Can AI code Flappy Bird? Watch ChatGPT try

23 Mar 202307:26

TLDRThe video script documents an experiment where the creator attempts to develop the game Flappy Bird using AI, specifically Chat GPT, to write all the necessary code. The process involves setting up the game environment, creating the bird's flapping and movement mechanics, introducing obstacles, and implementing scoring and game over conditions. The creator also addresses unexpected issues such as the bird's abnormal behavior and the addition of a high score system. Despite some initial setbacks and adjustments, the collaboration between human and AI leads to a functional game, highlighting the potential of AI in game development.


  • 🚀 The process of creating a Flappy Bird game was undertaken without writing any code, relying solely on Chat GPT to generate it.
  • 🎮 The game development was carried out in Unity, following a six-step plan outlined by Chat GPT.
  • 🖼️ AI-generated art was used for the game's background, bird, and pipes, highlighting the capabilities of AI in design.
  • 🐦 A script was needed to fix an issue where the bird was flying off the screen, demonstrating the importance of iterative development.
  • 📸 The camera was programmed to follow the bird to keep it in view as it moves to the right, enhancing the gameplay experience.
  • 🔄 The bird's movement was adjusted to tilt up and down based on its direction, improving the visual appeal and realism of the game.
  • 🏆 Scoring and game over conditions were implemented, with the score incrementing when the player passes through the pipe's gap.
  • 🌐 The addition of a ground element provided a sense of forward movement and a point of collision for the game to end.
  • 📊 A high score system was introduced, showcasing the ability to add complex features to the game with the help of AI.
  • 🛠️ Despite the advanced capabilities of Chat GPT, human oversight was still required to correct errors and refine the game's mechanics.
  • 🔄 The iterative nature of game development was emphasized, with multiple adjustments and refinements made throughout the process.

Q & A

  • What was the main objective of the user in the script?

    -The main objective of the user was to create a Flappy Bird game using scripts generated by Chat GPT without writing any code themselves.

  • Which game engine was used to develop the Flappy Bird game?

    -The game engine used for developing the Flappy Bird game was Unity.

  • How did the user address the issue of the bird flying off the screen?

    -The user asked Chat GPT to provide a script to fix the issue, which involved having the camera follow the bird as it moves to the right.

  • What was the initial mistake made by the user in setting up the background?

    -The initial mistake made by the user was that the bird was flying off the background, which was due to an error in setting up the background's positioning.

  • How did the user ensure the game didn't start immediately upon loading?

    -The user had Chat GPT write code that delayed the movement of the bird until the player clicked to flap their wings for the first time.

  • What was the unexpected behavior of the bird after implementing the tilting feature?

    -After implementing the tilting feature, the bird started flipping around instead of tilting up and down as intended.

  • How did the user correct the scoring system to ensure points were incremented at the right time?

    -The user asked Chat GPT to adjust the code so that the score would increment when the player passed through the gap in the pipes, rather than before reaching the pipe.

  • Why was the addition of the ground element important to the game?

    -The ground was added to provide a sense of forward movement and to give the player a reference point for avoiding collisions with the bird.

  • What issue occurred after implementing the game over screen?

    -After the game over screen appeared, the player's input was still being received, allowing the bird to jump up even after falling to the ground.

  • How did Chat GPT handle the request to add a high score system?

    -Chat GPT provided the necessary code to implement a high score system, but there was an initial error with the add score function which was later corrected.

  • What was the overall outcome of using Chat GPT to create the Flappy Bird game?

    -The overall outcome was successful, with a working Flappy Bird game created using scripts generated by Chat GPT, despite some issues and adjustments made during the development process.



🎮 Creating a Video Game with AI Assistance

The creator discusses their project of making a Flappy Bird game using AI, specifically chat GPT, without writing any code themselves. They follow a six-step plan provided by the AI, which includes setting up an empty game project, adding art assets, writing scripts for the bird's movement and camera follow, and adjusting the code to address issues like the bird flying off-screen. The human element is focused on design choices, such as the environment and bird details, while the AI handles the coding aspects.


