Don't fall for this AI Art Book SCAM!!!

Jazza's Vlog
8 Feb 202415:32

TLDRThe speaker shares a cautionary tale of being scammed by an online advertisement for a book on drawing. They were attracted by the ad's illustrations and bought a bundle of four books for $95, only to discover later that the content was AI-generated and lacked the personal touch and quality they expected. The speaker expresses disappointment and warns viewers to be vigilant about the authenticity of online products, especially those involving AI. They also reflect on the ethical implications of AI in the art world and the importance of transparency and crediting original artists.


  • 🚨 The speaker was scammed after purchasing a book bundle based on an online advertisement.
  • 📚 The book bundle was advertised as a guide on how to draw, with a significant discount for buying a set of four.
  • 💻 Upon downloading the content, the speaker discovered low-quality PDFs with questionable artistic origins.
  • 🤔 The lack of authorship and transparency on the website raised suspicions about the authenticity of the content.
  • 🖌️ The illustrations appeared to be AI-generated, with rendering artifacts and inconsistencies in the drawing style.
  • 💰 The speaker feels that their money was wasted on a product that did not deliver the value promised by the advertisement.
  • 📞 Attempts to contact the seller for a refund were unsuccessful.
  • 🛑 The speaker warns others against supporting such unethical practices and encourages critical evaluation of online advertisements.
  • 🎨 The experience highlights the ethical dilemmas surrounding AI-generated art and its impact on the artistic community.
  • 🔍 The speaker's investigation included testing AI art generation platforms to confirm their suspicions about the book's content.
  • 📖 The speaker is working on an anatomy book and emphasizes the importance of ethical marketing and crediting artists.

Q & A

  • What was the main issue the speaker experienced with the book they purchased?

    -The main issue was that the book, which was advertised as a guide on how to draw, turned out to be a compilation of AI-generated images with no clear instructions or valuable content for learning how to draw. The speaker felt that the product was overpriced and misleading.

  • How did the speaker initially come across the advertisement for the book?

    -The speaker came across the advertisement on Facebook, where it was served to them based on their recent searches related to drawing and anatomy books.

  • What was the speaker's reaction upon realizing the book content was AI-generated?

    -The speaker was disappointed and felt misled, as they had expected a hand-drawn, instructional guide based on the advertisement and product description.

  • Did the speaker find any information about the artist or creator of the book on the website?

    -No, the speaker could not find any information about the artist or creator on the website, which further fueled their suspicion that the content was AI-generated.

  • What did the speaker do after realizing the book was not as advertised?

    -The speaker tried to contact the seller for a refund but did not receive a response. They also decided to warn others about their experience through a vlog.

  • How did the speaker demonstrate that the book content could be AI-generated?

    -The speaker pointed out inconsistencies in the content, such as the lack of hand-drawn characteristics, artifacts that indicated AI rendering, and the absence of a clear instructional process in the tutorials.

  • What was the speaker's opinion on the use of AI in art and its ethical implications?

    -The speaker expressed conflicted feelings, acknowledging the potential value of AI in art but also highlighting the need for ethical considerations, transparency, and proper crediting of original artists.

  • Did the speaker have any positive remarks about the book or its content?

    -The speaker did not have any positive remarks about the book. They found it to be a disappointing purchase and not worth the money they spent.

  • What advice does the speaker have for potential buyers of such products?

    -The speaker advises potential buyers to be wary of products that seem too good to be true and to look for transparency and credibility in the product description and seller information.

  • How did the speaker conclude their vlog?

    -The speaker concluded by warning viewers not to get scammed and to be cautious of the products they purchase, especially when it comes to AI-generated content.



😟 The Unfortunate Experience of Being Scammed

The speaker begins by sharing a personal story of being scammed, which serves as an illustration of dystopian aspects in the digital age. They recount how their online activity, specifically searching for resources for a book they are working on, led to targeted advertising. The speaker was drawn into purchasing a bundle of drawing books due to an enticing ad, only to later realize that the content was likely AI-generated and lacked the personal touch and depth they expected. This experience led to a reflection on the ethical use of AI in marketing and the importance of transparency and credit for artists' work.


🧐 Unraveling the Mystery Behind AI-Generated Art Books

The speaker delves deeper into the specifics of the AI-generated art books they purchased. They express frustration at the lack of artist credit and the superficial nature of the content. The books, which appear to be compilations of AI-rendered images, are criticized for their lack of instructional value and the misleading presentation as step-by-step guides. The speaker also highlights the discrepancy in quality between the AI-generated images and what appears to be hand-drawn tracings, further emphasizing the deceptive nature of the product.


🤔 Ethical Concerns and the Impact of AI on Artists

The speaker discusses the broader implications of their experience, focusing on the ethical dilemmas posed by AI in the art world. They express concern about the potential for AI to misappropriate styles and the lack of proper attribution to original artists. The speaker also reflects on their own use of AI for brainstorming and development, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and transparency in the use of AI-generated content. They call for greater awareness and education on the part of consumers and creators alike.


