AI Image Generation Algorithms - Breaking The Rules, Gently

Atomic Shrimp
25 Feb 202309:37

TLDRThe video explores AI image generators, focusing on DALL-E from OpenAI and Stable Diffusion from Stability AI. It compares the results from these advanced algorithms to previous ones, highlighting improvements and occasional disappointments. The creator examines how these AIs understand and generate images based on text prompts, demonstrating their ability to create realistic and detailed outputs. The video also delves into the AIs' limitations, such as their struggle with text generation, and the emergent properties of their learning processes.


  • 🎥 The video discusses the creator's informal exploration of AI image generators, focusing on the phenomenon rather than the technology.
  • 📹 The creator had access to more advanced algorithms, Dally from OpenAI and Stable Diffusion from Stability AI, and shares their experiences with these tools.
  • 🔍 The video compares the results from the new algorithms to previous ones, highlighting improvements and occasional disappointments.
  • 📝 The creator used the same text prompts as in previous videos, noting that more verbose prompts are sometimes needed for better results.
  • 🎨 The algorithms are designed to generate images, not text, but they can produce visual representations of text based on their training data.
  • 🖼️ The video showcases the algorithms' ability to create realistic images, such as a sunlit glass of flowers on a pine table, based on their understanding of refraction and shadows.
  • 🤖 The creator clarifies that the algorithms are not sentient, but have been trained to perform tasks that mimic human understanding of certain concepts.
  • 🔄 The video explores the 'outpainting' feature of Dally, which extends an image by filling in plausible details.
  • 🧐 The creator experiments with asking for text output, despite it being discouraged, and finds the results interesting and amusing.
  • 🎭 The video includes a collaboration with Simon Roper, who reads AI-generated text in an Old English style, adding a unique twist to the content.
  • 🚀 The creator concludes that sometimes not following guidelines can lead to fun and interesting discoveries, encouraging viewers to think outside the box.

Q & A

  • What was the main focus of the video regarding AI image generators?

    -The main focus of the video was to explore AI image generators as a phenomenon rather than a technology, and to examine the results produced by more advanced algorithms like DALL-E from OpenAI and Stable Diffusion from Stability AI.

  • How did the speaker describe their initial approach to studying AI image generators?

    -The speaker described their initial approach as an informal exploration, more interested in studying the phenomenon of AI image generators rather than delving deep into the technical aspects.

  • What was the difference in results when the speaker used the same text prompts as in their previous video?

    -The results were a mixed bag, with some triumphs and some slight disappointments. Some images showed clear improvements, while others were less interesting or did not work as well as expected.

  • How did DALL-E and Stable Diffusion differ from the algorithms examined in the speaker's previous videos?

    -Unlike the previous algorithms that were specifically trying to create art-like images, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion aim to return exactly what was asked for, often requiring more verbose text prompts to achieve the desired output.

  • What does the speaker mean when they say the algorithms 'know' or 'imagine' things?

    -The speaker means that the algorithms have been sufficiently trained and configured to perform tasks that, if done by humans, would be described as knowing or imagining. It does not imply sentience or self-awareness, but rather an emergent property of the learning process.

  • How did the speaker demonstrate the algorithms' ability to create realistic images?

    -The speaker demonstrated this by asking the algorithms to create images like a 'sunlit glass of flowers on a pine table' and received plausible results, showing an understanding of how glass looks, how shadows work, and how sunlight is refracted and focused.

  • What was the speaker's experience when asking for text or written output from the algorithms?

    -The speaker found it interesting and amusing, as the algorithms produced outputs that looked like text and contained recognizable letters and sometimes whole words, but were not actual written text. This is because the algorithms have seen images of text in their training data but do not know how to write.

  • What did the speaker do with the 'outpainting' feature of DALL-E and Stable Diffusion?

    -The speaker used the 'outpainting' feature to extend an image by filling in what the algorithms considered to be plausible pieces, such as extending a sign or creating more of a scene from the first verse of Lewis Carroll's 'Jabberwocky'.

  • What was the outcome of the speaker's collaboration with Simon Roper to read some of the AI-generated outputs in an Old English style?

    -Simon Roper read some of the AI-generated outputs in an Old English style, creating short poems about cheese. This was done to explore the speaker's fanciful idea that the algorithms might represent an archetypal version of English.

  • What was the speaker's conclusion about deliberately not following guidelines with AI image generation?

    -The speaker concluded that sometimes deliberately not following guidelines can be a bit of fun, as it can lead to interesting and unexpected results, although it's important to note that not all instructions are about safety or law and should not be disregarded without consideration.



