Vocoflex for Harmonies | Logic Pro

Logic Pro X Life
30 Apr 202413:18

TLDRIn this tutorial, the speaker demonstrates how to use Vocal Flex in Logic Pro to create backup and main harmony parts from a single recorded vocal track. The process involves duplicating the track, applying pitch correction, and utilizing the SSL native vocal strip and delay. The speaker then adds Vocal Flex to change the voice's timbre and create distinct harmonies using built-in engine voices. By adjusting volume, panning, and experimenting with pitch transposition, the speaker creates a fuller sound with multiple harmonies. The video also touches on the potential for further creativity by adjusting timing and phrasing to humanize the harmonies. The speaker concludes by highlighting the flexibility and power of Vocal Flex for songwriters and producers, even suggesting that the results can be polished enough to resemble a finished product.


  • 🎤 **Using Vocal Flex**: The video demonstrates how to use Vocal Flex in Logic Pro to create backup or main harmony parts from an existing vocal track.
  • 🔄 **Duplicating Vocal Tracks**: The process starts by duplicating the main vocal track to create separate harmony parts.
  • 🎛️ **Pitch Correction**: A slight pitch correction is applied to the duplicated tracks before further processing.
  • 📀 **SSL Native Vocal Strip**: An SSL native vocal strip is used in the audio chain before the pitch correction.
  • 🚫 **Muting Unprocessed Tracks**: Unprocessed harmony tracks are muted while setting up the first harmony with Vocal Flex.
  • 🎶 **Adjusting Volume**: The volume of the processed harmony track is slightly adjusted to blend with the main vocal.
  • 🔧 **Vocal Flex Settings**: Vocal Flex is used to change the voice's characteristics, offering different voice styles like masculine or feminine.
  • 🎼 **Creating Harmony**: Flex Pitch is utilized to create harmony by transposing the duplicated vocal tracks to different pitches.
  • 🔀 **Panning for Separation**: The tracks are panned to create a stereo effect and allow each harmony part to be heard distinctly.
  • 🎧 **Listening and Adjusting**: The creator listens to the harmony parts and makes adjustments to the pitch and timing for a more natural sound.
  • ⛓ **Chain Order**: The order of effects matters, with pitch correction coming before Vocal Flex to refine the sound.
  • 🧩 **Building Harmony Layers**: By duplicating and adjusting the pitch, multiple harmony layers are created, simulating the sound of different singers.
  • 🎉 **Creative Possibilities**: The video emphasizes the creative potential of using Vocal Flex and Flex Pitch to build a rich vocal arrangement from a single vocal track.
  • ⏱️ **Humanizing the Performance**: Timing adjustments are made to avoid perfect phrasing, adding a human touch to the harmonies.
  • 🔄 **Flexibility in Sound**: There's a lot of flexibility in tweaking the sound to achieve the desired timbre using Vocal Flex.
  • 📝 **Note on Vibrato**: If there's too much vibrato in the source, it can be toned down using the tool's settings.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of using Vocoflex in the context of the provided transcript?

    -The main purpose of using Vocoflex in the transcript is to create backup harmony parts or main harmony parts from an existing vocal track without having to re-record the harmony parts with different voices.

  • How does the process of duplicating the main vocal track and creating harmony parts work?

    -The process involves duplicating the main vocal track and applying Vocoflex to create different voice styles, such as a more masculine or feminine voice, to generate harmony parts. This is done by adjusting the pitch and volume to achieve the desired sound.

  • What is the role of the pitch corrector and SSL native vocal strip in this process?

    -The pitch corrector is used to make slight adjustments to the pitch of the duplicated vocal tracks, while the SSL native vocal strip is likely used for additional vocal processing to enhance the sound before applying Vocoflex.

  • How does the use of flex pitch contribute to the creation of harmony parts?

    -Flex pitch allows for the transposition of the duplicated vocal tracks to different pitches, creating the effect of harmony by layering the original voice with the transposed versions.

