36 ChatGPT Tips for Beginners in 2024! (Become a PRO!)

AI Foundations
5 Jan 202464:29

TLDRThis tutorial offers 36 tips and tricks to master Chat GPT, covering follow-up prompts, role assignment, natural language understanding, context setting, and more. It also explores advanced features like image generation, document analysis, and SEO advice, showcasing the versatility of Chat GPT in enhancing writing, brainstorming ideas, and solving problems efficiently.


  • ๐Ÿ“ Develop mastery in using Chat GPT by following the 36 tips shared in the video, designed for beginners to advanced users.
  • โœ๏ธ Always prompt follow-up questions to analyze, understand, and expand on the answers provided by Chat GPT, enhancing its effectiveness.
  • ๐ŸŽญ Assign roles to Chat GPT to alter the style and tone of the content generated, such as creating a birthday letter with a pirate theme.
  • ๐Ÿค– Utilize natural language andๅŒ…ๅฎน typos or grammatical errors as advanced models like GPT 4 can understand and contextually grasp the intent behind them.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Set context within your prompts to receive more tailored and specialized solutions from Chat GPT.
  • ๐Ÿ“‚ Rename your chat logs for better organization and ease of access when revisiting previous conversations.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Use prompt sequences, like the GCA (Goal, Context, Action) sequence, to streamline your prompting for successful outcomes.
  • ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Archive chats for future reference or use, ensuring important conversations are saved and accessible.
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Customize instructions within Chat GPT to tailor responses to your specific needs and preferences, increasing efficiency and personalization.
  • ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Speak with Chat GPT using the mobile app, enabling voice interaction and saving chat threads for later use.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the tutorial in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of the tutorial is to provide 36 tips and tricks to help beginners become proficient in using ChatGPT.

  • Why is it important to ask follow-up questions in ChatGPT?

    -Asking follow-up questions is important for analyzing, understanding, and expanding on the answers provided by ChatGPT, making the interaction more powerful and tailored to the user's needs.

  • How can assigning roles to ChatGPT affect the style of the content generated?

    -Assigning roles to ChatGPT allows users to quickly change the tone and style of the writing, making the content more engaging and personalized based on the role assigned.

  • What is the significance of using natural language in ChatGPT prompts?

    -Using natural language, including typos, slang, and abbreviations, helps ChatGPT understand the context better and generate more accurate and relevant responses.

  • How does setting context within prompts improve the responses from ChatGPT?

    -Setting context within prompts provides ChatGPT with specific information about the user's situation, leading to more specialized and targeted solutions.

  • What is the GCA prompt sequence and how does it enhance the prompting process?

    -The GCA prompt sequence stands for Goal, Context, and Action. It structures the prompts in a way that clearly communicates the user's objective, the relevant background information, and the desired action, resulting in more effective and relevant responses from ChatGPT.

  • How can custom instructions within ChatGPT improve efficiency?

    -Custom instructions help ChatGPT understand the user's preferences and specific requirements better, allowing it to tailor solutions more efficiently and reduce the need for repetitive context provision.

  • What are the benefits of using the chat log renaming feature in ChatGPT?

    -Renaming chat logs helps users organize their conversations, making it easier to find and reference specific interactions with ChatGPT in the future.

  • What is the main advantage of using the plugin store in ChatGPT?

    -The plugin store in ChatGPT offers a variety of plugins that can extend the functionality of the platform, allowing users to perform more complex tasks, generate specialized content, and streamline their workflow.

  • How can ChatGPT assist in research and knowledge retention?

    -ChatGPT can be used for research by providing summaries of long texts, explaining complex topics in simpler terms, and offering analogies that facilitate understanding and retention of information.



๐Ÿ“ Introduction to Chat GPT Tutorial

The video script introduces a comprehensive tutorial on Chat GPT, offering 36 tips and tricks to help users transition from beginners to masters. The tutorial is designed for users at all levels, including those who are already familiar with Chat GPT. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and applying follow-up questions to enhance the capabilities of Chat GPT, and provides an example of how to use this feature effectively.


๐ŸŽจ Customizing Chat GPT's Output

The paragraph discusses the importance of customizing Chat GPT's output by assigning roles and using natural language models like GPT-4. It explains how assigning a role, such as a pirate, can change the tone and style of the content generated. The speaker also highlights the ability of advanced models to understand typos, slang, and abbreviations, and provides an example of how Chat GPT can interpret a sloppy prompt and still generate accurate and relevant content.


๐Ÿ” Setting Context and Utilizing Prompt Sequences

This section emphasizes the importance of setting context within prompts to receive better responses from Chat GPT. By providing specific information, users can get tailored solutions based on their situation. The speaker introduces the GCA (Goal, Context, Action) prompt sequence as a method to structure prompts effectively. The paragraph also discusses the benefits of renaming chat logs for better organization and the use of prompt sequences for streamlined prompting.


