Bizarre travelling flame discovery

Steve Mould
20 Apr 202414:34

TLDRThe video presents a fascinating exploration of 'excitable mediums' through the phenomenon of a traveling flame. The host, intrigued by a discovery made by Rudy Stevens, investigates the conditions that allow a flame to continuously circle a ring-shaped trough filled with lighter fluid. Through a series of experiments, the optimal design parameters for the ring are identified, including the width and shape of the trough and the size of the opening. The explanation delves into the science behind the flame's behavior, comparing it to the functioning of a candle and the principles of excitable mediums, which have applications in biology and other natural phenomena. The video concludes with a discussion on the broader implications and potential designs for creating different flame patterns, emphasizing the importance of responsible experimentation with lighter fluid.


  • 🔥 The phenomenon of a flame traveling around a ring-shaped trough is due to the properties of an excitable medium, specifically the lighter fluid vapor and oxygen mixture.
  • 🔧 Experimenting with different trough dimensions, including width, ring size, and opening angle, revealed an optimal width of five millimeters for a continuous flame.
  • 🧪 The lighter fluid doesn't burn as a liquid but rather as a vapor that mixes with oxygen in the air, similar to how a candle works but with a volatile liquid instead of wax.
  • 🔍 An opening that is too small or too large in the trough affects the flame's ability to travel continuously; a balance is needed to maintain the flame.
  • 🔬 The concept of refractory time, which is the time needed for the medium to become excitable again, is crucial for the flame to continue traveling around the ring.
  • 🌀 The design of the ring, including its cross-section and the angle of the opening, can influence the flame's behavior, with a semi-circular cross-section being optimal.
  • ✨ The experimenter managed to create two flames traveling around the ring simultaneously under certain conditions.
  • 🌐 The behavior of the flame in the ring is analogous to a loop of fuse that regrows by the time the flame completes a circuit.
  • 🌿 Excitable mediums are found in various natural phenomena, including biological signaling and the spread of forest fires.
  • ⚙️ The video explores additional designs like a split ring, spiral, and figure-eight shape, demonstrating the versatility of the excitable medium concept.
  • ⚠️ Safety is emphasized when handling lighter fluid, and the video content is intended for responsible adults.

Q & A

  • What is an excitable medium?

    -An excitable medium is a substance that has the potential to switch to an excited state, such as hydrocarbon vapor that can be on fire. It has four characteristics: it can't be excited again right away after being excited, there's a refractory time before it's excitable again, and any part of the medium will become excited if a neighboring part is excited.

  • How does the ring-shaped trough create a traveling flame?

    -The ring-shaped trough creates a traveling flame by having a thin reservoir of lighter fluid that allows a thin ring of vapor to form above the liquid. When ignited, the flame isn't as hot, so the evaporation rate doesn't increase much, and the flame can't be maintained in that spot. Instead, unburnt vapor to the left and right ignites, creating two flames that run around the ring and die when they meet at the opposite side.

  • Why did the video creator ask Oscar Morris to design a parameterized CAD file?

    -The video creator asked Oscar Morris to design a parameterized CAD file to tweak the variables of the trough, such as its size, width, and opening, to see what effect these changes had on the flame's behavior.

  • What is the optimal width for the trough to create a sustained traveling flame?

    -The optimal width for the trough to create a sustained traveling flame is around five millimeters. If the trough is too wide, the whole thing catches fire instead of forming a whizzing flame, and if it's too small, the flame doesn't last very long.

  • How does the angle of the opening in the trough affect the flame?

    -Making the opening point inwards or outwards did not seem to make a significant difference in the flame's behavior. The optimal configuration was a trough that was five millimeters wide with a semi-circular cross-section.

  • What is the role of the evaporation rate in maintaining the flame in the ring-shaped trough?

    -The evaporation rate is crucial for maintaining the flame. The heat from the burning vapor increases the rate of evaporation, providing a steady source of new vapor to keep the fire going. If the evaporation rate is too high, the flame becomes too hot and can sustain itself in one position; if it's too low, the flame can't maintain itself and goes out quickly.

  • What is the connection between the ring-shaped trough and a candle?

    -The connection between the ring-shaped trough and a candle is that both involve the burning of a volatile substance. In the case of a candle, the flame first melts the solid wax, which is then drawn up through the wick by capillary action and vaporized before being burnt in the air. In the trough, the lighter fluid evaporates, and the vapor ignites, creating a flame that is sustained by the continuous evaporation of the fluid.

