Advice to help you pass the ADI Part 3 test or Standards Check

Boom Instructor Training
25 May 202308:13

TLDRJonathan, an experienced driving instructor, shares five valuable tips for passing the ADI Part 3 test or Standards Check. Understanding the 17 competences, knowing the roads well, adapting to unexpected situations, slowing down speech for clarity, and setting achievable goals are crucial. His online course further aids in preparing for these assessments, emphasizing the importance of keeping instructions simple and enjoyable.


  • 📚 Understand the 17 competences required for the ADI Part 3 test and apply them throughout the 45-minute lesson.
  • 🗺️ Know the roads extremely well to manage risks effectively and provide clear, well-timed directions.
  • 💡 Be adaptable and go with the flow, dealing with unexpected hazards and pupil mistakes as they arise.
  • 📉 Slow down your speech to maintain calmness and clarity, especially during the initial minutes of the lesson.
  • 🎯 Set a specific, achievable goal for the lesson that aligns with the pupil's learning needs.
  • 🚗 Direct the pupil to practice areas that are challenging yet suitable for their skill level.
  • 🤔 Reflect on mistakes made during the lesson and discuss how to avoid them in the future.
  • 📝 Use notes to stay organized and focused on the pupil's learning goals and needs.
  • 🛣️ Be prepared for the part 3 test or standards check by familiarizing yourself with the test routes.
  • 📈 Gradually increase the pupil's responsibility as they progress in the lesson.
  • 👍 Encourage the pupil to work things out for themselves to enhance their learning experience.

Q & A

  • What are the 17 competences mentioned in the video that are essential for passing the ADI Part 3 test or Standards Check?

    -The 17 competences include 4 lesson planning, 5 risk management, and 8 teaching and learning strategies competences. These competences are critical for demonstrating to the examiner that the candidate understands and can apply them throughout a 45-minute lesson.

  • Why is it important for an ADI candidate to understand the 17 competences?

    -Understanding the 17 competences is crucial as it allows the candidate to show the examiner that they have a comprehensive grasp of the skills required to be an effective driving instructor. It also ensures that they can apply these competences in a practical setting during the test.

  • How does knowing the roads well contribute to risk management during the ADI Part 3 test or Standards Check?

    -Knowing the roads well allows the instructor to give clear and well-timed directions and instructions, which is essential for risk management. It prevents late directions that could lead to mistakes and increases the risk of the lesson.

  • What should an ADI candidate do when encountering unexpected hazards or pupil mistakes during the test?

    -The candidate should remain calm, respond to the situation appropriately, and manage the risk. They should discuss the mistake with the pupil, identify the risks, and determine what to do next time to ensure learning progress.

  • How can an ADI candidate 'go with the flow' during the test?

    -Going with the flow means being adaptable and open-minded, ready to deal with any situation that arises, whether it's an unexpected hazard outside the car or an unexpected mistake by the pupil inside the car.

  • What is the significance of slowing things down during the lesson?

    -Slowing things down, especially at the start of the lesson, helps to keep the atmosphere calm and prevents the pupil from becoming too nervous. It also allows for clearer communication and better understanding of the pupil's learning goals and needs.

  • How does having a specific and narrow goal for the lesson benefit the learning process?

    -A specific and narrow goal keeps the lesson focused and achievable within the given time frame. It allows the instructor to direct the pupil to suitable practice areas and provide appropriate advice, helping the pupil to improve in a targeted area.

  • What should an ADI candidate do if a pupil makes a mistake while practicing pulling up on the left?

    -The candidate should discuss the mistake, identify the risks involved, and determine what to do next time. If practical, they should allow the pupil to try again and agree on the balance of responsibility for the mistake.

  • How can an instructor help a pupil improve at identifying safe and legal places to pull up on the left?

    -The instructor can direct the pupil to challenging practice areas, provide guidance initially, and gradually give more responsibility to the pupil as the lesson progresses. This approach helps the pupil to practice sufficiently and improve their skills.

  • What is the recommended approach for an instructor when a pupil is hesitant to pull up?

    -The instructor should help the pupil become more confident by first identifying safe, convenient, and legal places to pull up. They should then encourage the pupil to practice this maneuver multiple times, starting with guidance and gradually allowing the pupil to work more independently.



🚗 Introduction and Understanding the 17 Competences

This paragraph introduces the video's purpose, which is to provide tips for passing the ADI Part 3 test or the standards check. The speaker, Jonathan, shares his extensive experience as a driving instructor and trainer. The primary focus of this section is on the importance of understanding the 17 competences required for the test, including four lesson planning, five risk management, and eight teaching and learning strategies. It emphasizes that whether one is using Jonathan's online ADI training course or not, having a clear understanding and application of these competences throughout the 45-minute lesson is crucial for success.


🗺️ Knowing the Roads for Effective Risk Management

The second paragraph stresses the necessity of being familiar with the roads that will be used during the test or standards check. It explains that a thorough knowledge of the roads is essential for effective risk management and the ability to give clear, well-timed directions and instructions. The paragraph highlights the consequences of not knowing the roads well, such as late directions leading to mistakes and increased risk. It also discusses the importance of being aware of the pupil's actions and intervening when necessary to correct mistakes and maintain safety.

🌪️ Adapting to Unexpected Situations

This paragraph emphasizes the importance of adaptability and maintaining an open mind during the lesson. Instructors should be prepared to deal with unexpected external or internal events, such as a hazard on the road, and manage the risks associated with them. The section also addresses the unpredictability of pupil mistakes, advising instructors to prioritize discussing these errors, understanding the risks, and planning for future improvement. The advice is to engage with the pupil's learning process, ensuring that any mistakes are addressed and used as learning opportunities.

