🐬 Dolphin-2.9-llama3-8b 🐬 TESTED: Llama3 Finetunes are already Incredible!

Ai Flux
22 Apr 202412:50

TLDRThe video discusses the advancements in AI language models, highlighting the recent developments with Meta's Llama 3 model, which has surpassed Mistral 8 x7b as the new standard for fine-tuning and modification. The focus is on Eric Hartford's Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3-8b, an 8 billion parameter model that showcases impressive capabilities, including instruction tuning and enhanced problem-solving skills. The model has been fine-tuned using a curated dataset and has demonstrated a more concise and directive approach to queries. It also supports function calling, an important feature for agentic abilities. The video explores the model's performance through various prompts, emphasizing its uncensored nature and its potential for practical use in an agentic workflow. The host also touches on the importance of responsible implementation and the need for caution when deploying such models.


  • 🐬 Meta's Llama 3 model is surpassing Mistral 8x7b as the new standard for fine-tuning and modification in AI research.
  • 📈 Llama 3, even in its current form, is considered state-of-the-art, with capabilities that researchers are actively exploring and adopting.
  • 📱 Recent advancements have enabled Llama 3 to run on various platforms, including Apple Silicon and even iPhones.
  • 🔍 Eric Hartford's first release focused on Llama 3 is noted for its uncensored nature and strong performance, although it's not the leading 8 billion parameter model.
  • 🤖 Dolphin 2.9 Llama 38b, released by Eric, is an 8 billion parameter model with enhanced data sets and initial agentic abilities.
  • 🚀 The model is trained with an instructive ChatML prompting format, which makes it more directive and capable of function calling.
  • 📚 Training data for Dolphin 2.9 includes Hugging Face H4, Open Hermes, and Microsoft Orca math word problems, focusing on real-world problem-solving and reasoning.
  • 🔨 Dolphin 2.9 has been filtered to remove certain biases, making it more compliant and understanding of user prompts.
  • 🚫 Despite being uncensored, the model provides metered and cautious responses, emphasizing safety and professional assessment when needed.
  • 📝 The model demonstrates an ability to give concise and nuanced responses, understanding when to stop and not overextend its answers.
  • 🌊 In a nautical example, the model suggests hiding items in lockable, less accessible compartments on a boat, showing its understanding of context and user intent.

Q & A

  • Which AI model has recently been considered the new standard for fine-tuning and modification?

    -Meta's Llama 3 model has been considered the new standard for fine-tuning and modification, dethroning Mistil 8 x7b.

  • What is the significance of the Llama 3 model's release in terms of AI development?

    -The Llama 3 model's release signifies a sea change in AI development, as it introduces a new state-of-the-art model that is more capable and uncensored, leading to a shift in focus for researchers towards fine-tuning and modifying Llama 3.

  • How does the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model compare to the base Llama 3 model?

    -The Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model is more uncensored than the base model and has a similar relative performance. It also has enhanced data set focus and initial agentic abilities.

  • What are the key features of the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model that make it stand out?

    -The Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model has a variety of instruction, conversational, and coding skills, supports function calling, and has been filtered to remove certain alignment biases, making it more compliant and understanding.

  • What is the training process for the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model?

    -The model was trained using an 8K context length with a 4K sequence length, taking about 2 and a half days on eight Nvidia L4s GPUs, and was trained using FFT on all parameters.

  • What kind of data sets were used to train the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model?

    -The training data sets included Hugging Face H4, UltraT 200k, Open Hermes 22.5 from Noesis Research, and Microsoft Orca Math Word Problems 200k, which focus on chat data, instruction tuning, real-world problem solving, and reasoning.

  • How does the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model handle vague prompts?

    -The model handles vague prompts by being more incisive, to the point, and concise, which is an improvement over the stock Llama 3 model.

  • What is the importance of using the CHATML template with the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model?

    -The CHATML template makes the model more directive, enhancing its ability to understand and respond to prompts effectively, and is considered a force multiplier when fine-tuning with templates.

  • How does the model respond to a prompt about fixing a leak in a sailboat?

    -The model provides a nuanced response, suggesting checking seals and hoses for damage and using a patch or sealant if a leak is found, and advises caution by consulting a professional if the source of the leak is not identifiable.

  • What is the model's stance on providing suggestions for hiding items in a boat?

    -The model suggests hiding items in a lockable storage compartment that is not easily accessible from the main living area, such as below decks or inside a large piece of furniture or equipment, and to secure it with a sturdy padlock or latch.

  • What is the general feedback on the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 model's performance?

    -The model is impressive for its ability to provide concise and metered responses without overrunning, showing an understanding of the context and the ability to constrain its output effectively.



📉 Shift to Llama 3: The New AI Standard

The first paragraph discusses the recent shift in the AI research community from the previously dominant Mistal 8 x7b model to Meta's Llama 3 model. Despite not having the most powerful version yet, Llama 3 is already setting the new standard for fine-tuning and modification to create more powerful AI implementations. The paragraph also highlights the capabilities of Eric Hartford's first release focused on Llama 3, which is uncensored and shows relative performance similar to Llama 3, but isn't necessarily the leading model. The discussion also touches on the importance of benchmarking these models and the potential of Llama 3's structure to influence future models, including Meta's upcoming 400b plus model.


