A Conversation w/ Dan Schneider

BooG!e Wonderland
19 Mar 202419:23

TLDRIn this transcript, Dan, a television producer, engages in a reflective conversation about his past behavior and the impact of his actions on others. He acknowledges and apologizes for inappropriate conduct, including offensive jokes and uncomfortable situations created in the writer's room and on set. Dan also discusses the responsibility he feels towards the young actors he worked with, expressing regret for not providing a better experience. He emphasizes the importance of diversity and the need for change in the industry, particularly in how young talent is treated and supported.


  • 🙇‍♂️ Dan expresses deep regret and apologizes for his past behaviors, including inappropriate actions and the creation of an uncomfortable environment for some.
  • 🚫 Dan acknowledges that he should not have participated in inappropriate discussions in the writer's room and admits that this was a mistake.
  • 📺 Dan explains that the jokes and content created for his shows were intended for kids and he is open to removing any content that is deemed inappropriate today.
  • 🎭 Dan denies being an overpowering figure on set and clarifies that there were many levels of scrutiny and approval for everything that went on air.
  • 🤝 Dan wishes to speak directly to those who had a negative experience working with him and expresses a desire to understand and rectify past wrongs.
  • 💡 Dan reflects on his treatment of people and admits to not always being the best version of himself, promising to be more patient and kind in the future.
  • 🌟 Dan emphasizes the importance of diversity in his shows and expresses pride in the achievements of the actors who worked with him.
  • 🚨 Dan clarifies false rumors about him being banned from sets and the involvement with the emancipation of a young actress.
  • 🤔 Dan discusses the issue of child predators in the industry, expressing shock and disappointment at the support given to an admitted offender.
  • 📝 Dan suggests improvements for the hiring process of young actors, recommending the presence of a licensed therapist to ensure the well-being and consent of minors.
  • 🎥 Dan shares his experiences and thoughts on the entertainment industry, aiming to set the record straight on various issues raised in the series.

Q & A

  • What was Dan's initial reaction to the content shown in the first two nights of the series?

    -Dan found the content very difficult to watch as it forced him to face his past behaviors, some of which he found embarrassing and regrettable.

  • What specific incident from the past did Dan apologize for during the conversation?

    -Dan apologized for giving massages in a way that made people uncomfortable and for creating an inappropriate environment in the writer's room.

  • How did Dan feel about the writer's room culture he was part of?

    -Dan felt embarrassed and acknowledged that he should not have participated in the inappropriate behavior, especially since he was leading the room.

  • What was Dan's response to the claim that some of the jokes from his shows were inappropriate for children?

    -Dan stated that all jokes were written for a kid's audience and were meant to be funny. However, he acknowledged that perspectives change over time and if any content is upsetting to the audience, he is open to cutting it out.

  • How did Dan address the issue of employees feeling pressured or mistreated on his sets?

    -Dan admitted to snapping at people, being snarky, and not giving people the time they needed in the past. He expressed regret and wished he could go back and fix those situations.

  • What was Dan's stance on the power dynamics and approval process in television production?

    -Dan clarified that he did not have the power to produce whatever he wanted without scrutiny. There were many levels of approval, including executives and other stakeholders, and content was often reviewed by adults and caregivers before airing.

  • How did Dan feel about the on-air dares that went too far?

    -Dan acknowledged that some of the on-air dares pushed the envelope too far. He expressed sorrow for any child who felt uncomfortable or scared and stated that kids should not have been forced to do dares they didn't want to do.

  • What was Dan's reaction to the wage discrepancy issue raised by two former writers?

    -Dan clarified that he was not involved in salary decisions and that the practice of two new writers sharing a salary was common in the industry, especially for first-time writers looking for their first job.

  • How did Dan respond to the claims of two black actors feeling overlooked?

    -Dan emphasized that diversity has always been important to him in his shows, and he has consistently featured lead black actors in his productions, taking pride in their achievements both within and beyond his shows.

  • What was the situation regarding Amanda Bynes' emancipation and Dan's involvement?

    -Dan explained that Amanda sought emancipation and included him in her team for support. Although her emancipation attempt was unsuccessful, Dan maintained that he and his team supported her in the process.

  • How did Dan address the rumor of him being banned from his set?

