A Walkthrough of Microsoft Copilot for Azure. What It Is, How It Works!

John Savill's Technical Training
4 Dec 202334:00

TLDRThe video discusses Azure Copilot, a generative AI technology that enhances user interaction with Azure services. It explains how the technology works, leveraging large language models trained by OpenAI and adapted by Microsoft for Azure. The video emphasizes that Azure Copilot operates within the user's permissions, cannot modify or delete resources without user consent, and is designed to improve efficiency and assistance in Azure management tasks. It also touches on the limitations and safety measures in place to prevent misuse.


  • 🚀 Azure Co-pilot is a technology that is currently rolling out, requiring users to sign up for access.
  • 🧠 The technology is based on generative AI and large language models, which predict sequences of words to interact naturally with users.
  • 📚 GPT-4, the model in use, was trained by OpenAI on vast amounts of data and is now used by Microsoft in a read-only capacity.
  • 🛠️ Microsoft does not fine-tune the models but uses them to interact with Azure services through the Azure Co-pilot.
  • 🔍 The Co-pilot can access Microsoft documentation and Azure resources to provide relevant information to users.
  • 🔧 Interactions with the Co-pilot are orchestrated and mediated to ensure safety and adherence to permissions and policies.
  • 🔒 The Co-pilot operates within the user's permissions, meaning it can only perform actions the user is already authorized to do.
  • 📈 The Co-pilot can generate CLI scripts, provide cost management insights, and assist with Azure resource graph queries.
  • 💡 It provides a more efficient way of performing tasks in Azure, suggesting next steps and offering guidance based on the context.
  • 🚫 There are limitations to the number of interactions per chat and per day due to the computational resources required for inferencing.

Q & A

  • What is Azure Copilot and how is it being rolled out?

    -Azure Copilot is a technology that utilizes generative AI and large language models to interact with natural language, predicting the next word in a sequence to provide a natural and interactive experience. It is currently being rolled out through a sign-up request process.

  • How does the GPT-4 model, used by Azure Copilot, function?

    -GPT-4, developed by OpenAI, is a large neural network trained on vast amounts of data to determine optimal weights and biases that fit the training data. Once trained, the model can be used to infer and predict the most probable next token or response based on the input prompt given to it.

  • What is the role of Azure Copilot in the context of data interaction?

    -Azure Copilot acts as an orchestrator for AI interactions, taking prompts from users and determining what additional information may be required from various sources such as Azure Resource Manager, Microsoft Docs, and other Azure services. It ensures that the AI model operates within the security and regulatory boundaries of Microsoft.

  • How does Azure Copilot ensure safety and adherence to policies when interacting with Azure resources?

    -Azure Copilot enforces all the responsible AI principles and policies by acting as an intermediary between the user and the Azure resources. It follows role-based access control, ensuring that it can only perform actions that the user is permitted to do, and it does not have direct access to modify or delete resources without the user's permission.

  • What are some of the services and features Azure Copilot can interact with?

    -Azure Copilot can interact with services such as Azure Resource Graph for querying information, Cost Management for financial insights, Service Health for support capabilities, and it can also work with Azure Arc enabled resources. It uses skills and functionalities to provide enhanced experiences for various Azure services.

  • How does Azure Copilot handle permissions and access control for Azure resources?

    -Azure Copilot operates under the principle of 'on behalf of flow', meaning it can only act on what the user can act upon. It adheres to the Azure role-based access control and enforces policies configured through Azure Resource Manager (ARM), ensuring that it does not bypass any permissions or guardrails set by the user or organization.

  • What are some limitations of Azure Copilot in terms of user interactions?

    -Azure Copilot has certain limitations, such as the number of chats a user can have per day and the number of interactions per chat. These limitations are in place to manage the computational resources required for inferencing and to ensure responsible use of the service.

  • Can Azure Copilot be used to change or delete resources in Azure?

    -Azure Copilot cannot change or delete resources on its own. It can only suggest actions or generate scripts based on the user's permissions. The actual execution of any changes or deletions requires the user's confirmation and adherence to the Azure policies and access controls.

  • How does Azure Copilot assist with tasks like creating Kubernetes manifests or handling VMs?

