The iPad Arcade Stick
TLDR这段视频脚本讲述了一个人与iPad的有趣关系,从最初的iPad发布时的不理解,到iPad 2发布后逐渐被吸引,特别是iMovie等应用的推出让他认识到iPad的存在价值。随着智能手机和平板电脑的发展,iPad的地位曾一度受到质疑,但iPad Pro的推出又让它焕发新生。视频还提到了iade这款专为iPad设计的街机风格外设,以及与之兼容的游戏,展现了iPad在游戏领域的独特魅力。
- 📱 视频中的讲述者与iPad有着复杂的关系,从最初的质疑到逐渐接受并欣赏iPad的多功能性。
- 🎮 讲述者曾对iPad 1代的实用性持怀疑态度,认为其功能有限,不如直接购买笔记本电脑。
- 🎥 讲述者对iPad 2代的发布感到兴奋,特别是iMovie等应用程序的引入,让他看到了iPad的潜力。
- 📱 随着智能手机屏幕的增大和平板电脑的缩小,讲述者开始质疑iPad Mini的存在意义。
- 🖌️ iPad Pro的发布,尤其是Apple Pencil和USB-C接口的加入,让讲述者重新对iPad的多功能性充满信心。
- 🎮 讲述者对现代移动游戏的同质化表示失望,怀念早期移动游戏的创新和多样性。
- 🕹️ 讲述者对iade(一款iPad专用的游戏控制器)的发布感到兴奋,尽管它起初只是一个愚人节玩笑。
- 🎮 讲述者提到,尽管不是所有游戏都官方支持iade,但它作为一个蓝牙控制器,仍能在一些游戏中发挥作用。
- 👾 讲述者特别提到Vectrix应用,它能在iade的支持下完美运行Vectrex游戏,为用户带来独特的复古游戏体验。
- 📱 讲述者认为,尽管iade在当前可能已不再实用,但它代表了iPad早期的创新精神和对未来的探索。
- 🌟 讲述者对iade的情感价值表示赞赏,尽管可能不会再使用,但它让他回忆起那个充满创新和可能性的年代。
Q & A
-作者最初对iPad的发布感到不解,认为它只是售价500美元的大号iPod Touch,并没有看到它的实际用途。
iPad 1缺少哪些功能,使得作者认为它不值得购买?
-iPad 1缺少摄像头和更大的存储容量,仅有16GB,这让作者觉得它只能用来浏览网页和查看邮件,功能有限,不如多花些钱购买笔记本电脑。
iPad 2的哪些新功能让作者对iPad有了新的认识?
-iPad 2增加了摄像头和智能保护套,更重要的是iMovie宣布支持iPad,这让作者意识到iPad可以在移动设备上提供更好的视频编辑体验。
📱 iPad的个人历程与变迁
本段讲述了作者与iPad的个人关系和对其发展历程的看法。起初,作者对iPad的发布表示不解,认为其只是价格昂贵的大号iPod Touch。但随着iPad 2的发布,特别是iMovie的引入,作者开始对iPad产生兴趣,并认为iPad的存在有其独特价值。作者回忆了自己使用iPad 2和iPad Mini的经历,并对比了智能手机和平板电脑的功能重叠,以及iPad Pro的发布如何重新定义了iPad的功能和地位。
🎮 移动游戏的怀旧与现实
作者回顾了早期移动游戏的黄金时代,对比了现代移动游戏的同质化现象。他提到了早期iPhone应用商店中的游戏,如《切绳子》和《愤怒的小鸟》,以及一些传统游戏在移动平台上的移植。作者还提到了iade这一iPad游戏控制器的创新之处,以及它如何与Atari Greatest Hits等游戏应用结合,提供了一种新颖的游戏体验。
🕹️ 传统街机游戏与iPad的结合
作者讨论了iade如何将传统街机游戏的体验带到iPad上。他提到了iade的兼容性问题,以及它在一些游戏中的表现。特别指出了iade在玩《Temple Run》和《Miss Pac-Man》等游戏时的局限性,但在玩《Frogger in Toy Town》等Apple Arcade游戏时的良好表现。作者还强调了iade在玩Vectrex游戏时的独特优势,尽管这些游戏在App Store上已经不再可用。
🎉 iade的创新与怀旧
作者对iade的评价充满了怀旧之情。他认为iade是iPad最酷的配件之一,尽管其兼容性有限。作者提到了iade mobile和iade core等衍生产品,但强调了原始iade的吸引力。他表达了对iade的赞赏,尽管意识到自己可能不会再使用它,但对其在现代iPad上仍然可用表示满意,并对其能够在未来继续使用感到高兴。
💡Temple Run
💡Final Cut Pro
💡Apple Arcade
💡Mobile Games
💡Bluetooth Controller
iPad 2的发布,特别是iMovie的引入,改变了作者对iPad的看法。
iPad Mini第一代的体验,以及其对移动设备市场的影响。
智能手机和平板电脑之间的界限模糊,以及iPad Pro的推出如何重新定义iPad的价值。
Final Cut Pro for iPad的推出,以及作者对其实用性的看法。
传统游戏如Sonic、Mega Man等在App Store上的可用性及其对作者的吸引力。
Atari Greatest Hits应用程序与iade的联合推广,以及作者对此的兴趣。
iade mobile和iade core的介绍,以及作者对这些产品的评估。
I'm not an iPad kid I'm an iPad man look
at these things iPad let's play a game
called who gives a anymore it's
going to be a quick game because I can't
find anybody I have a funny little
relationship with
iPads I shouldn't have said it because I
am pretty sure there are going to be no
jokes in this story iPads and tablets
throughout their lives I've always kind
of gone up and down in terms of their
usefulness if I really think they're
warranted I got remember when the iPad
was first announced in like early 2010
and I
remember not getting it what the hell is
the point of that it was literally just
a larger iPod Touch uh for $500 Apple
posed the question what is between a
smartphone and a laptop and uh if that
thing between them would be warranted
like is there a reason to own all three
and sometimes sure uh that time iPad 1
hell no uh there was no camera on it it
was 16 gbes I mean like what you're just
going to browse the web on that thing
check email I mean for that yeah sure it
works it does the job and the
touchscreen display does make it a
little more fun but if you're already
spending $500 on this thing I feel like
it it would probably be worth it to just
save up a little more and and get a
laptop uh because when you actually try
to start using your iPad as a computer
uh yeah the limitations start to show
but that was just with the iPad 1 I
didn't see much point of that thing back
in the day but when the iPad 2 got
announced with cameras and smart covers
that's when I was like oh boy I think
the main thing that kind of got me into
it was the fact that iMovie was
announced for iPad uh just just the idea
that you could edit video on on
something like this I just instantly
pictured being in the backseat of a car
uh just editing video on this very thin
uh tablet uh that that was really cool
and I think that kind of showed me a bit
of like why the iPad deserves to exist
because yeah you can do all the things