  • What is the significance of panning the duplicated tracks in the audio setup?

    -Panning the duplicated tracks to different sides of the stereo field helps to separate the harmonies and allows each voice to be heard distinctly, which contributes to a fuller and more balanced sound.

  • How can the timing of the harmony parts be adjusted to sound more human and less robotic?

    -The timing of the harmony parts can be adjusted by slightly altering the start times or durations of the phrases, creating a more natural and less perfect sound that resembles human performance.

  • What is the potential of using Vocoflex for songwriting and music production?

    -Vocoflex offers a lot of creative possibilities for songwriting and music production. It allows producers to build multiple vocal parts from a single source material, experiment with different vocal styles and harmonies, and potentially use these as a basis for further recording with actual singers.

  • What are some of the limitations or considerations when using Vocoflex to create harmony parts?

    -While Vocoflex is powerful, it may have limitations in creating extremely high or low vocal ranges that sound natural. Additionally, the process requires careful tweaking to ensure the harmony parts blend well with the lead vocal and don't sound overly processed.

  • How does the use of Vocoflex affect the final product in terms of sound quality and authenticity?

    -When used correctly, Vocoflex can significantly enhance the sound quality by adding depth and richness through harmonies. However, the authenticity depends on how well the software's processed harmonies blend with the original vocal and the overall mix.

  • Can Vocoflex be used to create a completely new vocal part from an existing one?

    -Yes, Vocoflex can be used to create a completely new vocal part by changing the pitch, timbre, and other vocal characteristics, effectively giving the original vocal a new life and making it sound like a fresh voice.

  • What are some of the creative possibilities that Vocoflex offers for someone who is working with limited resources or a single vocal track?

    -Vocoflex offers the ability to create multiple vocal parts from a single track, allowing for the creation of rich harmonies and backing vocals. This can be particularly useful for independent artists or those with limited access to multiple singers or recording resources.

  • How does the process of using Vocoflex with Logic Pro differ from using it with other digital audio workstations (DAWs)?

    -The process of using Vocoflex in Logic Pro involves integrating it within the DAW's workflow, which may include specific steps such as panning, pitch correction, and using Logic Pro's built-in effects. The process may differ in other DAWs due to variations in interface, effects, and workflow.



🎤 Creating Harmony with Vocal Flex

The video begins with a discussion on using Vocal Flex to generate backup or main harmony parts from an existing vocal track. The host has a recorded vocal that has been edited and is ready for demonstration. The process involves duplicating the track to create two separate ones, adjusting the panning to differentiate between them. The host then introduces a pitch corrector and SSL native vocal strip, followed by a delay. Vocal Flex is applied to alter the sound of the voice, using the built-in engine to create a masculine and a feminine voice for the harmony parts. The volume is adjusted, and the process of finding a desirable voice sound is demonstrated. The host applies the changes and suggests adding a third voice later, possibly an octave down, to enhance the harmony.


🎼 Adapting Vocals for Harmony

The host continues by demonstrating how to duplicate a track and transpose it up an octave to test a different sound. Vocal Flex is used for transposition, and the host adapts the vocals to fit the harmony. The idea is to fill out the duplicate parts and create a fuller sound. The host shows a snippet of the process, using Flex Pitch to adjust the pitch and create a new voice sound that is an octave higher than the original. The host also discusses the possibility of tweaking the vocals further to achieve the desired blend and timbre, noting the power and flexibility of Vocal Flex. The potential for creative possibilities with the tool is emphasized, and the host suggests that it can be used as part of the songwriting process to create a polished sound.


🎧 Humanizing and Finalizing the Harmony

The video concludes with the host discussing the ability to adjust the timing of the vocals using Flex Pitch to create a less perfect and more humanized effect. This involves making slight variations in the phrasing and timing of the duplicated vocal tracks. The host believes that with the right application, the technique can produce a finished product sound. The host reiterates the creative potential of starting with a single vocal track and using Vocal Flex to create multiple harmonized voices. The video ends with an invitation to viewers to return for more exploration of Vocal Flex's capabilities in future videos.



