Best AI Note Taking Apps 2024 (Otter vs EVERYTHING!)

Meredith Marsh
3 Mar 202411:14

TLDRIn a quest to find the best AI note-taking app, the video compares six apps: Otter, Fathom, Fireflies, NADA (Nota), Rewatch, and Bubbles. The apps were tested in a single Zoom call to evaluate their transcription, summarization, and note-taking capabilities. Otter stood out for its interactive chatbot and comprehensive features, while Fathom offered unique video scrubbing and bookmarking. Fireflies provided detailed call data, and Nota allowed for customizable templates, though it required payment information for full access. Rewatch and Bubbles had basic features but lacked the interactive elements seen in the other apps. The video emphasizes the rapid evolution of AI note-taking tools and invites viewers to share their favorites for increased productivity.


  • 📝 AI note-taking apps have become increasingly popular for their ability to transcribe and summarize meetings and brainstorming sessions.
  • 🤖 The video compares six AI note-taking tools: Otter, Fathom, Fireflies, NADA (Nota), Rewatch, and Bubbles, each with unique features and capabilities.
  • 🎤 Otter is the most familiar tool to the user, known for its summaries, action items, and word-for-word transcripts, as well as its interactive chatbot feature.
  • 🚀 Fireflies provides a similar experience to Otter with action items, outlines, and detailed data about the call, such as speaking time percentages and words per minute.
  • 💡 Fathom offers a software-based solution with features like highlights and bookmarks, allowing users to interact with the video and transcript in a more dynamic way.
  • 📂 Nota (NADA) provides a transcript with the option to create custom templates for AI functions, but it requires payment information to access full features.
  • 📋 Rewatch focuses on a to-do list format for action items and includes a video recap, but lacks an interactive chatbot.
  • 🎈 Bubbles detects action items and provides a summary, but the user's experience was less engaging due to the absence of a chatbot and limited interaction with the tool.
  • 🌐 The user emphasizes the importance of shareability in AI note-taking tools, allowing for seamless collaboration with teams and clients.
  • 🔄 AI note-taking technology is rapidly evolving, with new features and tools continually emerging to enhance productivity and streamline the note-taking process.
  • 💬 The user invites feedback on the AI note-taking tools discussed and encourages sharing of other tools that might offer improved productivity and note-taking capabilities.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of AI note-taking apps as described in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of AI note-taking apps, as described, is to assist users in transcribing and summarizing content from various Zoom calls, including group meetings, one-on-one sessions, and brainstorming sessions, while also allowing for easy sharing of notes with team members or clients.

  • Which AI note-taking apps were tested in the transcript?

    -The AI note-taking apps tested were Otter, Fathom, Fireflies, NADA or Nota, Rewatch, and Bubbles.

  • What specific features did the user appreciate about Otter?

    -The user appreciated Otter's ability to provide summaries, action items, and an outline alongside the word-for-word transcript. They also liked the chatbot feature that allows interaction with the transcript.

  • How did Fireflies stand out in terms of data provided?

    -Fireflies provided additional data such as talk time percentages, words per minute for each speaker, and sentiments, which the user found interesting, although not necessarily required.

  • What was the user's issue with Nota?

    -The user's issue with Nota was that it only provided the first three minutes of the transcript and required a credit card to upgrade, making it difficult to fully test the service without committing to a payment first.

  • What feature of Fathom did the user find particularly interesting?

    -The user found Fathom's Highlight and Bookmark features particularly interesting, as they allow for more interactive engagement with the video and transcript during and after the call.

  • What was the user's overall impression of Bubbles?

    -The user's overall impression of Bubbles was not favorable, as it did not detect any action items from the meeting and the chatbot did not interact as expected.

  • How does the user feel about the rapid changes in AI note-taking tools?

    -The user acknowledges that AI note-taking tools are changing very fast and usually for the better. They express a willingness to adapt and learn about new tools that can increase productivity.

  • What does the user suggest at the end of the transcript?

    -The user suggests that viewers leave a comment to share their experiences with AI note-taking tools, especially if they have found any that significantly improve productivity and do a good job with AI note-taking.

  • How does the user utilize AI note-taking for their own productivity?

    -The user utilizes AI note-taking for group Zoom calls with their membership group, one-on-one client sessions, and for their own brainstorming sessions. They also value the shareability of notes for efficient communication with their team and clients.

  • What was the main activity during the Zoom call that the user and Karen conducted for testing purposes?

    -The main activity during the Zoom call was a casual conversation to test out the chatbots of the AI note-taking apps. They made up a few stories to challenge the AI's capabilities.



🤖 AI Note Taking Apps Showdown

The speaker discusses their experience with various AI note-taking apps, highlighting their use in group Zoom calls and one-on-one sessions. They emphasize the importance of sharability and the ability to transcribe conversations for team and client use. A unique experiment is described where six AI note-taking apps are used simultaneously in a Zoom call to compare their effectiveness. The apps mentioned include Otter, Fathom, Fireflies, NADA (Nota), Rewind, and Bubbles. The speaker's preference for Otter is noted, along with their appreciation for its summary and action item features.


