A Cozy Rainy Week at my Homestead

5 May 202418:44

TLDRIn this video, the host shares a week of cozy activities at their homestead amidst spring rain. They start by pressure washing their house and continue with various home improvement tasks, including building a workbench with a friend named Steve. The host also discusses their company, Loop and Lane, launching five new jewelry products. Amidst the home projects, they take time to enjoy the fresh spring air, plant grass seeds, and work on yard chores. There's also an attempt to protect newly introduced fish in a pond from local wildlife. The video captures the host's interaction with Steve, their efforts to combat an invasion of Asian beetles, and their appreciation for the beauty of nature, all while providing a glimpse into their daily life and homestead.


  • 🏠 The video features a person obsessively pressure washing their house, which is a primary activity throughout the video.
  • 🌸 The narrator experiences the pleasant smells and fresh air of spring after some rainy weather.
  • 🎥 There is a mention of a new camera and concern about filming in the rain, indicating a shift in filming equipment.
  • 🛋️ The narrator takes a break to clean the house and deal with an infestation of Asian beetles.
  • 🚗 A road trip is planned to pick up a friend who will be staying for a week, and they will be working on projects together.
  • 💎 The narrator's company, Loop and Lane, is launching five new jewelry products, which are briefly shown.
  • 🤝 The friend, Steve, arrives and they plan to build a workbench together, showcasing their DIY skills.
  • 🐟 The narrator attempts to introduce fish into a pond to protect them from predators after a previous failure.
  • 🌳 There is yard work involved, including planting grass seed and cutting down a dead tree.
  • 🍃 The video also covers the process of dealing with an Asian beetle infestation using ladybug spray.
  • 🎉 The video concludes with a visit to the narrator's cabins and a focus on enjoying the first beautiful day after some cold, rainy weather.

Q & A

  • What activity did the speaker start in the previous video?

    -The speaker started pressure washing their house in the previous video.

  • What does the speaker describe the weather as being like outside?

    -The speaker describes the weather as fresh, warm, and lovely due to recent rain.

  • Why does the speaker consider filming from inside?

    -The speaker considers filming from inside because they have a new camera that they don't want to leave out in the rain.

  • What does the speaker plan to do during their drive to the city?

    -The speaker plans to pick up a friend who will be staying with them for a week.

  • What is the name of the company that is launching five new products?

    -The company launching five new products is called Loop and Lane.

  • What kind of products does Loop and Lane specialize in?

    -Loop and Lane specializes in jewelry, specifically gold and silver items such as necklaces, rings, and earrings.

  • What project are the speaker and Steve planning to build together?

    -The speaker and Steve are planning to build a workbench.

  • What is the speaker's concern about the Asian beetles in their house?

    -The speaker is concerned about the Asian beetles because they find them to be a nuisance and want to eliminate them.

  • What does the speaker plan to do with the fish in the pond?

    -The speaker plans to protect the fish in the pond from being eaten by mink.

  • What is the speaker's opinion about the process of yard work?

    -The speaker finds yard work to be a bit complicated and likens it to a science, appreciating the magic of plants.

  • What is the speaker's reaction to the beautiful day after the rain?

    -The speaker is excited about the beautiful day and plans to pressure wash the front side of their house.

  • What is the speaker's plan for the cabins?

    -The speaker is excited to visit the cabins after winterizing them and is looking forward to showing them to Steve.



🌦️ Spring Cleaning and New Product Launch

The video begins with the host enthusiastically discussing their recent obsession with pressure washing their house. They mention the pleasant spring weather after some rain, and the decision to take a break from cleaning to enjoy a relaxing day. The host also talks about their company, Loop and Lane, launching five new jewelry products, including necklaces, rings, and earrings, and invites viewers to check them out. The video features a drive to the city to pick up a friend who will be staying for a week, and hints at upcoming projects and activities.


🏠 Home Improvements and Gardening

The second paragraph introduces Steve, who will be staying with the host for a week to work on various projects. They plan to build a workbench and discuss the materials needed. The host also talks about their struggle with Asian beetles and their efforts to protect their fish pond from these pests. The video shows the host and Steve engaging in yard work, with the host planting grass seeds and Steve using a chainsaw to clear a dead tree. There's a humorous exchange about a difficult tongue twister, and the host contemplates having a glass of wine while enjoying the outdoors.


