ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Full Broadcast - March 11, 2024
- 🌪️ 强风和致命天气:美国东海岸遭遇强风和致命天气,导致大面积停电和树木倒塌,超过50万人受到影响,4000多个航班被取消或延误。
- 🚌 致命巴士事故:一辆校车与拖拉机拖车相撞,造成包括儿童在内的多人死亡。
- ✈️ 波音客机空中惊魂:一架波音787梦想飞机在空中突然下坠,导致至少50名乘客和机组人员受伤。
- 📍 情报机构警告:美国情报机构警告全球最令人不安的威胁,包括中国对美国选举的潜在影响,以及乌克兰的局势。
- 🏛️ 国会山警告:美国情报官员警告国内外前所未有的威胁,包括中国和俄罗斯可能利用人工智能技术干预美国总统选举。
- 🏢 白宫竞选:前总统特朗普表示愿意削减社会保障和医疗保险等福利项目,而拜登则承诺不会削减这些项目。
- 📸 公主照片争议:公主凯特的照片被曝光经过修改,引发关于她健康状况的更多疑问。
- 🔥 海地局势紧张:美国军方在海地局势恶化前撤离了部分美国人员,国务卿安东尼·布林肯前往牙买加与加勒比领导人举行紧急会议。
- 🇮🇱 以色列-美国紧张关系:美国总统拜登与以色列总理内塔尼亚胡之间的紧张关系加剧,讨论了对加沙地带的潜在入侵。
- 🏆 奥斯卡颁奖典礼:《奥本海默》在第96届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上大获成功,赢得包括最佳影片在内的七项大奖。
- 🐊 佛罗里达鳄鱼攻击:一名68岁的划船者在佛罗里达州的鳄鱼攻击中受伤,被空运至医院接受治疗。
Q & A
-第96届奥斯卡颁奖典礼的亮点包括《 Oppenheimer》赢得包括最佳影片在内的七项奥斯卡奖,Killian Murphy凭借在《 Oppenheimer》中扮演原子 bomb 之父的角色赢得最佳男主角奖,而Emma Stone则凭借《Poor Things》赢得最佳女主角奖。
《Oppenheim》电影中的歌曲《Ken's Song》有哪些幕后故事?
-《Ken's Song》几乎未能成为《Oppenheim》电影的一部分。歌曲的共同作者和制作人透露,这首歌最初并未被包括在电影的最终剪辑中,但导演Greta Gerwig坚持保留。
-在佛罗里达州的鳄鱼攻击事件中,一名68岁的船员在Everglades National Park内被鳄鱼攻击,他的船翻了后试图游向岸边。他因腿部受伤被空运到迈阿密医院接受治疗,预计会康复。
🌪️ 强风和致命事故
🚨 交通安全事故和全球威胁
📸 皇家家庭与政治议题
🏆 体育胜利与奥斯卡颁奖典礼
气象学家Rob Marciano预测,风暴将在明天黎明时分继续带来30到40英里/小时的风速。
tonight several developing stories as we
come on powerful and deadly winds slam
the East power outages trees on homes
and the winds now coming tonight also
news coming in a deadly bus accident
colliding with a tractor trailer
multiple adults and children did not
survive this and the passenger jet that
suddenly dropped in midair passengers
thrown in the cabin first tonight more
than 50 million Americans on alert at
this hour Philadelphia to New York to
Boston wind gust reaching 50 mph and the
winds have turned deadly now a tree in a
home nearly 4,000 flights canceled or
delayed Rob Marciano with what's coming
next the horrific crash word coming in
of that school bus into a tractor
trailer in the oncoming Lane several
people dead tonight including children
the terrifying moments in the air a
Boeing passenger jet passengers saying
there was a sudden drop and that many
were thrown around the cabin reports of
panels dislodged in the ceiling at least
50 people hurt the alarming images
coming out of Haiti tonight the US
Embassy evacuating a American staffers
before the sun came up the Secretary of
State now in the region tonight the
Stark warning on Capitol Hill today
America's intelligence Chiefs warning of
the most troubling Global threats among
them China and the influence over the US
election here in the US the danger on
our own border and the warning about
Ukraine if the US does not help where
Russia is getting its weapons the race
for the White House Tonight what former
president Trump said today about social
security and Medicare about entitlement
President Biden pouncing meanwhile the
growing Rift tonight between Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
President Biden Netanyahu now pushing
back after what President Biden called a
red line and what Biden said just
moments ago tonight princess Katherine
the photo with her children suddenly
pulled by news agency saying the photo
had been doctored then the apology from
Princess Kate so why doesn't the royal
family release the original it's leading
to even more questions tonight after
Catherine mystery surgery back here in
the US the boater attacked by a
crocodile airlifted to the hospital
college basketball star Caitlyn Clark
and her new Triumph tonight at the
Oscars the big night and what we didn't
know about Ken
song from ABC News world headquarters in
New York this is World News Tonight with
David mure good evening it's great to
start another week with all of you at
home we do begin tonight with the
dangerous winds and they've now turn
deadly trees down power outages and more
wind coming more than 50 million
Americans in the Northeast under wind
alerts at this hour Washington DC New
York City and Boston all on the path
more than 4,000 flights canceled or
delayed and take a look at this map
these high wind numbers across the
Northeast gusts between 40 and 50 mil an
hour the winds uprooting a massive Tree
in Brooklyn New York crushing a car near
Prospect park this home in Carlile
Pennsylvania destroyed by a Fallen Tree
