Apple Vision Pro - A PC Guy’s Perspective
TLDR这段视频脚本深入评测了苹果新推出的 Vision Pro 混合现实头戴设备。作者从硬件设计、视觉效果、实用性等多个角度进行了全面分析。他赞赏了 Vision Pro 出色的工程技术,但也指出它在舒适度、交互性和应用支持等方面存在一些不足。虽然 Vision Pro 展现了空间计算的无限潜力,但目前对普通用户来说,它的价格和便携性依然是重大障碍。作者总结认为,Vision Pro 确实是一款非常令人兴奋的尖端科技产品,但可能还需要时日来克服现有的限制。
- 😲 苹果 Vision Pro 在构建质量、显示分辨率和现实视图传递技术等方面均展现出卓越的工程技术。
- 😕 但它的佩戴舒适度、视场角和运动模糊等细节仍有待改进。
- 🎮 Vision Pro 并不适合用于虚拟现实游戏,因为手部运动跟踪不够精确流畅。
- 💻 通过流媒体应用,Vision Pro 可以非常出色地访问 Windows 电脑并使用虚拟桌面。
- 🖼 Vision Pro 目前主要适用于观看视频内容、欣赏 3D 照片/视频等消费类应用。
- 👨💼 对于专业工作来说,Vision Pro 暂时缺乏理想的生产力体验。
- 📝 笔记、协作编辑等常见办公场景在 Vision Pro 上尚无良好支持。
- 💰 Vision Pro 的 3,500 美元定价相对其当前功能而言过于昂贵。
- ⌚ Vision Pro 作为新兴技术的第一代产品,在用户体验和应用生态方面仍有很大的进步空间。
- 💡 作为一项革命性创新,Vision Pro 为未来的空间计算奠定了基础,但商业前景尚不明朗。
Q & A
为什么苹果Vision Pro会引起如此大的反响,而Meta Quest则被人嘲笑?
-虽然两者都是混合现实头戴设备,但苹果Vision Pro在分辨率、摄像头性能等硬件方面明显高于Meta Quest,所以给人一种全新的沉浸式体验感,引发了人们的兴奋和期待。此外,作为科技界的引领者,苹果产品往往有很高的预期,而Meta则在用户体验方面存在一些缺陷,因此两者的反响有所不同。
Vision Pro在游戏体验方面的主要优缺点是什么?
-Vision Pro优点是画质清晰流畅,物体实景渲染效果出色,提供了无与伦比的视觉体验。但缺点在于由于缺乏类似手柄的运动传感器输入,在需要高精度手部追踪的游戏中,手部动作无法被完美捕捉,导致交互体验下降。所以它并不太适合作为一款游戏主机使用。
作为一款用于工作的设备,Vision Pro在工作环境中存在哪些挑战?
-Vision Pro在工作环境中存在一些挑战。首先,长时间佩戴会带来眼睛疲劳等不适感。其次,实景视频画质无法与真实世界相媲美,且虚拟内容与现实场景过于鲜明对比,会产生视觉分离感。再者,缺少方便的文件共享和多人协作模式,不利于高效办公。此外设置和调整耗时较长,不如常规电脑便捷。
脚本中提到了哪些可以通过Windows设备来远程使用Vision Pro的方法?
-脚本中提到了两种通过Windows设备远程使用Vision Pro的方法。第一种是通过Steam link 应用程序将Windows电脑的画面传输到Vision Pro上,不过分辨率只能达到1080p。第二种是使用Sunshine将Windows电脑变成流媒体服务器,再配合Moonlight应用,就能以高达4K 120帧的分辨率在Vision Pro上使用Windows系统。
脚本对Vision Pro产品的最终评价是什么?它为普通消费者是否合适?
-脚本对Vision Pro给出了正面但有限的评价。它认为Vision Pro无疑是一款工程技术上的杰作,能带来前所未有的沉浸式体验。但目前除了观看影视作品,它还缺乏足够吸引普通消费者的实用功能和内容。加之高昂的价格,因此脚本认为普通消费者暂时没有必要购买,还是需要等待下一代产品。
Vision Pro与智能手机相比,在便携性和实用性方面存在哪些差距?
