ControlNet Guidance tutorial. Fixing hands?

Sebastian Kamph
28 Feb 202308:47

TLDRThe ControlNet Guidance feature tutorial introduces a new way to fix hands in images. The guidance start function allows users to delay the generation of specific elements, such as hands, providing more control over the final output. By overlaying a sketch of a hand and adjusting the guidance parameters, users can achieve a more accurate representation of desired hand positions. The video demonstrates the process of using this tool and encourages viewers to experiment with the feature to improve their workflow.


  • 🚀 ControlNet has introduced a new feature called 'Guidance' which can be utilized to improve the depiction of hands in generated images.
  • 🎨 The Guidance feature allows users to delay the generation of certain elements in an image, such as hands, providing more control over the final output.
  • 🛠️ To use Guidance, one must overlay a pre-generated or existing image of the desired element (e.g., a hand) onto the base image.
  • 🖌️ The user needs to ensure that the same seed is used, especially when generating images from text, to maintain consistency.
  • 🔄 The overlay image may require transformation, such as rotation and scaling, to align it correctly with the base image.
  • 🎓 The Guidance feature is not perfect and is still in its early stages, but it holds great potential for enhancing creative workflows.
  • 🔧 Adjusting the 'Guidance start' value determines at what percentage of the iterations the guided element will begin to appear.
  • 📊 The 'Guidance start' and 'Guidance end' values can be fine-tuned to achieve the desired effect, and this can be applied to multiple controllers for complex images.
  • 💡 The Guidance feature is not limited to hands; it can be used for any element that requires a delayed start or a gradual fade in/out.
  • 📌 Users are encouraged to experiment with the Guidance feature and share their ideas and results within the community for further learning and improvement.

Q & A

  • What is the new feature introduced in ControlNet?

    -The new feature introduced in ControlNet is called 'Guidance Start', which allows users to delay the start of their ControlNet input.

  • What was the initial issue with the hand in the video example?

    -The initial issue with the hand in the video example was that it did not match the prompt given, which was for a victory sign or a 'p' sign, and it appeared distorted.

  • How does the Guidance Start feature work?

    -The Guidance Start feature works by allowing users to overlay an existing image on top of a new input and then control the percentage of iterations before the new input gets activated. This provides more control over the generation process.

  • What are the requirements for using the Guidance Start feature?

    -To use the Guidance Start feature, users need to use an image they've already generated and maintain the same seed, especially when using text-to-image.

  • How does one position the overlay image correctly in ControlNet?

    -To position the overlay image correctly, users should import the image into ControlNet, find a suitable sketch or image of the element they want to overlay (like a hand), and then use the 'Edit', 'Free Transform' tool to position, rotate, and scale the image to the desired size.

  • What is the purpose of creating a new layer and filling it with white?

    -Creating a new layer and filling it with white is done to create a 'scribble input' which is then exported as a JPEG to be used as part of the ControlNet input.

  • How does adjusting the Guidance Start value affect the output?

    -Adjusting the Guidance Start value determines at what percentage of iterations the new input will start to be incorporated into the generation. Higher values mean a later start, which can affect the coherence and details of the final output.

  • What is the significance of the white area in the Guidance Start example?

    -The white area in the Guidance Start example represents the part of the image that is prompted and will be generated based on the user's input, with the rest of the image (the hand in this case) being controlled by the Guidance Start feature.

  • How does the Guidance Start feature differ from previous ControlNet functionalities?

    -The Guidance Start feature provides more control over the generation process by allowing delayed starts or tapers off of certain elements, whereas previous ControlNet functionalities would start generating based on the entire input from the first iteration.

  • What are some possible use cases for the Guidance Start feature beyond fixing hands?

    -Beyond fixing hands, the Guidance Start feature can be used for any element that requires a delayed start or tapering off in the final image, offering more control and customization in the generation process.

  • How can users provide feedback or share ideas about the Guidance Start feature?

    -Users can provide feedback or share ideas about the Guidance Start feature by commenting on the video or engaging in discussions on platforms like Reddit and Discord, where the creator also learns from the community's input.



