Angel Reese’s Critics Attacked by Taylor Rooks, Joy Taylor & the Angry Black Woman Brigade | Ep 660

Full Episodes
3 Apr 202488:10

TLDRThe video script discusses a range of topics, from the role of Black women in the media and their influence on Black men, to the impact of individual players on women's basketball and the sustainability of the sport's popularity. It also touches on political issues, such as President Biden's transgender day of visibility proclamation and its perceived implications on religious beliefs and societal values. The conversation highlights the importance of truth, accountability, and the need for unity and harmony in a divided society.


  • 💡 The discussion revolves around the influence of certain broadcasters and media personalities on the narrative surrounding athletes and gender issues.
  • 🌟 Taylor Rooks, a TNT broadcaster, is highlighted for her tweet challenging a Fox Sports commentator's views on gender neutrality and racial indifference in sports commentary.
  • 🤔 The script questions the role of black women in the media and their influence on shaping opinions, particularly in relation to black female athletes and their public image.
  • 🏀 The conversation touches on the impact of high-profile athletes like Angel Reese on the perception of sports culture and the double standards they face.
  • 📢 Media personalities are criticized for potentially undermining the achievements of women's basketball through their focus on victimhood and controversy.
  • 🎤 The script features a critique of certain media narratives, suggesting they may be driven by a victimhood mentality and an agenda that distracts from the actual sport.
  • 🌐 The discussion also includes a critique of the political and social climate, with references to various 'days of visibility' and their impact on society's understanding of identity and diversity.
  • 📅 The timing of President Joe Biden's transgender day of visibility proclamation is questioned, with concerns about its appropriateness during the Holy Week for Christians.
  • 🙏 The script ends with a call for unity, love, and the pursuit of truth, emphasizing the importance of these values in overcoming division and discord.
  • 🤷‍♂️ The script expresses skepticism towards certain societal trends, such as the recognition of numerous days related to LGBTQ+ identities, and questions the underlying motivations behind these initiatives.

Q & A

  • What was Taylor Rooks' response to Emanuel AO's comments about Angel Reese?

    -Taylor Rooks tweeted at Emanuel AO, arguing that his opinion was influenced by gender and race biases, and that it was inappropriate to criticize Angel Reese without acknowledging her existence as a black woman's impact on how she is perceived.

  • What did Jason Whitlock claim about the Utah basketball team's experience in Idaho?

    -Jason Whitlock claimed that the Utah basketball team's reported experience of racial harassment in Idaho was a hoax, and that the team's white coach was playing a role in a story to force changes in the NCAA tournament format.

  • What was the main point of contention between Joy Taylor and Emanuel AO regarding Angel Reese?

    -The main point of contention was whether Angel Reese's behavior on and off the court, including her self-portrayal as a villain and her reactions to criticism, should be critiqued without considering her identity as a black woman.

  • What was the context of the discussion on the Fearless with Jason Whitlock show?

    -The discussion on the show revolved around the role of black women in sports, particularly focusing on the case of Angel Reese, and the perceived overemphasis on victimhood and entitlement in their public personas and media coverage.

  • What was the argument made by Jason Whitlock about the impact of certain black women on sports culture?

    -Jason Whitlock argued that certain black women, whom he described as angry and opportunistic, are damaging sports culture by promoting a victimhood mentality and by policing the way black men discuss their experiences and opinions.

  • What was the significance of the transgender day of visibility mentioned in the script?

    -The transgender day of visibility, as mentioned in the script, was a point of contention for some of the speakers who felt that it was inappropriately timed and politically motivated, particularly in relation to the significance of the day in Christian tradition.

  • What was the reaction of the speakers to the number of LGBTQ+ related days recognized in a year?

    -The speakers felt that the number of LGBTQ+ related days recognized in a year, which they claimed to be 145, was excessive and indicative of a broader societal issue where truth is being overshadowed by lies that need constant support and promotion.

  • What was the proposed solution to the perceived overemphasis on certain groups and issues in society, as discussed in the script?

    -The proposed solution was for people, particularly those identifying as Christians, to stand on the truth of God's word and to continue promoting this truth in the face of what they perceive to be lies that are being pushed by society.

  • What was the stance of the speakers on the concept of a transgender identity?

    -The speakers expressed the belief that there is no such thing as a transgender identity, and that the recognition of such an identity is a departure from the truth that there are only two biological sexes, male and female.