an iPad can do on an iPhone but God damn
you don't want to do it on a screen that
small so you take the ease of use of an
iPhone and uh um make it easy to use so
I was on board with iPad 2 my mom got
one for her birthday so I kind of
mooched off of her iPad 2 and uh yeah it
was yeah that was a lovely little device
I had a lot of fun on that thing
eventually I got my very own iPad and
iPad Mini first generation which I later
sold to afford Kirby and the Rainbow
Curse tough times now I really like
using that one too but man I mean I
eventually it just kind of you just kind
of had to ask like what are we doing
here smartphones were getting bigger
tablets were getting smaller and and
just like things were starting to bleed
together a little too much to the point
that for a bit there kind of felt like
you know when you have like a 6-in
iPhone why what's the point of an iPad
Mini a laptops were becoming faster and
thinner smartphones were becoming more
capable with bigger screens uh iPads
started to feel weird but eventually you
know they brought in the iPad Pro with
the apple pencil and USBC port and uh
yeah then it started to feel pretty good
again uh and now it feels weird because
now they have like Final Cut Pro for
iPad and it feels like they introduced
that just to say like uh please God
consider the iPad a computer and uh yeah
I mean the Final Cut Pro on the iPad is
is a weird little bugger I tried using
it for 20 minutes and I realized this is
a total gimmick I will never actually
use this but it's cool that it exists my
apologies for rambling but my point is
here me and the iPad go way back how far
back well I recognize
this this is an iPad owner's equivalent
to a Purple Heart okay so I recognize
this thing but I've never owned one
until now and I am so happy to do so
because this is such an obscure little
bugger right here this is the iade now
what's the
iade I don't know I have a lot of
nostalgia for the uh 2008 to uh
20 13 2014 era of mobile games like I
have a couple games on my phone but
they're all the same uh they all kind of
have a very similar gameplay Loop of
like maybe it's like oddly satisfying
for for like a couple days and then you
get burnt out on it because it's just
the same damn thing over and over and
over again stuff like Monopoly go I see
this damn mobile game ad like every
single time an ad comes up of this
stupid ass King and he's about to get it
and I just know it's just going to be
the same thing for hours on end and it's
just there's going to be a bunch of
popup ads and all this garbage and I
look back at mobile games from back in
the day and like yeah sure there was a
lot of really shallow stuff on there uh
pretty much 60% of the iPhone app store
uh were fart apps Andy I'm not going to
act like this was a perfect era you know
even during the greatest Renaissance
throughout history and there were still
a couple cases of leprosy I man a lot of
these mobile games kind of got thrown
under the bus back then in a similar way
that mobile games do uh nowadays which
is H very unfair you know you look back
at stuff like Cut the Rope and like
Angry Birds and uh yeah you know like oh
man Scott's going to praise Angry Birds
like yeah I don't really give a damn
about Angry Birds but like you have to
admit like there's actual goddamn game
design going on there like it's an
actual video game there's actual things
going on there whereas like mobile games
these days like they all pretty much
play themselves but as good as some of
these old school mobile games were uh
what really attracted me back then uh
that I I got fooled by every single time
were all the actual video games
available on the App Store like I
remember seeing you know you had Sonic 1
Sonic 2 Mega Man 2 Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 4 these were like actual
video games and they all said like oh
yeah yeah it'll work on the iPhone
here's the iPhone version of of this
game and I always bought them I bought
every single one of those damn games and
like played them for a little bit on the
I on my iPod touch and never played him
again I mean in a couple cases I
