The Black Box Emergency | Javier Viaña | TEDxBoston

TEDx Talks
22 May 202304:49

TLDRThe transcript highlights the urgent need to address the global issue of 'black box' artificial intelligence, where the complexity and lack of transparency in AI decision-making processes pose significant risks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), which promotes algorithms whose reasoning can be understood by humans. Despite the challenges of integrating XAI due to size, unawareness, and complexity, the speaker advocates for the adoption of this approach to ensure trust, supervision, and regulation of AI systems. The concept of ExplainNets is introduced as a potential solution, using fuzzy logic to provide natural language explanations for neural networks, thereby paving the way for a more transparent and comprehensible AI future.


  • 🚨 The global emergency of black box AI: The excessive use of AI based on deep neural networks, which are high performing but complex and often not understandable.
  • 🤖 Lack of transparency: Trained neural networks do not provide insights into their decision-making process, leading to a 'black box' problem.
  • 🏥 Real-world consequences: Critical applications like healthcare rely on AI for decisions, but the lack of explainability can lead to unforeseen outcomes.
  • 🏢 Business decisions influenced: CEOs and companies make decisions based on AI recommendations without fully understanding the rationale behind them.
  • 💡 The need for explainable AI (XAI): A field advocating for transparent algorithms that can be understood by humans, as opposed to the opacity of black box models.
  • 📈 Challenges in adopting XAI: Companies face issues of size, unawareness, and complexity in transitioning from black box to explainable AI systems.
  • 🎓 Academic pursuit: Developing new algorithms or modifying existing ones to achieve explainability often requires advanced degrees and extensive research.
  • 🔍 Bottom-up and top-down approaches: The former involves creating new algorithms, while the latter focuses on enhancing the transparency of current models.
  • 📊 ExplainNets innovation: An example of a top-down approach using fuzzy logic to generate natural language explanations for neural networks.
  • 🌐 GDPR and AI: The General Data Protection Regulation mandates explainability for AI systems processing human data, impacting companies with significant fines for non-compliance.
  • 📢 Call to action: Consumers and developers are urged to demand and implement explainable AI to ensure trust, control, and avoid the pitfalls of blind AI reliance.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue with black box AI systems?

    -The main issue with black box AI systems is that they are extremely complex and their internal workings are not understandable to humans. This lack of transparency prevents us from knowing how the AI arrives at its decisions or predictions, which can lead to potential misuse and a lack of trust in AI technologies.

  • Why is understanding the logic behind AI decisions important?

    -Understanding the logic behind AI decisions is crucial for ensuring that AI systems are trustworthy, fair, and accountable. It allows for the supervision and validation of AI outputs, which is necessary for maintaining ethical standards and preventing potential harm or bias in AI-driven decisions.

  • What is eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)?

    -eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is a field of AI that focuses on developing transparent algorithms whose reasoning processes can be understood by humans. XAI aims to provide clear explanations for the decisions made by AI systems, thereby increasing trust, accountability, and the responsible use of AI.

  • How can explainable AI improve the current AI systems?

    -Explainable AI can improve current AI systems by providing insights into the decision-making process of the algorithms. This transparency allows for better validation and auditing of AI models, helps in identifying and mitigating biases, and ensures that AI systems align with ethical and legal standards.

  • What are the challenges in adopting explainable AI?

    -The challenges in adopting explainable AI include the size and complexity of existing AI pipelines, the unawareness of alternatives to neural networks, and the mathematical complexity of obtaining explainability. There is also a lack of standard methods in the field of explainability AI, which is still in its early stages of development.

  • What is the role of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in AI?

    -The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires companies that process human data to explain the reasoning process behind their decisions to the end user. This regulation promotes transparency and accountability in AI systems, ensuring that users understand how their data is being used and how decisions are made.

  • How does the GDPR impact the use of black box AI systems?

    -The GDPR impacts the use of black box AI systems by imposing fines on companies that fail to provide explainable reasoning processes to their users. This regulation incentivizes companies to move away from black box models and towards more transparent and explainable AI systems to comply with legal requirements and avoid financial penalties.

  • What are the two approaches to developing explainable AI?

    -The two approaches to developing explainable AI are the bottom-up approach, which involves developing new algorithms that replace neural networks, and the top-down approach, which involves modifying existing algorithms to improve their transparency and explainability.

  • What is the top-down approach in explainable AI?

    -The top-down approach in explainable AI involves modifying existing neural network algorithms to make them more transparent and understandable. This approach aims to provide insights into the reasoning process of the AI without the need to completely rebuild the AI system from scratch.

  • How do ExplainNets contribute to the field of explainable AI?

    -ExplainNets contribute to the field of explainable AI by generating natural language explanations for the decision-making process of neural networks. Using mathematical tools such as fuzzy logic, ExplainNets aims to make the behavior of neural networks understandable to humans, thereby paving the way for more widespread adoption of explainable AI.

  • What is the potential consequence of not adopting explainable AI?

    -If explainable AI is not adopted, there could be a loss of trust in AI systems and humanity, as well as an increased risk of blindly following AI outputs that may lead to failures and biases. This could result in AI indirectly controlling human decisions rather than humans controlling AI, which poses significant ethical and societal risks.



🚨 The Global AI Emergency

The paragraph discusses the pressing issue of the excessive use of black box artificial intelligence systems, which are based on complex deep neural networks. These systems are high performing but their inner workings are not transparent, making them difficult to understand. The speaker highlights this as the biggest challenge in AI today, providing examples such as a hospital relying on AI for oxygen estimation and CEOs making decisions based on AI recommendations without understanding the logic behind them. The lack of explainability in current AI systems is alarming as it raises questions about who is truly making decisions, humans or machines.