  • What was the general sentiment towards the Biden Administration's actions and proclamations as discussed in the script?

    -The general sentiment towards the Biden Administration's actions and proclamations, such as the transgender day of visibility, was negative. The speakers felt that these actions were politically motivated, divisive, and not in line with their beliefs and values.



🗣️ Taylor Rooks' Critique of Gender and Racial Neutrality in Sports

The paragraph discusses Taylor Rooks' response to a critique of Angel Reese, a female basketball player. Rooks argues that it's impossible to have an informed opinion on Reese without considering her existence as a black woman, which shapes how she is perceived and how she views the world. Rooks points out the double standards in sports, where trash talk and villain roles are accepted until a woman like Reese adopts them. She emphasizes the need to question why certain reactions and criticisms are gendered and racialized, and calls out the marginalization that black female athletes face.


👎 The Matriarchy and Black Men's Voices

This paragraph focuses on the perceived matriarchy in the black community, where black women are seen as silencing and controlling black men. The speaker argues that this dynamic is detrimental to society and criticizes the idea that black women must approve male opinions on female athletes. The discussion highlights the tension between gender roles and the impact on public discourse, particularly in the context of sports and media representation.


🏀 The Impact of Victimhood Mentality on Women's Basketball

The speaker expresses concern that the victimhood mentality, particularly among black women, is harming women's basketball. He argues that figures like Caitlyn Clark have achieved a lot for the sport, but others are at risk of undermining this progress with their focus on victimhood. The discussion includes a critique of certain athletes and commentators who, according to the speaker, use their platforms to promote a narrative of oppression rather than celebrating sportsmanship and achievement.


📣 The Media's Role in Amplifying Certain Voices

The paragraph discusses the media's role in amplifying certain voices and narratives, particularly those of unqualified individuals who focus on victimhood. The speaker criticizes the diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative, suggesting it places unqualified individuals in positions to speak on topics they may not fully understand. The critique extends to the broader issue of how the media handles accusations and the responsibility of journalists to seek proof and truth rather than activism.


🎤 A Call for Unity and Understanding in Sports

In this paragraph, the speaker calls for unity and understanding in sports, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the achievements of individuals like Caitlyn Clark. The discussion touches on the potential negative impact of certain behaviors and attitudes on the sport, including the potential loss of viewership and interest. The speaker also expresses a desire for sports to focus on the game and the players' skills rather than off-court issues and controversies.


📢 The Erosion of Masculinity and Victimhood in Sports

The speaker discusses the erosion of masculinity and the rise of victimhood in sports, particularly focusing on how black women are perceived as the overseers of black men. The paragraph includes a critique of the media's portrayal of black men and the impact of this portrayal on society. The speaker argues that the current state of sports and society is contributing to the destruction of the black community and calls for a return to traditional values and structures.


🚨 The Hoax of Hate Crimes in Sports

The speaker expresses skepticism about reported hate crimes in sports, specifically an incident involving the Utah basketball team. The discussion suggests that the incident may have been exaggerated or fabricated to gain attention and to force changes in the NCAA tournament format. The speaker criticizes the use of such incidents to manipulate public opinion and to advance certain agendas, arguing that this undermines the integrity of sports and society.


🌿 The Importance of Sacrifice and Growth in Life

The speaker discusses the themes of sacrifice and growth, emphasizing their importance in life and in achieving success. The paragraph highlights the need for a strategic game plan based on the Bible and the acceptance of responsibilities towards God, family, and teammates. The speaker also addresses the concept of ownership of one's destiny and the value of trust and humility in personal development.


💭 The Media's Influence on Black Women's Perception

The paragraph discusses the influence of the media on the perception of black women, suggesting that the majority of black women have adopted a mentality of victimhood and entitlement. The speaker argues that this mentality is harmful and is contributing to the breakdown of the black family and community. The discussion includes a critique of how black women are portrayed in the media and the impact this has on societal norms and expectations.


🎶 A Call for Harmony and Love in Society

The paragraph ends with a call for harmony and love in society, emphasizing the need for unity and the rejection of divisiveness. The speaker encourages putting down 'weapons' and focusing on love and understanding to create a more harmonious world. The message is one of hope and unity, calling on people to come together and let God's light shine down on them.



