1분만에 그려내는 AI 건축, 건축가가 직접 써본 평가?

8 May 202318:26

TLDR이 비디오에서는 AI가 건축 설계에 미치는 영향과 가능성을 탐구합니다. Midjourney와 같은 AI 도구가 인간의 상상을 뛰어넘는 설계를 생성할 수 있는 능력에 대해 설명하며, 기술 발전과 철학적 논쟁을 다룹니다. 역사적 맥락과 함께 AI가 창조적 과정에 어떻게 통합될 수 있는지에 대한 심도 있는 논의를 제공하며, 건축가가 AI를 사용하여 설계 과정을 어떻게 변화시킬 수 있는지에 대한 실질적인 예를 들어 설명합니다.


  • 🎨 AI in architecture has been contemplated since the 1960s, combining logical and imaginative aspects of design.
  • 🚀 Midjourney, an AI program, can produce drawings that exceed human imagination and has stirred controversy by winning an art competition.
  • 📈 The use of AI in architecture could significantly reduce the workforce required, from 100 to 25, and potentially to 5 with further AI integration.
  • 🤔 Architects traditionally sketch when inspiration strikes; AI can now generate images from a brief description, influencing the design process.
  • ⚙️ AutoCAD revolutionized the industry by reducing the workforce required, and AI has the potential to further streamline architectural tasks.
  • 🌐 AI can help clients who struggle to articulate their ideas by creating images that convey their desires to architects more effectively.
  • 🏆 The quality of AI-generated architecture is subjective and may not yet match the depth of human creativity, but it is improving rapidly.
  • 📉 The fun and creative parts of architecture may become less accessible to many, as AI takes over the initial planning and conceptualization.
  • 🏡 A practical example of using AI in architecture is the 'CNF House' project, where client feedback was incorporated into an AI-generated design.
  • 📚 The architectural field is becoming more accessible due to technology, allowing non-architects to design and plan with the help of AI and online resources.
  • ⏱ AI architecture is still in its infancy, and the technology may need further development before it's widely adopted by professionals.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the program Midjourney in the context of AI and architecture?

    -Midjourney is significant because it is a program that can create drawings, and its AI-generated creations have even won first place in an art competition. It represents the potential of AI to influence and possibly revolutionize the field of architecture by maximizing and exceeding human imagination in design.

  • How does the use of AI in architecture relate to the logical and imaginative aspects of design?

    -AI in architecture can handle the logical aspects by simulating the purpose of a space, such as determining the suitability of a room for different uses. Meanwhile, for the imaginative aspect, AI programs like Midjourney can produce drawings that push the boundaries of human imagination, offering new possibilities in architectural design.

  • What was the impact of AutoCad on the architectural field when it was released?

    -AutoCad had a significant impact on the architectural field by increasing efficiency. Tasks that previously required around 100 people could be accomplished with just about 25 people after AutoCad's release, indicating a major shift towards automation and digital design processes.

  • How does the speaker perceive the current state of AI in architecture in terms of efficiency and workforce reduction?

    -The speaker believes that if the current workload for 25 people relies on AI, the workforce could be reduced to only 5 people. This suggests a significant increase in efficiency and a potential decrease in the number of people required to complete architectural tasks.

  • What is the role of human intuition in the initial stages of architectural design?

    -Human intuition plays a crucial role in the initial 1% of the design process, which involves getting inspired by various stimuli and coming up with the initial concept. The remaining 99% involves effort in refining and developing the design into a detailed architectural plan.

  • How does the use of AI in architecture affect the enjoyment and participation of architects in the design process?

    -The use of AI in architecture can potentially make the design process more efficient but may also reduce the enjoyment for architects who find the initial planning and conceptualization to be the most fun part of their work. It could also open up the field to more people, allowing anyone to participate in the design process.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the current capabilities of AI in creating designs that match human consciousness?

    -The speaker believes that there is not much difference between what humans create using their imagination and the images produced by AI like Midjourney. However, the speaker also acknowledges that AI lacks the evaluative processes that humans go through in education and professional practice, which could affect the quality of AI-generated designs.

  • How does the speaker view the potential shift towards AI in architecture in terms of job roles and the architectural profession?

    -The speaker suggests that AI could replace certain job roles, particularly those that require less creativity and more adherence to rules and regulations, like planning parking lots. However, they also express concern that the current state of AI tools may not be suitable for professional architects, and that significant improvements are needed before widespread adoption.

