Llama3 + CrewAI + Groq = Email AI Agent

Sam Witteveen
22 Apr 202414:26

TLDRThe video provides a step-by-step guide on integrating Llama 3 with CrewAI on the Groq platform to create an Email AI Agent. The process involves setting up a Groq account, choosing the Llama 3 70 billion model, and generating an API key. The agent's workflow includes categorizing incoming emails, conducting research based on the category, and drafting responses. The video demonstrates the system's ability to handle customer feedback, complaints, and even off-topic inquiries efficiently. The use of the Llama 3 70 billion model on the Groq platform ensures quick processing of requests. The presenter also suggests further enhancements using LangGraph for more control and considering Ollama for alternative implementations.


  • 🚀 **Integration of Llama 3 with CrewAI**: The video demonstrates how to integrate Llama 3 with CrewAI for email categorization and response generation.
  • 💻 **Groq Platform Utilization**: The process is executed on the Groq platform, which is noted for its quick processing capabilities.
  • 🔑 **API Key Creation**: To use the Llama 3 model, an API key must be created on Groq, which is currently free to use.
  • 📚 **CrewAI and LangChain-Groq Installation**: The necessary packages for the task, CrewAI and LangChain-Groq, are installed using PIP.
  • 📧 **Email Processing Workflow**: The video outlines a workflow where an email is categorized, researched, and then a response is drafted and sent.
  • 🔍 **Categorization and Research Agents**: Agents are used to categorize emails and conduct research based on the category, which guides the response.
  • 📝 **Email Drafting**: The final step involves drafting a response email that is simple, polite, and to the point.
  • 📈 **Performance and Speed**: The use of the Llama 3 70 billion model on Groq is highlighted for its fast performance.
  • 📌 **Contextual Backstory**: A backstory is provided for the categorization agent to understand customer inquiries effectively.
  • 📊 **Logging and Analysis**: For a production system, it's suggested to log the percentage of emails per category for analysis.
  • ✍️ **Email Personalization**: The video emphasizes the importance of signing off emails with an appropriate signature, like 'Sarah, the resident manager'.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to integrate Llama 3 with CrewAI and use it on the Groq platform to create an Email AI Agent.

  • Which Llama model is used in the video?

    -The video uses the Llama 3 70 billion model.

  • What is the purpose of using Groq for this task?

    -Groq is used because it provides quick processing capabilities for handling the integration of Llama 3 with CrewAI.

  • How can one get started with using Groq?

    -To get started with Groq, one needs to create an account on Groq Cloud or Console at Groq.com, select the Llama 3 70 B model, and generate an API key.

  • What is the role of the email categorizer agent?

    -The email categorizer agent's role is to categorize incoming emails into types such as customer inquiry, pricing inquiry, customer complaint, product inquiry, customer feedback, or off-topic.

  • What is the process for handling an email using the Email AI Agent?

    -The process involves categorizing the email, conducting research based on the category, and then drafting a response using the gathered information.

  • How does the research agent operate?

    -The research agent operates by performing web searches if it deems necessary, and if no useful research is found, it indicates so in the response.

  • What is the significance of using LangChain-groq?

    -LangChain-groq is significant as it simplifies the integration of Groq's Llama 3 model with the agent-based system for email handling.

  • How does the system handle off-topic emails?

    -The system categorizes off-topic emails and responds by asking for more context or addressing the issue if possible, maintaining a polite and professional tone.

  • What are the potential improvements mentioned for the system?

    -Potential improvements include using an internal RAG system for research instead of web searches, adding more checks and tasks for better control, and fleshing out the agent flow with LangGraph for more detailed responses.

  • How can viewers experiment with the system?

    -Viewers can experiment with the system by using the provided code, setting up their Groq API key, and modifying the agent tasks and categories to suit their needs.

  • What is the next step for the presenter in terms of developing this Email AI Agent?

    -The next step for the presenter is to create a more in-depth version of the Email AI Agent using LangGraph and possibly explore integration with Ollama.



🚀 Introduction to Integrating Llama 3 with CrewAI on Groq

The video begins with the host addressing the audience's curiosity about using Llama 3, specifically in conjunction with CrewAI, on the Groq platform. The host outlines the process of setting up an account on Groq, selecting the Llama 3 70 billion model, and creating an API key—all currently available for free. The focus then shifts to the technical setup, including installing necessary packages and utilizing the Groq platform's capabilities for quick execution. The host also teases a future video that will delve deeper into using LangGraph for more nuanced control over the process.


📧 Automating Customer Email Responses with AI Agents

The host details a workflow for automatically responding to customer emails using AI agents. The process involves categorizing incoming emails, conducting research based on the category, and then drafting a response. The video demonstrates how to set up these agents and tasks using the CrewAI and LangChain-groq packages. It also covers creating a backstory for the email categorizer agent and outlines the steps for researching and responding to different email categories, such as customer feedback or complaints. The host runs through examples, including a positive customer feedback email and a complaint about the weather, showcasing the system's ability to categorize, research, and draft responses effectively.