    -Dan denied the rumor, stating that he was never banned from the set. He explained that he voluntarily stepped back from the set to work on scripts, which may have led to the misconception.

  • What was Dan's reaction to the hiring of a known child predator in the industry?

    -Dan expressed devastation and confusion over the hiring of Brian Peck, a registered sex offender, on a Disney Channel show after serving his prison time.

  • What changes would Dan make if he could go back and navigate his career differently?

    -Dan wished to have a licensed therapist oversee the hiring of young actors to ensure their well-being and willingness to participate. He also expressed a desire to treat people better, be more patient, and listen more to his team.



🤝 Apologies and Reflection on Past Behaviors

The speaker, Dan, begins by expressing his appreciation for the opportunity to discuss his past actions and behaviors. He acknowledges the difficulty of facing his past, particularly his inappropriate actions and the embarrassment they caused him. Dan apologizes for his past misconduct, including giving uncomfortable massages and participating in inappropriate discussions in the writer's room. He emphasizes the importance of a comfortable environment in writer's rooms and admits his past insensitivity and immaturity, vowing that such behavior would not happen today.


🎭 Addressing Jokes and Workplace Culture

Dan addresses concerns about the appropriateness of jokes made in his shows, explaining that they were intended for a kid's audience and were reviewed at multiple levels before making it to air. He expresses a willingness to cut out any content that upsets the audience. Dan also discusses his past behavior in the workplace, admitting to snapping at people and not being patient or considerate enough. He acknowledges the pressure of producing many episodes per year and how it negatively affected his interactions with his team. Dan expresses regret and a desire to apologize to those he treated poorly in the past.


🏆 Commitment to Diversity and Addressing On-Air Dares

Dan talks about his commitment to diversity in his shows, citing examples from his past work and expressing pride in the achievements of the actors he has worked with. He also addresses concerns about on-air dares, admitting that some went too far and that he regrets any discomfort they may have caused to the participants. Dan emphasizes that safety and comfort should have been the priority and apologizes to any individual who felt forced into participating in a dare.


💔 Handling of Sensitive Issues and Personal Reflections

Dan discusses the portrayal of his relationship with the cast and crew in the series, expressing that the depiction was not entirely accurate. He talks about his support for a cast member's emancipation and the misunderstandings surrounding the situation. Dan also addresses rumors of being banned from his set, clarifying that he was never banned and was simply taking a step back to allow the show to continue without his constant presence. Lastly, he shares his devastation over the hiring of a child predator on a different show and his commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved in his productions.

🌟 Learning from the Past and Looking Forward

In the final paragraph, Dan reflects on the lessons he has learned from his past experiences. He expresses a desire to have had a licensed therapist present during the hiring of young actors to ensure their well-being and willingness to participate. Dan also wishes to change how he treated people in the past, acknowledging his shortcomings in patience, arrogance, and rudeness. He conveys deep regret for his past behavior and a commitment to treating everyone with kindness and respect moving forward.




An apology is an expression of regret or remorse for a wrongdoing or mistake. In the context of the video, the individual acknowledges past behaviors that were inappropriate and offers a sincere apology to those affected, particularly for actions such as giving uncomfortable massages and creating an unwelcoming environment in the writer's room. This demonstrates a willingness to take responsibility and make amends for past actions that did not align with professional standards or personal values.

💡writer's room

A writer's room refers to a collaborative space where television or film writers gather to brainstorm, develop storylines, and write scripts. In the video, the writer's room is a central theme as the individual reflects on the inappropriate atmosphere and jokes that were made, leading to embarrassment and regret. The individual acknowledges the importance of creating a comfortable and respectful environment for all writers, emphasizing that no writer should ever feel uncomfortable in such a setting.

💡inappropriate jokes

Inappropriate jokes are those that are not suitable for the context or audience due to their potentially offensive or insensitive nature. In the video, the individual reflects on the inappropriate jokes made in the writer's room, recognizing the harm they may have caused and expressing regret for participating in such behavior. This highlights the individual's growth in understanding the impact of one's words and the importance of maintaining a professional and respectful environment.


Pressure refers to the stress or strain that one experiences, often due to high expectations or demanding circumstances. In the video, the individual mentions the pressure of producing a large number of episodes per year, which led to negative behaviors such as snapping at people or not giving them the time they needed. This acknowledgment underscores the individual's realization that external pressures should not justify poor treatment of colleagues.


