China is NOT What I Expected… (first day in Shanghai) 🇨🇳
- 🌏 上海是一个充满现代化大都市特征的城市,与许多人的初始印象不同。
- 🚄 上海的磁悬浮列车展示了中国在高速交通技术上的先进性。
- 🍲 中国的传统美食与文化深深吸引了旅行者,特别是街边小吃和早餐煎饼。
- 🛤 在上海,地铁系统被认为既干净又易于使用,尽管存在语言障碍。
- 🛍 探访上海科技馆下的地下市场,可以找到高质量的仿制品。
- 📱 在中国旅行时面临的一大挑战是支付方式,由于不支持国际信用卡,导致支付有所不便。
- 🌆 旅行者对上海的第一印象是其惊人的静谧,这得益于大量的电动车辆和自行车。
- 👥 尽管有关中国的某些预警存在,但旅行者发现当地人的友好与接纳让他们感到非常舒适和受欢迎。
- 🎢 人民公园和城市的其他部分提供了深入了解上海日常生活的机会,展示了当地人的休闲方式。
- 🔍 通过尝试不同的食物和探索城市的各个角落,旅行者逐渐克服了对中国的初步忐忑,体验了丰富多彩的文化和生活方式。
Q & A
The narrator embarks on a journey to Shanghai to discover the real China, expressing excitement and apprehension about the new experience.
Upon arrival, the traveler is intrigued by the local currency and experiences initial cultural surprises.
The traveler navigates the bustling Shanghai Metro and experiences the speed of the Maglev train, highlighting China's advanced public transportation.
Encountering language barriers and cultural differences, the narrator describes the challenge of ordering food and interacting in a non-English speaking environment.
The traveler's first meal in China turns out to be an unexpectedly delightful street food experience.
Exploring People's Park, the narrator observes daily life in Shanghai, noting the peacefulness and green spaces amidst the urban landscape.
The traveler's visit to the fake market under the Science and Technology Museum reveals a side of Shanghai's bustling commerce.
The narrative highlights the ease and cleanliness of Shanghai's metro system, contrasting with the anticipated challenges.
The traveler discusses the convenience and limitations of using digital payments in China, emphasizing the reliance on cash for foreign visitors.
Sampling local Shanghai cuisine, the narrator shares culinary experiences and the simplicity of scallion noodles.
The traveler reflects on the quietness of Shanghai's streets, attributed to the prevalence of electric vehicles and bicycles.
A visit to a local market showcases the vibrant street food scene, with the narrator trying various local snacks and observing the city's culinary culture.
The traveler experiences bargaining in Shanghai's markets, illustrating the dynamic and sometimes overwhelming nature of local commerce.
The narrative captures the juxtaposition of modern and traditional elements in Shanghai, as the traveler explores different neighborhoods and interacts with locals.
Concluding the day, the traveler reflects on the initial fears and uncertainties about visiting China, which were replaced by comfort and enjoyment of the city's culture.