-与智能手机相比,Vision Pro在便携性和实用性方面存在明显差距。一方面,Vision Pro体积庞大、配件多,佩戴和使用并不便捷。另一方面,目前它缺乏日常应用场景,大多数人使用手机就能完成的工作也无法高效地在Vision Pro上完成,所以实用性有限。智能手机作为一种成熟产品,在这两方面都占据明显优势。
Vision Pro的较高价格主要得益于哪些技术和硬件的创新?
-Vision Pro主要依赖以下一些创新技术和硬件实现其强大功能,导致价格较高:1.采用了自家研发的M2芯片,性能出色;2.搭载多达12颗摄像头用于实时环境扫描和渲染;3.内置R1芯片用于实时视频缝合、眼部和手部追踪;4.采用高分辨率近4K微型OLED显示屏;5. 出众的工业设计和材料选择等。
Vision Pro在视频通过功能方面有何创新之处?但也存在哪些不足?
-Vision Pro的视频通过功能是目前同类产品中最出色的,通过多种创新算法和硬件支持,实现了高分辨率、低延迟的画面,并能将虚拟物品无缝融入真实环境。但不足之处在于,并非真正展现真实世界,只是通过摄像头采集的视频画面,客观还原度和沉浸感有一定局限性。此外还存在运动虚化、显示器闪烁等影响画质的问题。
除了便携性和功能局限外,脚本还指出Vision Pro在哪些方面有待改进?
-除了便携性和功能局限外,脚本还指出Vision Pro在以下几个方面有待改进:1.佩戴舒适度不佳,头部压力分布不均;2.视场角较小,只有79度;3. AR效果受到WiFi网络情况影响,不够流畅;4.缺少虚拟对象锁定和保存布局等基本功能;5.缺少多人实时协作方式。这些都是影响用户体验的重要因素。
脚本对Vision Pro的应用前景有何看法?未来发展需要解决哪些问题?
-脚本对Vision Pro的应用前景保持乐观和期许。认为虽然目前确实存在便携性、应用场景等诸多局限,但随着软件生态的逐步完善,未来必将催生出更多有趣创新的应用场景。但前提是苹果需要解决硬件方面的不足,如提高佩戴舒适度、视场角度、网络支持等,并积极开发更加丰富的软件应用生态。只有这样,才能让Vision Pro真正走进消费者生活。
😲 Vision Pro 之初体验
这一段描述了初次接触苹果 Vision Pro 的体验。作者谈到了这款头戴设备出色的材质选择和工艺质量,但同时也提到了头带的一个问题,即无法根据不同佩戴者的头型进行旋转调节,可能会导致不太舒适。接着作者赞叹了 Vision Pro 4K 分辨率下逼真的显示效果,以及 R1 芯片提供的令人难以置信的三维扫描和跟踪功能。但他也指出,相机镜头很容易沾上指纹,并对设备的视场角度(FOV)表示失望。
🎮 Vision Pro 游戏体验一言难尽
这一段讨论了在 Vision Pro 上的游戏体验。作者首先尝试在设备上运行一款名为"超级果蔬忍者"的游戏,结果发现即使视觉效果出色,但由于缺乏像手柄那样的运动跟踪输入,游戏的交互体验十分糟糕。接着,他展示了如何在 Vision Pro 上通过流媒体的方式在虚拟大屏幕上玩 PC 游戏,这种方式的延迟可以接受,也能提供更身临其境的体验,尤其适合沉浸式的单人游戏。但对于需要快速响应的竞技游戏来说,延迟就略高了。
🖥️ Vision Pro 上使用 Windows 体验
这一段着眼于在 Vision Pro 上使用 Windows 系统的体验。作者展示了如何通过第三方应用在设备上轻松地建立 Windows 环境,并使用巨大的虚拟桌面来工作。他认为这种巨大的工作空间虽然很酷,但实际操作时可能会感到眼睛疲劳。他还提到了苹果设计上的一些不足,比如缺乏固定窗口的功能。此外,通过虚拟现实的效果,现实世界可能会显得黯淡无力,而内容之间的对比也会加剧这种感受。最后作者对 PassThrough 模式下的深度感知存在一些问题表示失望。
⚠️ 作为生产力工具的局限性
这一段讨论了 Vision Pro 作为生产力工具的局限性。作者发现和他人协作时无法直接共享屏幕,不得不采取一些奇怪的解决方案。他认为与其在 Vision Pro 上工作,拥有多个传统显示器可能是更好的选择,因为现有的软件体验并不是为沉浸式空间计算而设计的。而且每次启动设备都需要重新调整虚拟桌面,增加了很多使用摩擦。总的来说,Vision Pro 目前显然还不是一款出色的生产力工具。
🤷♂️ Vision Pro 的应用前景较为有限
在这最后一段中,作者对 Vision Pro 目前的应用前景持保留态度。他认为除了像在私人影院观看视频这样的应用场景外,目前的应用生态还过于贫乏,无法带来太多乐趣。从高昂的价格来看,Vision Pro 暂时还无法取代现有的多种设备。作者将其类比为第一代智能手机,需要时间来克服便携性等障碍。不过,他也希望随着生态的完善,未来能有更多有趣的应用出现。最后作者借故播了个广告,总结性地表达了对 Vision Pro 现状的疑虑,但也没有完全否定它的前景。