💬 Slowing Down Communication for Clarity

The fourth paragraph provides tips on communication during the lesson, particularly at the beginning. It suggests speaking slowly to help keep the lesson calm and organized. By having a prepared folder with questions written down, instructors can effectively identify the pupil's learning goals and needs. This approach ensures a smooth start to the lesson and facilitates better understanding between the instructor and the pupil.

🎯 Setting Achievable Goals

The final paragraph focuses on setting specific, achievable goals within the time frame of the lesson. It uses the example of helping a pupil improve in finding safe and legal places to pull over, addressing a common struggle. The advice is to choose challenging yet suitable practice areas, provide appropriate guidance, and gradually increase the pupil's responsibility as the lesson progresses. The goal is to observe and assist in the pupil's learning journey, ensuring improvement and understanding. The video concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and visit Jonathan's website for more information on becoming a driving instructor or preparing for an ADI standards check.



💡ADI Part 3 test

The ADI Part 3 test, also known as the Driving Instructor's Test, is an assessment that individuals must pass to qualify as a driving instructor in the UK. It focuses on the candidate's ability to instruct pupils in a safe and effective manner. In the video, the speaker provides tips specifically tailored to help individuals pass this test, emphasizing the importance of understanding the 17 competences and applying them throughout a 45-minute lesson.

💡Standards Check

A Standards Check is a test that qualified driving instructors (ADIs) in the UK must undergo every four years to ensure they maintain the required teaching standards. It is similar to the ADI Part 3 test but focuses on assessing the instructor's current teaching abilities. The video offers advice that is beneficial for both preparing for the Part 3 test and passing the Standards Check by highlighting the importance of road familiarity and effective risk management.

💡17 Competences

The 17 Competences refer to the set of skills and knowledge areas that a driving instructor must demonstrate during the ADI Part 3 test. These competences are divided into four lesson planning, five risk management, and eight teaching and learning strategies. Understanding and applying these competences are crucial for passing the test and ensuring effective instruction.

💡Risk Management

Risk management in the context of driving instruction involves identifying potential hazards and taking appropriate actions to minimize the risk of accidents or mistakes. Instructors must be able to assess the risks associated with different road conditions, traffic, and pupil behavior, and provide timely guidance to ensure safety.

💡Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching and learning strategies refer to the methods and approaches used by driving instructors to facilitate the learning process. These strategies aim to help pupils understand and apply the necessary skills and knowledge for safe driving. Effective teaching and learning strategies are part of the 17 Competences that must be demonstrated during the ADI Part 3 test.

💡Road Familiarity

Road familiarity refers to an instructor's in-depth knowledge of the roads, junctions, and traffic patterns in the areas where they teach. This familiarity is crucial for providing effective instruction, as it allows the instructor to give accurate directions, anticipate potential hazards, and manage risks effectively.

💡Go with the Flow

The phrase 'go with the flow' in the context of the video means being adaptable and responsive to unexpected situations or hazards that may arise during a driving lesson. It involves maintaining an open mind and being prepared to adjust the lesson plan as needed to address any issues that come up, ensuring the safety and learning progress of the pupil.

💡Slow Things Down

Slowing things down refers to the technique of intentionally speaking more slowly and calmly, especially at the beginning of a driving lesson, to create a relaxed and focused environment for the pupil. This approach helps to reduce nervousness and improve communication, which is essential for effective learning and instruction.

💡Keep It Simple

Keeping it simple means setting clear, specific, and achievable goals for each driving lesson. It involves focusing on one or a few key areas where the pupil can make tangible progress within the lesson's timeframe. By doing so, the instructor can effectively guide the pupil's learning and help them build confidence and competence in their driving skills.

💡Reflective Log

A reflective log is a tool used by driving instructors to review and discuss the lessons with their pupils. It involves examining what happened during the lesson, identifying any mistakes or areas for improvement, and discussing how to handle similar situations in the future. This process helps the pupil to learn from their experiences and enhance their understanding of driving techniques.


Jonathan, an experienced driving instructor, shares tips for passing the ADI Part 3 test and Standards Check.

Understanding the 17 competences is crucial for demonstrating your ability to the examiner during the 45-minute lesson.

Lesson planning, risk management, and teaching strategies are the key competences to focus on.

Knowing the roads well is essential for effective risk management and providing clear directions during the test.

Being familiar with the practice areas prevents spending too much time looking ahead and allows you to monitor the pupil's actions.

Adapting to unexpected hazards and managing risks is a vital skill for both the instructor and the pupil.

When a pupil makes a mistake, prioritize discussing the risks and how to handle similar situations in the future.

Slowing down speech can help keep the lesson calm and focused, especially at the beginning.

Using notes to guide the questioning at the start of the lesson helps identify the pupil's learning goals and needs.

Setting a specific and achievable goal within the lesson's time frame is important for effective teaching.

Directing the pupil to challenging practice areas can make the lesson interesting and aid in their learning progress.

Encouraging pupils to work things out for themselves fosters independence and problem-solving skills.

Allowing ample practice opportunities helps the pupil improve and reinforces their learning.

Providing guidance initially and gradually passing more responsibility to the pupil as the lesson progresses is a beneficial teaching method.

Returning to the driving test center with time remaining to ask questions on the reflective log ensures a complete lesson.

Keeping things simple and enjoying the teaching process is the key to being a successful driving instructor.