my brain is square and im often confused
- 😄 视频中的人虽然自嘲不是聪明人,但得到了很多人的支持和爱。
- 🏠 他要求那些支持他的人远离他的家。
- 🧠 他坦诚自己在学习或理解某些概念时会遇到问题,例如数学和日常用语。
- 📝 他有一个记录自己误解或错误理解事物的列表,称之为“愚蠢清单”。
- 🤔 他提到自己对“pay-per-view”和“sweet pea”等词汇的理解错误。
- 😅 他曾误以为“peer pressure”是“pure pressure”。
- 📉 他通过社交媒体询问别人对他的IQ的看法,收到了多种不同的答案。
- 🍄 他讨论了“toadstool”(毒蘑菇)一词的来源和含义。
- 🕺 他提到自己虽然不擅长记忆信息,但在其他方面(如舞蹈)有优势。
- 💪 他强调自己的智力正在逐步提升,鼓励观众不要忽视个人成长的可能性。
- 📺 他提到与Noodle合作的视频以及即将进行的Bob Ross绘画直播活动。
Q & A
-演讲者提到了对“pay-per-view”、“sweet pea”、“peer pressure”等词汇的误解。
-演讲者提到了将“pay-per-view”误解为涉及纸张的付费方式,将“sweet pea”误解为豌豆,以及将“peer pressure”误解为“纯压力”。
-演讲者提到了他和Noodle将要进行的Bob Ross绘画直播活动,并邀请观众参与。
🤔 自我认知与反思
视频脚本的第一段中,演讲者以自嘲的方式表达了对自己智力的不自信。他坦诚自己并不聪明,并且通过列举多个生活中的误解和错误来证明这一点,比如将'pay-per-view'误解为与纸张有关,以及将'sweet pea'误认为是某种食物。他提到自己有一个记录自己愚蠢行为的清单,并以此展示自己的愚蠢是可以量化的。演讲者还提到,尽管自己不擅长记忆信息,但他在其他方面有所擅长,并且随着时间的推移,他的智力也在逐渐提高。
🎨 合作与直播预告
第二段中,演讲者提到与'noodle'的合作,并鼓励观众去观看他们共同创作的视频。此外,他还宣布了一个即将到来的直播活动,他和noodle将会在直播中一起观看Bob Ross的节目,并在直播结束后展示大家的画作。演讲者邀请观众加入直播,并提供了直播的具体时间(3:30 CST)以及如何接收直播通知的方法。最后,他提醒观众订阅他的频道,并以幽默的方式结束视频。
演讲者曾错误地认为'sweet pea'是在叫某人豌豆。
演讲者曾混淆'peer pressure'和'pure pressure'。
演讲者提到'taking a deuce'实际上是'taking a number two'。
演讲者接受了'salt mask bird'作为一个事实。
演讲者宣布将与Noodle一起直播Bob Ross的绘画活动。
I am NOT a smart person and I never have
been and I never will be but there's a
lot of people who say otherwise and they
support me and they love me I'd like to
make something very clear to everyone
who loves and supports me yeah get away
from my house yeah I know what I'm
talking about when I'm calling myself
stupid or dumb this isn't a
self-deprecating thing or a self-hate
thing it's just like one of those facts
of life earth is round Sun is bright
I got square brain remember the hurt
video I did and there was like a bunch
of math in the beginning I wrote the
script for that video recorded the audio
for that video edited that audio and
then listen to the audio while I was
animating over the audio and it wasn't
until somebody told me in the comments
that I realized that my math is bad and
I asked Warren how did I get through
school barely every time I have a
misunderstanding where there really
shouldn't be any misunderstanding I've
been writing it down and putting it in
this list and now I have a list of all
of the times I was being dumb so now my
stupidity is quantifiable look I get you
did you see that's how many how many
times too many let's take a trip down
idiot lane let's look at a couple of
these pay-per-view is not pay-per-view I
learned this one about a year ago I was
looking at some paper and thought to
pay-per-view implies there's paper
involved instead of a TV like you would
just get some papers with pictures of
the show you want to watch it turns out
it's something that you pay every time
you view it
who'da thunk calling someone a sweet pea
is not calling them a pea of which is
sweet I thought maybe people like back
in the day were like yes honey could you
hand me the sugar for my peas that's not
what people talk like in the 50s but you
get my point
anyway it's a flap which is considerably
less gross I really don't know what I
was thinking of but when information
enters my mind it just I don't know what
happens to it I'm stupid
what would a sweet pea taste like and
what is that flavor yeah if I had a
nickel every time I was dumb I would not
have to be smart to make a lot of money
I thought for a very long time that peer
pressure was pure pressure there's water
pressure air pressure and then there's
your friends what do you think my IQ is
I'm gonna tweet it I want to see what
people say Apple to at least three one
of them for each little hair proof
oh no 2500 at least 100 percent it's not
wrong Oh
- Jonathan me egg 0 another 0 82 82 it's
like a real answer but banana no 149
that's a lot a billion 120 something
that's another real answer Oh
big flute gummy peanut pants pancakes
guys it's supposed it's supposed to be a
number are you guys hungry
potato taking a deuce is taking a number
two because deuce is two in Spanish
maybe maybe German deuce deuce I spelt
it wrong way to say it's English
wait it's English what it's just ink
deuces English what mushrooms are called
toadstools because it's like a stool for
a toad honestly you could have called it
anything and it would have accepted it
Oh what what's that it's called salt
mask bird amazing I'm accepting that as
in conclusion I'm not got the smart
there are a lot of other people in this
world that are really really good at
retaining information a lot better than
I but I'm good at other things like this
little dance silver lining now I know
all of these things and my intelligence
has been improving if only a little
overtime which isn't always the case for
everybody thanks for watching I love
seeing you watch my videos thank you for
nine-one-one yeah he's back if you
haven't seen the video i've done with
noodle yet we did a collab and you
should check it out if you haven't seen
it yet it's a fun time and you know what
else is a fun time noodle and I are also
going to be streaming a little Bob Ross
action Friday editor's note by Friday I
mean literally today 3:30 CST also you
can follow along with us and then we're
gonna check out everybody's paintings
afterwards so if you're into that swing
come on by so come check that out too if
you want a notification for when that
happens the bell icon does that think
that's everything
don't forget to subscribe and if you do
subscribe then i will appear in your
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