I Finally Broke a Game Too Hard and It Became Unwinnable - Winter Survival
TLDR在这段视频中,游戏玩家Josh体验了一款冬季生存游戏,游戏以其独特的环境和挑战吸引了他的注意。游戏开始于一个神秘的等待室,玩家需要通过一系列超现实的挑战和教程。尽管遇到了各种障碍,如狼群的袭击和环境的不可预测性,Josh还是以幽默和创造性的方式应对。视频还特别提到了Opera GX浏览器,它提供了丰富的定制选项和功能,增强了游戏体验。整个视频充满了探索和冒险的精神,展示了玩家在游戏中的机智和决心。
- 🎮 视频开头介绍了一款名为《Let's Game It Out》的游戏节目,本集主题为冬季生存挑战。
- 🥺 主角Josh在游戏中体验生存,但过程中遇到了各种荒诞和超现实的情景。
- 🌲 游戏中的环境充满了冬季的氛围,但同时也包含了一些不合逻辑的元素,如会说话的狼和巨大的Joel。
- 🏠 Josh在游戏中尝试建造庇护所,但遭遇了多次失败和重新开始的循环。
- 🔥 游戏中的火堆对于生存至关重要,但Josh在尝试点燃火堆时遇到了困难。
- 🥾 游戏中的装备和道具对生存有帮助,但Josh在使用过程中遭遇了各种奇怪的问题。
- 🐺 游戏中的野生动物,特别是狼,对Josh构成了威胁,但他通过各种方式应对。
- 🌩️ 游戏中的天气变化剧烈,如暴风雪对Josh的行动造成了影响。
- 🔗 视频提到了赞助商Opera GX浏览器,强调了其可定制性和游戏玩家友好的特性。
- 🎁 视频最后,Josh感谢了赞助商,并鼓励观众下载Opera GX浏览器。
- 🤣 整个游戏体验充满了幽默和不按常理出牌的元素,给观众带来了娱乐和欢笑。
Q & A
-视频的开头提到了Opera GX浏览器。
Josh在视频中使用的第一个GX mod是什么?
-Josh在视频中使用的第一个GX mod是Arcade Alley,它改变了浏览器的外观。
🎮 游戏开始与赞助商介绍
视频开始时,主持人Josh欢迎观众回到'Let's game it out'节目,并介绍了本期主题——冬季生存游戏。他提到游戏中的一位生存者角色,似乎很享受与墓碑的宁静陪伴。接着,Josh提到视频的赞助商Opera GX浏览器,强调其个性化定制功能,如GX mods,允许用户通过各种模块来定制浏览器外观和体验。他还提到了GX corner功能,可以让用户自定义信息显示,如游戏发布和销售信息。最后,他感谢Opera GX的赞助,并提供了下载链接和导入工具的信息。
🌲 探索游戏环境与角色互动
🔥 营地建设与生存挑战
🏞️ 探索热泉与环境互动
❄️ 面对极端天气与生存策略
🚪 游戏世界的探索与结束
游戏赞助商Opera GX浏览器的介绍,强调其个性化定制功能。
通过GX mods,用户可以自定义浏览器外观,例如使用游戏机街机样式。
Opera GX的GX角落功能,可以自定义显示游戏发布和销售信息。
hey there it's Josh welcome back to
Let's game it out we're checking out
winter survival today which looks like a
fun relaxing jaunt if ever I've seen one
look at this survivalist over here no
shelter build and enjoying the nice
silent company of this Tombstone I think
we're going to get along great hey and
you know what else we're going to get
along great with that's the sponsor for
our video Opera GX the browser that's
trying to do away with boring that's
free to download on PC and mobile let me
tell you about some of my favorite
things about it first and foremost you
can spice everything up with a whole
slew of customizations by using GX mods
and there are so many choices that
something is going to call out to you
like maybe for you that's going to be
arcade alley which will take your
browser and make it look like this new
colors custom sounds for when you type
or open or close tabs and an interactive
wallpaper with all the Glorious chunky
pixels you can handle or maybe you want
to look under the best community made
meme mods for those days when you need
the soothing sounds of an air
conditioner and that's
it yeah yeah and don't be afraid to
customize because you can pick and
choose from different mods to make
whatever freakish creation you want and
may I suggest the lgio mod featuring
this hey there it's Josh and you can
open as many tabs as you want nothing
bad could possibly happen oh and let me
tell you about my other favorite thing
in Opera GX and that's the GX corner I
use this all the time sometimes to check
game releases other times to see what's
on sale or just to get all kinds of
gaming news among other stuff and you
can customize it to show just the info
you want So if this sounds good to you
head on down to my linky in the
description to download the browser for
yourself for free there's even a super
simple import tool to move your settings
from other browsers right into Opera GX
it's really easy and can be done in
seconds and thanks again to Opera GX for
sponsoring anyway where were we new game
like any good ethereal story it starts
in the waiting room of nowhere where we
have to answer our cordless telephone
Hello yo it's me Joel I'm going on a
trip with Mike here to join oh I'm smart
enough to know how to answer this no
great I'll pick you up tomorrow okay
well great talk and here we have the
symbolic representation of our pregnant
wife or maybe we're just married to a
pregnant mannequin I don't know the
important thing is that oh God what is
happening did you feel it no no I did
not wonderful isn't it it sure is uh-oh
Sarah hold on there's a diarama
unfolding behind me and then we get to
see the uncomfortable truth that wolves
now have a taste for mannequin Blood
also why do you have such realistic feet
was that really necessary that's okay
I'll take care of this by feeding it my
face which thankfully knocks us back
into reality where the first thing we
get to see is our dreamy friend's face
oh I see you just Charmed me into coming
on this trip just keep the radio on I'll
tell you what to do don't listen to
anything you say got it now our friend
wants us to climb over these Vines over
here cuz you know the game is trying to
teach us how to play but why do that
when we can just try to go up this
actual slippery slope here goes nothing
