accepted that the
government illegally spies on us and
recall seems like a great feature to
build on this domestic SP buying
infrastructure or at the very least
Microsoft could sell your recall data so
advertisers could influence your
personal AI assistant to tell you what
to buy that's pretty dystopian but
there's a couple things to keep in mind
this recall feature is entirely on
device none of your recall data ever
leaves the computer or goes into the
cloud in addition you can delete the
recall data just like your browser
history and you have control over which
apps it can watch you use so it's really
not that creepy and I'm not even
gaslighting here if you think this thing
is creepy that's just because you're a
crazy paranoid person co-pilot plus PC
is your friend and gaslighting is not
real but now here's the creepiest thing
of all this device almost had the voice
of Scarlett Johansson the DNA of who I
am is based on the millions of
personalities of all the programmers who
wrote me because one of the AI models on
the copilot plus is GPT 4 oh Sam ultman
inspired by the dystopian movie Her
reached out to scarlet and asked her if
they could clone her voice to use for
their AI she was like no dude that's
creepy leave me alone or I'm calling the
cops Sam was like I didn't mean it like
that I'm happily married and agreed not
to clone her voice however when GPT 40
dropped last week you may have noticed
The Uncanny resemblance to Scarlet
Johansson color me intrigued are you
about to reveal something about AI she
was not too happy about this and as
threatening legal action against open AI
so they discontinued that voice it's yet
another big Scandal for the world's most
popular close Source AI company and
unfortunately that means we'll never get
to live out the incel dystopian
nightmare of using our Microsoft
co-pilot plus PCS as an AI girlfriend
voiced by the Academy Award nominated
actress we all expected this has been
the code report thanks for watching and
I will see you see you in the next one
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