The Vision Pro is the most exciting piece of technology that I've used in years, with exceptional material choices, build quality, and a nearly 4K per eye display with no discernible screen door effect.
The 12 cameras on the front and bottom create a three-dimensional live view of the world around you, crushing Meta's efforts, thanks to Apple's R1 chip handling video stitching, eye tracking, hand tracking, and head movements.
The field of view, around 90-110 degrees with eye-tracking compensation, is a bit disappointing compared to other headsets.
Gaming on the Vision Pro is a mixed experience – while the visuals are incredible, the lack of controller input leads to poor tracking fidelity for fast games like Fruit Ninja.
Streaming PC games to the Vision Pro using SteamLink or Sunshine/Moonlight works well, providing a massive virtual display, though latency can be an issue without a high-end wireless access point.
The video pass-through feature, while low-latency, can distort depth perception and make the real world look drab in comparison to the vibrant virtual content.
Working in a virtual space is great for privacy, but the lack of obvious ways to share content or mirror displays can be inconvenient.
Setting up a productive workspace in the Vision Pro can be cumbersome, requiring resizing and repositioning displays and windows every time.
The lack of compelling apps and content at launch is a major disappointment, with not much to do beyond watching movies or reliving spatial photos/videos.
While an incredible engineering feat, the Vision Pro is not practical or convenient enough for most users at this stage, with better alternatives available for various tasks.
The Vision Pro's unwieldy shape and battery bank make it inconvenient to carry around, unlike a smartphone which is always in your pocket.
Watching 3D movies and reliving spatial photos/videos is one of the best use cases for the Vision Pro at the moment.
The Vision Pro has the potential to take off, but Apple needs to overcome the convenience hurdle of this version being bulky and not easily portable.
The sponsor segment highlights the benefits of Odo's business management suite, which unifies essential business processes into one operating system.