okay it is pretty slippery but I think
we you're going the wrong way yeah Joel
we'll see about that but I've learned
that if you combine a bunch of jumping
and crouching at the same time you can
kind of dry hump your way up this
mountain side we did it yeah you have
fun down there I'm going to go over here
and just do I don't know whatever well I
was going to say we should take our new
found ability and climb this mountain
here but something tells me we won't be
doing that on the account that there's a
big split in the earth which let's see
how far this goes and I get the sense
that we could actually just meet up with
the tutorial since it's right there but
why do that when we can walk on the very
edge of the Earth like this you never
know maybe we'll find some exciting
Secrets strike that maybe not we've
reached the corner of the earth and if
we jump down here let's see what happens
well I'm sure we all could have seen
that coming don't you hate it when you
go on a nice winter trip and it ends up
like this or you just find yourself
falling to the ends of the Earth such a
drag on my weekend skiing plans how far
can this go anyway okay we're at 10,000
m a little bit
after oh the game crashed well now we
know don't worry though there's more
stuff we can look at like this
incredibly steep drop off let's see if
we can't find our way over to this
unfortunately we can't dry our away all
the way up this mountain so we'll just
have to go over here and just climb it
like a normal person but then nothing's
going to stop us from getting over here
hey Joel don't worry about me I think I
found my own way home uh-oh it's getting
dark what's happening now this looks
like a dead end but it turns out if you
shove yourself into this snow Tada
secret hiding place where there's still
all the space for hiding and wo what is
this what's in here Treasures surely if
they didn't want me snooping around here
it wouldn't glow like that right okay
let's see if we can shimmy off the edge
and find a way in ah fiddles sticks
we'll get it on the next go hey Joel
it's me again oh wow you look a little
different did the frostbite take out
your eyebrows oh no they're still there
you just have to walk up to see him
anyway where was I you need to go back
doubtful very doubtful okay take two
let's see if we can do this come on let
in well still don't know what that thing
was but I don't know if I can even get
in instead let's just wander around and
see if we can find anything else that's
interesting like this confusion I just
came across hey it's our dreamy
companion also why are you just standing
out here and what are we looking at what
do you see Joel I just want you to be
the first to know first chance I get I'm
peeing in your water bottle and I took a
look around in the area around here and
obviously there's nothing but I am glad
that for whatever reason he just stands
out here I guess that's better than
where he was as expected though there's
not that much out here except for this
spot over here which the closer you get
the more it becomes a flashbang but if
you kind of just persevere past it it
goes away wait a minute a pathway I
think we found ourselves back in the
tutorial well shall we looks like this
is where we're supposed to go and there
we go Quest finished and this part's a
little uneventful but I'll walk you
through it first we learn we have a
canteen which we then proceed to dump
all over our left arm great it's empty
yeah what have you done then we go over
to This Little Pond and fill it up
before wouldn't you know someone's
approaching and it's just Joel's so
let's welcome them by dumping water on
them too then he puts his bag down which
it allows us to access so we're going to
take literally everything before getting
ready to make a campfire which goodness
knows I want to build right on top of
his face but the game won't let me so
we'll just go ahead and do uh something
normal and you can tell that Joel over
there is really hungry because if you go
over here and start the fire the first
thing he says is me and then if you go
ahead and extinguish it and then light
it up again me he's just being
considerate he doesn't want you to
forget meat thanks eyebrows I'll get
right on that and then as we let the
meat cook we hear something
exciting and then I look up to get a
good look and what do I see but Joel
hiding behind some stalagmites are you
telling me that there's a bear all go
investigate let's see well I don't know
I'm not seeing a bear around here Joel
what are you doing buddy too tight in
here find a different spot you know I