💡Transgender Day of Visibility

Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event celebrated on March 31st to recognize and honor the contributions and rights of transgender individuals. In the context of the video, it's mentioned as an example of a day among many that are dedicated to various LGBTQ+ identities, which some argue has led to an overemphasis on these issues at the potential expense of other important societal matters.


Identity refers to the characteristics and qualities that make a person unique, including their sense of self and personal traits. In the video, the discussion around 'Transgender Day of Visibility' and other LGBTQ+ days highlights the complexity of identity and the ongoing societal debate about the recognition and validation of various identities.

💡Political Ploy

A political ploy is a strategic move or tactic used by politicians to gain an advantage or to manipulate public opinion. In the video, the proclamation of 'Transgender Day of Visibility' is suggested to be a political ploy by the Biden administration to rally support from the LGBTQ+ community.


Bravery is the quality of being courageous and willing to face danger, pain, or difficulties. In the video, the hosts discuss how the concept of bravery has been diluted, using the example of social media behavior that is labeled as brave, in contrast to more traditional and widely recognized acts of bravery, such as those exhibited during 9/11.

💡Media Beefs

Media Beefs refer to disagreements or conflicts that are publicly expressed in the media. In the context of the video, the term is used to describe the host's disagreements or criticisms of certain media narratives or events, such as the overemphasis on certain days related to LGBTQ+ identities.

💡End Times

End Times is a term used in some religious contexts to refer to the final events in human history as prophesied in various religious texts. In the video, the abundance of days dedicated to different identities is humorously linked to the concept of End Times, suggesting that the world might be nearing its end due to perceived societal excesses.


Truth refers to the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality. It is a central concept in the video, where the hosts argue that truth stands on its own and does not require the same level of support or validation as lies. They emphasize the importance of upholding truth, especially in relation to societal issues and identities.


Accountability refers to the expectation that individuals or organizations will accept responsibility for their actions and be answerable for their conduct. In the video, the concept of accountability is discussed in the context of personal behavior and societal roles, particularly in relation to the behavior of women in the media and their influence on culture.


Victimhood is the state or condition of being a victim, particularly when it is used to gain sympathy or advantage. In the video, the term is used critically to describe a perceived trend where individuals claim victim status in response to criticism or challenges, as a way to deflect responsibility or avoid accountability.


A matriarchy is a social system in which females or women hold the primary power, and it contrasts with a patriarchy where males or men are the dominant group. In the video, the term is used to describe a perceived societal shift where women are seen as having excessive control or influence over men, particularly in the context of racial dynamics.


Taylor Rooks, a broadcaster for TNT, critiques Emanuel AO for scolding Angel Reese, highlighting the importance of considering race and gender in discussions about black female athletes.

Emanuel AO is criticized for his comments on Angel Reese, with the argument that his opinion is influenced by racial and gender biases, despite his claims of being gender-neutral and racially indifferent.

The discussion emphasizes the need to understand the context of Angel Reese's actions and the role of societal perceptions in shaping her public image.

Taylor Rooks points out the double standards in how athlete's trash talk is perceived differently based on their appearance and racial background.

The conversation suggests that the reaction to Angel Reese's post-game comments reflects a broader issue of how society treats black female athletes.

Jason Whitlock argues that the criticism of black female athletes is part of a larger societal problem that undermines the achievements of women's basketball.

Whitlock criticizes the narrative that black women are overly sensitive or victims, asserting that their reactions are justified given the historical and societal context.

The discussion highlights the importance of acknowledging the role of race and gender in sports journalism and commentary.

Whitlock suggests that the focus on victimhood in sports is harmful and distracts from the accomplishments of athletes like Caitlyn Clark.

The conversation touches on the potential negative impact of certain behaviors on the future of women's basketball, particularly when star players graduate to professional leagues.

The panelists express concern that the current focus on identity politics could detract from the skill and achievements of athletes in women's basketball.

The discussion raises questions about the role of media in shaping public perceptions of athletes and the responsibility of commentators to provide balanced and informed opinions.

The conversation emphasizes the need for a more nuanced understanding of the experiences of black female athletes, beyond stereotypes and generalizations.

The panelists argue that the success of women's basketball should be celebrated without resorting to victimhood or identity politics.

The discussion concludes with a call for unity and a focus on the positive aspects of sports, rather than divisive narratives.