killing a person who was trapped inside
these winds are the tail end of a system
that slammed the East over the weekend
at ef2 tornado winds 130 mph ripping
through Brantley County Georgia it's
about 40 miles west Brunswick onshore
winds flooding areas along the east
coast this is Hampton New Hampshire one
of those areas underwater tonight a
coast guard crewp rving Rough Waters
this is off bass Harbor Maine rushing a
patient to Emergency Care this is not
done yet so let's get right to senior
meteorologist Rob Marciano timing it out
for us hey
Rob hi David this thing really wound up
in a hurry yesterday continue to
strengthen today and seemingly in no
hurry to get out to sea the low itself
remains over Nova Scotia we've got wind
advisories most of which will remain up
through the Midnight Hour and that low
will continue to wrap around winds well
towards Daybreak tomorrow 30 40 m per
hour winds will continue and it will
still be windy in the morning the ground
saturated still so we probably see more
in the way of trees coming down a little
bit on the dicey side still windy in the
midwest as well down to the Texas
Panhandle where they had that massive
Texas fire the biggest on history there
red flag warnings are up tomorrow and we
likely see critical fire danger through
much of the week here in the East next 4
to8 hours could be on the dangerous side
David we appreciate the warning Rob
Marciano leading us off here Rob thank
you we turn out of that horrific crash
there is news coming in tonight of an
awful crash a collision between a school
bus and a tractor trailer both vehicles
erupting into flames both drivers were
killed along with three children on that
bus ABC's Alex pet tonight with what
authorities have just now revealed
tonight a horrific crash scene along
this Illinois highway after a semi
collided with a school bus killing five
people including all three preschool AED
children on board Route 24 in front of
scrips Park School Bus semi accident at
least one vehicle on fire it happened
about 60 Mi west of Springfield police
say just after 11:30 this morning the
bus crossed the line into oncoming
traffic and then into the path of that
truck hauling sand the bus was traveling
west on Route 24 and for an unknown
reason crossed over into the eastbound
Lanes in front of the semi TR both
vehicles became engulfed in flames both
drivers were also killed the school bus
scene here barely recognizable when you
have lost lives like this uh it's it's
devastating it's quite a
tragedy David tonight authorities were
asked if drugs or alcohol played a role
in this crash frankly they can't answer
that yet this investigation is just
getting started David we're thaning
about those families tonight Alex thank
you now of the terrifying midair scare
on a Boeing passenger jet the sudden
drop on board the Boeing 787 Dreamliner
some passengers thrown in the cabin at
least 50 passengers and crew were
injured in this the flight from
Australia to New Zealand tonight here
the images and just a short time ago the
airline calling it a technical incident
here's Trevor
alal Tonight video circulating online
capturing the terror aboard a latam
Airlines flight after passengers and
crew were sent f flying to the ceiling
it felt more like an earthquake rather
than turbulence but it was just like the
worst form of turbulence more than
halfway through the three-hour trip from
Sydney Australia to Auckland New Zealand
passengers saying flight LA 800 seemed
to suddenly drop many of the 272 on
board tossed around the cabin of the
Boeing 787 Dreamliner I saw cut cut
heads um a few neck braces being applied
people being patched up with cuts and
bruises at least 50 passengers and crew
needing treatment for injuries more than
a dozen taken to the hospital Lucas
Elwood and others helping this seriously
injured person in the aisle oh everyone
was terrified there were people
whimpering all over um there were people
injured all over the aircraft Landing
safely in Auckland and tonight the
Chilean base airlin saying it deeply
regrets any Inc convenience and
discomfort this situation may have
caused saying the aircraft experienced a
strong Shake that's now under