🙅‍♂️ A Warning Against Unethical AI Art Exploitation

In conclusion, the speaker warns against supporting companies that exploit AI-generated art without proper artist credit. They express disappointment in the situation and the lack of response from the company they attempted to contact for a refund. The speaker also mentions their own interest in exploring Procreate Dreams, a creative tool, but clarifies that they have not yet used it. They end with a general advisory against scams and encourage viewers to be vigilant and informed consumers.




The term 'scammed' refers to being deceived or cheated, typically in a way that results in financial loss. In the context of the video, the speaker shares their personal experience of being scammed by purchasing a product that did not meet their expectations. This keyword is central to the video's theme, as it sets the tone for the cautionary tale the speaker wants to share with the audience.


Advertising is the act of promoting products, services, or ideas through various channels to influence potential customers. In the video, the speaker discusses the effectiveness of the advertising that led them to purchase the books, highlighting the persuasive nature of well-crafted ads. The keyword is significant as it ties into the narrative of how the scam occurred and the speaker's subsequent reflection on the power of advertising.

💡Data Privacy

Data privacy refers to the protection of personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. In the video, the speaker implies that their online activity and search history were used to target them with specific advertisements, raising concerns about how personal data can be exploited. This keyword is relevant as it underscores the broader issue of data privacy in the digital age and its potential consequences.

💡Digital Downloads

Digital downloads refer to the process of purchasing and receiving digital content, such as books, music, or software, over the internet without the need for physical delivery. In the video, the speaker discusses their purchase of digital books, which were delivered as PDFs. This keyword is important as it relates to the format of the product that the speaker bought and the nature of the scam they experienced.

💡AI-generated Content

AI-generated content refers to material, such as text, images, or videos, that is created or manipulated by artificial intelligence algorithms. In the video, the speaker suspects that the content of the books they purchased was generated by AI, as the illustrations and text seemed unnatural and lacked the personal touch of hand-drawn artwork. This keyword is central to the video's message, as it highlights the ethical concerns and potential pitfalls of using AI-generated content in products.

💡Ethical Concerns

Ethical concerns refer to issues related to moral principles and values, especially in regards to what is right or wrong, fair or unfair. In the video, the speaker expresses their ethical concerns about the use of AI-generated content in the books they purchased, particularly the lack of credit given to the original artists whose styles were仿照. This keyword is significant as it reflects the speaker's disappointment and the broader implications of using AI in a way that may be misleading or unfair.

💡Consumer Protection

Consumer protection refers to the legal rights and measures designed to ensure that consumers are treated fairly and are able to make informed decisions. In the video, the speaker attempts to seek a refund for their purchase, which highlights the importance of consumer protection in cases where consumers feel they have been deceived or sold inferior products. This keyword is relevant as it relates to the speaker's efforts to rectify the situation and the broader issue of protecting consumers from scams.

💡Artistic Integrity

Artistic integrity refers to the quality of being honest and true to one's artistic vision, style, or principles. In the video, the speaker values artistic integrity and is disappointed to find that the books they purchased lack this quality, as they appear to be AI-generated without the personal touch of a human artist. This keyword is important as it underscores the speaker's expectations for the products they purchase and their dissatisfaction with the lack of genuine artistry.

💡Misleading Marketing

Misleading marketing refers to the practice of promoting products or services in a way that provides false or inaccurate information, leading consumers to make decisions based on incorrect assumptions. In the video, the speaker feels that the marketing of the books was misleading because it presented AI-generated content as if it were hand-drawn by artists, which is a key example of misleading marketing practices.

💡Education on AI

Education on AI refers to the process of informing and teaching people about artificial intelligence, its capabilities, and its ethical implications. In the video, the speaker suggests that there should be more education on AI to help people understand and discern the use of AI-generated content. This keyword is significant as it points to a potential solution for preventing similar scams and ensuring that consumers are better equipped to make informed decisions.


The speaker shares a personal story of being scammed, aiming to inform and warn others.

The speaker is working on an anatomy book and has been researching extensively, leading to targeted advertising.

The speaker bought a bundle of four books on drawing, spending $95, based on an online advertisement.

The advertisement was effective and caught the speaker's attention with its presentation and content.

The books arrived as PDFs, with the first impression being a lack of authorship or attribution.

Upon further inspection, the content appeared to be AI-generated, with artifacts and inconsistencies hinting at non-hand-drawn work.

The books were presented as tutorials but lacked clear instruction or logical step-by-step demonstrations.

The speaker criticizes the lack of transparency and ethical considerations in the use of AI-generated art in these books.

The speaker attempts to contact the seller for a refund but receives no response.

The speaker discusses the ethical ambiguity of AI and its impact on artists and the art industry.

The speaker's experience highlights the potential for AI to mislead and empower scammers.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of ethical use of AI and transparency in its applications.

The speaker is not against AI but stresses the need for thoughtful and responsible use.

The speaker mentions having Procreate and the potential to experiment with it in the future.

The speaker concludes with a warning against supporting unethical businesses and encourages critical consumption.