  • What historical developments in AI architecture does the speaker mention, and how do they relate to the current state of AI in architecture?

    -The speaker mentions the development of 'Shape Grammar' in the 1960s and 1970s, which aimed to understand and replicate the thought processes of architects. This historical context shows the long-standing interest in AI architecture and how current AI tools like Midjourney are part of an ongoing evolution in the field.

  • What is the speaker's experience with using AI in their own architectural practice, specifically with the 'CNF House' project?

    -The speaker experimented with using AI in their 'CNF House' project by inputting commands into Midjourney to generate designs based on specific criteria. While the results were somewhat similar to their own designs, the speaker found the process frustrating and not yet ready for professional use.

  • How does the speaker envision the future of AI in architecture, considering the current limitations and potential improvements?

    -The speaker envisions that AI in architecture will improve over time, with better interfaces and more sophisticated learning processes. They predict that AI could eventually reach a level where it can collaborate effectively with human architects, much like the fictional AI assistant Jarvis from the Iron Man series.



🤖 AI and Architecture: Exploring New Horizons

The first paragraph introduces the topic of artificial intelligence's impact on architecture. It discusses the historical contemplation of AI in architecture since the 1960s and the dual importance of logic and imagination in design. The paragraph highlights the potential of AI programs like Midjourney to exceed human imagination in creating drawings, and how this technology can revolutionize architectural design. It also touches on the practical applications of AI in streamlining architectural processes, from initial planning to simulations of space utility. The narrative further illustrates the shift in design processes due to tools like AutoCad and anticipates even greater changes with AI, suggesting a future where architectural design is more accessible and participatory.


🎨 AI's Creative Competence in Architectural Design

The second paragraph delves into the comparison between human creativity and AI's design capabilities. It draws parallels between the stochastic processes of deep learning systems like ChatGPT and the human brain's thought patterns. The discussion explores the philosophical and practical aspects of AI in architecture, including the debate over the uniqueness of human consciousness versus AI. The speaker shares personal anecdotes about using AI in their practice, highlighting the rapid generation of design variations and the competitive edge AI provides. The paragraph also contemplates the future reduction in design teams' sizes due to AI efficiency and the potential shift in architectural education and practice towards digital tools like Pinterest.


🏡 Experimenting with AI in Residential Architecture

The third paragraph presents a personal account of using AI for designing a house in an orchard. It details the trial-and-error process of inputting keywords into an AI design program and the frustrations encountered due to the program's inability to fully grasp the designer's vision. The narrative reflects on the current limitations of AI in architecture, suggesting that it may not yet be ready for widespread adoption among architects. The speaker also discusses the need for AI to undergo a learning process similar to human education, involving evaluation and refinement, to improve its design capabilities. The paragraph concludes with a prediction that AI's role in architecture will grow as the technology matures.


📚 The Evolution of AI in Architectural Planning

The fourth paragraph provides a historical overview of AI's involvement in architectural planning, starting with the 1960s and the concept of 'Shape Grammar.' It discusses the evolution of using computational methods to understand and replicate the design processes of renowned architects. The speaker, who was advised by a leading expert in the field, shares insights into how AI can learn from and collaborate with human designers. The paragraph outlines the progression from manual research to digital tools like Pinterest and Midjourney, which facilitate the integration of human creativity with AI's analytical capabilities. It concludes by reflecting on the potential of AI to enhance architectural design through a deeper collaboration between humans and technology.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is applied to the field of architecture, allowing for the creation of drawings and designs that were traditionally done by human architects. It is a key factor in the discussion about the future of architectural design and the role of AI in enhancing or potentially replacing human creativity and logical thinking.


Midjourney is a program mentioned in the video that is capable of creating drawings, which signifies a practical application of AI in the artistic domain. It is highlighted because it produced drawings that won an art competition, sparking controversy and discussions about the role of AI in art and architecture. The program is used as an example to illustrate the potential of AI to influence and transform the creative process in architecture.


AutoCad is a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software that was revolutionary in the field of architecture and design, allowing for more efficient and precise drafting. In the video, it is referenced to show the historical progression of technology in aiding architectural design, and how it reduced the workforce required for certain tasks, thereby increasing efficiency. It serves as a precursor to the current discussion on AI's role in design.