investigation the good news is that the
black boxes will very quickly determine
whether this was an aircraft malfunction
or just clear air
turbulence and David while the airline
has referred to this as a technical
incident they have not yet specified
what exactly went wrong here David yeah
that's the question what does that mean
Trevor Al tonight Trevor thank you we
turn tonight to the Stark warning on
Capitol Hill today America's top
intelligence officials warning of the
most troubling Global threats right now
and the list was long China and the
potential influence over the US election
the warning about Ukraine if the US does
not help where Russia is now getting its
weapons and the danger here in the us on
our own border here's Pier
Thomas tonight the nation's top
intelligence officials warning us faces
unprecedented threats internationally
and here at home concerns at adversaries
like China and Russia might try to use
the emerging technology of artificial
intelligence against the US in the
upcoming presidential election the
threat of malign actors exploiting these
tools and Technologies to undercut us
interests and democracy is particularly
potent as voters go to the poll in more
than 60 elections around the globe the
FBI concerned about the potential that
terrorists and others might try to come
through a poor Southern border a whole
host of threats that emanate from the
border um and some of them are criminal
threats we talked about f violence and
then of course we have concerns uh that
it could be a vulnerability that uh
terrorist organizations could seek to
exploit and tonight the blunt assessment
that Ukraine faces a critical window
Ukraine's Retreat from AA and their
struggle to saave off further
territorial losses in the past few weeks
have exposed the erosion of Ukraine's
military capabilities with the declining
availability of external military aid
and without that assistance it is hard
hard to imagine how Ukraine will be able
to maintain the extremely hardfought
advances it has made against the
Russians especially given the sustained
surge in Russian ammunition production
and purchases from North Korea and Iran
and David tonight the FBI director
continues to warn that the terror threat
is quote at a whole other level and with
the war steel raging in Gaza nothing has
changed to diminish his concerns David
that list was extensive today Pierre
thank you now to the race for the White
House Tonight what former president
Trump said just this morning about
government entitlement programs
including Social Security President
Biden on the campaign Trail in New
Hampshire pouncing here's Rachel Scott
tonight the Stark difference between the
two candidates on full display President
Biden seizing on new comments by Donald
Trump the former president seeming to
suggest he would be open to cutting
entitlements like Social Security and
Medicare there is a lot you can do in
terms of entitlements in terms of
cutting and in ter terms of also uh the
theft and the the bad management of
entitlements tremendous bad management
of entitlements there's tremendous
amounts of things and numbers of things
you can do Biden tweeting out Trump's
comments with these words not on my
watch hitting them again on a campaign
swing in New Hampshire Donald Trump said
cuts the Social Security Medicare are on
the table again I'm never going to allow
that to happen Biden today unveiling his
budget wish list a $7.3 trillion plan
highlighting his priorities for voters
it includes $4.7 billion for border
security and a host of programs to help
the middle class including a $2,600
child tax credit a new tax credit for
firsttime home buyers and lowering the
cost of prescription drugs including
insulin to pay for it all Biden wants to
raise taxes on corporations and impose a
25% minimum tax on people worth more
than $100 million the president again
drawing a sharp contrast with Donald
Trump do you really think the wealthy
and big corporations need another $2
trillion tax breaks because that's what
he wants to do Biden pledging that
nobody who earns less than
$400,000 will see their taxes go up
nobody not a single Cent nobody will pay
a single penny more and they haven't