The video encourages viewers to check out the review of the Meta Quest 3 for a comparison to the Vision Pro.
when Mark Zuckerberg told us the future
is living in a one-bedroom apartment
experiencing the world through my
plastic VR accessory
understandably we mocked him but then
when Tim Apple did it we were excited
beyond all reason why what is it about
the Vision Pro that caused this sudden
shift and can the world of spatial
Computing be accessed by us PC folk it
turns out the answer is yes so let's
talk about about why the Vision Pro is
the most exciting piece of technology
that I've used in years and why I can't
wait to pack it up and put it
away Odo their all-in-one software will
let you focus on running and improving
your business rather than playing hot
potato with a bunch of mismatching apps
click the link below or watch till the
the end of this video to learn more
first contact with the Vision Pro is
something you won't soon forget the
material choices and the build quality
are exceptional to the point where I
would say they are the best we have ever
seen on a VR headset from the aluminum
frame to the curved glass front to the
fabric headband it is on a whole
different level which should result in a
very comfortable headset but there is
one small
problem these hinges do not rotate the
hinge where it attaches is no hinge at
all it doesn't swivel which from my
experience means choosing between either
extra pressure on your forehead or
wearing it higher and having extra
pressure on your cheekbones and in my
case particularly the bridge of my nose
now Apple acknowledges this with the
inclusion of their dual Loop band but
this has the exact same problem of
inflexibility meaning that say for
example you like to wear a back ponytail
you better learn to wear a top one or a
low one and it makes mounting the device
more annoying and still resulted in
subpar comfort for me the good news is
that it's easy to forget at least for a
while the second the screen turns on
believe every single word you heard from
the Apple evangelists in your life
because Holy balls does this thing ever
look incredible at just under 4K per eye
with nearly three times the pixel count
of the meta Quest 3 not to mention no
discernable screen door effect
whatsoever it is unlike anything that I
have ever experienced the 12 cameras on
the front and bottom of the device
create a three-dimensional live view of
the world around you that again crushes
Mr Zuckerberg's best efforts and this is
all thanks to Apple's latest homegrown
silicon the R1 which handles the video
stitching and pass through as well as
eye tracking hand tracking and head
movements in a way that I just didn't
think would be possible for quite a long
time now one thing to be careful of is
getting fingerprints on the cameras as
it's very easy to do accidentally while
putting the headset on and it will make
things look a little fuzzy when it's
working its best though my goodness is
it ever incredible you look around you
resize you reposition objects in Virtual
space and it's shockingly smooth and
natural as long as you don't want to do
something Apple says you're not allowed
to do like oh I don't know Zoom
something in more than you're allowed to
another Apple thing is that they tend to
be selective about publishing their
specs and they opted not to publish a
field of view number for this headset
now that could be because it varies
depending on your exact face shape and
how you wear it the thicker cushion for
example will shrink it a little bit but
the more likely reason is that it kind
of sucks let's find out using what Alex
calls oh thank you the fov finder
5,000 uh for context the valve index is
around 110° and the leading headset from
pimax is about 160 with the original
Oculus Rift being 88 I am going to go
ahead and move this until I can no
longer see the edges which occurs that's
oh well that's not very good is it that
test actually wasn't 100% accurate
because we measured the fov of the
cameras not Linus's actual fov which
would be a little bit larger because
apple is distorting stuff so look if I
put this on right here and look at this
grid on the wall when I look at it
straight on everything seems to be
pretty straight in the middle and then
on the sides it'll be curved but if I
look at the corner it is actively
compensating for those distortions in my
eyes what's even more surprising is that
if I go in here take off the light guard
and put it on like this my expectation
was that the camera fov would stay the
same but it actually gets much larger so
before I could only see about the edges
of this now I can see all the way out to
here which is why you can get between
like 90 up all the way to 110 on this
and it's using the eye tracking to
actively compensate for those
differences of course Apple has made it
abundantly clear that the Vision Pro is
not a VR headset it is a spatial
Computing device for professional work
it's meant for serious things so
naturally the first thing we wanted to
do was game on it because on paper it
should be very good $7 for an apple
arcade subscription later
and we're in the headliner game for the