actually played through uh a couple of
these games a fair amount I remember
actually getting like really far in the
iPhone version of Mega Man 2 uh this
version got like two out of 10 on IGN at
the time uh it it was not a great
controlling version and it was all
because of the touchcreen controls which
is why I respect the hell out of this
era of like traditional mobile games uh
like Cut the Rope because like a lot of
these were designed fully with touch
screens in mind like they took full
advantage of the hardware uh whereas
Resident Evil 4 on the iPhone that took
advantage of me most of these
traditional video games ported to the
iPhone suffered from the dreaded
touchscreen d-pad and buttons if only
there was an audio company that came to
the rescue and made an arcade device for
the iPad yes ion they make record
players and uh they decided to come up
with an April Fool's Day joke about the
iade an iPad arcade setup uh and then
people seem to like it enough that they
uh eventually turned it into its own
thing like a year later uh that's like
one of the worst April Fool's Day jokes
of all time when it's like something
people actually wanted and people are
like that's a great idea and then
they're like oh we should actually
make that now I mean like yeah they're
actually pretty good April Fool's Day
jokes at the end of the day if it you
know actually came up with something
cool uh but uh but as a joke uh yeah
yeah pretty dog boom here it is so this
came out during like the iPad 2 iPad 3
era and they're advertising this
alongside Atari Greatest Hits on the App
Store I remember this app uh I was
actually very interested in this back in
the day because this was a free app and
it came with Missile Command pre-loaded
on it but for the other hundreds of
Atari games uh you'd have to pay uh
either for them like within packs for
like a buck or two uh or you just get
them all for $10 and I very much
considered this I remember scrounging up
change uh to give to my parents whenever
I wanted to buy uh an app or like an
iTunes TV show episode or a movie or
anything uh so I was like trying to find
like all this loose change that I could
then give to them in exchange to uh you
know to buy something with their credit
card on on the App Store I really
considered it with Atari Greatest Hits I
mean like hundreds of games hundreds of
classic games I like classic games I'm
pretty happy I didn't do that because I
did that recently to test this out
sometimes I just forget Atari games are
Atari games of course Atari games have
their place in history but but you know
like actually playing them these
days what do you want me to say and keep
in mind I like this kind of garbage but
even I have my limits guari
golf off definitely interesting how
they cross-promoted this app uh with the
icade considering that the iade has a
very traditional six buttons like a
fighting game layout and a pretty
standard arcade joystick uh because uh a
lot of the Atari arcade games here uh
don't use
a standard joystick and standard arcade
buttons a lot of these are games that
use like a spinner or something like
that and a lot of these are track ball
games and then you move over to the
Atari 2600 games and like man an arcade
joystick ain't really going to do much
to make these better it's still really
cool to be able to play these classic
games uh with traditional arcade style
controls uh and the fact that you can
still do it is incredible I was still
lable to download this app on a modern
iPad like this iPad's only like 2 years
old or so yeah I was still able to buy
the $10 game pack uh I'm not sure if
it's actively available on the app store
or if I was just still able to access it
because I downloaded it back in the day
so it was still like on my account I
could redownload it but still everything
just works so smoothly there which I can
say about other games that support the
iade yeah so not a lot of games
officially supported the iade but it's
just a Bluetooth controller so it should
work but uh yeah I I have some
difficulty getting it to work in games
like uh you know the Sonic mobile ports