๐Ÿ“Œ Archiving Chats and Using Custom Instructions

The speaker explains how to archive chats for future reference and how to use custom instructions to improve efficiency when prompting Chat GPT. Custom instructions allow users to provide additional information about themselves and their preferences, enabling Chat GPT to generate more personalized and relevant responses. The paragraph also demonstrates how to use custom instructions through the Chat GPT interface and how they can be applied to enhance the user experience.


๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Interacting with Chat GPT Mobile App

This paragraph discusses the features of the Chat GPT mobile app, including the ability to speak with Chat GPT and have a conversation saved in the chat thread. The speaker shows how to use the app to create unique recipes and emphasizes the educational potential of the app for children and for casual use. The paragraph also touches on the use of output formatting within Chat GPT to create structured outputs like tables and CSV files.


๐Ÿ”Ž Identifying Objects and Research Assistance

The speaker introduces the capability of Chat GPT to identify objects in images using GPT-4 and to assist with research by browsing the web. The paragraph provides an example of how to upload an image of a tree and ask Chat GPT to identify it. It also explains how to use Chat GPT for research by providing up-to-date information from the web and how to use plugins to enhance the research process.


๐Ÿง  Knowledge Retention and Planning with Chat GPT

This section focuses on using Chat GPT for knowledge retention and planning. The speaker suggests methods like explaining complex topics in simpler terms (the 'explain it like I'm five' method) and using analogies to better understand and remember information. The paragraph also discusses how Chat GPT can be used to plan events or content strategies by setting milestones, goals, and providing tips to achieve those objectives.


๐Ÿ”ง Utilizing Chat GPT's Plugin Store and Generating Checklists

The speaker highlights the underutilized plugin store within Chat GPT, which offers thousands of plugins to enhance the user experience. The paragraph demonstrates how to use a plugin to create a niche tree for artificial intelligence. It also explains how to generate checklists within Chat GPT, engineering a to-do list into an efficient schedule based on the user's energy levels and planned tasks.


๐Ÿค– Creating a GPT and Brainstorming with Chat GPT

The paragraph introduces the concept of creating a GPT, a virtual assistant within Chat GPT, to automate repetitive tasks or solve specific problems. The speaker provides an example of creating a GPT to uncover the root cause of a problem. The section also covers the use of Chat GPT for brainstorming, providing examples of how it can generate business names or enhance writing, and emphasizes the importance of understanding Chat GPT's limitations.


๐ŸŒ Web Browsing and Image Generation in Chat GPT

The speaker discusses the use of Chat GPT's web browsing feature to find relevant articles and generate video ideas based on current events. The paragraph also covers the ability to generate images within Chat GPT using the Dolly 3 feature and provides an example of creating a watercolor painting of a golden retriever. The speaker emphasizes the importance of double-checking information and recognizing potential biases in Chat GPT's responses.


๐Ÿ“Š Summarizing Text and Using Analogies for Complex Topics

This section explains how Chat GPT can be used to summarize long text, such as books or articles, and to understand complex topics through the use of analogies. The speaker provides an example of summarizing a section from a book on mental laws and generating an analogy for understanding digital currency. The paragraph highlights the potential of combining these techniques with knowledge retention strategies for efficient learning.


๐Ÿ“ˆ Analyzing Documents and Creating Mind Maps

The speaker demonstrates how to use Chat GPT's advanced data analysis feature to analyze documents, such as CSV files, PDFs, and Excel files. The paragraph provides an example of analyzing a dataset of US Christmas tree sales and generating trends and graphs. It also introduces the use of AI diagrams, a plugin that allows users to create mind maps within Chat GPT, with an example of creating a mind map for the life cycle of a large language model.


๐ŸŒ Web Browsing for Information and Creating Video Ideas

The speaker shows how to use Chat GPT's web browsing capability to find relevant articles on artificial intelligence and generate video ideas based on those articles. The paragraph emphasizes the efficiency of this process and how it can be used to create scripts for YouTube videos, providing a streamlined workflow for content creation.

๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ Creating Descriptions and Slogans with Chat GPT

The paragraph discusses the use of Chat GPT for creating descriptions and slogans, providing an example of generating unique and witty slogans for an organic coffee grounds company. The speaker emphasizes the speed and creativity of Chat GPT in generating ideas that users can build upon or select from.

๐ŸŽจ Interior Styling and Changing Chat GPT's Theme

The speaker explains how Chat GPT can be used for interior styling by providing advice on elements like flooring based on an uploaded image of a room. The paragraph also covers how to change the theme within Chat GPT using third-party tools and settings, enhancing the user experience.

๐Ÿค” Problem Solving and Using Third-Party Applications

This section highlights the use of Chat GPT for problem-solving, from basic tasks like tying a tie to more complex issues requiring specific paradigms. The speaker also discusses the potential of third-party applications and extensions to enhance the functionality and appearance of Chat GPT, providing an example of a Chrome extension that changes the interface's theme and style.

