Dan Schneider talks about Quiet on Set

19 Mar 202419:23

TLDRIn this reflective interview, Dan, a television producer, discusses the impact of past behaviors revealed in a recent series. He acknowledges mistakes, including inappropriate conduct in the writer's room and on-set treatment of staff, expressing deep regret and a commitment to change. Dan also addresses concerns about the content of his shows, emphasizing their intended family-friendly nature and willingness to remove any upsetting material. He shares his support for diversity and the importance of a safer, more respectful environment in the entertainment industry, especially for young actors.


  • 🙇‍♂️ Dan expresses remorse for past behaviors, including inappropriate actions and the discomfort they may have caused others.
  • 🚫 He acknowledges that no writer should ever feel uncomfortable in a writer's room and takes responsibility for his part in such situations.
  • 📺 Dan discusses the pressure of producing a high volume of episodes and how it affected his treatment of colleagues.
  • 🤔 He addresses concerns about the appropriateness of past jokes in his shows, stating a willingness to cut any content that upsets the audience.
  • 🎭 The script reveals that Dan did not have absolute power over what was aired, as there were multiple levels of scrutiny and approval.
  • 🚨 Dan denies being banned from his set, clarifying that his absence was due to trying to resolve a tense situation.
  • 💸 On the issue of wage discrepancies, Dan explains that it was a common practice for new writers to share salaries, especially when starting out.
  • 🌈 Dan emphasizes the importance of diversity in his shows and expresses pride in the achievements of actors who starred in his productions.
  • 🛑 He apologizes for any on-air dares that went too far, stating that no child should have been forced to participate in something they were uncomfortable with.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Dan regrets not treating people with the kindness and patience he now values, and wishes he could go back and change his behavior.
  • 🔄 Reflecting on his career, Dan would have liked to create his TV shows in a way that was kinder and more considerate to everyone involved.

Q & A

  • What was Dan's initial reaction to the content shown in the past two nights?

    -Dan found it very difficult to watch as it made him face his past behaviors, some of which he found embarrassing and regrettable.

  • What specific incident from the past does Dan regret and apologize for?

    -Dan regrets and apologizes for giving massages in a way that made people uncomfortable and for creating an environment in video village that may have caused discomfort to others.

  • How does Dan feel about the writer's room dynamics he was part of?

    -Dan feels embarrassed and acknowledges that no writer should ever feel uncomfortable in a writer's room. He regrets participating in inappropriate discussions and practical jokes that went too far.

  • What is Dan's stance on the jokes told in his shows that some people find inappropriate for children?

    -Dan believes that all jokes were written for a kid's audience and were meant to be funny. However, he is open to cutting out any jokes that are viewed as inappropriate today.

  • How did Dan handle the pressure of producing a large number of episodes per year?

    -Dan admits that he let the pressure get to him, which resulted in him snapping at people, being snarky, and not giving people the time they needed. He acknowledges that this was wrong and wishes he could go back and fix it.

  • What was the process for getting content approved on Dan's shows?

    -Content had to go through many levels of scrutiny, including executives on both coasts, wardrobe, makeup, sound, set, teachers, and families. If anyone found something inappropriate, it would have been cut.

  • How does Dan respond to the claim that he was a difficult person to confront on set?

    -Dan denies being a difficult person to confront and explains that if his bosses or other adults on set had issues with the content, he would have had to make changes.

  • What is Dan's perspective on children in the entertainment industry?

    -Dan believes that some on-air dares went too far and that no child should have to do something they didn't want to do or weren't comfortable with.

  • How did Dan address the issue of wage discrepancies among writers?

    -Dan clarifies that he was not involved in salary decisions and that the practice of two new writers sharing a salary was common in television, allowing them the opportunity to work in the industry.

  • What was Dan's response to learning about a former cast member's experience with a child predator?

    -Dan was devastated and offered his support to the cast member. He also expressed confusion and disappointment at the actions of adults who supported the predator, even knowing his guilt.

  • How does Dan reflect on his past behavior and treatment of people?

    -Dan expresses regret for not always treating people with the best of him, admitting he could be impatient, cocky, and sometimes rude. He wishes he could go back and treat everyone with more kindness and patience.



🤝 Apologies and Reflection on Past Behaviors

The speaker, Dan, begins by expressing his appreciation for the opportunity to discuss his past behaviors, which he finds embarrassing and regrettable. He acknowledges that he owes apologies to those he put in uncomfortable situations, especially regarding inappropriate massages. Dan also admits to his past mistakes in the writer's room, where he participated in and led inappropriate discussions. He emphasizes the importance of a comfortable environment in writer's rooms and regrets not passing on positive experiences to every employee. Dan's early career is revisited, and he expresses sorrow for not being a better boss, admitting to letting pressure affect his treatment of employees. He acknowledges the mixed experiences of those who worked with him and wishes to apologize directly to those who had a negative experience.


🎭 Addressing Content and Power Dynamics

Dan addresses the power he had over content, clarifying that the notion of absolute control is false. He explains the multi-level approval process involving executives and various stakeholders. Dan agrees with the idea of cutting content that upsets the audience and emphasizes his desire to please viewers. He pushes back against the series' portrayal of him as someone who did as he pleased, stating that many people had the power to make changes to his work. Dan also discusses the issue of on-air dares, admitting that some went too far and expressing regret for any child who felt uncomfortable participating. He denies any knowledge of wage discrepancies among writers, as he was not involved in salary negotiations.


