Russia and France are Already at War With Each Other

Jake Broe
28 Mar 202432:57

TLDRThe transcript discusses the US State Department's official stance on not encouraging or supporting Ukraine's strikes within Russia, despite continued attacks on Russian oil refineries. It highlights the complex political language and the efforts to maintain communication with Russia through the Moscow-Washington hotline to prevent escalation. The video also covers France's increased military aid to Ukraine, the UK's assessment of its military capabilities against Russia, and the impact of the war on various countries and their relations with Russia. Additionally, it touches on the Moscow attack, the discrimination against Central Asian migrants in Russia, and the European Union's efforts to support Ukraine with ammunition and economic measures against Russian propaganda.


  • 📜 The US State Department has clarified that Washington does not encourage or support Ukraine's strikes inside Russia, a statement that has been met with mixed reactions.
  • 🤔 Despite the official stance, the US's political speak leaves room for interpretation, as not encouraging attacks does not necessarily mean discouraging them.
  • 🚀 Ukraine continues its strikes on Russian oil refineries, demonstrating its own domestic capabilities and maintaining pressure on Russia.
  • 🗣️ European reactions to the US statement vary, with some, like Germany, expressing frustration and advocating for a more offensive stance.
  • 🇫🇷 France has doubled down on its support for Ukraine, planning to send more weapons and military aid, recognizing the broader implications of the conflict.
  • 🔥 The war has extended beyond traditional battlefields, with electronic warfare and GPS jamming affecting civilian aviation in Europe.
  • 🇬🇧 The UK Commons defense committee has admitted that the UK military could not sustain a fight against Russia for more than two months without resorting to nuclear weapons.
  • 🔄 There is a growing concern about Russia's intentions and actions in relation to former Soviet territories and their potential to disrupt global energy supplies.
  • 🎥 Media coverage and political statements from both sides continue to shape public perception and international relations throughout the conflict.
  • 💪 Support for Ukraine is not waning, with countries like Poland and the Czech Republic actively contributing to aid packages and military supplies.
  • 🌐 The conflict has global repercussions, affecting international relations, energy markets, and security dynamics.

Q & A

  • What is the U.S. State Department's official stance on Ukraine's strikes inside Russia?

    -The U.S. State Department has stated that Washington does not encourage or support Ukraine's strikes inside Russia. This was in response to a Financial Times report suggesting that Washington relayed wishes for Ukraine not to strike Russian oil refineries ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

  • How has Ukraine responded to allegations of U.S. pressure to stop attacking Russian oil refineries?

    -Ukraine has denied the allegations, stating that the United States has never pressured it to stop attacking Russian oil refineries and that it has continued its strikes on these targets.

  • What does the term 'political speak' imply in the context of the U.S. statement on Ukraine's attacks?

    -In this context, 'political speak' refers to the nuanced language used by politicians to convey a message that may differ from the literal interpretation. The U.S. statement of not encouraging attacks is not the same as actively discouraging them, allowing for a level of ambiguity in their position.

  • What is the significance of the Moscow-Washington hotline?

    -The Moscow-Washington hotline is a direct communication line established in 1963 between the United States and Russia to prevent misunderstandings that could lead to nuclear war. It is a critical tool for maintaining political relations and preventing nuclear Armageddon.

  • How does the U.S. policy on Western-supplied weapons for Ukraine relate to Ukraine's use of its own weapons?

    -The U.S. policy states that Western-supplied weapons should only be used within Ukraine's occupied territories. However, Ukraine is free to use its domestically produced weapons as it sees fit, including for attacks on Russian targets.

  • What is France's stance on providing military aid to Ukraine?

    -France has taken a strong stance on supporting Ukraine, providing significant military aid including precision-guided bombs for Danish and Dutch F-16 fighter jets, howitzers, and other capable vehicles. France has also sent an additional 78 Caesar self-propelled howitzers with ammunition.

  • What is the significance of Russia's actions in sub-Saharan Africa in relation to France?

    -Russia has been destabilizing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, which were formerly under French colonial rule, by supporting coups against leaders backed by France. This is significant as it threatens France's economic and political influence in the region, which is important for their energy and resource interests.

  • What is the UK's assessment of its ability to sustain a conflict with Russia?

