ChatGPT Tutorial for Developers - 38 Ways to 10x Your Productivity

Programming with Mosh
13 Jan 202328:13

TLDRIn this tutorial, viewers are introduced to Chat GPT, an advanced AI language model developed by Open AI that can understand and generate text. The video covers a wide range of applications for Chat GPT, from creating website content and generating code in various programming languages to assisting with learning, job interviews, and even drafting legal documents. The host, Mosh Hamedani, demonstrates how Chat GPT can be used to boost productivity, offering examples for both beginners and experienced developers. The video also highlights the tool's ability to generate dummy data, translate text, and explain code, while cautioning about its limitations and the importance of human expertise. Practical examples include writing shell commands, generating app names, drafting contracts, and improving code with suggestions from Chat GPT. The tutorial concludes by encouraging viewers to explore the creative potential of Chat GPT for their own projects.


  • 🚀 Chat GPT is a cutting-edge AI tool created by Open AI that can understand and generate text, making it a game-changer for productivity.
  • 📈 Released in November 2022, Chat GPT quickly gained 1 million users in just 5 days, highlighting its rapid adoption.
  • 💡 Chat GPT can be used to create content for websites, write articles, emails, tweets, cover letters, and even generate code in various programming languages.
  • 🔍 The tool can also generate dummy data, write unit tests, translate text or code, and explain code to users like a patient teacher.
  • 💼 It can assist in learning and memory retention by generating questions from text and preparing for job interviews, including improving resumes and cover letters.
  • 🛠️ Chat GPT uses language models to understand and generate human language by learning from vast amounts of text data.
  • ⚙️ It provides different models like GPT-3 for natural language and Codecs for code, trained on billions of lines of code from GitHub.
  • 🚫 Despite its capabilities, Chat GPT has limitations and can sometimes generate incorrect, harmful, or biased information.
  • 🔑 It is a powerful tool for creativity and efficiency but is not a substitute for human expertise and judgment.
  • 🌐 Users can interact with Chat GPT through its website, a Chrome extension, or a desktop application for convenience.
  • 📚 The tutorial covers various use cases for different programming languages, from general questions to specific examples for front-end, back-end, and database development.
  • 🔬 Chat GPT's ability to generate, explain, and improve code, as well as handle errors, makes it a versatile tool for developers and content creators alike.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the tutorial?

    -The main purpose of the tutorial is to educate viewers about what Chat GPT is, how it works, and how it can be used to enhance productivity for software developers and professionals in various fields.

  • Who is the presenter of the tutorial?

    -The presenter of the tutorial is Mosh Hamedani, a seasoned developer and teacher who has helped millions of people learn to code and become professional software engineers.

  • How quickly did Chat GPT gain its initial 1 million users after its release?

    -Chat GPT gained its initial 1 million users in just 5 days after its release in November 2022.

  • What are some of the capabilities of Chat GPT?

    -Chat GPT can understand and generate text, create content for websites, write articles, emails, tweets, cover letters, generate code in various programming languages, generate dummy data, write unit tests, translate text or code, and explain code to users.

  • What are some limitations of using Chat GPT?

    -Chat GPT might sometimes generate incorrect, harmful, or biased information. It should not be used as a sole source of learning to code, as the code generated is not guaranteed to be correct or the best way to code.

  • How does Chat GPT help with job interviews?

    -Chat GPT can help prepare for job interviews by generating interview questions, improving resumes, writing cover letters, and even simulating an interview experience.

  • What is the role of a language model in Chat GPT?

    -A language model in Chat GPT is a type of software designed to understand and generate human language by learning patterns and rules from a large amount of text data.

  • What are some examples of specific use cases for Chat GPT in programming?

    -Examples include writing shell commands, generating app or website names, writing contracts, creating resumes and cover letters, asking interview questions, writing emails, and generating code in various languages.

  • How can Chat GPT assist with code-related tasks?

    -Chat GPT can assist with code-related tasks by generating code snippets, explaining code, writing unit tests, suggesting code improvements, converting code from one language to another, and generating dummy data.

  • What is the process for using Chat GPT?

    -To use Chat GPT, one needs to visit, sign up for an account if they don't have one, and then use the input box on the main screen to interact with Chat GPT. There are also a Chrome extension and a desktop application available for convenience.

  • How can Chat GPT be used for front-end development?

    -Chat GPT can be used for front-end development by generating HTML and CSS code, suggesting improvements to existing code, and even customizing code with specific UI libraries like Tailwind CSS.

  • What are some examples of back-end development tasks Chat GPT can assist with?

    -Chat GPT can assist with back-end development tasks such as building APIs with Node and Express, generating SQL queries for database operations, and providing code examples in different programming languages like Python with FastAPI.



🚀 Introduction to Chat GPT

This paragraph introduces the audience to Chat GPT, an advanced AI tool developed by Open AI. It emphasizes the tool's ability to understand and generate text, making it a game-changer for software developers. The speaker, Mosh Hamedani, outlines the various applications of Chat GPT, such as content creation, code generation in multiple programming languages, and even learning and interview preparation. The paragraph also briefly explains how language models work and sets the stage for a tutorial on leveraging Chat GPT for increased productivity.


📚 Learning Resources and Front-end Development

The second paragraph demonstrates the use of Chat GPT for educational purposes and front-end development. It shows how to ask for book recommendations, key takeaways from a specific book, and general advice on becoming a front-end developer. The speaker also illustrates how to generate shell commands, use Git, and get creative with business ideas, such as generating app names. The paragraph also highlights the importance of not relying solely on Chat GPT for critical tasks due to its limitations and potential to generate incorrect information.