Apple Vision Pro appears to be super
fruit ninja and I can't think of a
better game to illustrate both its
incredible strengths and its complete
and utter failings so let's go ahead and
fire it
up look at this you guys everything
around me in spite of the high
resolution of these displays is rendered
in crystal clear image quality with no
discernable frame rate drops it is Far
and Away the best that I have ever seen
on a headset and that is thanks to the
same M2 Chip as the current
MacBooks and this too Apple's
environmental mapping and the solidity
of the placement of virtual objects in
the real world makes everything else
I've ever seen look like a cheap toy in
unfortunately the whole thing falls
apart the second you try to interact
with the
game remember when I said no frame rate
drops in a traditional Inside Out
headset like the quest 3 or the psvr2
not only are there cameras tracking
where your hands are there are gyros
thank you and accelerometers in inside
the controllers that will handle quick
movements fine movements or fill in the
gaps during any times when your hands
are not visible or the cameras
temporarily lose tracking for some
reason without that accelerometer input
The Vision Pro simply doesn't have the
tracking Fidelity for a game like fruit
ninja with every single loss that I
experienced on the device feeling like
the Apple Vision Pro was to blame not my
skills hey hey hey hey and honestly
playing anything but the slowest paste
of iPad apps made me feel pretty much
the same way I just immediately wanted
my stupid slab of glass back of course
we went into this knowing the Vision Pro
isn't a VR gaming headset so why don't
we move on to one of its greatest
strengths putting an enormous High
Fidelity display anywhere you want and
then using that to play real games now I
went into this assuming that getting
Windows working on this headset would be
a chore and a half or at least 1.3
chores I mean Apple doesn't even let you
buy the vision Pro if you don't already
have a reasonably current iPhone but as
it turns out the process is incredibly
simple if you only want to play games
all you've got to do is download the
steamlink iPad app from the App Store
choose what computer you want to stream
from and it figures out the
rest I mean is that something or what
what kind of absolute mad lad would have
a TV this
big it's a little
laggy would I find it easier to play
just looking at the laptop screen with
the 12 milliseconds or so have passed
dude with all the just like compression
blocking and everything and the fact
that this is only at
1080p The Experience like
this is pretty
similar of course the key difference is
that I can't put that display anywhere
that I want and as much as I might
complain about the latency it's good
enough for most gamers in most games for
example in Forza assuming you're a
halfway decent driver you'll probably
find that frame pacing is more important
than a little bit of leg here or there
but if you were to play other games
competitive games even driving ones like
say rocket League the latency is too
high to for example counter a last
second fake out from your opponent
steamlink also has some big limitations
regardless of which headset you're using
the highest resolution that you can
stream is 1080P and you can only play
games but that my friends is where
sunshine and Moonlight come in and no
I'm not telling you to go outside
Sunshine available on the lizard bite
GitHub page allows you to easily easily
convert your PC or laptop into a
streaming server then the Moonlight iPad
app on your Vision Pro will give you
full access to your Windows machine at
up to 4K 120 frames per second though it
should be noted you're going to need one
heck of a wireless access point in order
to hit that consistently 4K here we go
I'm not even going to try 120 right now
our Wi-Fi in this part of the office is
uh not
great the spatiality of the audio is
incredible like that TV is behind me now
question unfortunately with our Wi-Fi on
the sets not being as good as we'd like
sunshine and Moonlight didn't perform
that great in gaming but the big killer
app is not really games it's the ability
to just use a Windows PC with a virtual
desktop in The Vision Pro and for that
it works freaking great like look at
this honestly Alex I gotta say the
latency feels very very similar to the
native connection to the MacBook I'll
try it this is going to be the thing
that finally breaks apple and makes them
integrate touch into Mac OS the fact
that people are going to be sitting
there in their Vision Pro and just want
to click on things and then they're
going to introduce it and everyone's
going to be like wow it's so obvious
sometimes it's nice to be able to tap on
things and then they're going to put
touch screens on Max this is it mark my
words and if it doesn't happen
then it is only because of Apple's
complete and utter stubbornness there's
no other reason wow it is struggling a
lot more in this environment but over at
the lab I did not have the same problem
it was a little laggy it was fine yeah
once again I've got serious latency
issues which underscores that you are