📝 Analyzing AI Note Taking Features

The speaker compares the features of different AI note-taking apps, noting the similarities and differences in their outputs. Fireflies and Fathom provide detailed overviews, including data on speaking time and word count. The speaker expresses interest in Fathom's bookmark and highlight features but finds Nota's limited trial access frustrating. Rewind and Bubbles are also evaluated, with the former offering a to-do list format and the latter failing to detect action items. The speaker's familiarity and satisfaction with Otter are reiterated, despite acknowledging the potential for new and improved tools in the future.


🚀 Evolving AI Note Taking Landscape

The speaker reflects on the rapid evolution of AI note-taking tools and invites viewers to share their experiences and recommendations. They acknowledge that the tools may have changed by the time the video is viewed and encourage the audience to contribute to the discussion. The speaker also emphasizes the value of productivity-enhancing AI tools and encourages viewers to engage with the content by liking and subscribing, reiterating their goal to help build thriving online businesses through effective use of YouTube.



💡AI note taking apps

AI note taking apps refer to software applications that use artificial intelligence to assist in the process of note-taking. These apps can transcribe spoken words, summarize key points, and even identify action items from meetings or conversations. In the video, the user is exploring different AI note taking apps to determine which one best suits their needs for productivity and ease of use in business settings.

💡Zoom calls

Zoom calls are virtual meetings conducted using the Zoom video conferencing platform. They are a common tool for remote work and communication, allowing multiple participants to join audio or video sessions for discussions or presentations. In the context of the video, the user frequently uses Zoom for group meetings and one-on-one client sessions, highlighting the importance of effective note-taking during these calls.


Transcriptions refer to the process of converting spoken language into written text. AI note taking apps often provide this feature, allowing users to have a written record of what was said during a conversation or meeting. Transcriptions are valuable for reviewing discussions, ensuring accuracy, and capturing details that might be missed in real-time note-taking.

💡Action items

Action items are specific tasks or steps that need to be taken following a meeting or discussion. They are typically assigned to individuals and come with deadlines or goals. In the context of AI note taking, these apps can identify and list action items from the conversation, streamlining the follow-up process and ensuring accountability.


Otter is an AI note taking app that provides real-time transcriptions, summaries, and action items from conversations or meetings. It is known for its ability to differentiate speakers and provide a collaborative platform for users to review and edit the transcriptions. In the video, Otter is one of the apps being tested and is noted for its user-friendly interface and features.


Fireflies is an AI note taking app that offers similar functionalities to Otter, such as transcriptions, summaries, and action items. It provides data insights like talk time percentages and speaking speeds, which can be useful for analyzing meeting dynamics. The app is one of the contenders in the user's comparative evaluation.


Fathom is an AI note taking software that differs from other apps in that it is not just a bot joining the call but is installed as software on the computer. It provides a summary, meeting purpose, key takeaways, and topics, and allows users to scrub through the video, making it easy to find specific parts of the conversation. It also includes highlight and bookmark features for marking important sections of the discussion.


Nota, also referred to as NADA in the script, is an AI note taking app that requires user interaction to identify key points such as action items and topics. It does not automatically provide summaries or action items but allows users to create their own templates for desired AI functions. The app's approach to note-taking is more user-driven compared to other apps.


Rewatch is an AI note taking app that provides a recap of meetings, including action items in the form of a to-do list, and a transcript. It allows users to add manual notes and has a video component, but it lacks a chatbot for interaction and does not provide as much recap as other apps.


Bubbles is an AI note taking app that offers a video timeline, a summary, and the ability to detect action items from meetings. However, in the user's test, Bubbles did not detect any action items, which might indicate limitations in its AI capabilities or a need for optimization.


Productivity refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which tasks are completed. In the context of the video, the user is seeking AI note taking apps that can enhance productivity by reducing the time spent on manual note-taking, allowing for more focus on the conversation or task at hand. The apps are evaluated based on their ability to streamline the note-taking process and contribute to better organization and follow-up.


The AI note-taking apps comparison involves Otter, Fathom, Fireflies, NADA (or Nota), Rewind, and Bubbles.

The purpose of using AI note-taking is for group Zoom calls, one-on-one client meetings, and personal brainstorming sessions.

AI note-taking tools should be shareable for team collaboration and client communication.

Otter provides summaries, action items, outlines, and word-for-word transcripts.

Fireflies offers a similar experience to Otter with additional data on speaking time and word count.

Fathom is software that provides a summary, meeting purpose, AI note-taking assistance, and key takeaways.

Nota (or NADA) requires a paid account to access more than the first three minutes of the transcript.

Rewind features a recap, to-do list式的行动项, and a transcript, but lacks an interactive chatbot.

Bubbles detected no action items and provided a basic summary and transcript.

The AI note-taking landscape is rapidly evolving with new features and improvements.

Otter is the most familiar and preferred choice due to its established use and continuous feature updates.

Fathom's Highlight and Bookmark features are particularly useful for group calls with many ideas and questions.

The experiment involved a casual conversation to test the AI chatbots' abilities to capture and respond to queries about the call.

Karen and the speaker made up stories to test the AI's capabilities.

The AI chatbots were tasked with noting down if anyone did anything crazy on the call.

Otter and Fireflies provided similar experiences with accurate transcriptions and additional features.

The speaker's preference for Otter is influenced by long-term use and familiarity with its functionalities.

The video encourages viewers to share their favorite AI note-taking tools in the comments for community benefit.