China China country that has dominated news cycles for decades a country rich in culture
famous for its food its hard-working people and it's ancient history most of my knowledge
of China is limited to what I've heard in the news Cycles over the last few years and I'm
assuming that most viewers will be in the same situation I decided to visit Shanghai and find
out what China is really like for myself and what I saw really surprised me you're about
to board to China and I have no idea what to expect when we get there I'm a little
bit apprehensive I'm a little bit nervous about having my big camera out upon arrival thank you
I'm excited it's been a long time since I've seen a new country well it's been about a month a month
yeah well no well I've never seen this kind of country before let's
have to try into the meantime we have to catch a train to the main terminal yeah
oh pretty much officially in China this is cool oh it's cool this is the money that's
the money we got money yeah so how much is it that is about 100 Australian dollars how much
is how much is 100 uh about 20 Australian dollars this is 20 yeah yeah this one
there's coffee
this is cool okay she had to go capture the train give me my Coke oh yeah
it's all in Chinese every other country it's in it said Coca-Cola right but this one's the only
one that I've seen that actually just says all in Chinese writing just a zero calorie that's
all I know all right let's catch the train I wonder if Chinese Coke tastes different
exactly there's nothing different about it okay so we're just heading up now to get the maglev
which apparently means magnetized levitation or something magnetic Michael's trying to tell me
that the train doesn't even touch the track it doesn't as if it's all magnets magnets how do
they work that's what I have to say I am a little bit nervous I've heard that there's not that much
English here a little bit scared I'm not sure how vlogging or my having my camera out is going to
be received here I'm just a bit nervous about everything so let's see how this goes because I
feel like this is the fastest train it is it is the fastest train 430 or 431 kilometers an hour
about to catch it I think it tastes like six or seven minutes seven minutes to go 30 kilometers
oh that's not very fast are you serious it's closed
close at 10 yeah yeah the the fastest train yeah we'll get the Metro okay or Duty which
is over here look at Uber figure it out let's charge up oh no that was a whole oh no don't
judge me by the way my first McDonald's in China whoa look at the popcorn chicken
online but so so far here and the um convenience store both just haven't
taken international cards which we've never run into this problem before well not a problem but
this has never happened traveling before yeah we have to adjust we have to yeah
so you just prayed or anything and then it went to this straight away yeah I'm
getting it more progressively excited as we go to see even more of China but we
are forgive us for having McDonald's no I'm not asking for forgiveness it's the airport
it's an airport and it's like 10 30. we're not going to be able to finally at the moment so
that has made me 10 times 20 million times more excited to have some Chinese food now
thank you
it's heavy
about 50 something dollars in Australia so it was not cheap but I'm just looking at these streets
this is the first like look I've had at Shanghai or China at all and I feel like I'm in Sydney City
like I feel like it looks familiar but it's not familiar it's a weird feeling it's a weird feeling
I can't really see anything right now because it's dark it's like midnight almost so I don't really
know what to expect in the not in the light all right so we are lost we cannot find the
hotel Google Maps Apple Maps nothing's working so after a travel day that ended up hours longer than
expected with no access to any navigation apps any transport apps or really any way to get around at
all we finally arrived in our hotel in downtown Shanghai thanks to a combination of winging it and
friendly locals we got some sleep and woke up the next morning ready to try a real local breakfast
I am so excited to explore Shanghai today and the first stop is this famous
or popular breakfast Pancake type thing let's try Okay so I've already realized
there is a lot less English than any other country I've ever been to trying
to find this pancake type thing has become quite a challenge now judges
yes sir thank you that's it okay find it yeah that's the one so we went to this little yeah
and we found one but I feel like even though I'm talking normally I'm shouting like everyone's so
quiet I'm like respectful and the thing is I'm saying all these um scooters Drive possible
I can't hear them until they're almost running me over because they're electric
so we'll see how this one goes you watch it out
all right sorry
what was that yeah yeah chili
this looks so good my Mandarin isn't really like my Chinese isn't really like I don't think it's
working here very well the accent stuff my I think I'm not pronouncing things properly anyways I'm
gonna say it looks so delicious you've got like a little bit of crispy in there some chives some
egg around the side and it's basically just like a creeper she like fries it on the plate adds
the egg cracks it open mixes it around and it's like basically like egg yolk with some chai oh
I'm I'm drooling this looks so good
um okay wow the crispy there's like a crispy thing on the inside mixture is like it's like an
omelette it tastes like an omelette like a really thin omelette it's so hot here
I'm sweating so bad and the flavors are really good she was just pointing
out the ingredients and asking me which one I wanted I said no to chili but you
can really taste the greens in there the chives that's really good that's like one
of my favorite things I think that we've almost ever had yeah yeah that's good yeah
oh one of the best things I've ever eaten in my life there is life changing wow this is
honestly one of the best things I've ever eaten in a foreign country while traveling and I've
been traveling for a year and a half or more now amazing what'd you get it's a fried bread stick
inside what we just ate oh it's so boiling hot but she when I ordered it she was like yeah she's like
