Become 10x smarter using ChatGPT! (4 methods)

AI Foundations
21 Feb 202411:49

TLDRThe video presents four methods to enhance intelligence using ChatGPT: learning through generated knowledge or pre-existing information, retaining information via songs, utilizing mind maps and flowcharts for visual learning, and creating analogies for better understanding. It also emphasizes the power of simplifying complex topics into child-friendly explanations for effective knowledge retention and mastery.


  • 📚 Utilize Chat GPT for rapid access to a vast array of information, enhancing knowledge retention and learning efficiency.
  • 🤖 Differentiate between learning through generated knowledge, where Chat GPT creates new information, and pre-existing knowledge, where it aids in understanding or expanding on what you already have.
  • 🔍 Always verify the accuracy of the information generated by Chat GPT to ensure factual correctness.
  • 🎵 Transform information into songs with Chat GPT to aid in memorization and retention, especially for long or complex data.
  • 📊 Utilize visual tools like mind maps and flowcharts through Chat GPT to better understand and connect complex concepts or data.
  • 🌐 Explore and expand on existing ideas or information by inputting them into Chat GPT, regardless of whether they were generated or pre-existing.
  • 🧠 Enhance learning through the creation of analogies with Chat GPT, which can simplify complex or challenging systems for better understanding.
  • 💡 Apply the Albert Einstein quote method: explaining a concept as if to a child can solidify your understanding and mastery of the subject.
  • 🚀 Take advantage of Chat GPT's ability to summarize complex topics into simpler explanations, making it easier to grasp and teach others.
  • 🌟 Join a community or course dedicated to mastering Chat GPT to stay ahead in the AI revolution and deepen your understanding of its capabilities.

Q & A

  • What are the two ways of learning with Chat GPT mentioned in the transcript?

    -The two ways of learning with Chat GPT are through generated knowledge, where Chat GPT creates information that you wish to learn and retain, and through pre-existing knowledge, where you use Chat GPT to learn, retain, or build on information or data that you already have.

  • How can Chat GPT help in knowledge retention?

    -Chat GPT can aid in knowledge retention by generating information, creating songs to memorize complex data, producing mind maps and flowcharts for visual learning, developing analogies for better understanding, and simplifying explanations to a level that can be understood by a child.

  • What is an example of generated knowledge with Chat GPT?

    -An example of generated knowledge is when Chat GPT is asked to provide 10 facts about the year 1842, and it generates and delivers that information.

  • How can pre-existing knowledge be utilized with Chat GPT?

    -Pre-existing knowledge can be uploaded to Chat GPT, such as a spreadsheet, and the user can ask questions to understand and analyze the data better, using Chat GPT to break down and explain the information.

  • What is the purpose of creating songs with Chat GPT to remember information?

    -Creating songs with Chat GPT helps in memorizing complex or lengthy information more effectively, as the brain can easily recall and sing along to the song, thus aiding in long-term retention of the data.

  • How do mind maps and flowcharts enhance learning with Chat GPT?

    -Mind maps and flowcharts provide a visual representation of information, helping the mind to grasp and draw connections more easily. They are especially useful for understanding complex systems and for brainstorming new ideas.

  • What is an example of an analogy created by Chat GPT to simplify understanding?

    -An example is the analogy of the cryptocurrency blockchain being explained as a shared digital notebook, where transactions are entries, blocks are pages, and the chain of pages represents the blockchain structure.

  • Why is explaining concepts as if to a child helpful for knowledge retention?

    -Explaining concepts to a child requires simplifying complex ideas into easy-to-understand terms. This process helps in truly understanding the subject matter, as it forces one to master the information to the point where it can be articulated simply.

  • What is the benefit of joining the Chat GPT Mastery Group mentioned in the transcript?

    -Joining the Chat GPT Mastery Group provides access to a community and a comprehensive course with over 45 modules covering various aspects of Chat GPT. It allows members to learn in-depth, share ideas, and stay ahead in the AI revolution.

  • How does the transcript suggest using Chat GPT to become smarter?

    -The transcript suggests using Chat GPT to access a wide range of information quickly, generate new knowledge, retain information through creative methods like songs and analogies, and visualize data through mind maps and flowcharts. It also emphasizes the importance of simplifying explanations to enhance understanding and retention.



📚 Harnessing Chat GPT for Knowledge Retention and Learning

The paragraph discusses the benefits of using Chat GPT for enhancing one's intelligence by accessing a vast array of information swiftly. It introduces two primary methods of learning with Chat GPT: generated knowledge, where Chat GPT creates new information, and pre-existing knowledge, where users utilize Chat GPT to understand and build upon information they already possess. The speaker shares knowledge retention tips and emphasizes the importance of verifying the accuracy of generated knowledge. An example is given where Chat GPT is used to generate 10 facts about the year 1842, and also how it can help understand a user's spreadsheet by breaking it down into more comprehensible parts.


🎵 Learning Through Songs: A Creative Approach with Chat GPT

This section highlights a creative technique of using Chat GPT to generate songs as a mnemonic device for retaining information. The speaker provides an example of how to remember the books of the New Testament in order by turning them into a song. This method is applicable to various lists that require memorization, such as US presidents or the Amendments of the US Constitution. The speaker also promotes a Chat GPT Mastery Group, offering a community and course with over 45 modules to learn and master Chat GPT's capabilities.