have a better idea instead of hiding how
about I go ahead and just look at this
campfire and wait for the time to run
out I mean if the time runs out maybe
the bear won't show up okay there we go
the fire is out hey Joel I think it's
going to be okay the fire's out I don't
think the bear is coming Joel are you
listening are you okay you come out here
right now now what the game wants me to
do is crawl into this little hidey hole
and then at that point I think the bear
comes in but I do that when we can do
something else so let's see we'll jump
up on this climb onto the backside
instead of go inside here and then let's
see can we just Escape that sure would
be nice wouldn't it easy easy okay and
we're up here sorry Joel we're getting
out of here okay let's see what does the
outside of this place look like besides
blinding okay so we'll just kind of
wander back over to the front or
wherever this is unfortunately as you'd
expect there's not really many places
for me to go unless I can just walk over
here which I cannot ah well this is ill
faded all right let's try this again
Joel is coming in and this time I'm
going to try and block him oh he just
passed right through me and is now
sitting incorrectly wow I am really
impressed with how you can do squats you
must work out well whatever bye Joel I'm
leaving you again but sadly I'm pretty
sure there's nowhere for us to go I've
been trying to figure out a way through
all these rocks but it's a lot of dead
ends that caus me to fall to my death
but because we're in the tutorial still
it just respawns me back in the cave oh
where am I now oh I guess I found my way
back cuz I'm back here at the beginning
well looks like we can make the campfire
here so we're going to do that 192 M
from where we're supposed to ah done and
done okay let's Light It Up can star
fires in bad weather oh well this is
embarrassing well that's unfortunate but
I think I know a place where we can
build it okay let's see if this works it
doesn't seem to want to let us put it on
the structure but we can't tuck it away
off to the side where I feel like
there's less wind fingers crossed still
can't start it well fiddle sticks well
the hell with this at least I have my
sleeping bag that I can for some reason
place out here well good night and that
what happens next I probably need to
kind of explain because we were supposed
to go to sleep in that bear cave after
encountering a bear but we skipped all
that but the story's continuing anyway
as if we did so I guess we're running
from a bear and then we lost our stuff
and wait a minute I think I know where
our gear is it's right up there and
doing a quick glance all around me it's
pretty obvious the game wants me to go
this way especially cuz there's a sign
and everything o do some hot springs
which are a natural source of heat yeah
that's probably important but you know
what's more important seeing if if we
can't climb up all this crap to get our
stuff so I think I have a pretty good
plan for how we're going to get this we
have to find a way to get all the way up
there by crawling through the Mist to
all these rocks over here the first
part's actually really easy because
there's this fallen tree right here so
that's already getting us some of the
way now all we need to do is find our
way across all of this and I don't think
that should be that hard and then we'll
go around this thing and climb on top
right here and then I get the sense that
to get up here we can probably take this
little outcropping right here so we'll
just jump over to the edge like this see
if we can grab onto this little spot
right here okay we got on that and now
just another jump and jump another
obstacle down okay I feel like we're
almost there the only thing we need to
do is cross this so let's see I think we
can probably just drop down here all
right and now let's jump ah we made it
well this was shockingly easy give me
your backpack I promise I'll never lose
you again wait did I get my stuff back
well it turns out no I didn't get any of
my stuff back but I did get my backpack
so I guess that's good now as mentioned
the game wants me to go all the way over
there because Beyond those barriers is a
hot springs that it wants us to look at
but why do that when we can explore all
this I mean we did get up here fair and
square besides why can't we use this one
there's a Hot Springs right here why go
122 M when we can go one and also look
at this thing can my soft human flesh
handle this ah so relaxing okay let's
see what else is around here uh-oh it's
finally happened we found an adversary