that's the one look it's good I like the other one okay I'm better yeah I could melt against
this wall and fall under the ground okay I think we spent like three minutes talking about how good
this thing is it's good after a life-changing breakfast I wanted a peek into daily life in
Shanghai to find out what the people of Shanghai are really like so we headed to People's Park to
see what was happening I am a little bit wary of my camera when I'm here right now so I'm still
working out what I feel comfortable with but it's very green very open so let's have a look around
Park is really nice and it's in the middle of just like a metropolis of a city like this is oh yeah
this is crazy like it's it's crazy we're in the part with all the roller coasters and I want to
go on one so let's see if we can go on one yeah so basically you get a card for 10 and you can
you can load any sort of like amount you want in it and then just go on the
rise bit no one seems to be around so I don't know how I'm gonna actually get
on I think it's I think consensus yeah all right let's let's go on the ride whoa okay
oh gosh
good oh going out the wrong way didn't even sweat this guy me how far done thank you and
I thought I don't know I thought it was like a dollar but 40 here is like 8.50 that is so much
money so I don't know why I pay that much for that little ride there's all these like older
men or actually not even that much older some of them they're playing these games on these things
I don't think this is chess do you know this game it's Marshall Marshall what's that I think it is
I'm just assuming that it is I've known but it's similar it's like a yeah it's like a table game
what I'm pretty sure they're the symbols I might be so wrong here I'm embarrassing
myself but I think these are the symbols from mahjong tiles they're showing me
after a great morning strolling around people's park it was time to dig a little deeper into
one of the things that China is best known for so we caught the metro to the famous Shanghai
Science and Technology Museum but not to learn anything under the museum and deep
within the metro station itself lies the biggest most famous and probably highest
quality genuine fake Market on the planet English yeah two tickets for eight oh yeah
so what's something you found about the Metro here in Shanghai China it's awesome
it's really clean it's nice easy to use I was really stressed we were both pretty stressful
coming here that it'd be tough for the language barrier it is with the people
but it's not with the like instructions there's a fair amount of English it was quiet it was quiet
it sort of like came up to us and just interested curious gonna put this big
camera away because I'm not sure about filming so let's do it stealth mode watch
no it's not Stealth at all
hello who's there you're after a Stanley Cup I would love a Stanley Cup we're getting
stairs for filling but there's something illegal Shades so who's the best person
are you gonna get that home but how much is it oh yes
how many pieces just the one just the one yeah yeah okay go for this price
okay that's 31 I could almost buy a new one for that yeah the quality and a big
size how many cheese days do you want only one only one okay 140.
it's a lot of money what do you think oh my God
it used to be Chinese very good okay that's the price for you 120 okay 50.
I'm so sorry 50s my cost is more more High than your 50. I promise well then what's
your cost my cost is price is the more higher you it is twenty dollars eighty
middle price you keep going down why don't you just tell me the low one
here's my massage
thank you are they closed oh it's good uh I just wanted to get a like a
Chinese language booster pack booster pack Pokemon yeah just any just anything in language Japanese
was I like collecting the different languages different prints yeah if it's Chinese so it's a
stock deck uh okay so no like boosters or anything like that like so yeah this is 20 and this is 100
different things that's 45 one with the Snorlax on the front yeah thank you thank you so much
come on come on sir you want to buy T-shirts which size you have I have the large one the
large screen yeah but how much how much are they oh this one come anyone uh probably just one
you can't give me the 150 issue wait 150
yeah okay I'm all right thank you it's like 30 bucks no that's way too much thank you
and I definitely realized I overpaid but it is what it is but I got my Michael got the Pokemon I
don't know he likes collecting them in different languages when you go to different countries I
don't know tell me down below if you like Pokemon and tell me your favorite Pokemon I think mine's
Snorlax it's so cute and then have my Stanley Cup which I've realized now also has a mark on it
it's just plain shipped
American classic the shade Italian red meat flavor is like spaghetti
it's spaghetti sauce I don't know what this is but this brownie brownie or sugar I'm not sure
oh it did work all that bargaining worked up on appetite so it was time to head back into the city
so one thing I've noticed a lot walking around the city today is that it's so quiet like most
of the cars most of the like scooters and everything are electric so you don't hear
like the motors and then a lot of people also ride a bike so you also don't hear that either
so if you don't know me I've been traveling for about a year and a
half mostly to Southeast Asia and India Nepal I've seen nothing like this country
before like I don't know how to describe it the buildings are different and they're
different in different places where you go in Shanghai as well so I'm really excited
to see the difference between here in Beijing which we'll be going a bit later
on so subscribe if you want to see that as well but all right let's get some noodles
okay okay and then we'll get some yeah yeah dumplings dumplings
okay okay sure
this is apparently the dish to have in Shanghai scallion noodles they smell like
the me going I make at home last time I used Chopsticks in a video everyone roasted me um
oh my foreign
no no it's like like kind of sweet but kind of plain like a soy sauce flavor but not soy
sauce I don't know oh yeah thank you sure sure they just taste like plain noodles
yeah for the delicious noodles so all of this your Coke for this and this was 40.
