AI Algorithms and the Black Box

KMWorld Conference
10 Jan 202003:00

TLDRThe transcript discusses the evolution of AI from rule-based systems to more complex, less transparent algorithms. It highlights the challenges of understanding AI decision-making, especially in critical areas like elections and social media. The talk emphasizes the need for explainable AI, which can provide insights into the reasoning behind its outputs, and mentions the trade-off between efficiency and interpretability in developing such technology.


  • 🤖 The contrast between modern AI and old AI is significant, with modern AI often being more complex and less transparent in its reasoning.
  • 🔍 In the past, rule-based systems like the surface mount assembly reasoning tool at Western Digital allowed for easy inspection of decisions made by the AI.
  • 🖤 The presence of 'black boxes' in AI systems can be uncomfortable for knowledge management professionals and raises questions about the transparency of decision-making processes.
  • 🧬 The use of genetic algorithms, as in the traveling salesman problem within AI systems, is an example of how AI can evolve solutions without clear explanations of the process.
  • 🔎 Recent events with social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook have highlighted the need for human oversight to ensure AI algorithms align with societal values and regulations.
  • 📈 The demand for AI interpretability is growing, with concepts like Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME) and neuronal network analysis gaining traction.
  • 🛠️ Implementing interpretability into AI systems can be challenging as it may conflict with the efficiency goals of programming and system design.
  • 🔄 The balance between efficiency and transparency in AI is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and innovative solutions.
  • 🚀 AI interpretability is an emerging technology field that is expected to expand and develop further in the future.
  • 🔑 The 'keys' to unlocking AI transparency and interpretability are areas of ongoing research and study.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge in having a conversation with AI about its decision-making process?

    -The main challenge is that AI systems, especially those using complex algorithms, often act as black boxes with inputs and outputs that are visible, but the process in the middle is not transparent or easily explainable.

  • How was the rule-based system at Western Digital different from modern AI systems?

    -The rule-based system at Western Digital was more transparent as one could understand why a specific component was placed on a machine using a particular head, unlike modern AI systems which may include less transparent black box models.

  • What problem did the traveling salesman problem solve in the context mentioned in the script?

    -The traveling salesman problem was used to determine the optimal path for the heads to interact with the printed circuit board, which is about finding the most efficient route to visit a given set of locations.

  • How was the genetic algorithm applied in the scenario described?

    -The genetic algorithm was used to evolve and find the best solution to the traveling salesman problem, which involved optimizing the path that the heads took on the printed circuit board.

  • Why is the presence of black boxes in AI systems uncomfortable for knowledge management professionals?

    -The presence of black boxes is uncomfortable because it lacks transparency, making it difficult to understand, track, and manage the decision-making process, which is crucial for effective knowledge management.

  • What recent events have highlighted the need for algorithmic transparency and oversight?

    -Recent events involving social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook during elections have shown the need for algorithmic transparency. These platforms had to bring in human oversight to ensure their algorithms were effectively catching anti-election oriented activities.

  • What are some methods used to provide explanations for black box models?

    -Methods such as Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME), interpretability of top inputs of AI models, and latent explanations of neuronal networks are used to provide insights into the workings of black box models without altering the system significantly.

  • Why is it considered inefficient to track and explain the decision-making process in AI?

    -It is considered inefficient because AI systems are designed to optimize processes and use the least amount of computational resources like CPU. Adding tracking and explanatory features can increase resource usage and slow down the decision-making process.

  • What is the impact of emergent technology on AI explainability?

    -Emergent technology in AI explainability is leading to new methods and tools that can help understand and interpret complex AI decision-making processes. As this field is still developing, it is expected that more solutions will become available in the future.

  • How can one further their understanding of AI transparency and explainability?

    -Individuals interested in AI transparency and explainability can study the mentioned methods such as LIME, interpretability frameworks, and neuronal network explanations to gain a deeper understanding of the keys that unlock the inner workings of AI systems.

  • What is the importance of understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions?

    -Understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions is crucial for ensuring the reliability, fairness, and ethical use of AI systems. It helps in identifying and correcting biases, improving decision-making, and building trust in AI technologies.



