32 ChatGPT Tips for Beginners in 2023! (Become a PRO!)

AI Foundations
5 Jul 202331:00

TLDRThis video offers an in-depth guide on how to master Chat GPT with 32 valuable tips. It begins with the importance of assigning roles to Chat GPT for personalized responses, then explores formatting outputs into tables and lists, and generating to-do lists from text. The video also covers renaming chat logs for better organization, prompting follow-up questions for in-depth conversations, and simplifying explanations using the 'explain it to a child' approach. Customizing the dashboard, sharing chat threads, and adjusting the tone of writing are also discussed. The video progresses to more advanced uses, such as using Chat GPT for quick learning, upgrading to premium features, utilizing plugins, and leveraging web browsing for SEO analysis. It emphasizes the utility of templatizing effective prompts, revising existing text, and using the AI for step-by-step guidance on complex tasks. The presenter also touches on using Chat GPT for entertainment, coding assistance, brainstorming, mediation, journaling, and understanding its limitations. The video concludes with advice on using Chat GPT for studying, creating creative writing from generated knowledge, developing personalized plans, and encourages viewers to explore additional resources for mastering Chat GPT.


  • πŸ“ Assign roles to Chat GPT for personalized responses and creative writing.
  • πŸ“‹ Format outputs in various styles like tables, lists, and codes for better organization.
  • πŸ“ Generate to-do lists from paragraphs to distill tasks from filler information.
  • πŸ“‚ Rename chat logs for better organization and easier access to past interactions.
  • πŸ€” Prompt follow-up questions or commands to dig deeper into a topic or task.
  • πŸ§’ Use 'explain it to a child' technique for simplified understanding of complex topics.
  • πŸ–₯️ Customize your dashboard appearance for a more personalized user experience.
  • πŸ”— Share chat thread links with friends in a view-only mode for collaboration.
  • ✍️ Adjust the tone of your writing from informal to formal with a simple prompt.
  • πŸ›οΈ Consider purchasing a mastery course for advanced features and community support.
  • πŸ“Š Be concise in your prompts for more accurate and effective responses from Chat GPT.

Q & A

  • What is the first tip mentioned in the video for using Chat GPT effectively?

    -The first tip is to assign roles to Chat GPT before typing off your question or command. This helps in giving it a personality or persona to act like, which influences its responses.

  • How can Chat GPT help with formatting outputs?

    -Chat GPT can respond in various formats such as code, tables, numbered lists, bullet lists, and comma-separated values. It can also reformat existing content within the platform.

  • What is a powerful feature of Chat GPT for organizing information?

    -The ability to generate to-do lists from a paragraph of text, which can help in organizing tasks and filtering out filler information.

  • How can users better organize their chat logs in Chat GPT?

    -Users can rename their chat logs for better organization by clicking on the pencil icon and providing a custom name, which can be based on categories like date or subject.

  • What is a follow-up question or command that can be used with a to-do list generated by Chat GPT?

    -You can instruct Chat GPT to organize the tasks based on the estimated time required for each and order them from the most to the least time-consuming.

  • How can Chat GPT assist in explaining complex topics?

    -By using the 'explain it to a child' technique within Chat GPT, it can simplify the explanation of complex topics, which can aid in understanding for both children and adults.

  • What is the benefit of changing the dashboard appearance in Chat GPT?

    -Changing the dashboard appearance allows users to customize their interface according to their preferences, which can enhance usability and reduce eye strain.

  • How can users share their chat thread with others in Chat GPT?

    -Users can share their chat thread in a view-only mode through email by using the share button next to the rename button and copying the generated link.

  • What is a way to make existing or generated writing more formal using Chat GPT?

    -By instructing Chat GPT to change the tone of the writing to a more formal manner, it can rephrase the text to suit a professional or formal context.

  • What does the Chat GPT Mastery course offer to users interested in learning more about Chat GPT?

    -The Chat GPT Mastery course offers a backend learning experience with over 25 private modules, access to a private group of learners, and a free Notion template for organizing prompts.

  • Why is it important to be concise in your prompts with Chat GPT?