  • Why does the video creator suggest that the ring-shaped trough is an example of an excitable medium?

    -The ring-shaped trough is an example of an excitable medium because it meets the criteria of such a medium: it has the potential to switch to an excited state (the vapor being on fire), it can't be excited again right away (refractory time), and any part of the medium will become excited if a neighboring part is excited, leading to the flame traveling around the ring.

  • What are some other examples of excitable media mentioned in the video?

    -Other examples of excitable media mentioned in the video include signaling in organisms, heart fibrillation, geographic tongue infection, bubbles on the surface of hot chocolate, Mexican waves in sports stadiums, and forest fires.

  • What is the significance of the refractory time in the context of excitable media?

    -The refractory time is the period after the medium has been excited during which it cannot be excited again. In the context of the ring-shaped trough, the refractory time allows for enough lighter fluid to evaporate at the starting point for the flame to continue once it completes a circuit of the ring.

  • How does the video creator modify the ring-shaped trough to create different flame patterns?

    -The video creator modifies the ring-shaped trough by changing its design, such as splitting the ring into two and then reconnecting it, creating a spiral, or forming a figure-eight shape. These modifications alter the behavior of the flame, leading to different patterns and interactions.



🔥 Exploring Excitable Media with Flames

The video begins with an intriguing experiment involving lighter fluid and a ring-shaped trough. The host ignites the fluid, creating a circular flame, which sparks curiosity about 'excitable mediums'. The concept is explored through various designs that manipulate flames in unexpected ways. The video credits Rudy Stevens for the initial discovery and Oscar Morris for creating a customizable CAD file to experiment with different trough dimensions. The optimal design parameters are identified, and the science behind the phenomenon is explained, involving the evaporation of lighter fluid and the creation of a continuous flame due to the volatile nature of the fluid.


🌀 Understanding the Ring of Vapor and Excitable Media

The video delves into the science behind the continuous circular flame, likening it to a loop of fuse that regrows after being burned. It discusses how the vapor above the lighter fluid acts as an excitable medium, which after ignition, cannot be excited immediately again but becomes excitable after a refractory period. The video provides examples of excitable media in biology and other phenomena, such as heart fibrillation, geographic tongue, and forest fires. It also humorously explores the concept of a never-ending forest fire in a ring-shaped forest, referencing a podcast discussion and calculations provided by a listener.


🎨 Creative Designs with Excitable Media

The host showcases additional designs created by Oscar, which explore the behavior of flames in various shapes, including a split ring, a spiral, a figure-eight, and a central ring with arms that emit flames. Each design demonstrates unique flame patterns and interactions. The video also addresses the challenge of maintaining a continuous flame in a spiral design and presents a solution involving an extra circle to perpetuate the flame. The host invites viewers to print and experiment with the designs responsibly and to share their ideas. The video concludes with a sponsored message from Jane Street, a quantitative trading firm with educational programs for students interested in technology and problem-solving.



💡Excitable Mediums

Excitable mediums are substances that can undergo a rapid change from a resting state to an active state when stimulated. In the video, this concept is used to explain the behavior of the lighter fluid when it is ignited in a ring-shaped trough. The hydrocarbon vapor from the lighter fluid acts as an excitable medium, igniting when a flame is introduced and then sustaining the flame as the vapor continuously evaporates and mixes with oxygen. This leads to the flame traveling around the ring, which is a key phenomenon explored in the video.

💡Ring-Shaped Trough

A ring-shaped trough is a circular channel used in the video to contain lighter fluid. It is central to the experiment as it provides the physical structure that allows the flame to travel in a circular path. The design of the trough, including its width and the size of the opening, is shown to significantly affect the behavior of the flame, making it a critical component in the study of excitable mediums as demonstrated in the video.

💡Volatile Liquid

Volatile liquids, such as lighter fluid, are substances that evaporate easily at room temperature. The volatility of the lighter fluid is what allows the continuous burning observed in the ring-shaped trough. As the liquid evaporates, it forms a vapor that ignites and sustains the flame. This property of the lighter fluid is essential for the demonstration of the excitable medium behavior in the video.

💡Capillary Action

Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of external forces, due to intermolecular forces between the liquid and the containing surface. In the context of the video, capillary action is mentioned in comparison to how a candle works, where the melted wax is drawn up through the wick to be vaporized and burned. Although not directly related to the ring of flame, it provides a contrasting mechanism for understanding how liquids can be transported in small quantities for combustion.