🤖 AI's Evolution and the Challenge of Explainability

The paragraph discusses the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and the challenges associated with explainability in AI systems. It contrasts modern AI with older, rule-based systems, highlighting the difficulty in understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions. The example of a surface mount assembly reasoning tool at Western Digital is used to illustrate how a rule-based system with a black box component could be understood to a certain extent. The paragraph then touches on the use of genetic algorithms for solving complex problems like the traveling salesman issue, and the inherent lack of transparency in such algorithms. It also raises concerns about the role of AI in social media platforms and elections, emphasizing the need for human oversight to ensure that AI algorithms align with ethical standards and societal values. The importance of explainability in AI is stressed, along with the emerging technologies aimed at providing insights into the decision-making processes of AI models.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is contrasted with old rule-based systems, highlighting the advancements in AI's ability to engage in complex reasoning and decision-making processes, such as the placement of components on a printed circuit board.


A conversation, as mentioned in the video, is an interactive communication between two or more parties. The difficulty of having a conversation with AI about its reasoning process underscores the challenge of understanding the 'black box' nature of certain AI algorithms, where the decision-making process is not transparent.

💡Surface Mount Assembly Reasoning Tool

The Surface Mount Assembly Reasoning Tool is a specific application of AI mentioned in the video, used at Western Digital. It represents an older, rule-based system designed to optimize the placement of components on a printed circuit board. This tool illustrates the evolution of AI from rule-based systems to more complex, less transparent algorithms.

💡Rule-based System

A rule-based system is a type of AI that follows a set of predefined rules to make decisions. In the video, the speaker contrasts this with newer AI models, emphasizing the transparency and explainability of rule-based systems compared to the 'black box' nature of more advanced AI algorithms.

💡Black Box

The term 'black box' refers to a system or process where the internal workings are unknown or opaque. In the context of the video, it describes AI algorithms that have inputs and outputs but lack a clear understanding of the intermediate decision-making process, which can be problematic for knowledge management and accountability.

💡Genetic Algorithm

A genetic algorithm is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural selection to solve optimization and search problems. In the video, it is used to address the 'traveling salesman problem' within the AI system, demonstrating the application of evolutionary computing principles to optimize paths for machine heads interacting with printed circuit boards.

💡Traveling Salesman Problem

The Traveling Salesman Problem is a classic algorithmic problem in the field of computer science and operations research. It involves finding the shortest possible route for a salesman to visit a given set of locations and return to the starting point. In the video, this problem is applied to the context of optimizing the path of machine heads in the assembly process.

💡Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is the process of creating, sharing, using, and managing the knowledge and information of an organization. In the video, the speaker highlights the discomfort that knowledge management professionals may feel due to the lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes, which can hinder their ability to effectively manage and utilize organizational knowledge.


Elections are the process by which citizens vote to elect representatives to public office. The video discusses the role of AI and social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook in the context of elections, emphasizing the need for human oversight to ensure that AI algorithms are not inadvertently influencing election outcomes or allowing anti-election activities to go unchecked.

💡Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME)

LIME is an approach to explain the predictions of any machine learning model in a way that is understandable to humans. In the video, LIME is mentioned as one of the tools that can be used to provide insights into the decision-making process of AI models, helping to alleviate the 'black box' issue and increase the interpretability of AI.


Efficiency in the context of the video refers to the optimal use of resources, particularly computational resources like CPU time, to achieve a desired outcome. The speaker discusses the tension between the need for efficiency in AI algorithms and the desire to incorporate mechanisms that make these algorithms more transparent and explainable, which may reduce their efficiency.

💡Emergent Technology

Emergent technology refers to new and rapidly developing areas of technology that are still in their early stages of adoption and integration. In the video, emergent technology is used to describe the evolving field of AI and the new tools and methods being developed to increase the transparency and interpretability of AI decision-making processes.


AI's difficulty in explaining reasoning behind decisions

Contrast between old AI and current AI systems

Rule-based system at Western Digital

Use of a black box in rule-based systems

Application of genetic algorithms to solve the traveling salesman problem

Challenges in understanding AI decision-making processes

The need for transparency in AI systems for knowledge management

Recent social media platforms' efforts to monitor election-related content

The role of human oversight in AI algorithm auditing

Local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) for AI interpretability

The challenge of integrating tracking mechanisms without compromising efficiency

The trade-off between efficiency and interpretability in programming

Emergent technology in AI interpretability and explainability

The importance of studying the keys that unlock AI's potential

The applause indicating the end of the presentation