🎨 AI Image Generators: Exploration and Experimentation

The video script begins with the creator discussing their informal exploration of various artificial intelligence image generators. They express a keen interest in studying these as phenomena rather than just as technologies. The creator shares their experience with more advanced algorithms, specifically DALL-E from OpenAI and Stable Diffusion from Stability AI. They compare the results from these algorithms to previous ones, noting improvements and some disappointments. The creator highlights the need for more verbose text prompts to achieve desired outputs and showcases examples of how these AI systems can generate realistic images based on learned knowledge, even if the task was not part of the original learning objectives. The paragraph also touches on the limitations of these systems, such as their inability to understand compound sentences perfectly and their lack of training in producing written output.


🤖 AI's Textual Output and Language Experimentation

In the second paragraph, the creator delves into the results of asking AI image generators for text output, despite it being discouraged. They find the outputs both interesting and amusing, noting that while the algorithms do not know how to write, they can draw pictures of text. The creator explores the idea that these AI-generated texts might represent an archetypal version of English, abstracted from their meaning. They share their thoughts with Simon Roper, a YouTuber specializing in language, who reads some of the AI-generated texts in an Old English style. The paragraph concludes with the creator's reflection on their journey with AI image generation and emphasizes the value of not always following guidelines, especially when it comes to exploring and understanding these technologies.



💡Artificial Intelligence Image Generators

Artificial Intelligence Image Generators refer to AI systems capable of creating visual content based on given input or prompts. In the video, the creator explores these generators as a phenomenon, examining their ability to produce images that range from realistic to artistic, showcasing their potential and limitations.

💡Text Prompts

Text prompts are the input text given to AI image generators to guide the type of image they produce. These prompts can be simple or complex, and they directly influence the output of the AI. The video discusses the importance of crafting detailed prompts to achieve desired results from the AI algorithms.


Dally is an AI algorithm developed by OpenAI, which is used for generating images based on text prompts. The video showcases the capabilities of Dally in creating images and how it compares to other AI image generators like Stable Diffusion.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI algorithm from Stability AI that focuses on generating images from text prompts with an emphasis on accuracy and precise detail. Unlike some other AI generators, Stable Diffusion aims to return exactly what is asked for in the prompt.

💡Realistic Images

Realistic images refer to visual outputs from AI generators that closely resemble real-world objects, scenes, or situations. The video explores the ability of AI algorithms to create realistic images by understanding and replicating the physical properties of light, shadow, and materials.

💡Emergent Properties

Emergent properties are characteristics or behaviors that arise from complex systems as a result of interactions among parts within the system. In the context of AI image generators, emergent properties refer to the AI's ability to understand concepts like refraction or the behavior of light, which were not directly taught but developed through the learning process.


Misinterpretation occurs when an AI algorithm does not correctly understand or process the given input, leading to outputs that do not match the intended prompt. The video discusses instances where AI generators misunderstand attributes or syntax, resulting in unexpected or incorrect images.

💡Text Output

Text output refers to the generation of written or textual content by AI algorithms. While the video focuses on image generation, it also explores the AI's ability to produce text-like outputs, despite not being trained specifically for this task.


Outpainting is a feature of some AI image generators that allows them to extend an existing image by filling in additional sections with plausible content. This feature showcases the AI's ability to predict and create new parts of an image based on the existing data and its learning.

💡Archetypal English

Archetypal English refers to the concept of a primal or original form of the English language, as abstracted from its current usage and meaning. In the video, the creator speculates on the AI-generated text outputs possibly representing an archetypal version of English, based on the shapes and forms of words drawn as pictures.


The video explores AI image generators as a phenomenon rather than just a technology, providing an informal study of their capabilities.

The creator had access to more advanced algorithms such as DALL-E from OpenAI and Stable Diffusion from Stability AI, which they used to demonstrate improvements in image generation.

Comparing the new algorithms' outputs to previous ones, there were mixed results with some triumphs and disappointments.

DALL-E and Stable Diffusion were given the same text prompts as before, resulting in a clear improvement in the generated images.

The video showcases how AI can create realistic images based on learned knowledge, such as a sunlit glass of flowers on a pine table.

AI's understanding of refraction and light is an emergent property of the learning process, not a specific objective.

The creator experiments with unusual prompts, like a sunlit glass sculpture of a Citroen 2CV, demonstrating the AI's ability to generate plausible images from trained knowledge.

AI sometimes misunderstands or misattributes object properties due to imperfect sentence comprehension.

The video highlights the difference between asking for a literal response versus a more verbose prompt for desired outputs, like an oil painting in the style of Johannes van Hoytl the younger.

AI algorithms are not trained to produce written output, but they can generate images of text based on examples in their training data.

The creator finds it interesting and amusing that AI can generate text-like outputs despite not being trained to write.

The video presents an experiment where AI-generated text is read in an Old English style by Simon Roper, a language expert.

The creator muses on the possibility that AI might represent an archetypal version of English, drawing word shapes abstracted from their meaning.

The video concludes with the notion that deliberately not following guidelines can sometimes lead to interesting discoveries and fun experiences.

The creator encourages viewers to not be afraid to experiment with AI, even if the results are not always what was expected.