that's okay I came prepared be gone with
the oh I don't think he liked that very
much that's okay it looks like he's
giving up and going back to to his perch
which we will disturb once again now I
realize it looks like I'm the bad guy
here oh really that's all it took let's
just go with it sleeping oh my goodness
and what's this a bridge well that could
look better I don't know it seems okay
overall I mean surely I can just go out
here and oh no well I guess this is to
be expected I bet though we can get
around this all the same same way we do
anything else climb on things we're
probably not supposed to yeah I'm sure
this will work just fine easy easy good
thing I have a crazy sense of balance oh
but apparently not that good maybe I
need to go along the left side yeah this
seems better a lot more stable and look
at this look how much progress we're
making we're really ah crap we're going
to do this I'm not giving up oh here we
go it's happening okay and we're across
let's see what do we have over here so
far I'm not seeing a lot of anything
actually I'm starting to get this weird
feeling that maybe I'm not supposed to
be over here something about this tree
sticking out of the ground it just has
me wondering oh and we can just run
right through this and now if feels like
I'm on an alien planet endless fields
and colors and just when I think I've
hit the end it's just the beginning
leading to an even more complex series
of things I'm clipping through I guess
we're just going to need to see how far
out we can run now still going now 12200
M away but you know there's always more
stuff for us to go under oh well this is
new all of the ground textures are
giving way to streaks of Madness and
everything's just a bunch of rocks did
we finally hit the end oh this looks
like a slippery
slope okay well now we know what happens
when we go out that far this Bridge
though I think we'll just wait maybe see
if something comes of it later I did
find and pick up a lot of rocks though
and there's a lot of wolves out here so
I've been going around taking care of
them all and then when it comes at me I
just hit it in the Paw and they take an
air quote nap and so that's pretty much
what I've been doing grabbing everything
not nailed down including stuff like
this snow mountain garlic which
excitingly we can immediately eat M Down
the Hatch and it gives us plus five to
hunger I mean you can see down here that
we don't actually have hunger unlocked
yet oh you might be wondering what this
weird brain thing is it's for some kind
of Sanity system you don't need to worry
about it I don't suspect it's going to
alter our Gameplay at all I think this
one's happy do you see how it's flapping
its paws before it completely expires
and occasionally we even see a deer
which I can also hit with rocks and it
just goes like no
stop oh well I guess it probably doesn't
care anymore and then I just wandered
around for a while we do come across
random things like this extraordinarily
helpful sign and there's also things
like this which are probably a lot more
interesting if we had a reason to be up
here but there's not a lot we can do
with these cuz the game still wants us
to go to a hot spring so fine we'll
finally do that and I'm not going to let
any of these wolves stop me face my
rock oh my God what was that did that
wolf just try to do a spin kick
surviving in Winter sure is rough and
here we are at long last at the correct
Hot Springs yes go ahead and warm up and
ignore the fact that you've Got That
Rock in your hands uh-oh wolves now the
game wants me to run for my life but why
would I do that when I have the power of
rocks on my side watch out I'm so scared
of this pack of wolves whatever will I
do clearly I need to fight for my life
hopefully I don't succumb to their
fierceness and there we go crisis
averted and now even though all the
wolves are resting the game still says
run for your life surely what it means
is run for your life to the most
comfortable Hot Springs you can imagine
ah yes I would like to hold to drink M
scolding hot water does the body good
and isn't destroying my health at all
well just like before I guess there's no
harm in looking around but like before
most of it is just crap that I can't do
anything with well it looks like we're
supposed to use this path to run for our
lives and go over this tree branch but I
couldn't help but notice it looks a
little broken on the end so instead
we're going to take this larger thicker
one I mean why wouldn't we take this one
if it's here I mean they all seem to go