💡 Visual Learning with Mind Maps and Flowcharts

The speaker delves into the power of visual learning through the use of mind maps and flowcharts, which can be created using Chat GPT in conjunction with Whimsical diagrams. By visualizing complex systems, learners can better understand and draw connections between different components. Examples include visualizing the reverse osmosis process and brainstorming ideas for YouTube videos on artificial intelligence. The speaker emphasizes the versatility of this method for both understanding complex systems and ideation.

🌟 Analogies and Simplified Explanations for Deeper Understanding

This part of the script focuses on the use of analogies and simplified explanations to enhance understanding of complex topics. The speaker demonstrates how Chat GPT can create analogies for challenging concepts, such as explaining the cryptocurrency blockchain as a shared digital notebook. The speaker also suggests using the 'explain it to a child' method to ensure comprehensive understanding, as articulated by Albert Einstein. The speaker then encourages viewers to join a comprehensive Chat GPT mastery course and community for further learning.

🚀 Conclusion: Maximizing Learning Potential with Chat GPT

In the concluding paragraph, the speaker reiterates the transformative impact of Chat GPT on learning and knowledge acquisition. They share their personal experience of becoming smarter through the use of Chat GPT and its various features. The speaker also encourages viewers to simplify complex topics and explains the stock market in a child-friendly manner as an example. Finally, the speaker promotes their Chat GPT mastery course and community, and invites viewers to like and subscribe for more content.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence-based chatbot developed by OpenAI. In the context of the video, it serves as a tool to access a vast amount of information quickly and to aid in knowledge retention and learning. The speaker uses Chat GPT to generate new knowledge, retain existing information, and build upon ideas, highlighting its efficiency in the learning process.

💡Information Retention

Information retention refers to the ability to remember and keep information over time. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of using Chat GPT to enhance information retention by providing tips and techniques, such as creating songs or analogies, which help in memorizing and understanding complex concepts more effectively.

💡Generated Knowledge

Generated knowledge is information that is created or produced by Chat GPT in response to user queries. The video discusses using Chat GPT to generate new knowledge from scratch, which requires verification for accuracy. This method is contrasted with learning from pre-existing knowledge, where users bring their own information into Chat GPT for further study and understanding.

💡Pre-existing Knowledge

Pre-existing knowledge refers to information or data that a user already possesses, such as documents, spreadsheets, or diagrams. In the video, the speaker describes how Chat GPT can be utilized to learn from and build upon this pre-existing knowledge, making it easier to understand and retain through various techniques like mind maps and flowcharts.


Songs are used as a mnemonic device in the video to help remember complex lists or sequences of information. The speaker suggests creating songs with Chat GPT to memorize items, such as the books of the New Testament in the Bible, by turning them into catchy tunes that can be easily recalled.

💡Mind Maps and Flowcharts

Mind maps and flowcharts are visual tools used to represent and organize information in a structured way. The video highlights the use of these visual aids, created with the help of Chat GPT, to understand complex systems and ideas better. By using tools like Whimsical diagrams, the speaker demonstrates how to visualize processes like reverse osmosis or brainstorm ideas for content creation.


Analogies are comparisons between two different things to help understand a concept or idea more clearly. In the video, the speaker uses Chat GPT to create analogies that simplify complex subjects, such as explaining the cryptocurrency blockchain as a shared digital notebook, making it easier to grasp the underlying concepts.

💡Teaching to a Child

Teaching to a child refers to the practice of explaining concepts in simple terms that a young child could understand. The video mentions an Albert Einstein quote to emphasize the importance of being able to teach complex topics in a way that a child could grasp, suggesting that if one can do this, they have truly mastered the subject.

💡Chat GPT Mastery Group

The Chat GPT Mastery Group is a community and course mentioned in the video, designed to help individuals learn and master the use of Chat GPT. The group offers over 45 modules covering various aspects of Chat GPT, providing an in-depth learning experience for those interested in harnessing its full potential.

💡AI Revolution

The AI Revolution refers to the significant impact and transformative changes brought about by advancements in artificial intelligence technologies. In the video, the speaker positions the use of Chat GPT as a part of this revolution, emphasizing the importance of staying ahead and adapting to these technological changes.


Start using Chat GPT to access a plethora of information delivered within seconds.

Chat GPT can help retain information faster than ever before.

There are two ways of learning with Chat GPT: generated knowledge and pre-existing knowledge.

Generated knowledge involves information created by Chat GPT from scratch.

Pre-existing knowledge is information you're already trying to learn or information you already have.

Learning through songs with Chat GPT can help memorize complex information.

Chat GPT can generate a song to help remember information like the books of the New Testament.

Mind maps and flowcharts are powerful tools for visual learning with Chat GPT.

Whimsical diagrams can be used within Chat GPT to create visual representations of complex systems.

Chat GPT can be used for ideation and brainstorming with mind maps.

Creating analogies with Chat GPT can enhance understanding of complex subjects.

Chat GPT can explain complex systems like cryptocurrency blockchain with simple analogies.

Explaining a topic as if to a child can solidify your understanding, as suggested by Albert Einstein.

Chat GPT can summarize complex topics into one paragraph and then explain it to a child.

Join the Chat GPT Mastery Group for in-depth learning and to stay ahead of the AI Revolution.

Chat GPT has the potential to make you 10 times smarter by enabling rapid learning and knowledge retention.