🌞 Handling Off-Topic Emails and Final Thoughts

The video concludes with handling an off-topic email from a sender named Ringo, inquiring why they can't sing more. The host demonstrates the system's ability to categorize the email as off-topic and respond appropriately, requesting more context to provide a better answer. The host emphasizes the speed and efficiency of the Groq platform when using the Llama 3 70 billion model. They also mention the potential for future improvements, such as using an internal RAG system for more accurate research and incorporating additional checks with LangGraph. The host encourages viewers to experiment with the provided code, share their findings, and look forward to the next video, which will explore these topics further.



💡Llama 3

Llama 3 is a reference to a powerful language model with a large parameter count, specifically 70 billion parameters in this context. It is used for natural language processing tasks and is central to the video's theme of creating an Email AI Agent. The model's large size allows it to process complex language tasks with high accuracy, which is crucial for understanding and responding to customer emails effectively.


CrewAI is a platform or tool mentioned in the video that is used in conjunction with Llama 3 to create an AI agent capable of handling emails. It is part of the process for categorizing, researching, and responding to customer inquiries. CrewAI likely provides a framework for building and managing AI agents, which is essential for automating the email response process shown in the video.


Groq is a platform mentioned in the video where the integration of Llama 3 and CrewAI takes place. It is noted for its speed and efficiency in handling AI tasks, making it suitable for quickly processing the language model's requirements. Groq provides the infrastructure necessary to run the complex operations needed for the Email AI Agent to function.

💡API key

An API key is a unique code used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API (Application Programming Interface). In the context of the video, creating an API key on Groq is a necessary step to enable the use of their services, including access to the Llama 3 model, for developing the Email AI Agent.


In the context of natural language processing and AI language models, a token refers to a unit of text, such as a word or a punctuation mark, that is treated as a single element by the model. The script mentions an '8,000 token context window,' which implies the model's ability to process a large amount of text at once, understanding the context within which words are used.

💡Email categorization

Email categorization is the process of automatically sorting emails into different categories based on their content. In the video, this is a crucial step for the Email AI Agent to understand the nature of the customer's inquiry. The agent uses categorization to determine if the email is a pricing inquiry, a customer complaint, or another type, which then guides the subsequent actions.

💡Research agent

A research agent in the context of the video is an AI component responsible for gathering information relevant to the email's content after it has been categorized. It uses web searches or internal databases to find data that can be used to inform the response to the customer. This step is essential for providing accurate and helpful replies to inquiries.

💡Email writer

The email writer is an AI function or agent that constructs the actual response to the customer's email. It uses the information gathered by the research agent and the categorization of the email to draft a reply. The email writer aims to produce a polite, concise, and contextually appropriate response, as illustrated by the script's examples.


LangChain is a package or framework mentioned in the video that is used in conjunction with Groq to facilitate the interaction with the Llama 3 model. It seems to provide a set of tools or an interface for developers to build AI applications, such as the Email AI Agent, more efficiently.


LangGraph is referenced as a tool or platform that will be used in a follow-up video to further develop the Email AI Agent. It suggests a more advanced or different approach to managing the AI's language processing tasks, potentially offering more control and customization options for the agent's operations.


Ollama is another AI model or platform that is mentioned as an alternative to Groq for running the Email AI Agent. It is suggested that Ollama might have a smaller model, such as an 8 billion parameter model, which might not perform as well as the larger Llama 3 model but could still provide useful outputs for certain tasks.


Integration of Llama 3 with CrewAI for email categorization and response generation.

Utilization of the Groq platform for quick processing of Llama 3's 70 billion model.

Free access to the Llama 3 70 billion model for experimentation and development.

Demonstration of setting up an API key on Groq for model access.

Use of PIP to install necessary packages for CrewAI and LangChain-groq.

Agent-based approach for categorizing and responding to customer emails.

Implementation of a script to periodically fetch emails for processing.

Categorization of emails into types such as inquiries, complaints, feedback, and off-topic.

Research agent tasked with gathering relevant information for email responses.

Development of an internal RAG system for more accurate and controlled information retrieval.

Email writer agent composes responses using categorized information and research findings.

Efficient handling of customer feedback, complaints, and off-topic emails by the AI agent.

Personalized and appreciative tone in email responses to customer gratitude.

Apology and assurance in response to customer complaints about service issues.

Handling of off-topic emails with a polite request for more context.

Use of tokens and context windows for efficient processing of email content.

Potential for further development with LangGraph for more control over agent behavior.

Comparison of Llama 3 70 billion model's performance with other models like Gemini Pro and Mixtral MoE.

Invitation for viewers to experiment with the provided code and share their findings or improvements.