to the same place which is this cabin
right here hello hello is anybody home
I'm just going to do a quick spray and
prey to make sure okay seems secure well
it looks like a psychopath lives here
because who sleeps on a bare mattress
when you could be sleeping on a nice
blank at a rock see there we go that's
much better the bed of our dreams anyway
the weirdo that lives here also has toy
trains I'll be taking that and dumping
that outside only serious survivalists
live here now my God another train some
people are just obsessed anyway let's
see what else we have here what the hell
ah a leg stabilizer why is it glowing is
this a quest item apparently because now
the quest is trying to tell me to use it
okay if you say so used to treat ankle
sprains which if I check out my status
first off I'm not just looking good good
I'm looking MMA fighter ready and
discounting my trauma being at 100% I'm
not seeing any kind of sprained ankle so
I'm going to have to assume that was
supposed to happen during my running
from the Wolves so we'll just use this
anyway much better yes much better okay
excellent let's get out of here don't be
stupid you're too exhausted to go out oh
am I all right so be it I guess the game
wants me to finish out the tutorial
which involves starting a fire and now
the game wants us to go to sleep I
thought you'd never ask well good night
time to sleep the sleep of
Kings terrible night what do you mean
terrible night we slept just fine I'll
freeze to death if I don't dry my
clothes quickly oh I see my clothes are
soaked for some reason and the game
wants me to put them on this drying line
well if you say so we'll go ahead and
just hang all of our stuff to dry even
some of these things that aren't even
wet there we go everything's looking
great and even though we're not wearing
anything but our headlamp it's time to
go outside oh my goodness daytime at
last it only took us like 16 minutes
into the video to get here wow wouldn't
you know it's actually really pretty out
here I would have never guessed
considering all the nightmares we've
seen anyway the next objective is to
retrieve our gear which I have kind of
an idea as to what I think is about to
happen there you are yes there it is the
spot where my backpack should be but it
isn't cuz I already have it and because
of that there's nothing we can do to
clear this marker well that'll teach me
I guess I did notice in the brightness
of day I can see that there's this weird
looking Rock here which if we jump on
over to it we can actually attach a rope
to it and it turns out we can make rope
by grabbing some of this tall all grass
and once we have enough of it we can
start making some rope so let's give it
shot oh well that was easy well down we
go oh yeah I bet that feels really good
on our hands just a constant rope burn
also we've really got to talk about your
nails if you survive this okay and here
we are and down here we find some fresh
batteries of course as well as a
walkie-talkie hello Hello Joel it's me
whatever my name is can you hear me hey
dumbass you're in a Chasm of course Joel
can't hear you who is this this is you
recognize your own voice now turn this
thing off you're running the battery
down jeez fine what a jerk and right
over here looks like we have a cave that
we can scrape our naked body on and it
contains some ever fashionable human
remains and look they too have a leg
stabilizer that was probably the cause
of death I knew I shouldn't have used
that thing and there's a convenient rope
out and as we hop out of the cave we get
to see our sensual legs okay and now
that we're out here in the open maybe
now this thing will work still basically
no reception huh well should we try to
go up even higher like where that thing
is let let's do it as far as I know it
shouldn't be that hard and of course
there's going to be obstacles along the
way but nothing we can't handle whoops I
missed ah oh okay we got them never mind
everything's fine I just now noticed by
the way that the reason I have all these
empty circles I think you're supposed to
unlock all that stuff back in the cave
with Joel because normally you start a
fire for warmth and then eat something
because you're hungry but since I didn't
do those things that's probably why I
can walk around naked in the cold and
also my guy never seems hungry I'm so
happy about that and on my way there I
did notice we have an obstacle all of
this is ice which obviously for the
common person this would be a problem
where if I try to just run up it it just
slides me back down but luckily we