💡Refractory Time

Refractory time refers to the period during which a substance cannot be re-stimulated or re-excited after it has been activated or excited. In the video, this term is used to describe the time it takes for the vapor above the lighter fluid to become excitable again after the flame has passed. The refractory time is crucial for the continuous movement of the flame around the ring, as it ensures that the vapor is ready to ignite when the flame completes a circuit.

💡Cellular Automata

Cellular automata are mathematical models that consist of a regular grid of cells, each in one of a finite number of states, such as on and off. The video draws a parallel between the behavior of the flame in the ring-shaped trough and cellular automata, where simple rules can lead to complex and interesting patterns. The flame's movement around the ring is likened to a cellular automaton, evolving in a pattern that emerges from the basic principles of excitable mediums.

💡Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known as Conway's Game of Life, is a well-known example of cellular automata. It consists of a grid of squares where each square can be either alive or dead. The state of each square changes based on a set of rules that depend on the states of its neighboring squares. In the video, the Game of Life is mentioned as a familiar context for understanding how simple rules can lead to complex patterns, which is analogous to the behavior of the excitable medium in the ring-shaped trough.

💡Hydrocarbon Molecules

Hydrocarbon molecules are compounds made up entirely of hydrogen and carbon atoms. In the context of the video, the lighter fluid is composed of short-chain hydrocarbon molecules that readily evaporate and mix with oxygen in the air. When a flame is introduced, these hydrocarbon molecules ignite, creating the observable phenomenon of the flame traveling around the ring. The presence of these molecules is fundamental to the experiment's success.

💡Evaporation Rate

The evaporation rate is the speed at which a liquid turns into vapor. In the video, the evaporation rate of the lighter fluid is a key factor in the continuous burning of the flame around the ring. The heat from the burning vapor increases the evaporation rate, providing a steady source of new vapor to sustain the fire. The rate is also influenced by the design of the trough, with wider or more open troughs leading to different flame behaviors.

💡CAD File

A CAD (Computer-Aided Design) file is a type of computer file used in 3D design and drafting. In the video, Oscar Morris designs a parameterized CAD file for the ring-shaped trough, allowing for adjustments to the variables such as the size, width, and opening angle of the trough. This enables the experimenter to explore the effects of these variables on the flame's behavior, which is central to understanding the properties of excitable mediums.

💡Quantitative Trading

Quantitative trading refers to the use of complex mathematical models and algorithms to make trading decisions in the financial markets. While not directly related to the main theme of the video, the mention of Jane Street, a quantitative trading firm, serves as a sponsorship note. The company's involvement highlights the intersection of technology, mathematics, and problem-solving, which parallels the scientific exploration of excitable mediums in the video.


Discovery of a unique phenomenon where a flame travels continuously in a ring-shaped trough when lighter fluid is ignited.

Introduction to the concept of 'excitable mediums' which led to a deeper exploration of the observed flame behavior.

Design variations were tested to optimize the ring-shaped trough for a consistent and long-lasting flame movement.

A parameterized CAD file was used to adjust variables such as trough size, ring width, and opening size to observe their effects on flame behavior.

Finding an optimal width of five millimeters for the trough to achieve a 'whizzing flame' effect.

Observation that a smaller or larger opening in the trough affected the flame's ability to ignite and sustain.

Hypothesis that a thin ring of vapor above the lighter fluid is key to the continuous circular movement of the flame.

Explanation of how the flame's heat increases the evaporation rate, providing a steady source of vapor to keep the fire going.

Comparison of the ring-shaped lighter fluid flame to a candle's burning mechanism.

The concept of an excitable medium is explored, detailing its criteria and relevance to the flame's circular movement.

Examples of excitable mediums in biology, such as heart fibrillation and geographic tongue, are discussed.

Anecdote about the possibility of a continuous forest fire in a ring-shaped forest and the calculations involved.

Design experiments with various shapes like a split ring, spiral, and figure-eight trough to observe unique flame patterns.

A design that allows a flame to travel around a central ring with flames shooting across the arms is demonstrated.

A modified spiral design intended to keep the flame moving continuously by using an additional circle.

Safety warning about the use of lighter fluid and responsible handling of the demonstrated experiments.

Invitation for viewers to share their own designs and ideas for flame patterns, fostering a community of exploration.

Sponsorship mention of Jane Street, a quantitative trading firm that shares a passion for solving complex problems.