🌳 Yard Work and Beetle Control

The host discusses their dislike for Asian beetles and their efforts to control the insect population by spraying around windows and doors. They also mention the need to measure accurately for a project, possibly related to woodworking. The video captures the host and Steve doing yard chores, with the host planting grass seeds and Steve cutting down a dead tree. There's a light-hearted moment where the host jokes about the quality of their work and the importance of quantity over quality. The host also shares a personal anecdote about a tongue twister they were taught by a trial lawyer.


🏡 Pressure Washing and Cabin Visit

The host expresses excitement about the beautiful weather and plans to pressure wash the front side of the house. They mention that Steve will be taking care of the higher parts of the house while they focus on other areas. Afterward, the host cleans up the garden and then they both head to visit some cabins. The host has not seen the cabins since winterizing them, and Steve has not seen them at all. The paragraph ends with the host looking forward to showing the cabins.



💡Pressure washing

Pressure washing is a cleaning method that uses a high-pressure water spray to remove dirt, mold, and other debris from surfaces. In the video, the narrator is obsessively pressure washing their house, which is a significant part of the homestead maintenance and a central theme of the video's activities.


Spring is one of the four seasons and is characterized by warmer weather, blooming plants, and a sense of renewal. The narrator describes the smell and feel of spring, indicating the season's onset and its impact on the mood and activities of the video.

💡Asian beetles

Asian beetles, also known as Asian lady beetles, are a type of insect that can become a nuisance when they invade homes in large numbers. The narrator talks about cleaning the house and dealing with an infestation of Asian beetles, which is a part of the home maintenance narrative.


In the context of the video, a drive refers to the act of traveling by car over a long distance. The narrator mentions a drive to the city to pick up a friend, which is part of the personal narrative and sets the scene for the day's events.


Jewelry refers to personal adornments such as rings, necklaces, and earrings. The narrator discusses their company, Loop and Lane, launching new jewelry products, which ties into a personal business aspect and a potential interest of the video's audience.


A workbench is a piece of furniture made for working on projects, often with a flat surface and storage. The video includes a project where the narrator and a friend, Steve, plan to build a workbench, which is a part of the home improvement theme.

💡Koi fish

Koi fish are a type of ornamental fish that are often kept in ponds. The narrator talks about introducing koi fish into a pond, which is an activity related to gardening and outdoor homesteading.

💡Ladybug spray

Ladybug spray is a product used to deter or kill certain insects, in this case, Asian lady beetles. The narrator mentions using ladybug spray on the windows, which is part of their efforts to control the beetle infestation.

💡Yard work

Yard work encompasses a variety of outdoor tasks such as gardening, lawn care, and tree maintenance. The video features the narrator and Steve doing yard work, including planting grass seed and cutting down a dead tree, which is a significant part of the homesteading lifestyle depicted.

💡Metric system

The metric system is a decimal-based system of measurement used worldwide. The narrator briefly discusses working with the metric system, which is a small detail that provides insight into their familiarity with measurement standards.


Cabins refer to small, simple houses or shelters, often used for vacation or recreational purposes. The narrator expresses excitement about visiting the cabins, which suggests a part of the property that holds personal or recreational significance.


Starting the week with pressure washing the house.

The fresh, spring aroma after a rainy day.

Deciding not to curl hair due to the weather.

Taking a break after pressure washing for a personal day.

Long drive to pick up a friend amidst the launch of new products by Loop and Lane.

Introduction of Steve, who will be helping with projects for a week.

Attempting to build a workbench with some difficulty and humor.

Addressing camera struggles and joking about video content preferences.

Putting koi fish into the pond, hoping they survive.

Battling an infestation of Asian beetles at home.

Engaging in yard work, including planting grass seed and cutting up a dead tree.

Making tongue twisters as a quirky way to practice for court.

Enjoying a beautifully sunny day after a series of rainy ones.

Pressure washing the front side of the house with help from Steve.

Visiting the cabins for the first time after winterizing them.