LG G3 OLED, the WORST things about it !

The Tech Giant
30 Jan 202410:24

TLDRIn this video, the reviewer discusses the cons of the 65-inch LG G3 OLED TV, highlighting issues such as the fixed power cable, unimpressive remote control design, lack of update information, out-of-the-box brightness limitations, slow menus, and the potential risk of screen burning. Despite these downsides, the reviewer acknowledges the TV's overall high quality but urges LG to address these areas for an improved user experience.


  • 🔌 The LG G3 OLED has a fixed power cable, which can be inconvenient for wall mounting and may require an extension.
  • 🏠 The TV is designed for wall mounting and comes with a No Gap wall mount, but no stand is included.
  • 🔧 Users may face difficulties with cable management due to the non-removable and short power cable.
  • 🖥️ The remote control has excellent functionality but its design is criticized for being cheap and not in line with the TV's price point.
  • 🔄 The TV's software updates lack detailed information about the changes made, which can be frustrating for consumers.
  • 💡 The TV's brightness is limited out of the box due to energy-saving settings, but can be increased by adjusting the settings.
  • 📊 The menu system can sometimes be slow and laggy, which affects the user experience.
  • 🔥 OLED TVs, including the LG G3, carry a potential risk of screen burning if static images are displayed for long periods.
  • 🛠 While the risk of burning is lower with newer technology, it is still important to use the TV correctly to prevent permanent damage.
  • 📌 The reviewer encourages viewers to share their thoughts and experiences with the LG G3 OLED in the comments section.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a discussion of the worst things about the 65-inch LG G3 OLED TV model.

  • Why does the reviewer mention a 'fixed power cable' as a negative aspect?

    -The fixed power cable is considered a negative aspect because it cannot be removed or replaced with a longer one, which can limit the TV's placement options and cause installation challenges, especially for wall-mounted setups.

  • What is the meaning of 'G Series G' in the context of the LG G3 OLED TV?

    -The 'G Series G' stands for 'gallery,' indicating that the TV is designed to be wall-mounted, with a focus on a sleek and minimalist appearance.

  • How does the reviewer describe the LG G3 OLED TV's remote control?

    -The reviewer describes the remote control as having excellent functionality but a cheap and unattractive design, which is not up to the expectations for a TV in this price range.

  • What issue does the reviewer have with LG's software updates?

    -The reviewer criticizes LG's software updates for lacking transparency, as they do not provide information on what changes have been made, which can leave consumers in the dark about the purpose and benefits of the updates.

  • What is the 'brightness crippled' issue mentioned in the video?

    -The 'brightness crippled' issue refers to the TV's energy-saving setting being enabled by default, which reduces the screen's brightness. The reviewer advises users to turn off this setting to achieve the full brightness potential of the TV.

  • How does the reviewer demonstrate the lag in the TV's menus?

    -The reviewer demonstrates the lag by showing the delay it takes for the settings bar to appear after pressing the settings button on the remote control multiple times.

  • What is 'burning' in the context of OLED TVs?

    -Burning refers to the permanent damage or discoloration on an OLED screen caused by displaying a static image for an extended period. The reviewer mentions this as a potential risk but notes that modern OLED technology has significantly reduced this risk.

  • How does the reviewer conclude the video?

    -The reviewer concludes by summarizing the worst aspects of the LG G3 OLED TV and encourages viewers to share their thoughts in the comments section. He also asks for likes and subscriptions for more content.

  • What is the reviewer's overall stance on the LG G3 OLED TV?

    -The reviewer acknowledges that the LG G3 OLED TV has its downsides but emphasizes that it is still one of the best TVs available on the market, and he has also created a video highlighting its best features.

  • What does the reviewer suggest to prevent potential screen burning on OLED TVs?

    -The reviewer suggests using the various settings available on the TV that help prevent burning, and advises users to avoid displaying static images for long periods to minimize the risk of permanent damage.



🔧 Criticisms on LG G3 OLED's Fixed Power Cable

The speaker begins by addressing the audience and stating that the video will discuss the negative aspects of the LG G3 OLED TV, specifically the 65-inch model. The first criticism is about the fixed power cable, which is inconvenient for wall-mounting the TV. The speaker mentions that while an extension lead can be used, it takes up space and may not be ideal for all setups. The speaker also notes that the inability to replace the power cable with a longer one is a significant drawback, as it restricts customization based on the user's needs and preferences.


🎁 Love-Hate Relationship with LG G3's Remote Control

The speaker transitions to discussing the remote control of the LG G3 OLED TV. Despite its functionality, which includes a 'magic pointer' feature, the speaker criticizes the design of the remote, describing it as cheap and unimpressive for the price point. The speaker suggests that a more premium design, possibly with metal and rechargeable batteries, would be more fitting. The remote control's design is presented as a minor issue that may not deter purchases but is worth noting for its potential impact on the overall user experience.


📄 Lack of Transparency in LG's Software Updates

The speaker expresses frustration with LG's lack of communication regarding software updates for the LG G3 OLED TV. While updates are pushed out regularly, the speaker notes that there is no information provided about what these updates entail. This contrasts with other companies that offer detailed information about their updates, which the speaker believes is beneficial for consumers. The speaker hopes that by highlighting this issue, LG may take note and improve transparency in the future.