💡Vocal Flex

Vocal Flex is a feature within Logic Pro that allows users to modify and manipulate the sound of a vocal track. In the video, it is used to create harmony parts from a single vocal recording by changing the pitch and timbre of the voice without needing to re-record. This is crucial for creating backup or main harmony parts, enhancing the richness of the vocal layer.

💡Harmony Parts

Harmony parts refer to the additional vocal lines that support and complement the main melody in a piece of music. In the context of the video, the creator uses Vocal Flex to generate these parts from the main vocal track, thus avoiding the need for multiple singers and adding depth to the song.

💡Pitch Correction

Pitch correction is a process used in music production to adjust the pitch of a vocal or instrument recording to ensure it aligns with the intended musical notes. In the video, a slight pitch correction is applied to the main vocal before using Vocal Flex to create harmony, ensuring the original recording is in tune.

💡SSL Native Vocal Strip

The SSL Native Vocal Strip is a software emulation of the SSL channel strip, which is a combination of various audio processing tools like EQ and compression, commonly used to process vocals. In the video, it is part of the processing chain applied to the vocal track before Vocal Flex is used.


In audio production, delay is an effect that records an audio signal and then plays it back after a period of time, creating an echo or a sense of space. The video mentions placing a delay effect before the rest of the processing chain, contributing to the overall sound of the vocal.

💡Flex Pitch

Flex Pitch is a component of Vocal Flex that enables the user to change the pitch of the voice. In the video, it is used to create harmony by duplicating the main vocal and transposing it to different pitches, thus generating a fuller and more complex vocal arrangement.


Transposition in music is the process of moving a piece or a section of a piece from one pitch level to another. In the context of the video, transposition is used with Flex Pitch to shift the pitch of the duplicated vocal tracks to create harmony parts.


Timbre refers to the quality or color of a musical note or sound that distinguishes it from another, even when they are the same pitch and loudness. The video discusses changing the timbre of the voice using Vocal Flex to create different vocal styles, such as more masculine or feminine sounds.


Panning in audio production is the process of distributing an audio signal into the left and right stereo channels, creating a sense of direction or space. In the video, the creator pans the duplicated vocal tracks to separate them in the stereo field, allowing each harmony part to be heard distinctly.


To humanize in the context of music production means to add variations to the timing or pitch of a performance to make it sound more natural and less mechanical. The video mentions using Flex Pitch to adjust the timing of the vocal tracks to achieve a less perfect and more human feel.

💡Songwriting Process

The songwriting process involves creating the lyrics, melody, and structure of a song. In the video, the use of Vocal Flex and Flex Pitch is suggested as a tool within the songwriting process to experiment with vocal harmonies and arrangements before potentially re-recording with actual singers.


Using Vocal Flex to create backup harmony parts from an existing vocal track.

Duplicating the main vocal track and applying subtle pitch correction.

Adding SSL native vocal strip and delay to the vocal chain.

Utilizing Vocal Flex's built-in engine to create different voice styles without re-recording.

Adjusting volume and panning to separate duplicated vocal tracks.

Experimenting with masculine and feminine voice styles for background harmony.

Applying Vocal Flex to change the voice sound and create harmony parts.

Transposing the vocal an octave down to add depth to the harmony.

Flex pitch allows for creative transposition and timing adjustments.

Humanizing the harmony by adjusting the timing for a less perfect, more natural sound.

Vocal Flex's flexibility in changing the timbre and sound of the vocals.

The ability to start with a single vocal track and create multiple harmonized voices.

Potential use of Vocal Flex in the songwriting process to build off a single track.

The possibility of achieving a finished product sound with the right application of Vocal Flex.

Vocal Flex's power in transforming a single voice into a rich, layered harmony.

The creative possibilities of Vocal Flex for those looking to expand from a single vocal source.

Upcoming videos will explore more features and capabilities of Vocal Flex.