Watching Shadiversity Desperately Try To Defend AI Art (he fails)

Westside Tyler
25 Sept 202375:46

TLDRThe video script discusses the ethical implications of AI-generated art, comparing it to human artistic creation. The creator argues that AI art lacks originality and creativity, as it relies on pre-existing artworks for training data. They emphasize the importance of understanding the legal aspects of copyright and fair use, and criticize the use of AI art for unethical purposes, such as creating non-consensual explicit images. The video also highlights the potential legal consequences of using copyrighted material in AI training and the responsibility of AI developers to ensure ethical practices.


  • 🎨 AI-generated art can be seen as a tool for creators to refine and improve their work, rather than a direct replacement for human creativity.
  • 🤖 The ethics of AI art creation are a topic of debate, with concerns about whether AI-generated images constitute plagiarism or theft of an artist's style.
  • 👤 The use of AI in art can be compared to historical practices where artists would learn and take inspiration from the works of others.
  • 🖼️ AI art programs can produce images that may resemble existing artworks, but they do not directly copy or reproduce them, thus raising questions about copyright infringement.
  • 🚫 The potential misuse of AI art, such as creating inappropriate content or invading privacy, is a valid concern that needs to be addressed legally and ethically.
  • 📸 The analogy of a camera is used to discuss the potential ethical and legal issues with AI art, emphasizing that tools themselves are not inherently unethical.
  • 🌐 The script discusses the global implications of AI art, noting that copyright laws and their enforcement may vary across different countries and jurisdictions.
  • 🔍 The importance of understanding the legalities of copyright and fair use is highlighted, as well as the responsibilities of AI developers and users.
  • 💡 AI art can be a beneficial tool for those who lack certain artistic skills, but it should not be used to deceive or misrepresent the original source of the content.
  • 📚 The script references the evolution of copyright laws alongside technological advancements, suggesting that new legislation may be necessary to address AI-generated content.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern of the speaker regarding AI-generated art?

    -The speaker is primarily concerned that AI-generated art may not be truly original and may infringe upon the creative rights and intellectual property of human artists. They argue that AI art lacks the human element of creativity and may be seen as a form of plagiarism.

  • How does the speaker view the use of AI in the creative process?

    -The speaker views the use of AI in the creative process as a tool that can assist but not replace human creativity. They believe that while AI can generate images based on certain inputs, it is the human artist who provides the original inspiration and direction for the AI to follow.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the ethical use of AI in art?

    -The speaker strongly advocates for ethical use of AI in art, emphasizing that AI should not be used to steal or plagiarize existing artworks. They argue for the importance of respecting the original artists' rights and maintaining the integrity of the creative process.

  • How does the speaker address the argument that AI art is inherently unethical?

    -The speaker refutes the argument by stating that AI art does not inherently steal or is unethical. They explain that AI can be used ethically and that the tool itself is not the issue, but rather how individuals choose to use it.

  • What is the speaker's view on the potential misuse of AI in creating inappropriate content?

    -The speaker acknowledges that AI can be misused to create unethical content, such as explicit images without consent. However, they argue that the responsibility lies with the individuals using AI, not the technology itself.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the future of AI and art?

    -The speaker suggests that the debate surrounding AI and art is far from over. They anticipate ongoing discussions about the ethics, legality, and the role of AI in the creative process, as well as the potential need for new laws and regulations to address these issues.

  • How does the speaker compare AI-generated art to临摹 (copying) in traditional art practices?

    -The speaker compares AI-generated art to the traditional practice of copying or 临摹 as a means of learning and improving artistic skills. They argue that just as artists have historically copied the works of others to learn, AI can be used as a tool for artistic development.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the role of AI in the commercial art world?

    -The speaker is critical of the use of AI in the commercial art world, especially when it comes to creating art that is passed off as original without proper attribution or when it infringes upon the rights of human artists.

  • How does the speaker address the issue of AI art and copyright law?

    -The speaker discusses the complexities of AI art and copyright law, emphasizing that while AI can reproduce images, it does not necessarily infringe on copyright unless it directly duplicates and distributes the original work. They argue that AI-generated art typically falls under fair use, as it does not replicate the original work exactly.

  • What is the speaker's stance on AI-generated art being used for personal enjoyment or self-expression?

    -The speaker is more accepting of AI-generated art being used for personal enjoyment or self-expression, as long as it is not used to infringe upon the rights of others or passed off as original work. They believe that AI can be a helpful tool for individuals to explore their creativity.



🎨 Artistic Critique and AI Art

The speaker discusses their artistic process, including the challenges of recreating and improving upon original works. They express their views on AI art, arguing that it does not inherently steal or replicate art, but rather can be used as a tool to create new and original content. The speaker also addresses the ethical concerns surrounding AI art, emphasizing the importance of using AI responsibly and not as a means to plagiarize or infringe upon the work of others.


🤖 AI Art and Ethical Misuse

The speaker delves into the potential misuse of AI art, such as creating inappropriate content without consent or using AI to generate explicit material. They argue that while AI tools can be misused, it is the responsibility of the user, not the tool itself, to ensure ethical usage. The speaker also discusses the importance of understanding the legal implications of using AI, particularly in relation to copyright and fair use laws.


📚 AI Training and Copyright Concerns

The speaker addresses concerns about AI programs being trained on copyrighted images and artwork without the artist's consent. They argue that AI can be trained on public domain images and that the technology is advancing rapidly, making it difficult to restrict. The speaker also discusses the importance of vetting the data used to train AI and the potential legal ramifications of using copyrighted material without permission.