already know how to deal with this time
to crouch up and down and gyate our way
all the way up there and made it it's so
close now and sure we could try it
around all these broken ones but where's
the fun in that let's wait till we get
to the big one I appreciate that the
game laid out a tree trunk for me to
walk over even though I'm just going to
take this perfectly good dock and make
my guy walk through the freezing cold
water it's probably good for him way his
bare feet are so numb he's not even
going to feel the pain he probably feels
walking on these train tracks I'm going
to assume that we should walk to the
right because that's where the antenna
is but hey let's check out whatever this
is and see if it can help us out
Direction sign for demo Harbor and
swinia Village well I don't know what
any of that means but I'm sure it has
absolutely nothing to do with the game
being in Early Access okay it looks like
this is end of the line which is okay
because we're here and it looks like
there is stuff on the other side of this
so obviously we should try to get in
there okay let's see to get up there I
bet all we have to do is find a nice
spot where we can just kind of crawl our
way up yep there we go okay let's see if
we can find our way in here now so far
it seems locked up tight what if I just
try to fall and swoop in okay I guess
not but more on that in a second because
I found this and now I have questions
what internation is this cage for is it
for this wolf right here is this wolf
friendly hello oh not friendly not
friendly oh God hey I can climb on top
of this thing maybe it means the wolf
can't get to me wait a minute movable
box okay I see now that I'm technically
activating the Box not only can I move
it while I'm on top of it but in
addition to that I think I can get the
wolf involved come here buddy see that's
the spirit whoa whoa whoa uh-oh no stop
that stop what are you doing stop oh god
well this got interesting quick didn't
it thank God it gets bored so quick and
wanders off I love the fact that I can
just move the Box while I'm on top of it
all I have to do is pick a spot hit use
and now I can just walk and move the box
at the same time I mean it is easier to
just push it from the side but it
doesn't feel nearly besides being on top
protects me from wolves and also I
realized that what we're probably
supposed to do is use that box to get up
here to where this eyeball is and also
this shovel but honestly I don't see the
point we don't have a shovel and we
can't really do anything with this space
right now so I guess that just leaves me
the wolf in this box right wo wo wo wo
stop stop
stop well this was certainly one way to
get around this wall except for the
dying part okay hold on I'm getting
ideas now so let's take this box and
let's take it with us you can see that
the antenna we need to get to is
actually just right over there seems
fine shouldn't be too hard to drag this
thing at all surely it won't take that
long will it thankfully this thing can
go right in the water now now don't get
stuck I'm going to need you and then
back out again uhoh I think I'm coming
up to a ledge oh hey it's that bridge
again wait a minute what am I seeing
here is that Joel hey hey Joel Joel Joel
do you see
me come on turn around what about the
walkie-talkie is this going to work Joel
wake up okay so be it I'll just meet you
over there all right Joel don't worry
I'll be there in a second he easy easy
wo wo game that is not what I asked for
and then we get this awesome movie clip
showing our naked man climbing up this
thing having a really bad time with it
and of course Joel's not there anymore
but let's pretend instead that this
didn't happen and instead Let's Pretend
We're back here with the whole bridge
and our pride and joy now I don't know
if you noticed but when I was crawling
out on the ropes it basically sucked me
into that cut scene but what about if
instead we just take this thing to the
edge and maybe if we stand on top of it
we can make it to the bottom unscathed
and then maybe can get up from the other
side over here and then meet up with him
well only one way to find out okay easy
easy okay going off the edge oh okay box
please easy easy easyy take two this is
the one okay off we go all right now all
we need to do is make sure to stay on
top of the box and I think we'll be fine
and if we start to slip we can just
climb back on it okay okay hold on we're
doing great we're doing good stay on the
box and here we are okay we did it we're
down at the bottom let's drag this thing