here Temple Run of all games supports
iade at least the left and right buttons
yeah for some reason uh down doesn't
work in temperun here uh which is weird
because down Works in other games I've
tested with the iade and for some reason
the arade only works in Temple Run Plus
on Apple arcade uh regular old Temple
Run here uh it it doesn't work in it
doesn't work in which is strange I'd
assume the original version of Temple
Run which is what that is uh would
support the iade since you know it's
older with Temple Run plus being like
the premium original Temple Run
available on the Apple arcade
Subscription Service I'd assume like it
wouldn't work in that cuz it's a newer
version of of Temple
Run I don't know you know what a real
great one Miss Pac-Man uh Miss Pac-Man
works with the iade uh which is like
yeah that that's obviously like one
that's like
oh yeah but of course I don't think the
original like iPad iPhone version of
Miss Pac-Man is available on the App
Store anymore I was able to download it
because you know I had to download it
from back in the day if you want regular
Pac-Man I don't know what's going on
here you know the the the uh version of
Pac-Man they have on the app store right
now like they mobile fi it like you just
have these weird ass little challenge
rooms and stuff you you know you want to
go through all the challenges every day
and everything like what what the hell
is going on here you know what's even
worse no iade support you know what
strange uh we're actually going to be a
two for two in terms of Apple arcade
games that support the iade here we have
a Frogger in toy town and yeah you know
this works with the icade I'm
controlling it right now with the ik
this this iPad controller from 2011
still works in some games which is
pretty crazy to be fair you know it is
just a Bluetooth controller uh but the
fact that it's a little spotty in some
games and works flawlessly with others
is is pretty crazy to me man I've always
just found this thing really really cool
this is probably like one of the coolest
possible accessories created for an iPad
and they created it like within the
first year or two of the iPad's
existence I just think this thing Nails
what it sets out to do uh of course like
it its compatibility is a bit spotty at
least with what I've tried it with
however there's one app that does work
with it that makes it all worth it
there's this vectrix ass app that plays
vectrex games do you know the vectrex
yeah here's footage of my vectrex and
here's footage of the iPad and the iade
playing vectrex games now the vectrex is
very unique it's it's a very cool old
ass game system uh that uses vector
graphics and there's nothing really else
like it like the the graphics are so
smooth like it it it's unreal it just
looks cool in person and uh it's it's
really fun to play you know like really
fun H yeah Scott tell me more listen man
I'm not telling you to put your beer
down to play a vectrex but what I'm
trying to say is uh as far as games from
this era you know early 80s uh the vect
tricks is very special it's a very cool
thing that I think most people if you
turn one on can really appreciate uh
mainly because you know it's a it's a
game console with a built-in screen you
can immediately turn on it it turns on
instantly and you're just in there
playing a very unique kind of retro game
uh you know with with very cool vector
graphics and uh you know they're very
simple games but you know they're
instantly understandable you can
instantly just pop in you know you know
move around play have some fun uh it
it's cool it's very cool but uh vectrex
games haven't really ever been
re-released outside of this damn iPad
app that works flawlessly with the iade
and turns your iPad into like the the
best Recreation of a vectrex I've ever
seen in my damn life I've only seen one
Recreation of a vectrex and it's this
but still it's really cool unfortunately
this app is like a subscription based
thing and I'm pretty sure I forgot to
unsubscribe uh I'm not playing this
thing more than once but still pretty
damn cool and so is the ik just based on
