Chatsonic Review: ChatGPT On Steriods! (Current Events - No Problem!)

13 Dec 202217:16

TLDRLearnwire reviews Chatsonic, an advanced AI tool that goes beyond ChatGPT. It can answer questions, search the web, generate factual content on current events, and even create images. The platform offers various quality levels and pricing plans to fit different needs. Chatsonic's interface is similar to ChatGPT but more polished, and it can integrate the latest data for up-to-date information. The review highlights its capabilities, including creating a blog post outline and providing accurate answers to specific queries.


  • 🚀 Chatsonic is an advanced AI technology built off of ChatGPT, offering improved capabilities and features.
  • 📈 Chatsonic claims to be 10 steps ahead of ChatGPT, with a user base of nearly 2 million monthly visitors.
  • 💡 Chatsonic can quickly answer questions, search the web, generate factual content on current topics, and even create digital artwork.
  • 🎉 The platform supports voice commands, making it more interactive and user-friendly.
  • 📝 Chatsonic can generate full-length articles, including blog posts with H2 subheadings, based on user prompts.
  • 🏆 It provides factual content on the latest topics, including up-to-date news and current events.
  • 🖼️ Chatsonic can create stunning images, although there was a minor issue with the image generation feature during the demo.
  • 📊 The platform offers various pricing plans to cater to different needs and budgets, from economy to premium quality content.
  • 🔍 Chatsonic can provide accurate information, such as calculating annual salaries based on hourly wages.
  • 📱 Chatsonic is presented as a more polished and refined tool compared to ChatGPT, which is in beta and free.
  • 🔥 The reviewer is excited about the potential of Chatsonic for content creation and plans to further test and share updates with the audience.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is a review of an AI technology called Chatsonic, which is described as an advanced version of ChatGPT.

  • How does the reviewer describe Chatsonic in comparison to ChatGPT?

    -The reviewer describes Chatsonic as being 10 steps ahead of ChatGPT, with the ability to quickly answer questions, search the web, generate accurate factual content on the latest topics, and even create stunning images.

  • What are some of the features that Chatsonic claims to have over ChatGPT?

    -Chatsonic claims to have features such as the ability to generate content based on current events, support for voice commands, and the capability to create digital artwork.

  • How does the reviewer demonstrate the capabilities of Chatsonic?

    -The reviewer demonstrates the capabilities of Chatsonic by showing how it can generate a blog post with subheadings, provide factual content on current events like sports scores, and calculate annual salaries based on hourly wages.

  • What is the significance of the fact that Chatsonic can provide factual content on the latest topics?

    -The significance is that Chatsonic can provide up-to-date and relevant information, which is crucial for staying informed and creating content that is current and engaging.

  • How does the reviewer compare Chatsonic's performance with ChatGPT in terms of writing a full-length article?

    -The reviewer notes that while Chatsonic can generate a substantial part of a full-length article, other tools specifically designed for writing longer content might perform better for such tasks.

  • What is the reviewer's recommendation for using Chatsonic effectively?

    -The reviewer recommends writing each subheading separately and letting Chatsonic handle its task individually for the best results.

  • How does the reviewer address the issue of Chatsonic not being able to generate images?

    -The reviewer acknowledges that Chatsonic does not generate images itself but suggests using PhotoSonic, another tool from the same company, to create images based on text prompts.

  • What is the main advantage of ChatGPT that the reviewer mentions?

    -The main advantage of ChatGPT mentioned by the reviewer is that it is currently free to use, although they predict it won't be free for long.

  • What is the reviewer's final verdict on Chatsonic versus ChatGPT?

    -The reviewer concludes that Chatsonic wins based on its polish, capabilities, and ability to provide current information, but notes that it is a paid tool, whereas ChatGPT is currently free.



🚀 Introduction to Exciting New Technology

The speaker introduces an exciting new technology that is a build-off of the chat GPT. They mention receiving an email from the owner of Right Sonic, a company that has grown significantly and now claims to have almost 2 million visitors a month. The speaker has used their tool for writing blog articles and plans to review it in detail. The email from Right Sonic describes their new tool, Chat Sonic, as a smart sidekick with the knowledge base of an encyclopedia and the patience of an AI-infused saint. The speaker is skeptical but intrigued by the claim that Chat Sonic is 10 steps ahead of chat GPT and plans to test this in a demo.


📝 Chat Sonic's Capabilities and Testing

The speaker discusses the capabilities of Chat Sonic, which includes quickly answering questions, searching the web, and even cracking jokes. They mention that Chat Sonic can generate accurate factual content on the latest topics, including current news, and create stunning images. The speaker shares their experience using Chat Sonic to write a blog post about getting rid of cellulite on the legs, including H2 subheadings. They note that while Chat Sonic can write a full-length article, it might not be as efficient as other tools designed for that purpose. The speaker also tests Chat Sonic's ability to provide current event information, such as NFL scores and the quarterfinals in the Viva World Cup, and is impressed by the accuracy of the results.