🚫 Legal and Ethical Boundaries of AI Art

The speaker discusses the legal and ethical boundaries of AI art, emphasizing that while AI can produce impressive results, it should not be used to infringe on the rights of artists. They argue that AI art should be transformative and not a direct copy of existing works. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding the legalities of copyright and fair use, and the potential for AI to be used in unethical ways if not properly regulated.


🌐 Global Copyright Laws and AI

The speaker talks about the global nature of copyright laws and how they apply to AI-generated content. They mention that despite the AI art being a new technology, it is still subject to existing legal frameworks. The speaker also points out that large corporations like Disney have a significant influence on copyright laws, and anyone using AI art needs to be aware of the potential legal consequences, regardless of their location.


🖌️ Artistic Evolution and AI

The speaker discusses the historical context of artists learning from and being inspired by the works of others. They argue that AI art can serve a similar purpose, allowing artists to reinterpret and create new works based on existing art. The speaker emphasizes that AI should be seen as a tool that can aid in the artistic process, rather than as a replacement for human creativity.


🎭 The Role of AI in Artistic Expression

The speaker explores the role of AI in artistic expression, discussing the potential for AI to assist in creating original content. They argue that AI can be used ethically and responsibly, as long as it is not used to directly copy or infringe upon the work of others. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding the technology behind AI and its capabilities, as well as the legal and ethical considerations that come with using AI in art.



💡AI Art

AI Art refers to the creation of visual art using artificial intelligence, often through machine learning models that generate images based on certain inputs or styles. In the video, the speaker discusses the ethical implications and creative potential of AI Art, arguing that it does not inherently steal or plagiarize human artists' work but can be used as a tool to enhance or reinterpret existing art.

💡Creative Process

The creative process refers to the steps or stages an individual goes through to produce a creative work, from initial concept to final product. In the context of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of the creative process in art, suggesting that AI-generated images lack the intentionality and personal investment of a human artist.


Ethics in this context refers to the moral principles that govern the use of AI in art, specifically whether it is considered acceptable or unacceptable for AI to generate art that resembles human-made art. The speaker argues that while AI can produce art that looks similar to human art, it is not inherently unethical as it does not directly copy or steal from human artists.

💡Fair Use

Fair use is a legal doctrine that permits the use of copyrighted material without obtaining permission from the rights holder under certain conditions, such as for commentary, criticism, or education. In the video, the speaker discusses how AI art falls under fair use because it does not directly reproduce or distribute copyrighted works, but rather generates new, transformative content.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them credit and presenting it as one's own. In the video, the speaker vehemently denies that AI art is plagiarism, explaining that AI generates new images based on patterns and inputs, rather than copying existing works.

💡Artistic Intent

Artistic intent refers to the purpose or message an artist aims to convey through their work. It is a crucial aspect of creative works as it gives meaning and context to the art. In the video, the speaker emphasizes that AI lacks this human element, as it cannot have intentions or emotions behind its generated images.


Transformation in the context of art and copyright refers to the process of altering a pre-existing work in a way that results in a new, original creation. The speaker argues that AI art is transformative because it generates new images that are not direct copies of the original works it was trained on.

💡Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses copyrighted material without the rights holder's permission in a way that violates copyright law. The speaker clarifies that AI art does not constitute copyright infringement because it does not reproduce or distribute the copyrighted works, but instead creates new, unique content.

💡Human Creativity

Human creativity refers to the ability of individuals to generate new ideas, concepts, or artistic expressions that are original and imaginative. The speaker in the video argues for the value of human creativity, suggesting that AI, while capable of generating art, lacks the personal touch and intentionality of human-made art.

💡AI Training

AI training refers to the process of teaching an artificial intelligence system how to perform a task, often by feeding it large amounts of data so it can learn patterns and make decisions. In the video, the speaker explains that AI art is generated through a training process where the AI learns from various images, but does not directly copy them.


The discussion revolves around the ethical implications of AI-generated art and its potential to infringe on the originality and copyright of human-made art.

The speaker argues that AI art does not inherently steal or unethically copy human artists' work, but rather transforms and creates new pieces based on learned patterns.

The concept of 'fair use' is introduced, explaining how it allows for the legal use of copyrighted material in certain transformative ways.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the legalities of copyright and the nuances of what constitutes as copying or plagiarism.

The debate touches on the potential for AI to be misused for unethical purposes, such as creating non-consensual explicit content.

The speaker acknowledges that while AI can generate impressive results, it lacks the intentional creativity and artistic expression of human artists.

The argument is made that AI-generated art should not be considered equivalent to human-created art, as it lacks the personal touch and emotional connection.

The discussion highlights the need for AI developers to be aware of the data they use for training, ensuring it is ethically sourced and does not infringe on copyright.

The speaker asserts that AI art can be a tool for enhancing human creativity, rather than a replacement for it.

The debate addresses the potential legal ramifications of using copyrighted images in AI training, noting that some AI models are shifting towards using public domain images.

The speaker argues that AI-generated art can be transformative and original, even when inspired by existing works.

The discussion emphasizes the importance of AI art being used responsibly and ethically, with respect to the original artists' rights.

The speaker points out the hypocrisy in criticizing AI for creating art, given that humans have been copying and reinterpreting art throughout history.

The debate concludes with the argument that AI art, like any tool, can be used ethically or unethically depending on the intent of the user.