like the fact that it it does very much
make your iPad feel like a mini arcade
cabinet of course these days I don't
really think it has much use at all I
feel like you're much better off uh
getting like like a mini an actual mini
arcade cabinet like a multik like
tabletop looking thing I don't know like
I feel like you're going to get all the
games you want on that whereas with this
uh you're kind of stuck with the table
scraps from 10 years ago like what
whatever still will work with the iade
uh you know new games still might
support it they might not I don't know
but this just brings me back to uh kind
of a fun era where it felt like like
these devices were were capable of
everything they could replace everything
in your life the iPad can replace any
arcade cabinet watch it and and uh you
know overall I'm happy that uh they they
didn't end up doing that I think we've
kind of come back to an Era where we
realized like hey let's not let our
phone do absolutely everything it's nice
to have like a camera uh separate from
our phone it's nice to collect vinyl uh
and not rely on our phone for absolutely
everything or or whatever you know um
but back then uh these devices genuinely
felt magical like like they could do
literally anything and it felt like you
know like I it I I don't really remember
a time where i' I've felt that since you
know it felt like we were truly stepping
into the future uh with with you know
these these devices and uh you know
things like the iade really did show
that they were they were Jacks of all
trads they could do anything and
honestly I'm pretty bummed out that uh
you know they're still not making uh
stuff like this of course there's
Bluetooth controllers all over the place
oh but would you look at that that looks
familiar the iade did it first and they
had a couple of spin-off products for
the iade Brand This is the iade mobile
so you know this would work with uh you
know iPhone iPod Touch at the time and
uh yeah it it's just it's just a
controller uh I don't really think this
will fit these days phones have gotten
awfully bigger but uh yeah you know this
is a Bluetooth controller for your
iPhone it's not necessarily that great
like it's fine uh all the buttons feel
tolerable uh I I this is probably better
than nothing but honestly I would take
nothing over this because I am not
lugging this in my slacks there's also
the iade core uh which is pretty much
just a slim down version of the iade
yeah I got to be honest this is
miserable isn't that the point of the
iade to do this funny little thing look
it's an arcade machine if I tell you
this is an arcade machine you're going
to respond with is everything all right
I mean something like this would
definitely be cheaper and uh you know it
definitely takes up less room so I think
it has its place but overall I'm still
all about the original iade arcade style
dock for your iPad uh I love this thing
I'm never going to use it again but I
love this thing again like I said it
kind of brings me back to like that 2011
Nostalgia which makes me sound like the
youngest little twerp of all time just
saying I'm nostalgia for 2011 like
that was nearly 15 years
ago let me be like I remember seeing
reviews for this thing seeing this thing
online and thinking like damn that that
would be so cool to own and uh you know
I had the iPad and that that was really
great so uh you know it all kind of
comes together and it's just it's it's
such a cool thing they did back then
that still works like you can use this
very effectively with a standard siiz
modern iPads the fact is this doesn't
have like an old ass iPad dock connector
in here like it it it's pretty
futureproof there's like a hole here
where you can fit a charger to charge
your iPad while you're playing uh but uh
the fact is like they didn't they could
have put like the actual dock connector
in there completely made it obsolete
once Apple changed their dock
connector twice but no this thing still
works to this day and I'm so happy I
finally own something nobody else gives
a about crazy it took me this long
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