    -Azure Copilot can assist by generating manifests for Kubernetes services, creating CLI scripts to start VMs, or providing guidance on making VMs more resilient. It uses its knowledge base and interacts with Azure services to retrieve necessary information and present users with options and recommendations.

  • What is the future outlook for Azure Copilot in terms of pricing and general availability?

    -As of the recording of the script, there are no specific pricing details for Azure Copilot. It is currently in a private preview phase, and pricing models will be announced once it becomes generally available to the public.

  • How can organizations ensure that Azure Copilot aligns with their infrastructure as code policies?

    -Organizations should focus on setting appropriate permissions for users to ensure that Azure Copilot aligns with their infrastructure as code policies. By limiting user permissions to read-only or defining specific roles, users and Copilot will be restricted from making changes that are not supposed to be done through infrastructure as code.



🤖 Introduction to Azure Co-Pilot and Generative AI

This paragraph introduces Azure Co-Pilot, a technology that utilizes generative AI and large language models to interact with users through natural language. It explains how these models predict sequences of words to create responses, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying technology to build trust and adoption. The speaker also mentions the role of Open AI's GPT-4 model in Azure Co-Pilot, highlighting that while Open AI trains the model, Microsoft adapts it for various services, ensuring it operates within the company's security and regulatory boundaries.


🧠 How Azure Co-Pilot Works with User Interaction

The speaker delves into the mechanics of Azure Co-Pilot's interaction with users, detailing the process from the user's prompt to the AI's response. It explains how the AI requires additional context and data from Microsoft's documentation and Azure Resource Manager to provide useful answers. The paragraph also touches on the safety measures in place, such as role-based access control and the AI's inability to modify or delete resources without user permissions, ensuring that the AI's actions align with responsible AI principles.


🛠️ Utilizing Azure Co-Pilot for Efficient Resource Management

This section discusses how Azure Co-Pilot can enhance efficiency in managing Azure resources. It describes how the AI can perform tasks such as querying cost management, retrieving information from documentation, and generating CLI scripts. The speaker also highlights the AI's ability to understand and apply Kubernetes manifests and its interaction with Azure services like Cosmos DB, emphasizing that the AI's capabilities are limited by the user's permissions and the AI can only suggest actions that the user is authorized to perform.


🔒 Ensuring Safety and Compliance with Azure Co-Pilot

The focus of this paragraph is on the safety and compliance aspects of using Azure Co-Pilot. It reassures users that the AI operates within the confines of their permissions and cannot exceed the capabilities granted to them in the Azure portal. The speaker addresses common concerns about the AI making unauthorized changes, explaining that the AI's actions are governed by Azure's control plane and policies, including budget enforcement and access control. The paragraph aims to instill confidence in the AI's responsible operation and its alignment with the user's permissions and Azure's regulatory framework.


📊 Demonstrating Azure Co-Pilot's Capabilities

In this paragraph, the speaker provides a practical demonstration of Azure Co-Pilot's capabilities, showcasing its ability to change themes, generate CLI scripts, and perform resource queries. It illustrates how the AI can assist with tasks like starting VMs, managing public IPs, and conducting security checks on storage accounts. The demonstration emphasizes the AI's interactive nature, its use of context from previous interactions, and its integration with Azure services to provide users with efficient and guided support.


🚀 Expanding Azure Co-Pilot's Functionality

The speaker discusses the expansion of Azure Co-Pilot's functionality, noting that while it currently has limitations on the number of interactions per chat and per day, its capabilities are set to grow over time. The paragraph highlights the AI's interaction with various Azure services, such as VMs, storage accounts, and AKS, and how it provides guidance based on best practices and security checks. It also addresses the potential for the AI to help with infrastructure as code, emphasizing that the AI's role is to assist users in their tasks and improve efficiency, without bypassing established policies or permissions.


📝 Final Thoughts on Azure Co-Pilot's Role and Limitations

The speaker concludes the discussion on Azure Co-Pilot by reiterating its role as an assistant that operates within the user's permissions and the existing Azure framework. It addresses questions about subscription-level control and the potential for the AI to make changes, clarifying that the AI can only perform actions the user is authorized to do. The speaker also touches on the lack of pricing details and the future general availability of Azure Co-Pilot, emphasizing that the AI's purpose is to enhance the user's job performance and efficiency while maintaining safety and compliance.




Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. In the video, Azure is the platform where the co-pilot feature is being implemented, allowing users to interact with Azure services in a more natural and efficient manner through natural language processing.


Azure co-pilot is an AI-driven feature that assists users in managing their Azure subscriptions and resources by providing them with natural language processing capabilities. It acts as an intelligent assistant, helping users with tasks such as querying, managing resources, and generating scripts, all through conversational interactions.


GPT-4 is a generative AI model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In the context of the video, GPT-4 forms the basis of the Azure co-pilot's language understanding and prediction capabilities, allowing it to interpret user prompts and generate appropriate responses.

💡Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. In the video, NLP is a critical component of the Azure co-pilot, enabling it to understand and respond to user inputs in a conversational manner, making interactions with Azure services more intuitive.

💡Large Language Models

Large language models are AI models that are trained on vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like language. These models are capable of predicting sequences of words and crafting coherent responses. In the video, the Azure co-pilot relies on such models, specifically GPT-4, to provide intelligent responses to user queries and interactions within Azure.


In the context of the video, an orchestrator is a system or feature that coordinates and manages the interactions between different components or services. The Azure co-pilot acts as an orchestrator for AI interactions, gathering necessary information from various Azure services and presenting it to the user in a coherent and useful manner.

💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering involves the process of crafting inputs or prompts for AI systems to elicit desired responses. In the video, prompt engineering is crucial for the effective use of the Azure co-pilot, as it determines how the AI interprets user requests and provides relevant information or actions.

💡Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-Augmented Generation is a machine learning technique that combines the ability to retrieve relevant information with the capacity to generate responses based on that information. In the context of the video, RAG is used by the Azure co-pilot to enhance its responses by retrieving additional data from Azure services and incorporating it into the answers provided to users.

💡Roles-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Roles-Based Access Control is a method of regulating access to a computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. In the video, RBAC is mentioned as a critical safety feature of the Azure co-pilot, ensuring that the AI can only perform actions that the user, who is interacting with it, is authorized to do.

💡Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

Azure Resource Manager is the infrastructure management platform for Azure services, providing a consistent management layer that simplifies the deployment and management of resources. In the video, ARM is discussed as a key component that the Azure co-pilot interacts with to perform tasks like querying resources, managing costs, and applying policies.

💡Guard Rails

Guard rails are safety measures or constraints put in place to prevent errors, misuse, or unintended consequences. In the context of the video, guard rails are essential features of the Azure co-pilot that ensure responsible AI interactions, preventing the AI from making unauthorized changes or accessing unauthorized data.


Azure co-pilot is beginning to roll out and requires users to sign up.

Understanding the workings of a technology can build trust and encourage its adoption.

C Pilots are associated with generative AI and large language models that predict sequences and interact naturally.

GPT-4, the model discussed, is from Open AI and is trained on vast amounts of data to determine optimal weights and biases.

Microsoft has multiple copies of the GPT-4 model, which are read-only and do not receive new knowledge post-training.

The interactions with the model are guided by the prompts given to it and additional information provided through retrieval augmented generation.

Azure co-pilot can interact with Azure resources and services, such as Azure Resource Manager and Azure Resource Graph, to provide relevant information.

The co-pilot enforces guard rails and confirmations to ensure responsible AI interactions and prevent unintended modifications or deletions.

The co-pilot operates within the permissions of the user, meaning it can only perform actions the user is authorized to do.

Azure Arc enables the extension of Azure's control plane to on-premises resources, which co-pilot can interact with.

Co-pilot can generate CLI scripts and Kubernetes manifests, making users more efficient in their tasks.

The co-pilot provides guidance and recommendations based on best practices and knowledge of Azure services.

Co-pilot's interactions are enhanced by the context of previous interactions, allowing for more natural and informed responses.

There are limitations on the number of interactions per chat and per day due to the computational resources required for inferencing.

Pricing details for Azure co-pilot are not yet available but will be announced once it moves out of private previews and becomes generally available.

Co-pilot cannot be disabled at a subscription level as it is enabled at a tenant level, affecting all trusted subscriptions.

Concerns about co-pilot making changes can be addressed by properly setting user permissions and adhering to principles of least privilege and zero trust.

The co-pilot is designed to assist users in their tasks and enhance their efficiency while maintaining safety and adhering to user permissions.