Jokes are humorous remarks or stories intended to provoke laughter or amusement. In the context of the video, jokes are a significant topic as the individual discusses the appropriateness of certain jokes made in the past, particularly those that may have been deemed inappropriate for a children's audience. The individual expresses a willingness to remove any content that may upset the audience, reflecting a commitment to creating content that is both entertaining and sensitive to the audience's perspectives.


Executives are high-ranking individuals in an organization who have decision-making authority and are responsible for overseeing operations. In the video, the individual clarifies that despite the perception of having unchecked power, there were multiple levels of scrutiny and approval from executives, both in Los Angeles and New York. This indicates that the content creation process was subject to a hierarchical review system, involving various stakeholders who had the authority to approve or reject content.

💡on-air dares

On-air dares refer to challenges or tasks that participants are asked to perform during a live television broadcast. In the video, the individual discusses the on-air dares from a past show, acknowledging that some of these dares may have been too extreme or uncomfortable for the participants, particularly young actors. This reflects the individual's regret over pushing boundaries too far and a commitment to ensuring the well-being and comfort of participants in future projects.


Emancipation refers to the act of being set free from the control or influence of another, often used in the context of minors gaining legal independence from their parents. In the video, the individual discusses a situation where a young actor sought emancipation and the role they played in supporting that process. This highlights the complex dynamics between young actors, their families, and the entertainment industry, as well as the individual's role in providing support and guidance.


Diversity refers to the inclusion and representation of a variety of people with different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. In the video, the individual emphasizes the importance of diversity in their shows, highlighting the inclusion of lead black actors and the pride they take in the achievements of these actors beyond their shows. This demonstrates a commitment to creating a more inclusive and representative entertainment environment.

💡child predators

Child predators are individuals who engage in harmful or exploitative behavior towards children. In the video, the individual discusses a disturbing incident involving a child predator in the entertainment industry, expressing deep regret and devastation. This part of the conversation underscores the importance of safeguarding children in the industry and the collective responsibility to protect them from harm.

💡growth and experience

Growth and experience refer to the personal development and learning that occurs over time, often as a result of facing challenges or making mistakes. In the video, the individual reflects on how they would have approached their career differently with the benefit of hindsight, expressing a desire to treat people better and listen more. This highlights the value of learning from past experiences to improve one's behavior and decision-making in the future.


Dan acknowledges the difficulty of facing his past behaviors and expresses a strong desire to apologize to those he may have hurt.

Dan admits that the massages he gave were wrong and that he should never have put anyone in that position, offering a sincere apology.

Dan discusses the inappropriate atmosphere in the writer's room and how he regrets participating in it, especially as the leader.

Dan emphasizes that no writer should ever feel uncomfortable in a writer's room and that he is embarrassed by his past actions.

Dan reflects on his early experiences in the entertainment industry and how he wishes he had paid those positive experiences forward to every employee.

Dan apologizes for his behavior towards employees, acknowledging that he sometimes snapped at them or was not patient enough.

Dan addresses concerns about the appropriateness of some jokes in his shows, stating that they were intended for a kid's audience and that he is open to cutting them if they upset viewers.

Dan clarifies that he did not have the power to produce whatever he wanted, as there were many levels of scrutiny and approval from executives.

Dan expresses concern for the well-being of child actors and wishes he had done more to ensure their comfort and safety during on-air dares.

Dan talks about the importance of diversity in his shows and how he has consistently featured lead black actors in his productions.

Dan discusses the wage discrepancy issue involving two female writers, explaining that it was a common practice for first-time writers to share a salary.

Dan denies ever being banned from his set and clarifies that he made a conscious decision to step back from the day-to-day production.

Dan shares his devastation upon learning about a child predator working on a show not produced by him and expresses his support for the victim.

Dan talks about the support system he had for young actors like Amanda Bynes, including her lawyer, agent, and himself, and how he regrets her unsuccessful emancipation.

Dan reflects on how he would approach his career differently, emphasizing the importance of patience, kindness, and listening to his team.

Dan expresses his regret for not treating people better in the past and wishes he could go back and change his behavior towards his colleagues.

Dan concludes the conversation by reiterating his commitment to making funny TV shows for kids and his desire to have done so in a nicer way.