💼 Job Applications and Code Assistance

The third paragraph focuses on how Chat GPT can aid in job applications by creating resumes and cover letters, and even simulating technical interviews. It also delves into code-related queries, such as writing a Python function for generating random passwords, explaining code expressions, and generating unit tests. The speaker emphasizes the utility of Chat GPT in providing a starting point for coding tasks, but also the necessity of human judgment to ensure correctness and efficiency.


🔄 Code Conversion and Front-end Enhancements

This paragraph explores the capabilities of Chat GPT in code conversion, specifically from Python to JavaScript. It also covers generating dummy data and creating a Python class for storing objects. For front-end development, the speaker requests HTML and CSS code for a card display, customization of the design with a button addition, and interactivity with JavaScript. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of how Chat GPT can rewrite code using modern CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS.


🛠️ Backend Development and Database Interaction

The fifth paragraph showcases Chat GPT's ability to assist in backend development by creating an API with Node.js and Express. It also touches on modifying the API to interact with a MongoDB database and using TypeScript for improved code quality. The paragraph further illustrates how to generate SQL queries for database operations, such as creating a products table and retrieving specific data from it. The speaker also discusses the process of refining queries to meet specific requirements, like finding the top-spending customers.


🔍 Query Refinement and Conclusion

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of specifying detailed requirements when asking Chat GPT to generate queries. It demonstrates how to refine a query to retrieve the top five customers who have spent the most in Manhattan by joining the customers and orders tables. The speaker concludes by encouraging viewers to explore the creative potential of Chat GPT, inviting them to share their interesting queries in the comments section, and looking forward to their next interaction.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a cutting-edge AI tool developed by OpenAI that was released in November 2022. It is an advanced language model capable of understanding and generating text, which can be used for creating content, writing code in various programming languages, generating dummy data, and more. In the video, it is presented as a game-changer for boosting productivity, particularly for software developers and educators.


Productivity refers to the efficiency of an individual or system in producing desired outcomes. In the context of the video, the presenter discusses how Chat GPT can significantly enhance productivity by automating various tasks such as content creation, code generation, and even job interview preparation. It is a central theme of the tutorial, emphasizing the potential of AI to streamline work processes.

💡Language Model

A language model is a type of software designed to understand and generate human language by analyzing large amounts of text data to learn patterns and rules of a language. In the video, the presenter explains that Chat GPT uses language models like GPT-3, which are tailored for natural language understanding and generation, and codecs, which are specifically trained for code.

💡Code Generation

Code generation is the process of automatically producing code in a programming language. In the video, it is shown that Chat GPT can generate code in multiple programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. This feature is particularly useful for developers as it can save time and increase efficiency in software development.

💡Unit Tests

Unit tests are a method of testing individual units or components of a software to ensure they function correctly. The video demonstrates how Chat GPT can write unit tests for a given function, which is a valuable tool for developers to validate their code and maintain high-quality software.

💡Dummy Data

Dummy data refers to fabricated or simulated data used for testing, debugging, or demonstrating the functionality of a software system. In the video, the presenter asks Chat GPT to generate dummy data for a 'customers' table, which is then used to illustrate how to create a Python class for storing customer objects.

💡Front-end Development

Front-end development is the process of building the user interface and user experience of a website or application. The video covers how Chat GPT can assist in front-end development by generating HTML and CSS code for elements like cards, which are a common UI component in web design.

💡Back-end Development

Back-end development involves the server-side logic of web applications, including databases and application logic. The video script discusses how Chat GPT can help create APIs with Node.js and Express, and how it can be instructed to modify code to interact with databases like MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL.


Databases are structured sets of data stored electronically. They are a fundamental part of most software applications. The video demonstrates the use of Chat GPT to write SQL queries for creating tables and retrieving or updating data, showcasing its utility in database management and manipulation.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. It is designed to provide stronger typing checks and improve the tooling and development experience. In the video, the presenter requests Chat GPT to convert JavaScript code into TypeScript to take advantage of its features for building robust web applications.


FastAPI is a modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python. It is known for its high performance and ease of use. The video script includes an example where the presenter asks Chat GPT to generate an API using FastAPI, highlighting its application in back-end development with Python.


Chat GPT is a cutting-edge AI tool created by OpenAI that can understand and generate text.

Chat GPT gained 1 million users in just 5 days after its release in November 2022.

It can be used to create content for websites, write articles, emails, tweets, cover letters, and generate code in various programming languages.

Chat GPT can generate dummy data, write unit tests, translate text or code, and explain code to users.

The tool can help users learn and remember things faster by asking questions based on provided text.

Chat GPT can assist in job interview preparation, resume writing, and even conduct mock interviews.

It uses a type of artificial intelligence called a language model to understand and generate human language.

GPT3 models are designed to understand and generate natural language, while codecs are trained to understand and generate code.

Chat GPT has limitations and may sometimes generate incorrect, harmful, or biased information.

It is not a substitute for human expertise and judgment but a tool to increase creativity and efficiency.

The tutorial demonstrates how to use Chat GPT for various programming languages and tasks.

Chat GPT can answer general-purpose questions, provide learning resources, and assist in business and legal document writing.

It can generate shell commands, explain how they work, and help with Git commands.

Users can get creative with Chat GPT, such as generating app or website names for a new business.

Chat GPT can write contracts, resumes, cover letters, and even conduct mock interviews with technical questions.

The tool can help write and explain code, including generating unit tests and improving code with suggestions.

Chat GPT can convert code from one language to another and generate dummy data for tables.

Front-end developers can use Chat GPT to generate HTML and CSS code, including using modern CSS libraries like Tailwind CSS.

For back-end development, Chat GPT can help build APIs with Node.js and Express, and even modify them to work with databases.

Chat GPT can assist with database-related tasks, such as writing SQL queries for table creation and data retrieval.

The tool can be used to generate more complex database queries, like finding the top spending customers in a specific location.