going to need a really nice modern
access point for the best possible
experience on this I'll show you a
little bit of contrasting footage here
to give you some idea of what this is
supposed to look
like yeah unfortunately that's not the
kind we have here on the set so using
Windows on a big old virtual spatial
display incredible the latency is very
similar to using it on the MacBook which
means there is some regardless of your
access point but it's very very usable
and worth the tradeoff of the giant
display the only thing that I'd say is
different is that it doesn't have that
really cool augmented reality connect
thing that is such
a it just works moment now if you do
have some weirdness part of that comes
down to the way that Apple made their
Wireless chipset and apparently setting
your router to use Channel 149 can help
Solve IT bottom line incredible for
non-competitive games with a powerful
GPU in the streaming system I'd say this
is pretty much the definitive way to
experience balers Gate 3 or something
from The Witcher series but if you're a
competitive game gamer you could get
nearly the same field of view while
having much lower latency for a lot less
money so gaming perspective aside then
let's take a look at the Vision Pro more
in the ways that Apple intended which is
where the device starts to get in some
ways cooler but in other ways a bit more
complicated I've already stated that
this is the best video pass through that
I've encountered by a metric mile but
pass through has never been a core
function of a headset to quite the same
degree before on a psvr or most PC
headsets it's a convenience feature so
you can find your water bottle in
between rounds but on the Vision Pro the
expectation is that you're doing work
probably in an office with other humans
while in pass through mode for extended
periods of time which can get rather
strange because it literally warps your
perception of
reality oh yeah that's really disor
orientating they won't be seeing it in
3D so they won't realize how this tree
like you see the camera distorts your
perception of objects particularly ones
that are too close and while the pass
through is shockingly low latency
allowing you to easily Dodge a thrown
object the perception of depth of really
everything around you is going to be a
bit off the good news
is that your brain is really good at
compensating for this so when you hear
people say yeah the first 30 minutes was
kind of weird but then it just clicked
you can expect to have a pretty similar
experience the weird one though is that
your brain also clicks the other way so
when you take the headset off it's
typical to have a minute or two of whoa
hold on a second before things click
back into Place speaking of things
clicking into place a big pet peeve of
mine with this product is the complete
inability to grab something in the
virtual world and pin it in your
peripheral vision while you go about the
rest of your life In fairness to Apple
the accuracy of the way that it takes an
object and keeps it exactly where you
left it is incredible it's just that I
don't always want to have to carry
things around with me when I want to
refer back to them like this script
another thing that bummed me out anytime
I spent an extended period in pass
through was the video Fidelity and look
I don't want to take anything away from
what Apple has achieved here but I could
never forget that I was looking at a
video feed of the world through phone
cameras compounding this issue is the
fact that virtual content rendered by
The Vision Pro is so high fidelity and
so vibrant that the real world ends up
looking drab and dull by comparison here
I can demonstrate this that right there
is a color cheer Classic on what is a by
all accounts beautiful and color
accurate screen this is a color Checker
classic in the real world see the
difference another major issue is motion
blur while the pixel response times of
this micro OLED display allow objects to
look extremely crisp even when in motion
As you move your head it's normal for
the whole world to end up looking and
feeling a little bit jelly also apple is
regularly forced to use weird shutter
angles in order to compensate for the
flickering of lights around you which
can in some cases cause them to have to
crank the iso adding a bunch of noise to
the image even in well-lit rooms while
we spent a lot of time so far talking
about things you can do with the Vision
Pro I actually spent most of my time
with the device doing what you are
supposed to do which is professional
work in my own virtual space and it can
be really sweet I love being able to
take private notes in a meeting or work
on sensitive material in a group setting
but the problem is that it cuts both
ways one of the first things that I
wanted to do was share a document with
someone and Mark it up together
and yeah
because there's no obvious way to mirror
my macbook's display I had to use a
bizarre workaround that involved screen
sharing from inside the Vision Pro to a
video conference with someone who was
sitting there on a laptop next to me in
the same room also even if all you want
