第38回 A.I.VOICE 生放送

22 Feb 2024131:50



  • 🎉 第38回A.I.VOICE生放送が行われ、坂原ゆいと栗田けなが出演し、AIボイスの話題を取り上げた。
  • 🐱 今日が猫の日であり、番組では猫の鳴き声が使われた楽曲を紹介した。
  • 🎵 フリー素材キャラクターのつく読みちゃんが紹介され、そのプロジェクトは多岐にわたり、イラスト素材や3Dモデル、音声合成アプリなどで活動している。
  • 🎶 つく読みちゃんのAIボイスがリリースされ、3周年を迎える。また、新しい衣装がデザインされ、視聴者に紹介された。
  • 🎙️ AIボイス2のパッケージ版とダウンロード版の発売が決定し、クラウドファンディングが開始された。
  • 📅 AIボイス2の発売日は2024年の夏頃に設定されており、オフィシャルショップやDLサイトで購入可能になる予定。
  • 💬 番組ではリスナーから質問を募集し、番組後半で選ばれた質問に答える形をとった。
  • 🎉 3周年を迎えたAIボイスについて、過去1年間を振り返り、新しい展開に向けて期待を寄せている。
  • 🎁 クラウドファンディングの各ゴール達成で、精錬ボイスの提供やVTuber向けの3Dモデルの無料配布が決定している。
  • 🎉 ゆずる君の4周年を迎え、バースデーグッズが販売開始された。また、AIボイス2のエディターバージョン2.3.0がリリースされ、機能が向上した。
  • 🎊 AIボイス2のダウンロード版が10%オフで販売され、期間限定のセールが実施された。

Q & A

  • A.I.VOICE 生放送の第38回はいつですか?


  • つく読みちゃんはどのようなフリー素材キャラクターですか?


  • AIボイス2のパッケージ版はどのような条件で入手可能ですか?


  • AIボイス2の衣装はどのようにして設計されましたか?


  • AIボイス2の3周年を祝うために何が行われますか?


  • AIボイス2のダウンロード版とパッケージ版の違いは何ですか?


  • AIボイス2の衣装のモチーフは何ですか?


  • AIボイス2のリリースにあたって、どのようなボイススタイルが追加される予定ですか?


  • AIボイス2のクラウドファンディングで達成された目標には何が含まれていますか?


  • AIボイス2の衣装について、商品化される予定はありますか?


  • AIボイス2の開発陣はどのようにして声優の声を収録しましたか?




😀 Introduction and Greetings

The video starts with a lively introduction where the host, a voice actor named Sakihara Yua, greets the audience and mentions the 38th official live broadcast. She introduces herself and another member, Keina, who works as an engineer at a company called AI. They discuss the day being both Cat Day and AI Day, and the host expresses her wish for everyone's safety and well-being. The host also mentions the schedule for the day, which includes a special feature on AI Voice Tukuyomi and the 3rd-anniversary celebration of AI Voice, among other topics.


🎉 Tukuyomi Project and Its Creator

The host interviews the creator of the Tukuyomi project, a free material character named Tukuyomi. The creator, known as 'Etsu,' discusses her involvement in various aspects of the project, including planning, character design, and voice acting. Etsu shares her excitement about the project and the unique concept of Tukuyomi as a free material character with a distinct personality and voice. The conversation also touches on the support Etsu has received from others in realizing her vision for the character.


🎶 Tukuyomi's Music and Free Material Assets

The discussion shifts to Tukuyomi's music and the free material assets available for the character. The host and Etsu talk about the free sound materials, including Tukuyomi's voice corpus, which can be used to create a voice synthesis software. They also mention the conditions for using these materials, emphasizing the importance of checking the software's terms of use and the character license when using the materials in different contexts.


🌟 Future Plans for the Tukuyomi Project

Etsu shares her future plans for the Tukuyomi project, including the desire to create a game featuring the character. While she doesn't go into specifics, she expresses her enthusiasm for expanding the project's scope and creating an enjoyable experience for users. The host and Etsu also discuss the various forms of content they hope to offer, such as illustrations, 3D models, and music compositions.


👗 Tukuyomi's New Outfit and AI Voice

The host presents Tukuyomi's new outfit designed by an illustrator, which was created in consultation with Etsu. They discuss the design process and the incorporation of elements like mirrors and flowers, which are significant to Tukuyomi's theme. The host also mentions the AI voice and the various styles it can adopt, reflecting different moods and emotions.


🎉 Celebration of AI Voice's 3rd Anniversary

The video script includes a segment dedicated to celebrating the 3rd anniversary of AI Voice. The host talks about the growth and development of AI Voice over the past year, highlighting new character additions and updates to the AI Voice Editor. They also mention the community's engagement through events and the creation of special content for the anniversary.


📅 Upcoming Events and Sales

The host announces upcoming events and sales related to AI Voice. They mention a music video release featuring Tukuyomi and discuss the various platforms where the video can be viewed. Additionally, the host provides information about a special page for AI Voice and AI Voice 2, encouraging viewers to follow their official accounts for the latest updates.


📦 Tukuyomi Special Book Release

The host shares the news of the release of a special book related to Tukuyomi. They express excitement about the book's content, which includes detailed explanations and illustrations, making it a must-have for fans of the character. The host also provides information on where to purchase the book and encourages viewers to get their copy.


🎁 Tukuyomi's Collaboration Jewelry

The host introduces a collaboration jewelry line featuring Tukuyomi, including a necklace designed with the character's theme in mind. They discuss the design and materials of the jewelry, as well as the different options available, such as gold-plated and silver versions. The host also provides details on the pricing and the preorder period for the jewelry.


📝 AI Voice Editor Version 2.3 Release

The host discusses the release of version 2.3 of the AI Voice Editor, highlighting new features such as the ability to specify file names in the application settings and improvements in synthesis speed for neural voice characters. They also mention the relaxation of minimum system requirements, making the software more accessible to users with lower-spec computers.


🎉 Sales and Upcoming Events

The host announces a sale on AI Voice and AI Voice 2 products, offering a 10% discount for a limited period. They also provide information about an upcoming live event, the 'Harmony 2024,' celebrating the 10th anniversary of a certain bridge, including details about the event's schedule, venue, and注意事项 (precautions) for attendees.


🎨 Tsukinchan Illustration Contest

The host talks about an illustration contest featuring Tsukinchan and Hanemumu, where participants can submit their artwork for a chance to have it recognized as an official piece. They provide details on the contest's theme, submission guidelines, and the deadline for entries.


📚 Announcement of New Goods and Merchandise

The host announces the release of new merchandise, including a special book commemorating the 10th anniversary of a certain event and an acrylic stand featuring characters from AI Voice 2. They also mention the sale of a new line of alcohol products and other goods related to the AI Voice project.


🍶 Launch of Sake Products

The host discusses the launch of new sake products, including a pure rice sake and a set that comes with a drinking vessel. They mention the release date and the manufacturer's details, as well as the design of the product packaging.


🎉 Final Remarks and Closing

The host concludes the video with final remarks, thanking the audience for their support and participation in the crowdfunding campaign for Tukuyomi. They encourage viewers to look forward to future developments and to participate in the campaign. The host also provides information about their upcoming live performances and other events.







