it comes out of it pierce it but then if you pay it it would be
hot water I don't normally eat this type of food in case you can't tell
very mushy the flavor is good the texture is probably not my favorite yeah I prefer like the
bun type things yeah what's it called bath yeah wow so good so I am so just worn out from the
Heat and I've been sweating all morning a little bit tired but these noodles I loved whatever we
had this morning that like pancake crepe thing these are really good so this street I'm pretty
sure it was called Huang hey and it's where we were basically this morning it's got basically
all of the food that you need this noodle place in particular is recommended by ale other travel
friends Stefan Pete who lived here actually for a few years before well you know as I eased into
the afternoon of my first day in China I started to come out of my shell while many of the things
I've been warned about were true passport checks and cameras on literally every single Corner most
of the fears I had of China were simply not coming true as I explored more of this city
the constant Smiles the Curious Kids and the general friendliness of everyone we met made
me feel so comfortable and welcome in a country I was honestly really worried about visiting this is
crazy this place is insane but we're here at the walking Street I'm gonna walk down here obviously
no cars can come here it's just walking so let's see what we can find along the way there's lots
of shops this is nuts I'm walking up and down here and they've got these little cars or like
little tiny trains that basically would probably just take you to the other side of the Walking
Street so you don't have to walk the hallway but this is crazy you've got Adidas stores
you've got all of these shopping centers on the side oh I saw Sephora this is crazy I I didn't
know what I expected to see but I don't think it was this we'll go to it look at me foreign
go to him
okay okay
sure sure thank you thank you I got a big bucket oh it's hard real hard
I know whoa that's insane this is insane now you go back out inside the open Street which feels
which is so busy but it feels like yeah like open space open Park through after being in there yeah
there's still so many people here back here oh ATM okay we need more money because it's really
expensive here we're waiting for it to cool down I thought I'd say if you are coming here and you
are a foreigner unless you already have WeChat which is where they do all the payment methods
on I actually can't do I have a WeChat account but it won't let me use it in China for payments
um same with the DD which is their version of grab or Uber I can't use the English version here and
uh there's no English language version of the app that works here so basically the only way
we can pay for things is Cash um if you already have waiter if you're from a country that already
uses that and you have your payment like put into it already you'll be able to use it when you come
here give me a shot but we don't have WeChat payment in the Australian WeChat if you're new
to my channel hello my name is Rosie and that's my boyfriend Michael and he basically organized
everything and I just walk around and eat potatoes all right so we're in the ATM place just trying
to get money out but Michael's card hasn't worked in China yet at all I had to get money
out from my car to the airport and apparently now it's not working either I'm a Potato what
money at the airport cost me eight dollars to get out oh wow eight dollars withdrawal fee
this isn't bad actually I take it back it's not great they need salt okay
um thank you pretty money I just I can't describe what it's like here it's like a big city
so as you know Michael and I came here because it was the cheapest flight to a country that
neither Michael and I had ever been to before so that's why we ended up in China I've never
seen anything like this I don't know what to say my impressions of of China is that
like I thought it would be clean and perfect and there'd be like a bit like well off as opposed
in the area we are now I'm here and I like it whereas I thought I might not like it before I
got here I had no idea what to expect I didn't expect this though I don't know how to describe
it because I had no preconceived thoughts honestly I never ever thought I'd even come
to China I've seen everyone with these skewers these meat skewers so I'm gonna
grab one I don't know what kind of meat sauce oh this chicken it smells freaking delicious