💡Architectural Planning

Architectural planning involves the process of designing and creating buildings, considering factors such as functionality, aesthetics, and structural integrity. The video discusses how AI can impact this process, particularly in the initial stages of conceptualization and planning. It is a central theme as it explores the balance between human intuition and logical reasoning in architecture, and how AI might alter this balance.

💡Shape Grammar

Shape Grammar is a computational model for describing the design processes of an architect, which can be used to generate designs based on a specific style. It is a significant concept in the video as it ties into the historical development of AI in architecture, with the potential for AI to learn and replicate the design 'grammar' of renowned architects, thus creating designs in their unique style.

💡Imagination vs. Logic

The video contrasts the imaginative and logical aspects of architectural design. Imagination is associated with creativity and innovation, while logic is linked to functionality and practicality. The discussion revolves around how AI can enhance both aspects, potentially leading to designs that maximize human imagination and meet logical requirements for space and purpose.

💡Quantum Consciousness

Quantum consciousness is a theoretical idea that suggests human consciousness may operate at a quantum level, allowing for a unique form of creativity that is not solely based on logical data. The video uses this concept to differentiate between human and AI design processes, suggesting that while AI can mimic human design, there may be a fundamental difference due to the quantum nature of human creativity.

💡Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to analyze various factors of data. In the context of the video, it is the mechanism by which AI like ChatGPT operates, making probabilistic choices based on input data. The video suggests that human brains may work on similar principles, drawing parallels between the way humans and AI process information.

💡AI-Generated Design

AI-generated design refers to architectural or artistic creations made by AI algorithms without direct human input. The video explores the implications of this technology, discussing how it can rapidly produce design variations that would traditionally take humans much longer to create. It also raises questions about the quality and originality of AI-generated designs.

💡Human-AI Collaboration

Human-AI collaboration is the concept of combining human creativity and intuition with AI's efficiency and data processing capabilities. The video discusses this as a potential future model for architectural design, where AI could assist in the initial planning stages, allowing human architects to focus on more complex and creative aspects of the design process.

💡Digital Simulation

Digital simulation involves the use of computer software to create and analyze models of real-world processes or systems. In architecture, this can refer to simulating the purpose and functionality of a space to ensure it meets the required standards. The video mentions this in the context of AI's role in streamlining the design process by eliminating the need for repeated 3D modeling.


AI can create drawings within 1-2 minutes, which is significantly faster than human architects.

Midjourney, an AI program, has won first place in an art competition, sparking controversy.

Architecture has been contemplating the application of AI since the 1960s.

AI can enhance human imagination in the design process, offering infinite possibilities in architecture.

Architects traditionally sketch when inspiration strikes; AI can expedite this process.

AI can simulate the purpose of a space, such as suitability for a bedroom or kitchen.

The initial 1% of design inspiration is intuitive, with the remaining 99% being effort.

AutoCAD has already reduced the workforce required for architectural tasks from 100 to 25 people.

AI has the potential to further reduce the workforce in architecture to just 5 people.

AI can assist in the initial planning and conceptualization stages of architecture, which are typically the most enjoyable.

AI can help clients who struggle to express their ideas by creating images that convey their desires.

AI-produced images can be used to communicate with architectural firms, similar to past use of scrapbooks.

The rise of AI in architecture may lead to the formation of design firms specializing in AI-assisted design.

AI architecture can produce surrealistic designs that were previously time-consuming for humans.

Current AI architecture primarily uses pixel-based images, which are easier and faster for computer simulations.

There is a debate on whether AI can truly replicate human consciousness in creative processes.

AI architecture may lead to a future where anyone can participate in the design process.

The 'CNF House' project tested AI's ability to create a house with a curved roof based on a client's request.

AI struggles to understand complex architectural requirements when translated into keywords.

AI can expedite the design process, potentially halving the time it takes to finalize a design.

The accessibility of design data has democratized architecture, allowing non-professionals to design and plan.

AI architecture is still in its early stages and may not be widely adopted by architects until it matures further.

The history of AI in architecture dates back to the 1960s with the concept of 'Shape Grammar'.

AI architecture can potentially replace intermediate-level design jobs that do not require full architectural expertise.

The future of AI architecture may involve more sophisticated interfaces and deeper collaboration between humans and technology.