💡 Introducing Explainable AI

This section introduces eXplainable Artificial Intelligence as a solution to the challenges posed by black box AI. Explainable AI promotes the use of transparent algorithms that can be understood by humans, contrasting with the opacity of black box models. The speaker emphasizes the importance of explainable AI in providing not just outputs but also the reasoning behind them, which is crucial for trust and effective use of AI systems. However, the speaker notes that current AI systems lack this explainability due to reasons such as the size and integration of existing AI pipelines, unawareness of alternatives, and the complexity of achieving explainability.

📣 Call to Action for Explainable AI

The speaker calls upon developers, companies, and researchers to adopt explainable AI, as it is essential for trust, supervision, validation, and regulation of artificial intelligence. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is mentioned as an example of regulation that requires companies to explain their reasoning processes, but despite fines, black box AI continues to be used. The speaker encourages consumers to demand explanations for AI used with their data and warns of a future where lack of supervision could lead to reliance on AI outputs without understanding, resulting in failures and a loss of trust in both humans and AI systems.

🛠️ Approaches to Achieving Explainable AI

The speaker outlines two approaches to developing explainable AI: a bottom-up approach that involves creating new algorithms to replace neural networks, which can be a complex task requiring advanced degrees, and a top-down approach that involves modifying existing algorithms to enhance their transparency. The speaker shares their work on a top-down architecture called ExplainNets, which uses fuzzy logic to generate natural language explanations for neural networks, thereby providing insights into their reasoning processes. The speaker believes that such human-comprehensible explanations are key to advancing the field of explainable AI.



💡Black Box AI

Black Box AI refers to artificial intelligence systems whose internal processes are opaque and not easily understood by humans. In the context of the video, this term highlights the problem of AI systems making decisions without clear reasoning, leading to potential risks and lack of trust. The speaker emphasizes the need to move away from such systems towards more transparent and explainable AI models.

💡Deep Neural Networks

Deep Neural Networks are a class of machine learning algorithms modeled after the human brain, consisting of multiple layers of interconnected nodes or neurons. They are known for their high performance but also for their complexity, which makes them difficult to interpret. In the video, the speaker points out that the complexity of these networks contributes to the challenge of understanding how they arrive at their decisions.

💡Explainable AI

Explainable AI is an emerging field focused on creating artificial intelligence systems that can provide clear, understandable explanations for their decisions and actions. The video emphasizes the importance of this approach to ensure trust, supervision, and validation of AI systems. The speaker argues that explainable AI is essential for responsible AI development and usage.


In the context of the video, parameters refer to the adjustable elements within an AI model that are tuned during the training process to achieve the desired performance. The speaker mentions that AI algorithms often have thousands of parameters, which contributes to their complexity and makes them hard to interpret, leading to the black box problem.

💡Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a specialized hospital ward designed to provide intensive care to patients who require close monitoring and life support. In the video, the speaker uses the ICU as an example to illustrate the potential dangers of relying on AI without understanding its decision-making process, such as estimating the amount of oxygen needed for a patient.


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company, responsible for making key decisions and overseeing the management and direction of the organization. The video mentions CEOs using AI recommendations to make decisions, highlighting the need for these AI systems to be transparent and explainable so that the human decision-makers understand the rationale behind the AI's suggestions.


Regulation refers to the rules and policies set by governing bodies to control and manage various aspects of society, including business practices. In the context of the video, the speaker discusses the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires companies to explain their reasoning processes when processing human data, emphasizing the importance of explainable AI in compliance with such regulations.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law in the European Union that imposes strict requirements on how personal data is handled by organizations. In the video, the speaker points out the fines associated with non-compliance as an example of the consequences of not adopting explainable AI, which could help companies meet such regulatory requirements.

💡Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic is a form of many-valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any real number between 0 and 1, rather than the usual two-valued (true or false) logic. In the video, the speaker mentions using mathematical tools of fuzzy logic to develop ExplainNets, which are designed to generate natural language explanations for the decision-making processes of neural networks, thus contributing to the field of explainable AI.

💡Natural Language Explanations

Natural Language Explanations refer to the ability of AI systems to provide explanations in everyday human language, making their reasoning processes more accessible and understandable to non-experts. The video highlights this as a crucial feature of explainable AI, where the speaker's proposed ExplainNets aim to achieve this by translating the complex workings of neural networks into clear, comprehensible language.

💡Top-Down Approach

The Top-Down Approach is a methodological strategy that starts with a broad, general understanding and moves towards the details. In the context of the video, the speaker describes using a top-down approach to modify existing AI algorithms, aiming to improve their transparency and explainability. This approach is contrasted with a bottom-up approach, which involves developing new algorithms from the ground up.


Global emergency due to excessive use of black box AI

AI based on deep neural networks are high performing but complex

Lack of understanding of inner workings of trained neural networks

The biggest challenge in AI today is the lack of explainability

Example of hospital using AI for oxygen estimation without understanding the decision-making process

CEOs making decisions based on black box AI without knowing the reasoning

The question of who is really making decisions, human or machine

eXplainable AI as a solution for transparent algorithms

Explainable AI provides reasoning behind its outputs

Current AI lacks explainability and its value is not fully utilized

Three main reasons for not using explainable AI: size, unawareness, complexity

Developers, companies, and researchers should start using explainable AI

GDPR requires companies to explain reasoning process to end users

Call to action for consumers to demand explainable AI

Vision of a world without explainable AI leading to failures and loss of trust

Two approaches to adopting explainable AI: bottom-up and top-down

ExplainNets, a top-down approach using fuzzy logic for natural language explanations

Human-comprehensible linguistic explanations are key to explainable AI