I'm gonna stick look how big it is I don't know what kind of chicken it is
if you look it looks you can see I don't know maybe that's the fat I don't know
okay it's not hot it's been there like for a little bit but it's
like mush it's like so soft it's good yeah it's like a barbecue bulky chicken
I wish it was part of that I wish it was like more fresh find it everyone's everyone's eating
the same food you're eating but they're all watching you eat the same thing yeah I love
it here and what does that mean hopefully it means very delicious I don't know why these
are great like well I don't know like they're good but like why are they like going crazy
so we're coming down a little Alleyway off the main walking Street back here
I feel like that's where whoa that looks cool um
is that what are they what are these Knuckles all right I have to use Google Translate for this one
because there is no English fresh milk tea and bamboo oolong fresh milk tea tea and bamboo chips
yeah I'll do that one okay fresh milk tea 38. that's like eight bucks oh my gosh this place is
expensive we have yeah not this one this one okay yeah is it good yeah okay thank you you're welcome
so yeah all of these say one but they're all different sizes some of them I assume one
I don't know another one a one's one scent of that oh that's confusing yeah I'm excited it's
a milk tea in like a bamboo effect so I'm paying like eight dollars for a bamboo too
basically yeah we'll try it out thank you okay we're excited oh I hate it really no no so it's
um it's like flavored something I don't know I thought it would be like a milk tea like
I don't know like a bubble tea or something it's just like plain tea like water basically
with a flavor and then some whipped cream on top I'll eat some of the whipped cream it's
just basically a cup inside plastic cup it's very expensive yeah I think you keep the cup
that's good it's okay this is so busy like like service this is insane look at this
I just can't believe it I don't know it's so different
here like that everyone's having meat on sticks
honey Peach would be nice
20. okay can we have one yeah
thank you
honey Peach and we've got a bucket of ice because I wanted at Kohl's
why okay that makes sense
yeah enough for it all right get drinking then it doesn't oh it's so good so sweet it tastes
like a thicker peach juice I'm not quite like watery but like not quite a smoothie
all right put this one out
juice The Taste is so good all right next item with food yeah
I might just get an orange juice to be honest yeah these fruits
are massive like I don't know what's going on orange juice oh okay this one
what's that oh sorry yeah where's that where about oh Thai
chicken watermelon orange watermelon sparkling water yeah this is big I
think I might want you want to buy one and just like on our way to get yeah yeah
the side of my hand this is crazy I know it's just juice but like
there's like grape sparkling water these fruits are massive I just feel so out of
my element I feel like fish out of water in this place I'm still not used to it
as cold as I think I would like it's so nice isn't it yeah yeah like real orange juice real
like that kind of like like almost soury citrusy taste yeah yeah yeah as opposed to just orange
flavoring oh it's just a it's like a really sweet orange yeah it was busy in there ever
on one of these shoes so this is good I think I have to steal this one so we're just waiting
um to cross the road here to get through the skyline which is the band right
oh yeah look at all those people oh they're coming towards the end of the day my worries
fizzled out and they were replaced by those genuine moments of joy and achievement we
get from pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones and throwing ourselves into the unexpected
I visited many countries that people have told me I shouldn't India Bangladesh Brunei
and each time I focus on defying the warnings and getting to know the heartbeat of any country with
the people and as a result I've been rewarded with beautiful experiences time and time again
get a photo on this ledge you cannot get one anywhere there's people the entire way
along the whole thing all right so that is the end to an incredible beautiful day here
my first day in Shanghai in China so watch the one on the screen right now if you're in the
future that'll be our next video and I get to show you more of China see you in the next one
4.9 / 5 (45 votes)

This Is How They Treat Foreigners In Shanghai 🇨🇳

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