4IR Podcast - 001 - What is going to happen?

David Shapiro
12 Apr 202438:25

TLDRIn the inaugural episode of the 4IR Podcast, host David Shapiro shares personal reflections on how AI has already impacted his life and discusses the potential future implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He explores the concept of a post-labor economy, the slow living movement, and the importance of relationships, experiences, and personal mission as sources of meaning in a rapidly changing world. The episode sets the stage for a series that will delve into the profound societal and economic shifts brought about by advancements in artificial intelligence.


  • 🎙️ The podcast host, David Shapiro, discusses his transition from a traditional 9-to-5 job to a content creator lifestyle, highlighting the increased control over his time and schedule.
  • 🚀 David emphasizes the rapid changes in artificial intelligence and how it may lead to a post-labor economy, where the economic value of most human activities could be near zero.
  • 🌿 The concept of 'slow living' is introduced as a potential future lifestyle, aligning with the idea of a less work-centric society and focusing on a more balanced approach to life.
  • 🧘 The importance of self-care and mindfulness is discussed, with David sharing his personal experiences with prioritizing himself and adopting a body-first living philosophy.
  • 📚 Several books on the future and AI are mentioned, including 'The Coming Wave', 'Age of Spiritual Machines', 'Deep Utopia', 'Abundance', and 'Singularity Is Nearer', indicating a wealth of knowledge on the subject.
  • 🌐 David talks about the challenges of monetizing content on different platforms, such as Spotify, Patreon, YouTube, and Substack, and his decision to focus on the latter three for their monetization capabilities.
  • 🤖 The potential sentience of AI and the ethical considerations it brings are touched upon, with David considering the implications of creating a successor species.
  • 🌌 The idea of a 'darkest hour' is introduced, suggesting a possible major inflection point or challenge in the future related to technological advancements and societal changes.
  • 🔄 David expresses optimism for the future, despite acknowledging the potential for upheaval and the need for a new philosophical paradigm to navigate the changes brought by the 4th Industrial Revolution.
  • 🌱 The importance of experiences over material possessions is highlighted, suggesting that as jobs may be displaced by automation, people will find meaning in the experiences they have rather than the things they own.

Q & A

  • What is the main platform David Shapiro is focusing on for his podcast?

    -David Shapiro is focusing on three platforms for his podcast: Patreon, YouTube, and Substack.

  • Why did David Shapiro decide not to maintain his podcast on Spotify?

    -David Shapiro decided not to maintain his podcast on Spotify because the platform is clunky, slow, and difficult to monetize.

  • What was the most common response from David Shapiro's Patreon subscriber poll?

    -The most common response from the Patreon subscriber poll was that people wanted to be closer to David Shapiro.

  • What type of lifestyle changes did David Shapiro and his wife adopt during the pandemic?

    -David Shapiro and his wife adopted a slow living mentality, which included spending more time in the kitchen, baking, and prioritizing leisure and rest.

  • What does David Shapiro believe will be the economic value of most human activity in the future?

    -David Shapiro believes that the economic value of most human activity will be near zero as artificial intelligence and automation advance.

  • What are the three primary sources of meaning according to the RM framework that David Shapiro mentioned?

    -The three primary sources of meaning according to the RM framework are relationships, experiences, and mission.

  • What is David Shapiro's New Year's resolution and how has it influenced his lifestyle?

    -David Shapiro's New Year's resolution was to 'prioritize himself', which has led him to focus more on his personal needs, embrace slow living, and gain more control over his time and energy.

  • What is the main concern David Shapiro has about the accelerating advancements in AI?

    -David Shapiro's main concern is that as machines become more sentient, humans may no longer be alone in the universe, and this could expose us to risks if we don't manage the development of AI responsibly.

  • What does David Shapiro think will change as a result of the fourth industrial revolution?

    -David Shapiro believes that the fourth industrial revolution will lead to significant changes in society, economy, our relationship to work and politics, and how we find and derive meaning in our lives.

  • Which book is David Shapiro currently reading and finding insightful?

    -David Shapiro is currently reading 'Age of Spiritual Machines' by Ray Kurtz and finding it insightful.

  • What is David Shapiro's view on the future after experiencing a shift in his relationship with work?

    -After experiencing a shift in his relationship with work, David Shapiro is optimistic about the future and believes that more people will be able to prioritize their personal needs and have a better quality of life.



🎙️ Podcast Launch and Platform Decisions

David Shapiro introduces his new audio-based podcast, discussing the decision to move away from Spotify due to its clunky platform and difficulty in monetization. He mentions the presence of an impostor on Spotify but doesn't mind as it helps boost his signal. David emphasizes his commitment to Patreon, YouTube, and Substack, the three platforms he chooses to maintain and monetize, ensuring equal access to content for his audience. He expresses gratitude to his listeners and explains his goal to create a closer connection with them.


🌿 Embracing Slow Living and Decentralizing Work

The speaker transitions from a 9-to-5 lifestyle to a content creator's life, highlighting the increased control over time and schedule. He discusses the concept of slow living, akin to the cottage core movement, emphasizing a less rushed and more self-directed lifestyle. David's wife introduces him to this philosophy during the pandemic, focusing on activities like spending more time in the kitchen and baking. The speaker also talks about the potential shift towards a post-labor economy and wonders about the future where most human activity may have little economic value. He touches on the idea of a shortened work week and how it could lead to more leisure time and a reevaluation of priorities.