๐Ÿ“š Chat GPT Mastery Course and Community

The speaker introduces a personal Chat GPT Mastery course designed to take users from beginners to advanced users through in-depth learning and skill development. The course offers a comprehensive guide on Chat GPT, including advanced formulas and techniques, and provides access to a private community for discussion and feedback. The speaker emphasizes the benefits of learning in a group and staying updated with the ever-evolving AI technology.

๐Ÿ“ข Subscribing to AI Foundations

The speaker encourages viewers to subscribe to the AI Foundations channel for valuable content on Chat GPT and AI. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of staying updated with new developments in the field and invites viewers to join the community for further learning and discussion.



๐Ÿ’กChat GPT

Chat GPT refers to an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, it is used as a tool for various tasks, including content creation, problem-solving, and language translation, showcasing its versatility and power in assisting users with their needs.

๐Ÿ’กTips and Tricks

Tips and tricks are practical advice or strategies that can help users to improve their skills or solve problems more efficiently. In the video, the presenter shares 36 different tips and tricks related to using Chat GPT, aiming to help viewers become more proficient with the tool and achieve better results in their interactions with it.

๐Ÿ’กFollow-up Questions

Follow-up questions are additional queries that seek to clarify, expand upon, or analyze the information provided in response to an initial question. In the context of the video, the presenter emphasizes the importance of asking follow-up questions to Chat GPT to gain deeper insights and enhance the quality of the generated content.


In the context of the video, assigning roles to Chat GPT means directing the language model to adopt a specific persona or style when generating responses. This can range from a pirate to a formal business tone, and it allows users to customize the output to fit various scenarios or preferences, thereby adding creativity and diversity to the interactions.

๐Ÿ’กNatural Language

Natural language refers to the way people naturally speak or write, including the use of slang, typos, and grammatical errors. The video highlights that Chat GPT can understand and generate text in natural language, making it more accessible and relatable for users who may not always adhere to strict grammar rules.


Context in the video refers to the background information or specific details provided to Chat GPT to help it generate more relevant and accurate responses. By setting the context within prompts, users can guide the language model to tailor its output to their particular situation or needs, leading to more effective and personalized outcomes.

๐Ÿ’กPrompt Sequences

Prompt sequences are structured combinations of goals, context, and actions that users provide to Chat GPT to streamline the prompting process and improve the quality of responses. The video introduces the GCA (Goal, Context, Action) prompt sequence as an example, demonstrating how it can help users achieve better results when interacting with the language model.

๐Ÿ’กCustom Instructions

Custom instructions are personalized configurations within Chat GPT that allow users to define how they want the language model to respond or handle certain tasks. By setting custom instructions, users can establish a more efficient workflow, with Chat GPT tailoring its output to align with the user's preferences, goals, or specific use cases.

๐Ÿ’กWeb Browsing

Web browsing in the context of the video refers to Chat GPT's capability to search the internet for information and incorporate it into its responses. This feature enhances the language model's ability to provide up-to-date and relevant information, allowing users to leverage Chat GPT for research and staying informed on various topics.


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, involves strategies and techniques to improve the visibility of websites or content in search engine results. The video suggests using Chat GPT for SEO by generating keywords, providing tips to optimize web content, and analyzing websites, which can help users enhance their online presence and attract more traffic.


Learn 36 tips and tricks to master ChatGPT and enhance your AI interactions.

Prompt follow-up questions to analyze, understand, and expand on ChatGPT's answers.

Assign roles to ChatGPT to quickly change the style of content generated.

ChatGPT's advanced models understand typos, slang, and abbreviations for better context.

Set your context within prompts for tailored and specialized solutions.

Rename chat logs for better organization and easy retrieval.

Utilize prompt sequences like GCA (Goal, Context, Action) for successful prompting.

Archive chats for future reference and to keep your dashboard tidy.

Use custom instructions to tailor ChatGPT's responses to your preferences.

Speak with ChatGPT using the mobile app for a conversational experience.

Leverage output formatting to structure ChatGPT's responses in tables, lists, or CSV.

Identify objects in images using GPT-4's image recognition capabilities.

Use ChatGPT as a research assistant to gather information and summaries.

Employ ChatGPT for knowledge retention through simplification and analogies.

Plan content strategies, milestones, and goals with ChatGPT's assistance.

Explore the plugin store to enhance ChatGPT's functionality with third-party tools.

Generate checklists and schedules for efficient task management.

Share chats with others for collaboration and idea exchange.

Create virtual assistants (GPTs) within ChatGPT for specialized tasks.

Brainstorm ideas, slogans, and content with ChatGPT's creative input.

Enhance your writing with ChatGPT's editing and expansion suggestions.