📈 Comparing Chat GPT and Chat Sonic

The speaker compares Chat GPT and Chat Sonic, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two platforms. They note that Chat Sonic has a more polished and refined interface and can provide factual content on the latest topics, which sets it apart from Chat GPT. The speaker also tests both tools' ability to generate an article outline on the top 10 best side hustles for moms, and while both provide relevant suggestions, Chat Sonic offers a more detailed outline. However, the speaker points out that Chat GPT cannot generate images, unlike Chat Sonic, which is a significant advantage. The speaker concludes that while Chat GPT is free, Chat Sonic seems to offer more capabilities and is likely to become a paid tool in the future.


🏆 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

The speaker concludes the video by summarizing the comparison between Chat GPT and Chat Sonic. They reiterate that while Chat GPT is free and has millions of users, Chat Sonic appears to be more polished and capable of providing up-to-date information. The speaker expresses excitement about creating content using both tools and plans to share updates and test results with their audience. They encourage viewers to subscribe to their channel for more content on AI tools and provide a link for those interested in trying out Chat Sonic.




Chatsonic is an advanced AI technology that is being described as a more powerful version of ChatGPT. It is a tool that can quickly answer questions, search the web for information, and even generate content such as blog articles. In the context of the video, the reviewer is testing out Chatsonic to see if it can indeed provide factual and up-to-date content, including current events and news. The technology is presented as a smart sidekick with the knowledge base of a walking encyclopedia.


ChatGPT is an AI language model that is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. It is used as a comparison point in the video to demonstrate how Chatsonic, the new technology, claims to be an improvement or an advancement over ChatGPT. The reviewer mentions having previously used ChatGPT and now comparing it with the newer Chatsonic tool.

💡Product Hunt

Product Hunt is a platform where new technology products and services are launched and discovered. In the video, it is mentioned that Chatsonic has been launched on Product Hunt, indicating that it is a new and emerging technology that is being introduced to the public for the first time.

💡Blog Articles

Blog articles are written content that are posted on a blog, typically covering a specific topic or theme. In the context of the video, the reviewer is testing Chatsonic's ability to generate blog articles, including writing an introduction paragraph and a full-length post with subheadings and a conclusion.

💡Current Events

Current events refer to the latest news and happenings in the world. In the video, the reviewer is particularly interested in testing whether Chatsonic can provide accurate and up-to-date information on current events, which is seen as a significant advancement over other AI technologies that may not have real-time data.

💡Voice Commands

Voice commands are instructions given to a technology through spoken words, which the technology then executes. In the context of the video, Chatsonic is mentioned to support voice commands, meaning users can verbally instruct it to perform tasks such as writing content or searching for information.

💡Digital Artwork

Digital artwork refers to visual art that is created using digital tools or platforms. In the video, it is mentioned that Chatsonic can create digital artwork, which is one of the capabilities that sets it apart from other AI technologies like ChatGPT that are primarily text-based.

💡Pricing Plans

Pricing plans refer to the different levels of service or features offered by a product or service, each with a different cost. In the video, it is mentioned that Chatsonic offers various pricing plans to meet different budgets, with options for premium quality content or more basic levels.

💡Article Outline

An article outline is a structured plan that lays out the main points and subpoints that will be covered in a written piece. It serves as a guide for organizing the content and ensuring that all relevant information is included. In the video, the reviewer asks Chatsonic to create an article outline on a specific topic, which demonstrates the AI's ability to structure and plan content effectively.


A comparison is an analysis that identifies similarities and differences between two or more items. In the video, the reviewer compares the capabilities of Chatsonic with those of ChatGPT, focusing on aspects such as the ability to provide current event information, generate content, and create digital artwork.


Chatsonic is an exciting new technology that builds off of the Chat GPT framework.

Chatsonic is claimed to be 10 steps ahead of Chat GPT, offering enhanced capabilities.

Chatsonic can quickly answer questions, search the web, and even crack jokes.

The platform can generate accurate factual content on the latest topics, including today's news.

Chatsonic supports voice commands, allowing users to dictate tasks.

The dashboard of Chatsonic is user-friendly and offers various plans to meet different budgets.

Chatsonic can write full-length articles, providing a significant boost for content creation.

The platform offers the ability to create stunning images, enhancing the visual appeal of content.

Chatsonic's capability to provide factual information on current events sets it apart from other AI tools.

The platform can calculate annual salaries based on hourly wages, offering practical financial insights.

Chatsonic can generate article outlines on specific topics, such as the best side hustles for moms.

The platform's comparison feature allows users to contrast products, like the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro.

Chatsonic's ability to integrate current data makes it a powerful tool for up-to-date content creation.

Despite being a paid tool, Chatsonic offers a more polished and refined experience compared to free alternatives.

Chatsonic's capacity to handle complex prompts and generate comprehensive content makes it a standout AI tool.

The platform's integration with other tools like Photo Sonic enhances its overall utility for users.

Chatsonic represents a significant leap forward in AI technology, offering capabilities that were not possible with previous iterations.