to do is work privately the whole setup
can be a bit of a chore I mean the
Vision Pro Sounds like having your own
personal colon holding a TV for for you
and then allowing it to be repositioned
and Float effortlessly wherever you
want but in practice I just don't really
often need to do that and neither do a
lot of people for example Nicole here's
a real person doing real work for a
fraction of the cost of a Vision Pro she
has multiple 4K displays all within her
field of view at once and this is how
much she has to move her head in order
to look between
them wow again I appreciate this thing
for the technological Marvel that it is
a 4K display in a single Square in but
for optimal text Clarity you need to use
most of those pixels meaning that the
virtual monitor needs to be absolutely
massive for the Vision Pro to really
shine making your workspace feel less
like this and more like
obviously this demo is meant to be
illustrative more than literal for one
thing the Vision Pro does not currently
support more than one MacBook display
and we have five also it's more like
having a much larger TV that is quite a
bit farther away and that is a good
thing in the sense that you'll be
focusing more than a few feet in front
of you but I still found that in spite
of this that iin was a big problem for
me if I spent more than an hour or so in
spatial Computing land making this
productivity problem worse is the fact
that at this time the Vision Pro doesn't
allow you to save your layouts so every
time you want to get back into it you've
got to put it on authenticate connect to
your MacBook resize that display open a
safari window put that over there where
you want it maybe your emails go over
here it's a lot of friction that our
editors for example don't go through
every time they want to sit down and get
a couple hours of work done before their
eyes and face hurt too much to continue
but none of that was my biggest
disappointment that actually came on day
one when I took home my shiny Vision Pro
super excited to play with what is
arguably the most revolutionary device
to hit the market in years and quickly
realized there's nothing to do you can
experience things you can watch TV look
at 3D models uh you can play iPad apps
with kind of janky controls but I
realized really quickly I wasn't having
any fun I know app support is going to
expand rapidly and in the near future
there will almost certainly be some
really cool stuff to do but at the
moment what's available ranges from
boring to outright dystopian so what is
it good for if you don't need it for
work I'd say watching stuff in your own
private movie theater is the the killer
app you can really appreciate the higher
streaming quality of extras at lmg g/f
floatplane and watching 3D movies in
this thing is second to none I think
it's even safe to say that watching
Encanto on the Vision Pro in 3D is the
absolute best way to experience that
movie by myself it's just that for the
price of a Vision Pro I could get a
flagship LGC 3 I could get a coffee
table and a couch
and then I could experience it with my
friends I mean sure it might not be as
immersive but I know which one I'd
rather have I'll be back in a minute
guys first I just got to finish up this
review honestly I felt the same way
about spatial photos and videos reliving
them absolutely amazing and it feels
like you're there again so if you have a
spatial capture capable iPhone now is
the time to start using that feature so
that when a Vision Pro that's worth
buying appears you're going to be ready
to look back on those memories with a
level of depth that is unmatched even if
it is a little janky still so for all my
criticisms I don't hate The Vision Pro
and I don't even think that it's bad
it's an incredible feat of engineering
and it delivers on its promise of
enabling new ways of interacting with
each other and with the world around us
it's just not for me and not right now I
just can't think of a single thing that
I would do with the Vision Pro that I
wouldn't rather do on a device that I
already own and think about it for
$3500 almost 4 grand with a decent
amount of storage I could read on my
Kindle work on my laptop watch shows on
my TV and game on my PS5 and I can
practically hear you guys saying well
yeah everything that you just said is
true of the smartphone as well this is
your Balmer moment line is this is never
going to take off but guys I'm not
saying it's not going to take off it
will it's just that there's a major
hurdle that Apple needs to overcome and
that's convenience my smartphone guess
what is also a worse version of
everything else that I already own the
difference is that it's already in my
pocket The Vision Pro on the other hand
well at least this version of it with
its unwieldy shape and giant battery
bank is very very not in my pocket it's
also not in this Segway to our sponsor
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enjoyed this video why not go check out
our review of The Quest 3 okay is it as
good as the Vision Pro no but is it um
fun fun yeah actually
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