    -According to the UK Commons defense committee, the UK's Deputy Chief of the defense staff, Lieutenant General Sir Rob Mcgaan, stated that the United Kingdom could not sustain a fight against Russia for more than two months without resorting to nuclear weapons, due to a lack of ammunition and equipment resources.

  • What is the current status of the power plant in Kharkiv, Ukraine, after a Russian missile strike?

    -The main power station in Kharkiv, which is crucial for providing power and heating to Ukraine's second-largest city, was destroyed by a Russian missile strike. It will take years to rebuild, significantly impacting the city's 1.5 million residents.

  • What has been the impact of targeting Russian oil refineries on Russia's status as an exporter of refined oil products?

    -The strategy of targeting Russian oil refineries has led to Russia going from being a net exporter to a net importer of refined oil products. This highlights the effectiveness of the strategy and the pressure it places on Russia's energy sector.

  • How has the recent terrorist attack in Moscow affected Russia's stance towards Central Asian migrants?

    -The recent terrorist attack in Moscow, for which the perpetrators were from Central Asia, has led to increased discrimination and crackdowns on Central Asian migrants in Russia. This includes mass rounding up and potential deportations, contributing to a climate of fear and tension.



🌎 US Position on Ukraine's Strikes

The paragraph discusses the United States' official stance on Ukraine's military actions against Russia. It clarifies that the US does not encourage or support Ukraine's attacks on Russian soil, particularly oil refineries, as per the US State Department. This follows reports suggesting the US advised Ukraine against such strikes. However, the speaker emphasizes that the US's political rhetoric does not equate to discouragement, and Ukraine retains autonomy over its military decisions. The US maintains a neutral position to preserve relations with Russia, given the nuclear capabilities of both nations. The Moscow-Washington hotline, established in 1963, is highlighted as a critical communication channel to prevent nuclear conflict.


🤝 International Support for Ukraine

This section focuses on the international support for Ukraine, particularly from France. Despite the US's public position, countries like France are increasing their military aid to Ukraine, including precision-guided bombs and howitzers. The speaker discusses France's motivation, which includes countering Russia's influence in Africa and ensuring the security of France's energy supply, as a significant portion of its uranium imports come from regions under Russian influence. The speaker also mentions the electronic warfare being conducted by Russia in Europe and the UK's assessment of its own military capability against Russia.


📢 Russian Disinformation and Internal Conflicts

The paragraph addresses Russian disinformation and the internal conflicts within Russia's political and military circles. It discusses how Russia's claims of not planning to attack more European countries are contradicted by actions and statements from Russian officials. The speaker also highlights the cognitive dissonance in Russia's stance, as they consider certain European territories as part of their sphere of influence. The paragraph further touches on the potential consequences of Russia's actions, such as the destruction of infrastructure and the impact on civilians.


🏠 Impact on Civilians and Infrastructure

This part of the script focuses on the impact of the conflict on civilians and infrastructure. It details the destruction of a crucial power station in Ukraine, which will take years to rebuild and affect millions of people. The speaker criticizes the lack of military aid from the US and the impact of this delay on Ukraine's ability to defend its infrastructure. The paragraph also mentions the Moscow attack and the death toll, as well as the discrimination against Central Asian migrants in Russia, who are facing reprisals due to terrorist activities.


🛑 Shifts in International Relations and Repercussions

The paragraph discusses the shifts in international relations due to the conflict, particularly the decision by Turkmenistan to repatriate its students from Russia following the Moscow attack. It also highlights the increasing discrimination against Central Asian migrants in Russia, who are being targeted and deported. Additionally, the speaker talks about the impact of the conflict on Russia's oil industry, as they have become a net importer of refined oil products due to targeted attacks on their refineries. The paragraph concludes with positive news for Ukraine, including increased military aid from European countries and the disruption of a Russian propaganda network by Czech intelligence.


📱 Corporate Responses to the Conflict

This section discusses the corporate response to the ongoing conflict, particularly the decision by Samsung to discontinue its mobile payment service in Russia, following similar moves by Apple Pay and Google Pay. The speaker expresses gratitude for these corporate actions, which align with the broader international sanctions against Russia. The paragraph ends with a personal anecdote from a journalist in Ukraine, emphasizing the human cost of the conflict and the resilience of the Ukrainian people.




Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe that has been at the center of a conflict with Russia since 2014, with a full-scale invasion beginning in 2022. In the context of this video, Ukraine is portrayed as a nation defending itself against Russian aggression, with the United States and other countries providing varying degrees of support.

💡United States

The United States is a North American country often involved in global politics and conflicts. In this video, the U.S. is depicted as maintaining a neutral public stance towards Ukraine's actions against Russia, while not actively discouraging Ukraine's defense efforts. The U.S. is also shown as engaging in diplomatic efforts to prevent escalation, such as the Moscow-Washington hotline.

💡Russian oil refineries

Russian oil refineries are facilities within Russia that process crude oil into various petroleum products. In the video, these refineries are targeted by Ukraine as part of its defense strategy, highlighting the impact of the conflict on Russia's infrastructure and economy.

💡Political speak

Political speak refers to the language and phrases used by politicians and government officials that often obscure the true intent or position on an issue. In this video, the term is used to analyze official statements from the U.S. State Department and their implications on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

💡Moscow-Washington hotline

The Moscow-Washington hotline is a direct communication link established between the United States and Russia in 1963 to prevent misunderstandings that could lead to nuclear war. It symbolizes the effort to maintain open channels of communication even during heightened tensions.


France is a Western European country that plays a significant role in international politics and is a member of the European Union and NATO. In the context of this video, France is shown increasing its military aid to Ukraine, including precision-guided bombs and howitzers, as part of its support against Russian aggression.

💡Electronic warfare

Electronic warfare involves the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to attack, exploit, or protect military equipment and facilities. In the video, it is mentioned as a tactic employed by Russia, using GPS jamming signals to disrupt civilian aviation in Europe, showcasing the broader implications of the conflict beyond direct combat.

💡UK military

The UK military refers to the armed forces of the United Kingdom, which includes the British Army, Royal Navy, and Royal Air Force. In the context of this video, the UK's military capabilities are questioned by the UK Commons defense committee, which assesses that the UK could not sustain a fight against Russia for more than two months without resorting to nuclear weapons.


Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe bordered by Russia to the east and is mentioned in the video as being under the influence of Russia. The country's long-time dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, is discussed in relation to his potential military actions against Lithuania and the 'Suwalki Gap,' which highlights Belarus's geopolitical significance in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.


The Kremlin refers to the Russian government and its leadership, particularly President Vladimir Putin. In the video, the term is used to discuss the Kremlin's propaganda and disinformation campaigns, as well as its military strategies and political maneuvers in the context of the conflict with Ukraine.

💡Czech initiative

The Czech initiative mentioned in the video refers to the efforts by the Czech Republic to purchase and provide artillery shells to Ukraine as part of a broader European Union effort to support Ukraine's defense against Russia. This initiative is an example of European solidarity and practical support for a fellow European nation under attack.


The U.S. State Department's official stance on Ukraine's strikes inside Russia.

Financial Times report alleging U.S. wishes for Ukraine not to strike Russian oil refineries.

Ukraine's denial of being pressured by the U.S. to stop attacking Russian oil refineries.

The nuanced language of political speak and its implications for U.S.-Russia relations.

The role of the Moscow-Washington hotline in maintaining communication between the two nuclear powers.

Western supplied weapons usage policy and Ukraine's domestic weapons.

Germany's reaction to U.S. statements on Ukraine's strikes and the need for Ukraine to defend itself.

The official U.S. position on Western allies sending troops to Ukraine.

France's increased military aid to Ukraine, including precision-guided bombs and howitzers.

The strategic importance of the Sub-Saharan African region for France and its relation to the current conflict.

The impact of Russian electronic warfare on European GPS systems and its potential consequences.

The UK military's assessment of its capability to fight against Russia.

The influence of the MAGA movement on U.S. Congress and its effect on Russia.

Putin's statements to his own soldiers regarding Russia's intentions towards Europe.

The geopolitical significance of the Suke corridor between Belarus and Kaliningrad.

The devastation caused by the Russian military's advance and its impact on Ukraine's infrastructure.

The European Union's efforts to bolster ammunition production for Ukraine.

Czech intelligence's success in busting a Moscow Finance Network spreading propaganda in Europe.

Samsung's decision to discontinue its mobile payment services in Russia.

The personal impact of the war on Ukrainian civilians as captured by journalist Zarena Zabriski.