🚀 Overcoming Challenges and Adding Features

The video script details the challenges faced during the game development process, such as the bird's unexpected movement and the need for a high score system. The creator interacts with chat GPT to resolve these issues, resulting in the addition of features like bird tilting based on direction and a game over screen. The process also involves refining scoring conditions and introducing a ground element for a sense of forward movement. The video concludes with the successful implementation of a high score system, despite initial bugs, showcasing the collaborative potential between human and AI in game development.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to an AI chatbot that is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts it receives. In the context of the video, it is used to create a video game without the user writing any code themselves, relying solely on the AI to provide the necessary scripts and logic.

💡Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird is a popular mobile game where the player controls a bird that flies through the air by tapping the screen to make it flap its wings and avoid obstacles. In the video, the user aims to recreate this game using only the scripts generated by Chat GPT.

💡Unity Game Engine

Unity Game Engine is a popular platform for creating and developing video games. It provides a suite of tools that allow developers to build and deploy games across various platforms. In the video, the user uses Unity to develop the Flappy Bird game with the help of Chat GPT.


In the context of video games, a script is a piece of code that defines the behavior and actions of objects within the game. Scripts can control everything from character movements to game logic and interactions. In the video, Chat GPT generates scripts to give life to the bird and control its movements in the game.

💡Camera Follow

Camera Follow refers to the game camera's movement that tracks and focuses on a specific object or character within the game. This technique enhances the player's experience by providing a clear view of the action. In the video, the user asks Chat GPT to write code that allows the camera to follow the bird as it moves to the right.

💡AI-Generated Art

AI-Generated Art refers to visual content created by artificial intelligence algorithms, which can mimic the creative process of an artist. In the video, the user fed rough sketches into an AI program called Mid-journey to generate the detailed background, bird, and pipe artwork for the game.

💡Obstacle Pipes

Obstacle Pipes are game elements that the player must avoid to progress in the game. In Flappy Bird, these pipes serve as the primary challenge, requiring the player to time their wing flaps to pass through the gaps without colliding with the pipes. The video discusses the process of adding these obstacles and programming their physics interactions.

💡Game Mechanics

Game Mechanics refer to the rules and systems that govern how a game functions and how players interact with it. This includes the physical interactions, scoring, and player controls. In the video, the user works on game mechanics such as bird movement, obstacle interaction, and scoring.


In the context of the game Flappy Bird, the ground serves as a boundary that the player must avoid the bird from touching, as it results in a game over. The ground helps reinforce the sense of forward movement and provides a clear failure condition for the game.

💡Game Over Screen

A Game Over Screen is the visual element displayed when a player fails to meet the game's objectives or loses all their lives. It typically signals the end of a gameplay session and can include options to restart the game or view high scores.

💡High Score System

A High Score System is a feature in video games that tracks and records the player's highest scores, allowing for competition and replayability. It provides an incentive for players to improve their skills and beat their previous best performances.


The user's goal was to create a Flappy Bird game without writing any code, relying solely on Chat GPT to generate it.

Chat GPT provided a six-step plan to create the game in the Unity game engine.

The first two steps involved setting up an empty game project and adding background and bird art assets.

Step three was about writing a script for the bird to flap its wings and fly to the right, which was successfully implemented by copying and pasting the provided code.

An issue arose where the bird was flying off the screen, which was addressed by asking Chat GPT to write code for the camera to follow the bird.

A human error was acknowledged when the bird was initially flying off the background due to incorrect setup.

Chat GPT was able to correct the movement issue, ensuring the game waits for the player's first click before the bird starts moving.

The game's art was generated by AI, with the user providing rough sketches and AI filling in the details.

In step four, the creation of obstacle pipes was introduced, with physics hooks to cause collisions with the bird.

A misunderstanding in the pipe's movement direction was corrected through communication between the user and Chat GPT.

The bird's behavior was enhanced to rotate based on its movement direction, rather than flipping around.

The implementation of game scoring and conditions for game over were discussed, with the user focusing on design aspects.

A problem with the scoring system was identified and fixed by Chat GPT, ensuring points are awarded at the correct time.

The addition of a ground element to the game was decided to reinforce the sense of forward movement.

Chat GPT provided instructions and code for setting up an infinitely long ground for the game.

The final step involved creating a game over screen, with the user focusing on design elements and Chat GPT on code.

An issue with player input still being received after the game over screen was resolved by Chat GPT.

The addition of a high score system was introduced as a new feature, with some initial bugs that were later fixed.

The exercise showed the potential of using AI to assist in game development, even for those without coding knowledge.

The user expressed intent to repeat the process with more complex game types in the future.