🚀 Llama 3's Impact and Training Insights

The second paragraph delves into the impact of Llama 3 and the training datasets used to enhance its capabilities. It mentions the use of Hugging Face H4, UltraT 200k, Open Hermes 22.5, and Microsoft Orca Math Word Problems 200k datasets to improve the model's reasoning and problem-solving skills. The paragraph also provides an example of how the model responds to a prompt about fixing a leak in a sailboat, demonstrating its ability to provide nuanced and cautious advice without overstepping ethical boundaries.


🔍 Navigating Uncensored AI and Practical Applications

The third paragraph explores the uncensored nature of the Llama 3 model and its practical applications. It discusses the model's ability to provide concise and contextually aware responses without needing excessive prompting. The paragraph also presents a scenario where the model is asked about hiding items in a sailboat, to which it responds with a safe and practical suggestion. The speaker expresses their intention to continue testing the model and possibly start live streams to share their findings, inviting viewer feedback and engagement.



💡Llama 3

Llama 3 refers to Meta's latest artificial intelligence model, which is considered a significant advancement in the field of AI. In the video, it is mentioned that Llama 3 has surpassed Mistral 8 x7b as the new standard for fine-tuning and modification, indicating its superior capabilities and potential for creating powerful AI applications.


Fine-tuning is the process of retraining a machine learning model on a specific task or dataset to improve its performance. The video discusses how researchers are now switching to fine-tuning Llama 3 due to its impressive starting point, suggesting that it can be further enhanced for various applications.

💡Dolphin 2.9

Dolphin 2.9 is a specific fine-tuned version of the Llama 3 model released by Eric Hartford. It is highlighted for its uncensored nature and enhanced capabilities, making it a subject of interest in the video. The model demonstrates improved performance and functionality compared to the base Llama 3 model.

💡Instruction Tuning

Instruction Tuning is a method of training AI models to follow instructions more effectively. The video mentions that Llama 3 has been developed with a focus on instruction tuning, which is a key factor in its ability to understand and respond to user prompts more accurately.

💡Agentic Abilities

Agentic abilities in AI refer to the model's capacity to understand the context and boundaries of a prompt, providing concise and relevant responses. The video discusses how Dolphin 2.9 exhibits these abilities, making it more compliant and easier to use in various applications.

💡Function Calling

Function Calling is a feature that allows an AI model to execute specific functions or tasks when prompted. The video highlights that Dolphin 2.9 supports function calling, which is a significant advancement in AI capabilities, enabling the model to perform complex tasks based on user instructions.

💡Hugging Face

Hugging Face is a company specializing in natural language processing (NLP) and is mentioned in the video as providing the H4 ultrat 200k dataset used for training Dolphin 2.9. The company plays a crucial role in the development and training of advanced AI models.

💡Open Chat ML

Open Chat ML is a format for conversational AI that Dolphin 2.9 is expected to use in the future. Although the video notes that the current model still uses the older chat EML format, the transition to Open Chat ML is anticipated to enhance the model's conversational capabilities.

💡Bias and Alignment

Bias and alignment refer to the ethical considerations in AI development, ensuring that models do not propagate harmful biases and are aligned with human values. The video discusses how Dolphin 2.9 has been filtered to remove certain biases, making it more compliant and user-friendly.


NVIDIA L4s GPUs are high-performance graphics processing units used for training complex AI models. The video mentions that the fine-tuning of Dolphin 2.9 was performed using eight of these GPUs, emphasizing the computational power required for training state-of-the-art AI models.


Uncensored in the context of AI models refers to the model's ability to provide responses without built-in limitations that might otherwise restrict its output. Dolphin 2.9 is described as being more uncensored than the base Llama 3 model, allowing for a wider range of responses, albeit with caution due to ethical considerations.


Meta's Llama 3 model has surpassed Mistal 8 x7b in terms of capabilities.

Llama 3 is becoming the new standard for fine-tuning and modification in AI research.

Dolphin 2.9 Llama 38b is an 8 billion parameter model with enhanced capabilities and is uncensored.

The model's performance is similar to Llama 3, but it is not necessarily the leading 8 billion parameter model.

Eric Hartford's release of Dolphin 2.9 Llama 38b focuses on instruction tuning and problem-solving.

The model uses an enhanced dataset and has initial agentic abilities, supporting function calling.

Dolphin 2.9 is more uncensored than the base Llama 3 model, providing a more compliant response to prompts.

The model still uses the old chat EML format, but an update to Open Chat ML is expected soon.

Training for Dolphin 2.9 Llama 38b took 2.5 days on eight Nvidia L4s GPUs.

The model incorporates a variety of skills, including conversational and coding abilities.

Dolphin 2.9 has been filtered to remove certain alignment biases, improving compliance and understanding.

The model is capable of providing nuanced and metered responses, even when given vague prompts.

Dolphin 2.9 demonstrates an understanding of context and can provide directed problem-solving steps.

The model is concise and does not overrun its output, showing an ability to provide meaningful responses within token limits.

Using the CHAT template with Dolphin 2.9 enhances the model's performance and provides a force multiplier effect.

Dolphin 2.9's uncensored nature allows for more direct and potentially sensitive responses when prompted.

The model's training included datasets like Hugging Face H4, Open Hermes, and Microsoft Orca Math Word Problems.

Dolphin 2.9 is licensed under Meta's Llama license, allowing for its use in various applications.

The model's performance is evaluated against human-centric benchmarks provided by Meta.

The video suggests that live streams or videos showcasing the model's capabilities may be upcoming.