thus far folks it's about fundamental
fairness David back to Medicare and
Social Security Donald Trump saying
today there's a lot you can do in terms
of entitlements in terms of cutting now
his campaign says what he was talking
about was cutting waste not the program
themselves David Rachel Scott tonight
Rachel thank you this evening the
alarming images coming in from Haiti the
US military evacuating some American
Personnel before the sun came up over
the weekend tonight here ABC's Matt
Rivers who has reported extensively on
Haiti for us with the troubling images
now coming in tonight a gang L Rebellion
putting Haiti on the brink of
collapse this elderly woman shot in the
leg desperate for help and with the US
military helicoptering non-essential
person out of the US Embassy under the
cover of Darkness early
Sunday Secretary of State Anthony
blinkin traveling to Jamaica tonight for
an emergency meeting with Caribbean
leaders it comes after coordinated gang
attacks to overthrow the government of
acting prime minister Ariel en Reed The
Man Behind it all a warlord called
barbecue demanding the acting prime
minister step down we spoke to him over
the weekend if Ariel HRI resigns will
you stop
fighting indeed he says if HRI resigns
we will automatically stop the attacks
over the past year we have reported on
the growing unrest and it has become
increasingly difficult to get in
witnessing one of the worst humanitarian
crises in the world so a nurse just
weighed Marvin here using this scale
he's about 9 kilos or 20 lb he's 4 years
old and yet he weighs the exact same
amount as my son who's only 10 months
old Rowan fears the situation will only
get worse with no end in sight to the
violence David the US pushing prime
minister HRI to seed power to a
transition Council that would bring new
elections to Haiti but so far H re
refusing to resign David all right Matt
rivers from Mexico City tonight Matt
thank you to London now into the Royal
photo of Princess Katherine and her
children suddenly recalled by photo
agencies after they found the image had
been doctored Princess Kate then
apologizing but tonight Buckingham
Palace still not releasing the original
image leading to even more questions
about Princess Katherine and how she's
doing after that sudden surgery James
Longman from London
tonight this royal family photo was
meant to calm speculation about the
princess of wells's Health tonight that
speculation in overdrive after Kate
admitted she doctored the image the
Princess of Wales herself writing like
many amateur photographers I do
occasionally experiment with editing I
wanted to express my apologies for any
confusion the family photograph we
shared yesterday caused conspiracy
theories have run ramp online in the
wake of Kate's absence from public life
after she underwent what the palace
called Planned abdominal surgery in
January she hadn't been seen publicly
since Christmas until this Paparazzi
photo emerged last week Kate and her
mother at Windsor the palace says this
new photo released to celebrate Mother's
Day in the UK was taken last week by
Prince William at their home we now
obviously put that photograph out to try
to quell all the speculation leading
international photo agencies pulling it
from their websites an AFP analysis
pointing out clear inconsistencies
perhaps the most glaring princess
Charlotte's left hand and sleeve partly
erased Charlotte's skirt waistband and
hair at odd angles as is the zipper on
Kate's jacket it doesn't appear to line
up Kate by far the UK's most popular
Royal was seen leaving Windsor Castle
today for a private appointment in the
car with her husband Prince William
later attending a major event without
her some observers think one way for the
palace to resolve this would be to
release the original photograph but
tonight David they're saying they will
not do that and no further update on
Kate's Health David let's just hope
she's okay James Longman tonight James
thank you now to the tensions between
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and President Biden after
Biden discussed what would be a red line
for him Matt Gman from
Israel tonight a growing Rift between
President Biden and Israel's prime
minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the
president seemingly said an invasion
into Rafa in the southern part of the
Gaza Strip would be Red Line it is a red
line but I'm never going to leave Israel
you cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians
dead as a consequence moments later
walking those comments back saying
netanyahu's war was hurting Israel more
than helping for weeks the White House
has publicly urged Israel not to invade
Rafa where hamas's remaining leaders and
battalions are believed to be hiding
among civilians without a plant to
protect the more than a million
displaced Gins there Netanyahu defined
vowing to press on despite the president
concerns I have a red line you know what
the red line is that October 7th doesn't
happen again the leader trading Barb
says the holy month of Ramadan begins
and his famine sets in according to the
UN dozens mostly children have died for
malnutrition some like 12 year-old
Muhammad clinging to life with severe
dehydration and
malnutrition and David you recall after
the president's State of the Union
Address last week he was caught off Mike
saying he'd have a quote come to Jesus
talk with Israel prime minister
Netanyahu today he said he hasn't yet
had that conversation but left the
option on the table David all right Matt
thank you when we come back here in the
us tonight the boater attacked by a
crocodile airlifted at the hospital
there's word on his condition coming in
Caitlyn Clark and her new Triumph
tonight and the Oscars and what we
didn't know about Ken
song tonight there is an investigation
underway in South Florida after an
apparent crocodile attack inside
Everglades National Park a 68-year-old
Boer was airlifted to Miami Hospital
treated for a cut on his leg authorities
say the man was trying to swim to shore
after his boat had capsized he's
expected to be okay when we come back
tonight basketball star Caitlyn Clark
hits another Milestone tonight and the
Oscars and what few knew about Ken
song to the index and Caitlyn Clark does
it again helping to lead her Iowa hawkey
to their third consecutive Big 10 title
and a ticket to the big dance defeating
Nebraska 8987 in overtime Clark with 34
points when we back Oscar's big night
and the famous dog from the movie and
how they pulled off the dog and all of
clapping ABC World News Tonight with
David mure sponsored by Pacific Life
creating Financial Security for more
than 150
years from best picture to the dog
clapping to Ken's song that almost
didn't make the
movie The 96 Academy Awards and the big
winner Oppenheimer Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer Oppenheimer winning seven
Oscars including best picture Killian
Murphy Killian Murphy winning best actor
for his portrayal of Oppenheimer the
father of the atomic bomb for better for
worse we're all living in oppenheimer's
world so I would really like to dedicate
this to the peacemakers
everywhere Rober J Robert Downey Jr
nominated twice before with his first
Oscar win for best supporting actor in
Oppenheimer I'd like to thank my
childhood and the
academy in that
dine and divine Joy Randolph waiting for
best supporting actress in The holdovers
you know he flourished here yes no he
was a great kid I had him one semester
very insightful mhm he hated
you for for so long I've always wanted
to be different and now I realize I just
need to be myself
em waiting best actress Emma Stone for
poor things most importantly my daughter
who's going to be three in 3 days and
has turned our lives Technicolor I love
you bigger than the whole Sky my girl
there were the surprises messy Messi the
border colleag from anatomy of the Fall
clapping for the winners and this is how
it was
done actor Ryan Gosling singing I'm just
Ken with 62 other Ken Margo Robbie
director Greta Gerwig dancing
too and tonight the song's co-writer and
producer revealing that that song almost
didn't make the final cut of the movie
but director Greta gerwick was
determined was quite night I'll see you
right back here tomorrow good
night thank you for making World News
Tonight with David mure America's most
watched newscast
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