    -Being concise helps Chat GPT to understand exactly what you want, leading to more accurate and relevant responses, especially when using advanced prompting techniques.

  • How can changing the style of writing in Chat GPT affect the output?

    -Changing the style can significantly alter the output to match a specific theme, character, or celebrity's voice, making it a versatile tool for creative writing and content generation.



πŸ“ Utilizing Chat GPT: Tips and Tricks

This video offers 32 tips and tricks for enhancing your experience with Chat GPT. It begins by advising viewers to assign roles to Chat GPT for personalized responses, demonstrating how this can alter the tone and content of replies. The video also covers formatting outputs into tables or lists, generating to-do lists from text, renaming chat logs for better organization, and prompting follow-up questions for in-depth discussions. It emphasizes the importance of conciseness and provides a link to a course for mastering Chat GPT.


πŸ–ŒοΈ Customizing Chat GPT Experience

The paragraph discusses various ways to customize your Chat GPT experience, including changing the dashboard appearance, sharing chat thread links, adjusting the tone of writing, and considering the purchase of a Chat GPT Mastery course. It also highlights the ability to explain complex topics in a simplified manner, as if to a child, and the option to change writing styles to match different personalities or characters.


πŸš€ Advanced Chat GPT Features and Plugins

This section delves into more advanced features of Chat GPT, such as using it for quick learning on new subjects, upgrading to the Plus version for advanced reasoning and additional features, exploring the plugin store for third-party integrations, and utilizing the web browsing feature for tasks like SEO analysis. It also touches on the importance of templatizing effective prompts for future use.


πŸ“š Revising, Organizing, and Learning with Chat GPT

The focus here is on using Chat GPT for revising existing text, organizing information through templatizing prompts, and leveraging the AI for quick learning through summarization and generating study materials like flashcards. It also suggests using Chat GPT for entertainment, such as storytelling or discovering new content based on preferences.


πŸ’‘ Creative and Problem-Solving Applications of Chat GPT

This part of the script highlights the use of Chat GPT for coding assistance, brainstorming new ideas, mediation in disputes, journaling, and exporting chat logs for record-keeping. It emphasizes the AI's utility in creative problem-solving and personal reflection, as well as the practicality of saving conversations for future reference.


πŸ› οΈ Limitations and Human-like Interaction with Chat GPT

The final paragraph addresses the limitations of Chat GPT, such as its knowledge cutoff in September 2021 and potential biases. It advises using human-like text in inputs for better responses and checking responses for plagiarism. Additionally, it suggests using Chat GPT for studying through flashcards and quizzes, and for creating more creative writing based on generated knowledge. The paragraph concludes with a prompt to watch more free content on Chat GPT.


πŸŽ“ Personalized Planning with Chat GPT

The script concludes with a tip on creating personalized plans for various activities such as dieting, weightlifting, or meditation by providing Chat GPT with personal metrics and goals. It also encourages viewers to watch more content on Chat GPT and consider purchasing a course for in-depth learning.



πŸ’‘Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to an advanced language model capable of understanding and responding to natural language prompts. In the video, it is the central tool used to demonstrate various tips and tricks for enhancing productivity and creativity. It is shown to have functionalities such as role assignment, text formatting, and generating to-do lists.

πŸ’‘Role Assignment

Role Assignment is a feature that allows users to define a specific character or persona for Chat GPT to adopt when responding. This feature is used in the video to create a birthday letter in the style of a pirate, showcasing how it can alter the tone and vocabulary based on the assigned role.

πŸ’‘Output Formatting

Output Formatting is the process of structuring the text response from Chat GPT into specific formats such as tables, lists, or code. The video demonstrates how to create a table of dog breeds with hostility levels and prices, emphasizing the utility of formatted outputs for organized information presentation.

πŸ’‘To-Do Lists

To-Do Lists are a way to organize tasks or actions from a given text paragraph. In the context of the video, Chat GPT is instructed to generate a to-do list from a larger block of text, which helps in extracting actionable items and presenting them in a clear, list format.

πŸ’‘Renaming Chat Logs

Renaming Chat Logs is the practice of giving personalized titles to chat sessions for better organization and ease of access. The video highlights this as a useful tip for users who manage multiple conversations or need to reference past interactions in a more organized manner.