🌟 Commitment to Diversity and Cast Relations

Dan talks about his commitment to diversity in his shows, citing examples from his past work and expressing pride in the achievements of the black actors he has worked with. He addresses the depiction of his relationship with the cast in the series, emphasizing the trust and support that existed. Dan discusses his involvement in Amanda Bynes' emancipation, explaining the support he provided as part of her team. He also talks about an incident where Amanda ran away from home and his efforts to ensure her safety. Dan denies rumors of being banned from his set, explaining that he stepped back from the daily shooting to focus on writing, which led to misconceptions.


🚨 Confronting the Issue of Child Predators

Dan expresses his devastation over the hiring of Brian Peck, a child predator, on a production not under his control. He talks about his support for Drake Bell, who was harmed by Peck, and his assistance to Drake's mother in addressing the court. Dan is baffled by the support Peck received from others in the industry and condemns the actions of those who wrote character letters for Peck. He also discusses the hiring of Peck on a Disney Channel show after his release from prison, expressing his lack of understanding and disappointment in the industry's response.

🔄 Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future

Dan reflects on the lessons he has learned and the changes he would make if given the chance to revisit his past. He suggests the presence of a licensed therapist during the hiring of young actors to ensure their well-being and willingness to participate in television. Dan also expresses a desire to change his interpersonal interactions, admitting to his past behavior of impatience, cockiness, and rudeness. He expresses deep regret for any hurt he caused and wishes to have been kinder and more considerate in his earlier career. He reiterates his intention to ensure a positive experience for everyone involved in his shows.




An apology is an expression of regret or remorse for a mistake or wrongdoing. In the context of the video, the individual expresses multiple apologies for past behaviors, such as inappropriate conduct and participating in uncomfortable situations for others. This demonstrates a recognition of past errors and a desire to make amends, which is central to the theme of personal growth and accountability.

💡writer's room

A writer's room is a collaborative space where television or film writers gather to brainstorm, develop storylines, and write scripts. In the video, the writer's room is discussed as a place where inappropriate jokes and behavior occurred, highlighting the need for a respectful and professional environment in creative spaces.

💡inappropriate jokes

Inappropriate jokes refer to humor that is not suitable for the context, often causing discomfort or offense due to its content. In the video, the individual acknowledges that some of the jokes made in the past were inappropriate, especially for a children's audience, and expresses willingness to remove such content, emphasizing the importance of creating a positive and inclusive entertainment environment.


Pressure, in this context, refers to the stress and demands associated with producing a large number of episodes within a tight schedule. The individual admits to letting this pressure affect their behavior negatively towards their team, which is a key point in the discussion about workplace culture and leadership.

💡on-air dares

On-air dares are challenges or stunts performed by participants on live television shows. The video discusses the realization that some of these dares went too far and caused discomfort for the young participants, highlighting the responsibility of producers and networks to ensure the well-being of all participants involved in such activities.


Executives are high-ranking individuals in a company or organization who make key decisions and oversee various aspects of production. In the video, the mention of executives signifies the多层审批 process involved in television production, where multiple levels of approval are required before content is aired, emphasizing the collaborative and scrutinized nature of content creation.


Emancipation refers to the legal process of releasing a minor from the control of their parents or guardians. In the video, it is discussed in the context of a young actor seeking emancipation, which raises issues about the support and guidance provided to young individuals in the entertainment industry.


Diversity refers to the inclusion and representation of different groups, particularly in terms of race, gender, and ethnicity. The video emphasizes the importance of diversity in the entertainment industry, with the individual expressing pride in their shows' diverse casts and the positive impact it has on both the industry and society.

💡child predators

Child predators are individuals who engage in harmful or exploitative behavior towards children. The video discusses the serious issue of a child predator being involved in the industry, emphasizing the need for vigilance and protection for young individuals in the entertainment business.

💡growth and experience

Growth and experience refer to the personal development and learning that occurs over time, often as a result of facing challenges or making mistakes. In the video, the individual reflects on past behavior and expresses a desire to have acted differently, showing a commitment to personal growth and a more empathetic approach to leadership.


Dan acknowledges the difficulty of watching his past behaviors and expresses a strong desire to apologize for his actions.

Dan admits that his past actions, such as giving uncomfortable massages, were wrong and that he regrets his behavior.

Dan apologizes to those who felt uncomfortable due to his actions in video village or similar environments.

Dan emphasizes the importance of a comfortable writer's room and acknowledges his past participation in inappropriate discussions.

Dan expresses regret for not paying forward positive experiences he had early in his career to every employee that worked for him.

Dan admits that the pressure of producing a high number of episodes per year led to him snapping at and being snarky with employees.

Dan acknowledges that his batting average in providing a positive work experience is not high enough and wishes to address those he wronged.

Dan is open to cutting jokes from his shows if they are deemed inappropriate by today's standards.

Dan clarifies that he did not have the power to air whatever he wanted and that there were many levels of scrutiny for his work.

Dan discusses the practice of two new writers sharing a salary as a common occurrence in television.

Dan speaks on the importance of diversity in his shows and his pride in the achievements of the actors he has worked with.

Dan addresses the depiction of his relationship with the cast and clarifies the trust and support that existed.

Dan talks about his involvement in Amanda Bynes' emancipation, emphasizing the support provided by her team.

Dan denies being banned from his set and clarifies the situation with the adult actresses leaving the show.

Dan shares his devastation upon learning about Brian Peck's actions and his support for Drake Bell during the trial.

Dan expresses his confusion and disappointment at the support given to Peck by other famous individuals.

Dan discusses the impact of the show and the importance of setting the record straight on various issues.

Dan reflects on the things he would have done differently, particularly in the hiring of young actors and his treatment of people.

Dan wishes to have been nicer and more patient in his earlier career, showing more respect and creating a better work environment.