🔆 Hidden Brightness Settings in LG G3 OLED

The speaker points out that the LG G3 OLED TV's brightness is limited out of the box due to energy-saving settings. The speaker demonstrates how to access and change these settings to increase brightness, which many users may not be aware of. The speaker emphasizes that this is an important feature to adjust for optimal viewing experience and criticizes the manufacturer for not setting the TV to its full brightness potential by default.

🐢 Slow Menu Response in LG G3 OLED

The speaker discusses the slow response time of the LG G3 OLED TV's menus, which can be laggy and unresponsive at times. The speaker demonstrates the delay when accessing the settings menu and expresses disappointment that other operating systems are more snappy. This issue is presented as a negative aspect of the TV's performance that could be improved.

🔥 Potential Risk of Screen Burning in OLED TVs

The speaker concludes the video by addressing the potential risk of screen burning in OLED TVs, including the LG G3 OLED. The speaker explains that static images displayed for long periods can cause permanent damage to the screen. While acknowledging that technology has improved and the risk is lower, the speaker still feels it's important to mention this potential issue to viewers. The speaker reassures viewers that normal use of the TV should prevent burning and encourages users to adjust settings to prevent damage.

👍 Appreciation for Honest Reviews on Tech Products

The speaker ends the video by inviting viewers to share their thoughts on the discussed negative aspects of the LG G3 OLED TV in the comments section. The speaker also encourages viewers to like and subscribe for more honest tech product reviews, emphasizing the value of discussing both the pros and cons of products to help consumers make informed decisions.




The LG G3 OLED is a high-end television model known for its advanced features and excellent display quality. In the video, the reviewer discusses both the positive and negative aspects of this TV, providing a balanced perspective for potential buyers.

💡Power Cable

The power cable is a cord that supplies electricity to the television. In the context of the video, the reviewer criticizes the fixed power cable on the LG G3 OLED, stating that it is not user-replaceable and may not be long enough for wall-mount setups, causing inconvenience for some users.

💡Wall Mount

A wall mount is a fixture that allows a television to be attached to a wall, often creating a sleek and space-saving setup. The video discusses the challenges of using the LG G3 OLED with certain wall mounts due to the design of the power cable.

💡Remote Control

The remote control is a handheld device used to operate the television from a distance. The reviewer has mixed feelings about the LG G3 OLED's remote, praising its functionality but criticizing its design and build quality.

💡Software Update

A software update refers to improvements or bug fixes provided by the manufacturer to enhance the performance of a device. The video highlights the lack of transparency from LG regarding what their updates entail, which the reviewer finds frustrating.


Brightness refers to the luminance or intensity of light emitted by the TV screen. The reviewer points out that the LG G3 OLED's brightness is limited out of the box, but can be increased by changing a setting, which many users may not be aware of.

💡Menu Lag

Menu lag refers to a delay or slow response when navigating through the television's user interface. The reviewer notes that the LG G3 OLED's menus can sometimes be slow, which impacts the user experience.

💡Screen Burning

Screen burning, or burn-in, is a phenomenon where a static image is displayed for a long time and leaves a permanent mark on the screen. The reviewer mentions this as a potential risk with OLED TVs, including the LG G3 OLED, and advises on proper usage to prevent it.

💡Consumer Feedback

Consumer feedback refers to the opinions and comments provided by users regarding a product or service. In the video, the reviewer emphasizes the importance of listening to consumer feedback to improve product design and functionality.

💡Honest Review

An honest review is an unbiased assessment of a product that includes both its strengths and weaknesses. The reviewer positions himself as an honest guy who aims to provide a fair and balanced perspective on the LG G3 OLED, acknowledging both the pros and cons.


The LG G3 OLED TV is considered one of the best TVs money can buy, but it has its downsides.

The 65-inch model has a fixed power cable, which can be inconvenient for wall mounting and hiding the cable.

Many users find the power cable too short, and using an extension can be bulky and problematic.

The no-gap wall mount does not come with a stand, and the power cable design limits flexibility.

The remote control has excellent functionality but a cheap and unimpressive design.

The lack of information in software updates leaves users in the dark about what changes have been made.

Out of the box, the TV's brightness is limited, but this can be adjusted in the settings.

The TV's menus can sometimes be slow and laggy, which affects the user experience.

Burning is a potential risk for OLED TVs, including the LG G3, but modern technology has reduced this risk significantly.

The reviewer encourages respectful discussion in the comments section and values honest feedback from viewers.

The LG G3 OLED TV is designed for wall mounting, and the no-gap wall mount is included.

The reviewer has made a separate video highlighting the best features of the LG G3 OLED TV.

LG's insistence on a fixed power cable is a point of frustration for users who wish for more flexibility.

Other manufacturers allow for the power cable to be removed and replaced with a longer one, which LG does not offer.

The reviewer suggests that LG could improve the overall product by changing the remote control's design.

The reviewer provides helpful tips for new LG G3 OLED TV owners, such as adjusting the brightness setting.

The reviewer acknowledges that while burning is a known issue with OLEDs, it can be mitigated with proper use and settings.