πŸ’‘Follow-Up Questions

Follow-Up Questions are additional queries or commands that build upon the initial response from Chat GPT. The video emphasizes the importance of continuing the conversation with Chat GPT to gain more in-depth information or to explore a topic further.

πŸ’‘Explain Like I'm Five

The 'Explain Like I'm Five' concept involves breaking down complex topics into simple, easy-to-understand language as if explaining it to a child. In the video, this technique is used to simplify the explanation of a general topic, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

πŸ’‘Dashboard Appearance

Dashboard Appearance refers to the visual layout and color scheme of the Chat GPT interface. The video mentions customizing the dashboard by changing settings such as the background color to suit user preferences or to reduce eye strain.

πŸ’‘Sharing Chat Threads

Sharing Chat Threads is the ability to distribute links to specific Chat GPT conversations with others in a view-only mode. This feature, as discussed in the video, allows users to share insights, explanations, or collaborative work with friends or colleagues via email.

πŸ’‘Tone of Writing

Tone of Writing pertains to the style and manner in which text is written, conveying formality, anger, or other emotions. The video illustrates how Chat GPT can adjust the tone of an email to be more formal or to express anger, adapting the response to fit the user's desired sentiment.

πŸ’‘Chat GPT Mastery Course

The Chat GPT Mastery Course is an educational offering mentioned in the video that aims to teach users advanced techniques for using Chat GPT. It includes private modules, access to a community of learners, and a template for organizing Chat GPT interactions, catering to users who want to go beyond the basics.


Assign roles to Chat GPT before typing off your question or command to give it a personality or persona to act like.

Chat GPT can respond in various formats such as code, tables, numbered lists, bullet lists, and comma-separated values.

Generate to-do lists from paragraphs of text using Chat GPT to organize tasks and filter out filler information.

Rename chat logs for better organization and easier dashboard management.

Prompt follow-up questions or commands to Chat GPT to continue the conversation and gain deeper insights.

Use 'explain it to a child' within Chat GPT to simplify complex topics and enhance understanding.

Customize the dashboard appearance of Chat GPT through settings for a personalized user experience.

Share chat thread links with friends in view-only mode via email for collaborative discussions.

Change the tone of your writing with Chat GPT, from formal to angry or depressed, to match the desired emotion.

Purchase the Chat GPT Mastery course for an in-depth learning experience and access to private modules.

Be concise within your prompting to Chat GPT for more accurate and efficient responses.

Change the style of your writing in Chat GPT to match different personalities or characters.

Use Chat GPT for quick learning on new subjects by summarizing articles and generating lists of key points.

Upgrade to Chat GPT Plus for advanced features like priority access, AI availability, and the Chat GPT4 model.

Explore the plugin store for third-party integrations to enhance Chat GPT's capabilities.

Utilize the web browsing feature in Chat GPT to analyze links and get SEO recommendations.

Create templates for effective prompts in Chat GPT to reuse and save time.

Revise existing text with Chat GPT to improve grammar, style, and tone.

Perform step-by-step follow-alongs within Chat GPT for guidance on complex tasks.

Use Chat GPT for entertainment purposes like storytelling, music discovery, and generating fun content.

Employ Chat GPT for coding assistance to work through code problems, especially useful for non-developers.

Brainstorm new ideas with Chat GPT by providing information and receiving a list of suggestions.

Use Chat GPT as a mediation tool to resolve disagreements based on logical arguments.

Leverage Chat GPT to journal by answering questions provided by the AI and having it format your journal entry.

Export your chat logs from Chat GPT to your email for secure saving and easy access.

Understand the limitations of Chat GPT, such as knowledge cutoff and potential biases, to manage expectations.

Use human-like text in your inputs to Chat GPT to facilitate more natural and effective interactions.

Check your responses from Chat GPT for plagiarism before using them to ensure originality.

Utilize Chat GPT for studying by generating flashcards and quizzes based on provided information.

Create personalized plans with Chat GPT by inputting your goals and personal metrics for tailored advice.

Watch free content on Chat GPT to learn more and consider purchasing a course for in-depth knowledge.