🚀 Introduction to Guidance Start Feature

The paragraph introduces a new feature called 'Guidance Start' in ControlNet, designed to enhance control over image generation, specifically in fixing issues like distorted hands in an image. The speaker shares their personal experience with overcoming the fear of 'speed bumps' in the creative process. A detailed explanation of the feature is provided, including its potential and limitations. The speaker demonstrates how to use the feature with a practical example of correcting a hand image in a generated photo, emphasizing the importance of using the same seed for consistency. The process involves importing an image, overlaying a sketch or reference, and adjusting the guidance parameters to achieve the desired outcome. The speaker also mentions the need for an image that one has permission to use and provides resources for finding such images.


🎨 Experimenting with Guidance Start Settings

This paragraph delves into the practical application of the Guidance Start feature, showcasing how adjusting its settings can influence the final output. The speaker explains how the feature can be used to gradually introduce elements into the generated image, using the hand example to illustrate the point. They demonstrate the impact of changing the guidance start value on the coherence and form of the hand, highlighting the trial-and-error process involved in finding the right balance. The speaker encourages viewers to share their own ideas and experiences with the feature, acknowledging that it is a new tool still being explored and refined. The summary ends with a call to action for the audience to engage in discussions and share their insights, emphasizing the collaborative nature of the learning process.




ControlNet is a feature or tool being discussed in the video. It appears to be related to image generation or manipulation, as the tutorial focuses on using ControlNet to fix hands in an image. The script mentions a 'new feature called guidance start' which suggests that ControlNet is an evolving tool with additional capabilities being introduced.

💡Guidance Start

Guidance Start is a newly added feature to ControlNet that allows users to delay the start of the ControlNet input, meaning certain elements of the image generation can be introduced at a later stage in the process. This feature seems to offer more control over the final output, particularly in complex areas such as hands.

💡Speed Bumps

In the context of the video, 'speed bumps' metaphorically refer to challenges or obstacles that the creator faced when working with ControlNet. The creator mentions overcoming a fear of these 'speed bumps,' suggesting a learning curve or difficulties in the past that have now been addressed.

💡Victory Sign

A victory sign is a hand gesture that is part of the prompt given to ControlNet for image generation. It is used as an example in the video to illustrate the process of fixing incorrect outputs, such as when the generated hand does not match the intended victory sign.


Fusion in this context likely refers to a process or feature within ControlNet that combines different elements, such as images or sketches, to create a final output. It is implied that Fusion is capable of integrating user inputs in a way that respects the original image while incorporating new elements.


A sketch is a preliminary drawing or representation of an image that can be used as a guide or input for image generation tools like ControlNet. In the video, a sketch of a hand is used to help correct the hand in the generated image.

💡Free Transform

Free Transform is a function in image editing software that allows users to adjust the position, rotation, and size of an image or element within it. In the video, Free Transform is used to properly position the hand sketch over the generated image.


In the context of the video, a scribble refers to a rough or simplified drawing that is used as input for the ControlNet tool. It is a way to guide the image generation process, particularly for complex elements like hands.








ControlNet has introduced a new feature called Guidance.

Guidance can be used to improve the depiction of hands in generated images.

The video demonstrates how to use the Guidance feature to correct an incorrectly generated hand.

Guidance allows for delaying the start of the ControlNet input, enhancing control over the generated output.

An example is shown where a wonky hand is fixed using Guidance.

The Guidance feature is not perfect but shows great potential.

Instructions are provided on how to use the Guidance feature with an image and a sketch of a hand.

The hand sketch needs to be positioned correctly and transformed to fit the desired size.

A new layer filled with white is created as part of the process.

The Guidance feature can be tested by enabling ControlNet and adjusting the guidance start value.

Setting the guidance start to zero results in a hand generated from the first iteration.

Adjusting the guidance start value to 0.2 means the hand will start forming after 20% of the iterations.

The guidance start and end values can be adjusted for different effects.

The feature can be applied to more than just hands, allowing for control over other elements in the generated image.

The video invites viewers to share their ideas and experiences with the new Guidance feature.

The video aims to clarify the functionality of the Guidance feature for those who were previously confused.

The creator of the video learns from the community's feedback and encourages further exploration of the tool.

The video concludes by emphasizing that the Guidance feature is a starting point for further improvement and exploration.