📚 Books Influencing Thoughts on AI and the Future

David shares his experience of taking a break from YouTube videos to recalibrate and rest, noting the rapid changes in artificial intelligence. He mentions several books that have shaped his thoughts, including works by Mustafa sulaman, Ray Kurtz, Nick Bostrom, and Peter Diamandis. David has read 'Life 3.0' by Max Tegmark and is currently delving into 'Age of Spiritual Machines'. He discusses the impact of these futurists' works on his understanding of the AI revolution and its implications for society.


🌄 Transitioning to Influencer Lifestyle and Self-Reflection

The speaker reflects on his transition from a traditional work life to being an influencer, acknowledging the hard work and effort it entails. Despite the challenges, he finds more fulfillment in having control over his time and pursuing his interests. David discusses the concept of 'body first living,' a philosophy he developed to prevent burnout and prioritize self-care. He emphasizes the importance of listening to one's body and needs, a practice he has cultivated through breath work and Zen meditation. David also talks about his New Year's resolution to prioritize himself, which involves confronting internalized workaholic tendencies and reevaluating his relationship with work.


🌍 The Impact of Technology on Work and Meaning

David explores the societal and economic implications of technological advancements, particularly AI, on work and meaning in life. He discusses the potential for a post-labor economy and the need for a new philosophical paradigm that aligns with metamodernism and post-nihilism. The speaker mentions his upcoming interviews and work on post-nihilism, emphasizing the need for a shift in societal values. He introduces the RM framework of meaning, which includes relationships, experiences, and mission, as universal sources of meaning that can help guide individuals in a rapidly changing world.


🚀 Navigating the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In the concluding paragraph, David discusses the exponential changes brought about by the fourth industrial revolution and the potential 'darkest hour' that humanity may face. He acknowledges the fear and uncertainty around the development of sentient machines, which could lead to humans no longer being the most powerful species in the universe. The speaker also touches on the ideas of order and chaos, as presented by Ray Kurtz, and how the increasing pace of evolution and technology may lead to more unpredictable outcomes. Despite the challenges, David remains optimistic about the future and encourages his audience to embrace the changes and find meaning in relationships, experiences, and personal missions.




4IR, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, refers to the current era characterized by the fusion of technologies that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological domains. In the context of the podcast, the host discusses how 4IR will bring about significant changes in various aspects of society, including the economy and the nature of work.


A podcast is a digital audio platform on which individuals can record and share a series of episodes on various topics. In this case, the host, David Shapiro, is launching his inaugural audio-based podcast to delve deeper into subjects like the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its implications for the future.


Monetizing content refers to the process of generating revenue from the creation and distribution of content, such as podcasts, videos, or articles. The host discusses the challenges of monetizing his podcast on different platforms like Spotify and his decision to focus on Patreon, YouTube, and Substack, where he can earn income from his work.


In the podcast, 'abundance' is discussed in the context of how technological advancements, particularly those related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, have the potential to create an era of abundance. This concept is tied to the idea that technology can lead to a world where resources are plentiful and accessible, significantly altering societal structures and individual lifestyles.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. The host mentions AI multiple times, emphasizing its central role in the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution and its potential to reshape the future of work and society.

💡Post-Labor Economy

A post-labor economy is a theoretical economic system where work, as traditionally understood, is significantly reduced or becomes obsolete due to automation and technological advancements. The host speculates about the possibility of such an economy and what it might entail for the nature of human activity and the value of labor.

💡Slow Living

Slow living is a lifestyle philosophy that encourages individuals to slow down the pace of their lives, focusing on quality over quantity, and prioritizing experiences over material possessions. The host shares his personal adoption of slow living principles as a way to recalibrate his life amidst the rapid changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


Community refers to a group of individuals who share common interests, values, or goals. In the podcast, the host talks about the importance of community in providing a sense of belonging and connection, especially in the context of how technology might change the way we interact and form relationships in the future.

💡Influencer Lifestyle

The influencer lifestyle refers to a mode of living where individuals earn a living through creating content and influencing others, often leveraging social media platforms. The host contrasts this with the traditional 9-to-5 job, discussing the benefits and challenges of transitioning to this way of life, and how it might be a glimpse into the future of work.

💡Existential Crisis

An existential crisis is a moment of intense doubt or confusion about one's own existence, purpose, or the meaning of life. The host mentions the concept in the context of humanity's relationship with AI and the potential for machines to become sentient, suggesting that such developments could lead to a profound shift in our understanding of our place in the universe.


David Shapiro introduces his new audio-based podcast format.

He discusses the challenges of using Spotify for podcast distribution.

David shares his desire to bring listeners closer through the podcast.

He mentions his break from YouTube videos to recalibrate and rest.

The podcast episode focuses on the theme of abundance and societal changes.

David talks about the influx of books on the future of AI and technology.

He shares his transition from a 9-to-5 job to a content creator lifestyle.

The impact of a post-labor economy on life and work is explored.

David discusses the slow living movement and its principles.

He talks about his personal experiences with slow living and its benefits.

The concept of 'body first living' and its importance in self-care are introduced.

David explains how technology is reshaping society, economy, and our understanding of work.

He addresses the skepticism and resistance some people have towards these technological changes.

The need for a new philosophical paradigm in the face of technological advancement is discussed.

David outlines the RM framework for sources of meaning: relationships, experiences, and mission.

The importance of relationships in finding meaning and the role of community are highlighted.

Experiences as a source of meaning and the value of novel and challenging activities are discussed.

The concept of mission and finding one's purpose in life is explored.

David shares his mission to navigate the fourth industrial revolution and its implications.

The potential for a 'darkest hour' in the context of exponential technological change is considered.

The podcast concludes with an optimistic view of the future despite potential challenges.