with us and see where we can go now
actually I even think I'm going to need
it I think I can just run back up here
oh good and a blizzard has hit us but
that's not going to stop us from going
over and seeing our friends except for
the part where I can't figure out where
I am Joel where oh there's Joel Joel I
found you Joel I how come you're so tall
am I crouching no I'm not crouching have
you always been a giant hey Joel do you
mind if I just use you for warmth I'm
just going to stare up at your big manly
body till the storm passes oh okay there
we go wait hang on oh never mind I
apparently died to recurring respiratory
infection okay let's try that again
again hey did I mention that every time
I load the game I have to go grab this
box again that's okay it only takes like
10 minutes to drag it over here it's
worth it for all this fun and this time
we're going to drag this thing over to
what's face come on let's go visit an
old friend oh my God I can't see
anything why is the game like this Joel
help me oh thank God the storm cleared
thanks for the help Joel okay we're
finally here Joel hi I'm here to talk to
you what is happening how did this
happen how did you
happen Joel please I need your help in
your giant strength can you please help
me Joel
I well I guess we just died in his arms
and also dehydration and a respiratory
infection RP us okay this time we're not
going to visit Joel it's clear that he
doesn't want to have anything to do with
us and that's fine and now this time
we're going to head all the way back to
the what's it called oh but don't you
worry there's still a blizzard boy oh
boy do I hope I'm going the right way
uh-oh I think there's a river here and I
noticed something really interesting
about this River too it's so weird but
you can just walk underneath it why yes
I will stop for a quick drink thank you
only the finest bottom of the river
water well I guess we have no choice
then come on box prepare all the oxen
we're going in the river okay uh-oh
we've run into a problem I have to hold
e to push it but I can't because holding
e now makes me wash my stupid body and I
feel like we were so close Okay so be it
we'll try a different route oh but we're
going to get there don't you worry come
on box we're getting closer still going
I've been dragging this thing for like
an hour now but it's going to be worth
it wait what happened to my box wait
what happened to my game what I mean to
say is it crashed okay so be it no box
it is then so now we're back at this
thing no better off than we were still
no way to get in there oh you know what
turns out there's a little place we can
enter right here which feels kind of
like cheating now going the way we're
supposed to go uh oh boy what is this
this looks completely unnecessary so
strap in we're going to use it now okay
easy oh hey I think this is our opening
that we trying to get through this is
going to be so
awesome and the game crashed okay so be
it we just won't take this but at least
we can live with the satisfaction of
knowing that there actually is something
on the other side of this even though
it's a whole lot of nothing or maybe
it's because I sequence broke everything
I don't know oh you know what silly me I
just realized when you turn on the radio
and it's got this little thing going on
and you start looking around the signal
gets stronger when it's trying to tell
you where to go oh I'm just so dumb I
can't wait to see where it takes me okay
I think we're still getting closer ow so
I've been wandering around for a while
and this doesn't feel right but the
thing says this direction is the way so
I guess let's do some climbing I mean
they wouldn't make it so easy to climb
if you weren't supposed to be here right
although now that I'm up here I'm not so
sure it is the right way looks like I'm
on another planet again yeah you know I
think I went too far I don't think Mike
or Joel are over here or maybe they are
what the hell do I know at this point
everything's broken my boxes keep
disappearing this radio doesn't do
anything for me for any reason Joel is a
10ft tall silent Giant and I'm not
really convinced that Mike was ever real
to be fair pretty sure it's because I
brutally destroyed every part of the
game's attempt to keep me on Rails so in
a way we've kind of won but really at
what cost I want to thank Opera GX again
for sponsoring this one check out my
linky in the description to download the
browser for free on PC and or mobile so
I hope you had fun I know I did and I'll
see you next time
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